
Fulgent Data at ASCO 2024 Highlights Antitumor Activity From Lead Therapeutic Oncology Candidate, FID-007, in Head and Neck Cancer

Fulgent Data at ASCO 2024 Highlights Antitumor Activity From Lead Therapeutic Oncology Candidate, FID-007, in Head and Neck Cancer

Fulgent Data在ASCO 2024上重点展示了FID-007的抗肿瘤活性,该治疗肿瘤的候选药物在头颈癌中表现出色。
Fulgent Genetics ·  06/03 00:00

EL MONTE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun. 3, 2024-- Fulgent Pharma, a subsidiary of Fulgent Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLGT) and a leading nanobiotechnology company specializing in innovative cancer therapeutics, today announced that Phase 1 clinical data on its lead therapeutic development candidate, FID-007, to treat Head and Neck cancer, was presented at the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting on June 2, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois.

Fulgent Pharma是Fulgent Genetics的子公司,是一家领先的纳米生物技术公司,在创新的癌症治疗领域专注于研发,今天宣布其领先治疗研发候选药物FID-007用于治疗头颈癌的一期临床试验数据在2024年6月2日于伊利诺伊州芝加哥举行的美国临床肿瘤学协会(ASCO)年会上展示。

Of eleven head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) evaluable patients with weekly dose levels from 15 mg/m2 to 160 mg/m2, five (45%) had a partial response and three (27%) had stable disease by RECIST. Three out of five HNSCC patients with PR had previously been treated with taxane. The duration of follow-up (months), median (range) is 4.0 (1.0 – 15.0). No high-grade neuropathy has been noted to date. FID-007 demonstrates preliminary evidence of anti-tumor activity in heavily pre-treated HNSCC patients across different primary tumor sites, with an overall response rate of 45%. Phase 2 study of FID-007 combination with cetuximab in patients with HNSCC has begun enrollment.


Commenting on the data, Ming Hsieh, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, said, "We are very encouraged by the data from these Head and Neck cancer patients, in particular the preliminary evidence of relatively lower toxicity and improved treatment tolerance with FID-007 compared to prior therapies. These data support the Phase 2 clinical study we recently began in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and we look forward to bringing FID-007 to more patients as we continue enrollment."

有关数据的评论中,明·谢(Ming Hsieh)董事长兼首席执行官表示:“我们对这些头颈癌患者的数据感到非常鼓舞,特别是FID-007相对较低的毒性和改善的治疗耐受性的初步证据,与之前的治疗相比。这些数据支持我们最近在头颈鳞状细胞癌中开始的2期临床研究,并期待在继续招募的过程中将FID-007带给更多患者。”

The poster is available on the News & Events section of the company's Investor Relations website at


About FID-007


FID-007 consists of paclitaxel encapsulated in a polyethyloxazoline (PEOX) polymer excipient designed to enhance PK, biodistribution, and tolerability. In addition to allowing the drug to remain in solution until it can enter a cancer cell, the PEOX nanoparticle is designed to preferentially deliver paclitaxel to the tumor through the leaky hyperpermeable vasculature.


About Fulgent Pharma

关于Fulgent Genetics:Fulgent是一家以技术为基础的公司,拥有良好的临床诊断业务和治疗研究业务。Fulgent的临床诊断业务提供分子诊断测试服务、全面的基因检测和高质量的解剖病理学实验室服务,旨在为医生和患者提供临床可行的诊断信息,以提高患者护理质量。Fulgent的治疗研究业务专注于开发治疗广泛癌症的药物候选者,采用一种新型的纳米包埋和靶向疗法平台,旨在改善新型和现有癌症药物的治疗窗口和药代动力学特征。该公司旨在从基因组学诊断业务转变为全面集成的精准医学公司。

Fulgent Pharma began as part of Fulgent LLC in Temple City, California, established in June 2011. As the company progressed into the sphere of precision medicine, it also started delving into clinical genetic and genomic testing - a natural complement. In 2016, Fulgent LLC split into two separate entities - Fulgent Pharma and Fulgent Genetics - in order to better pursue their independent objectives. In 2022, Fulgent Pharma was acquired by Fulgent Genetics to synergistically advance personalized cancer genomics and precision oncology therapeutics. Today, Fulgent Pharma is fully focused on perfecting drug candidates for treating a broad range of cancers. Its partners in this endeavor include the University of Southern California, Moffitt Cancer Center, and ANP Technologies. For more information visit

Fulgent Pharma成立于2011年6月的加利福尼亚州Temple City的Fulgent LLC的一部分。随着公司进入精准医学领域,也开始涉足临床基因和基因组测试——一种自然的补充。2016年,Fulgent LLC分成了两个独立的实体——Fulgent Pharma和页面。Fulgent Genetics,以更好地追求各自的目标。2022年,Fulgent Pharma被Fulgent Genetics收购,以协同推进个性化癌症基因组和精密肿瘤学治疗。今天,Fulgent Pharma完全专注于为治疗广泛的癌症研制药物。其合作伙伴包括南加州大学、Moffitt癌症中心和ANP Technologies。欲了解更多信息,请访问

About Fulgent Genetics

本新闻稿包含根据1995年私募证券诉讼改革法案发布的前瞻性声明。本新闻稿中的前瞻性声明示例包括有关未来业绩、Fulgent Pharma的研发努力,包括早期临床试验的结果将代表或与后期临床试验一致的任何涵义,以及招募和监管文件提交计划和这些试验的数据或结果的可用性,包括任何暗示中期或初步数据将代表最终结果的涵义。 前瞻性声明是指非历史事实,与未来的事件或结果或Fulgent Pharma的未来业绩有关,它们基于公司管理层对未来发展及其对Fulgent Pharma业务可能产生的影响的相关假设、期望和信念。这些前瞻性声明受多个风险和不确定因素的影响,这些风险和不确定因素可能导致本新闻稿中描述的前瞻性事件和情况发生,以及实际结果与前瞻性声明中叙述或隐含的结果出现明显差异或相反。这些风险和不确定因素包括,但不限于:Fulgent Pharma的开发努力成功的程度,包括其能否根据预期时间表推进其候选产品的临床试验;其符合适用于其业务及其行业的不断演变和复杂的法律和法规的各种法律规定的程度;以及其保护专有技术和知识产权的能力。由于这些风险和不确定因素,不应依靠前瞻性声明,或将前瞻性声明视为对未来事件的预测。

Fulgent is a technology-based company with a well-established clinical diagnostic business and a therapeutic development business. Fulgent's clinical diagnostic business offers molecular diagnostic testing services, comprehensive genetic testing, and high-quality anatomic pathology laboratory services designed to provide physicians and patients with clinically actionable diagnostic information to improve the quality of patient care. Fulgent's therapeutic development business is focused on developing drug candidates for treating a broad range of cancers using a novel nanoencapsulation and targeted therapy platform designed to improve the therapeutic window and pharmacokinetic profile of new and existing cancer drugs. The Company aims to transform from a genomic diagnostic business into a fully integrated precision medicine company.


Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Examples of forward-looking statements in this press release include statements about, among other things: future performance; Fulgent Pharma's research and development efforts, including any implications that the results of earlier clinical trials will be representative or consistent with later clinical trials, the expected timing of enrollment and regulatory filings for these trials and the availability of data or results of these trials, including any implication that interim or preliminary data will be representative of final results. Forward-looking statements are statements other than historical facts and relate to future events or circumstances or Fulgent Pharma's future performance, and they are based on management's current assumptions, expectations, and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effect on Fulgent Pharma's business. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, which may cause the forward-looking events and circumstances described in this press release to not occur, and actual results to differ materially and adversely from those described in or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among others: the success of Fulgent Pharma's development efforts, including its ability to progress its candidates through clinical trials on the timelines expected; its compliance with the various evolving and complex laws and regulations applicable to its business and its industry; and its ability to protect its proprietary technology and intellectual property. As a result of these risks and uncertainties, forward-looking statements should not be relied on or viewed as predictions of future events.

本新闻稿包含根据1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》(Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995)进行的前瞻性陈述。本新闻稿中前瞻性陈述的示例包括关于未来表现、Fulgent Pharma的研究和开发工作,包括先前临床试验结果将代表或与后来的临床试验一致的含义、这些试验的招募和监管申报的预期时间以及这些试验的数据或结果的可用性。前瞻性陈述是指除历史事实以外的其他陈述,并与未来事件或情况或Fulgent Pharma未来的表现有关,它们基于管理层对未来发展及其对Fulgent Pharma业务的潜在影响的当前假设、预期和信念。这些前瞻性陈述受到一些风险和不确定性的影响,可能导致本新闻稿中描述的前瞻性事件和情况未能发生,实际结果与前瞻性陈述所描述的或暗示的结果实质性地不同。这些风险和不确定性包括但不限于:Fulgent Pharma的发展工作的成功,包括其按预期时间进展候选药物的临床试验的能力;其遵守适用于其业务和其所在行业的各种不断发展的复杂法律法规的能力;以及其保护其专有技术和知识产权的能力。由于这些风险和不确定性的影响,不应将前瞻性陈述作为事实的预测或预示未来事态发展的指引。

The forward-looking statements made in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release, and Fulgent Pharma and Fulgent Genetics assume no obligation to update publicly any such forward-looking statements to reflect actual results or to changes in expectations, except as otherwise required by law.

本新闻稿中所作的前瞻性陈述仅于本新闻稿发布日讲述,Fulgent Pharma和Fulgent Genetics不承担任何更新此类前瞻性陈述以反映实际结果或预期变化的公开义务,除非受法律规定另有要求。

Fulgent Genetics, Inc.'s reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or the SEC, including its annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on February 28, 2024, and the other reports it files from time to time, including subsequently filed annual, quarterly and current reports, are made available on the Fulgent Genetics' website upon their filing with the SEC. These reports contain more information about Fulgent Genetics and Fulgent Pharma, their business and the risks affecting their business.

Fulgent Genetics, Inc.提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的报告,包括其于2023年12月31日结束的财年的年度报告10-K,以及随后提交的其他报告,包括年报、季报和现报,均可在Fulgent Genetics的网站上查询。这些报告包含有关Fulgent Genetics和Fulgent Pharma的更多信息,以及影响其业务的风险。

Investor Relations Contact
The Blueshirt Group
Melanie Solomon,

The Blueshirt Group
Melanie Solomon,

Source: Fulgent Pharma

来源:fulgent genetics

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