
Fairchild Gold Secures Exclusive Option to Acquire a Historic High-grade Copper and Gold Mining Camp in Nevada

Fairchild Gold Secures Exclusive Option to Acquire a Historic High-grade Copper and Gold Mining Camp in Nevada

Fairchild Gold获得了收购内华达州一处历史悠久的高品位铜和黄金矿业营地的独家选择权
newsfile ·  2024/06/04 02:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 3, 2024) - Fairchild Gold Corp. (TSXV: FAIR) ("Fairchild" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the execution of a binding MOU dated May 30, 2024, by which Fairchild will acquire in an arm's length transaction, 100% of Goodsprings Exploration LLC, a private Wyoming company which has an exclusive option in 2 phases to earn up to a 90% interest over 8 years in the Copper Chief Project.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚 - (Newsfile Corp. - 2024年6月3日) - 费尔柴尔德黄金公司(TSXV: FAIR)("Fairchild")很高兴宣布,于2024年5月30日签署了一份具有约束力的谅解备忘录,根据谅解备忘录,费尔柴尔德将通过独立交易收购Goodsprings Exploration LLC的100%股权,该公司是一家私人的怀俄明州企业,在两个阶段中拥有独家选项,在8年内赚取高达90%的权益。Fairchild"或"公司将收购Goodsprings Exploration LLC,这是一家私人的怀俄明州公司,在两个阶段中拥有独家选项,在8年内赚取多达90%的权益。Copper Chief项目.

Copper Chief Project Highlights

Copper Chief项目亮点

Copper Chief Mine

Copper Chief矿井



Geological Features:
Located in Middle Paleozoic limestones intruded by Triassic granitic bodies.


Mineralization and Deposit Types:
Exhibits skarn- and replacement-type mineralizations with significant amounts of copper (Cu), gold (Au), silver (Ag), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), and cobalt (Co). The geologic setting and mineral assemblages suggest a skarn/replacement deposit with a potential underlying porphyry copper-moly system ("PCD") associated with granitic intrusions in the northern part of the mining camp.

具有侵入状和代替状矿化,含有大量的铜(Cu)、黄金(Au)、白银(Ag)、锌(Zn)、铅(Pb)和钴(Co)。地质背景和矿物组合表明,可能存在一种含有潜在斑岩铜-钼系统("PCD")的侵入性矽蚀/代替矿床,与矿区北部的花岗岩侵入有关。可挖掘高品级的铜+金和锌+铅以及当地的钴(高达1.13%的Co)。“PCD”是指斑岩铜 - 钼系统。与矿区北部的花岗岩侵入有关。

  • Mined for high-grade Cu+Au and Zn+Pb and local Cobalt (to 1.13% Co)
  • 采掘高品质铜+金和锌+铅以及当地钴(以“1.13%Co”的形式进行采样)。样品)
Sample Northing Easting Au g/T Ag g/T Co % Cu % Zn %
CC 1 3965172 630983 0.15 1.3 0.054 0.61 0.068
CC 2 3965174 630979 0.30 39.9 0.157 4.87 0.311
CC 3 3965144 631033 0.16 12.6 0.020 3.18 0.242
CC 4 3965153 631031 0.43 22.5 0.091 7.15 0.679
CC 5 3965152 631029 0.02 1.0 1.040 0.17 0.449
CC 6 3965140 631030 0.30 61.6 0.050 5.32 0.291
CC 7 5965138 631033 0.59 125.0 0.044 12.10 0.626
样品 北纬(m) 东经(m) 黄金g/吨 银g/吨 钴 % Cu % Zn %
CC 1 3965172 630983 0.15 1.3 0.054 0.61 0.068
CC 2 3965174 630979 0.30 39.9 0.157 4.87 0.311
CC 3 3965144 631033 0.16 12.6 0.020 3.18美元 0.242
CC 4 3965153 631031 0.43 22.5 0.091 7.15 0.679
铜5 3965152 631029 0.02 1.0 1.040 0.17 0.449
铜6 3965140 631030 0.30 61.6 0.050 5.32 0.291
铜7 5965138 631033 0.59 125.0 0.044 12.10 0.626

*Delecta Rock Chip Sampling Results from Copper Chief Mine (Green and Smith, 2018)

*来自铜酋长矿山的德勒克塔岩石采样结果(Green and Smith, 2018)

Copperside Mine




Geological Features:
Features typical of Manto-style deposits.


Mineralization and Deposit Type:
High-grade copper (Cu) and gold (Au) manto-type mineralization with additional potential as a porphyry copper-gold (Cu-Au) target. The mineralization is noted for its significant copper and gold grades, which are hosted in manto (stratabound) deposits that may also be indicative of larger, deeper porphyry systems.

高品位铜(Cu)和金(Au)Manto型矿化, 还具有安山岩铜金(Cu-Au)靶区的潜力。 矿化物以其显著的铜和金品位而闻名,这些矿化物寄生于蒂状(stratabound)沉积矿床中,这也可能是更大、更深的斑岩系统的指示。

  • Copperside produced 621 tons of ore from which was received 24.5% copper and 0.4 oz/t (13.7 g/T) silver, and up to 0.18 oz/t Au. (Hewett, 1931)
  • Sampling completed in the Copperside Mine in 2018 returned significant concentrations of copper (up to 4.25%), gold (up to 0.21 g/T), silver (up to 4.90 g/T), and cobalt (up to 0.29%).
  • 铜侧产出621吨矿石从中收到24.5% 铜和页面。, 0.4盎司/每吨(13.7克/每吨)白银,以及最高达0.18盎司/每吨黄金(Hewett, 1931). (Hewett,1931)
  • 2018年对Copperside矿井进行采样后发现,铜含量重达高达4.25%)、金含量重达最高 0.21克/每吨)、银含量重达最高达4.90克/每吨)以及钴(高达0.29%).
Sample N (UTM NAD 83) E (UTM NAD83) Au g/T Ag g/T Co % Cu % Zn %
CD 1 3966166 631168 0.07 1.2 0.075 2.01 0.057
CD 2 3966163 631161 1.14 9.2 2.070 26.60 0.323
CD 3 3966169 631162 1.32 2.7 0.819 10.25 0.639
CD 4 3966165 631157 0.11 6.3 0.058 5.33 0.171
CD 5 3966170 631165 0.03 2.9 0.334 0.72 0.059
CD 6 3966172 631169 0.45 4.4 0.354 28.60 0.411
样品 北纬(UTM NAD 83) 东经(UTM NAD83) 黄金g/吨 银g/吨 钴 % Cu % Zn %
CD 1 3966166 631168 0.07 1.2 0.075 2.01 0.057
CD 2 3966163 631161 1.14 9.2 2.070 26.60 0.323
CD 3 3966169 631162 1.32 2.7 0.819 10.25 0.639
CD 4 3966165 631157 0.11 6.3 0.058 5.33 0.171
CD 5 3966170 631165 0.03 2.9 0.334 0.72 0.059
CD 6 3966172 631169 0.45 4.4 0.354 28.60 0.411

*Delecta Rock Chip Sampling Results from Copperside Mine (Green and Smith, 2018)


Sandy Hills Mine

Sandy Hills矿区



Geological Features:
Sandy Pipes/Veins are found in and adjacent to a significant fault zone network.


Mineralization and Deposit Types:
The mineralization primarily consists of gold (Au), silver (Ag), PGEs, and copper (Cu) found within veins and pipe structures. The Sandy targets sit next to the high-grade Boss Gold-Silver-Palladium-Platinum (Au-Ag-Pd-Pt) Mine located in the major 600m wide, 5 km long Ironside fault zone network. The fault zones provided conduits for mineralizing fluids, enhancing the formation of vein and pipe deposits enriched in precious and platinum group metals. These fault zones also host later, overprinted, locally high-grade copper mineralization, as shown in the rock-chip samples listed below. The copper is interpreted to be related to porphyry-skarn below:


Sandy North (SBG19-15)
Copper (Cu): 2.98%
Gold (Au): 2.00 g/T
Palladium + Platinum (Pd+Pt): 0.743 g/T
Silver (Ag): 24.1 g/T
Cobalt (Co): 0.016%
Zinc (Zn): 0.144%
Lead (Pb): 0.057%
Sandy NE (SB-20-26)
Copper (Cu): 2.17%
Gold (Au): 2.56 g/T
Palladium (Pd): 0.394 g/T
Platinum (Pt)): 0.333 g/T
Silver (Ag): 12.2 g/T
Cobalt (Co): 0.017%
Zinc (Zn): 0.103%
Lead (Pb): 0.109%
Sandy South (SBG19-16)
Copper (Cu): 4.49%
Gold (Au): 1.16 g/T
Palladium + Platinum (Pd+Pt): 0.33 g/T
Silver (Ag): 53.5 g/T
Cobalt (Co): 0.038%
Zinc (Zn): 0.274%
Lead (Pb):
Sandy North (SBG19-15)
Sandy NE (SB-20-26)
黄金(Au):2.56 克/吨
钯金(Pd):0.394 克/吨
铂金:0.333 克/吨
白银(Ag):12.2 克/吨
Sandy South (SBG19-16)
黄金(Au):1.16 克/吨
钯金+铂金(Pd+Pt):0.33 克/吨
白银(Ag):53.5 克/吨

*Soloro sampling 2019-2020


Ironside/Knickerbocker Mines

Ironside / Knickerbocker矿区



Geological Features:
Associated with Ironside Mine system pipes and veins.


Mineralization and Deposit Type:
Enriched in gold (Au), silver (Ag), platinum group elements (PGEs including palladium, platinum, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium), and cobalt (Co). The mineralization occurs within vein structures and gold-silver-PGEs pipe targets along the Ironside Fault network, suggesting a complex network of mineralized veins that likely formed from the mobilization of metals at great depths in Precambrian basement rocks due to fault activity.


  • NE trending Fault systems extending from Boss Extension Mine through Ironside Mine to the Knickerbocker Mines.
  • Channel Sample assayed 4.63 g/T Au
  • Ironside Mine: Main Au occurrence on Ironside fault system. Gold assays to 17 g/T Au and PGEs to 3.48 g/TPt+Pd.
  • 从Boss Extension矿区通过Ironside矿区到Knickerbocker矿区的NE趋势断层系统。
  • 通道样品分析为4.63克/吨黄金
  • Ironside矿山:Ironside断层系统的主要黄金矿化。黄金分析至17克/吨,铂族金属分析至3.48克/吨Pt + Pd。
Sample Area Au g/T Ag g/T Pt g/T Pd g/T Cu % Co % Zn %
57153 Ironside Mine 109.00 15.30 0.016 0.011 0.194 0.042 0.010
57154 Ironside Mine 6.940 97.30 0.881 1.160 1.245 0.055 0.027
57155 Ironside Mine 0.421 9.75 0.042 0.067 0.092 0.009 0.007
57156 Ironside Dump 2.150 69.90 0.022 0.035 0.340 0.012 0.122
57157 Ironside Dump 0.698 3.38 0.047 0.048 11.950 0.043 0.101
SB-20-17 NW of Ironside Mine 0.003 <0.50 <0.005 0.001 0.003 0.000 0.010
SB-20-18 Ironside Fault 0.268 0.80 <0.005 0.002 0.025 0.002 0.014
SB-20-19 Ironside Fault 0.007 0.60 <0.005 <0.001 0.005 0.001 0.055
SB-20-20 Ironside Frac Prosp 0.004 0.50 <0.005 <0.001 0.001 0.000 0.013
SB-20-21 Wolwine Mine <0.001 <0.50 <0.005 <0.001 0.005 0.001 0.004
SBG-19-11 Betty Brown 0.012 0.21 0.005 0.003 0.008 0.001 0.098
样品 区域 黄金g/吨 银g/吨 铂g/吨 钯元/吨 铜% Co % Zn %
57153 铁侧矿。 109.00 15.30 0.016 0.011 0.194 0.042。 0.010
57154 铁侧矿。 6.940 97.30 0.881 1.160 1.245 0.055 0.027
57155 铁侧矿。 0.421。 9.75。 0.042。 0.067。 0.092。 0.009。 0.007
57156。 铁侧倾倒。 2.150。 69.90。 0.022。 0.035。 0.340。 0.012 0.122。
57157。 铁侧倾倒。 0.698。 3.38 0.047 0.048 11.950 0.043 0.101
SB-20-17 Ironside Mine 西北方向 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.000 0.010
SB-20-18 Ironside Fault 0.268 0.80 0.002 0.025 0.002 0.014
SB-20-19 Ironside Fault 0.007 0.60 0.005 0.001 0.055
SB-20-20 Ironside Frac Prosp 0.004 0.50 0.001 0.000 0.013
SB-20-21 Wolwine Mine 0.005 0.001 0.004
SBG-19-11 Betty Brown 0.012 0.21 0.005 0.003 0.008 0.001 0.098

*Soloro Sampling 2019-2020


Boss Mine Extensions

Boss Mine扩展



Geological Features:
Situated within Middle Paleozoic limestones, the Boss Mine (Optioned to Exgen Resources) high-grade ore pod/pipe is hosted by NE-trending faults within the Ironside fault network, which is several km long. It was overprinted by late, high-grade copper mineralization which is interpreted to be associated with a PCD system at depth. These older vein systems were locally influenced by nearby Triassic granitic intrusions.


Mineralization and Deposit Type:
The Boss Mine area features complex pipes/veins/skarn Cu-Mo-Au-Ag-PGEs mineralization, typically found at the contact zones between the intrusive granitic bodies and the carbonate host rocks. This geological setting promotes the formation of skarn deposits. Moreover, the mineral assemblages and geological indicators suggest the potential for a larger PCD system beneath, which could be the source of extensive polymetallic mineralization. These faults also contain local cobalt mineralization that also pre-dates the copper mineralization. A late gold-silver vein/replacement system also is present in the Mining Camp, associated with late granitic dikes, overprinting the earlier mineral systems.


  • 37.10 meters at : 0.27% Cu, 0.04 g/T Au, 3.03 g/T Ag
  • 3.3 meters at: 1.45% Cu, 0.02 g/T Au, 18.0 g/T Ag
  • (USGS Ore sample) Au +230 oz/ton (opt) and up to 64 opt Pd and 15.0 opt Pd.
  • Copper system overprints the gold-silver and PGEs.
  • 37.10米位于: 0.27%铜,0.04克/吨黄金,3.03克/吨白银
  • 3.3米位于: 1.45%铜,0.02克/吨黄金,18.0克/吨白银
  • (美国地质调查局矿石样品)黄金 +230盎司/吨(opt)以及高达 64 opt的Pd和页面。15.0 opt的Pd。
  • 铜系统覆盖了金银和PGEs。

Whale Mine




Mineralization and Deposit Type:


  • High-grade cobalt mineralization
  • Calamine (zinc carbonate), Aurichalcite, Chrysocolla with minor galena and wulfenite
  • Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD)
  • Stratabound zinc ore
  • Localized breccia zones within dolomitized limestone
  • 高品位的钴矿化物
  • 含菱锌矿(碳酸锌)、铜绿矾、绿松石,少量方铅矿和鸟翼铅矿。
  • 碳酸盐置换矿床 (CRD)
  • 层控锌矿石
  • 在致密白云石中局部角砾岩带

Geological Features:


  • The main workings include a 75-foot shaft and a lower tunnel.
  • The mine produced significant zinc ore during its operational years.
  • A recent induced polarization survey identified a potential extensive tabular zone of chargeability, indicative of a possible strata-bound system.
  • 主要开采包括一座深75英尺的垂直矿井和一条更低的隧道。
  • 该矿在运营期间生产了重要的锌矿石。
  • 最近的感应极化勘探显示出可能存在一个广阔的充电性板状区域,表明可能存在一个层控体系。

Gold (Au): 91 ppb
Platinum (Pt): 15 ppb
Cobalt (Co): 1.625%
Copper (Cu): 0.247%
Zinc (Zn): 0.18%
Nickel (Ni): 0.05%

金(Au):91 ppb
铂(Pt):15 ppb
锌 (Zn):0.18%

*All samples taken in 2017-2023 for Soloro Copper and Gold Corp. or contained in (NI-43-101 Redfern)

*所有在2017-2023年针对Soloro铜金公司的样本或包含在(NI-43-101 Redfern)中取得的样本。

Next steps


A near-term first-phase exploration program is currently being designed to further refine already identified high-priority porphyry drilling targets (especially at Copper Chief and Sandy Hills) as well as to expand the target inventory.

一项近期的第一阶段勘探计划正在设计中,以进一步优化已确定的优先钻探靶区(特别是在Copper Chief和Sandy Hills),以及扩大靶区清单。

This exploration program will include detailed geological mapping as well as expanded outcrop sampling, ground-based induced polarization, and magnetics over the priority targets. Drone magnetic surveys will also be deployed project-wide.


Link to Project Flyover and Presentation


Project Flyover and Presentation are accessible via the link below:


Transaction Highlights


Fairchild to acquire 100% of Goodsprings.




The consideration shall be USD$500,000 of non-convertible senior secured debt to be issued to the owners of Goodsprings (the "Senior Secured Debt") for a period of three (3) years (the "Maturity Date"). For clarity purposes, until all the USD$500,000 of debt is paid off or retired, the Senior Secured Debt holders will have a security registered against Goodsprings. Although Goodsprings will become through this transaction a wholly owned subsidiary of Fairchild, the latter will not be able to borrow against, encumber, pledge, hypothecate, transfer or sell Goodsprings in any way until all the senior debt is extinguished.


The Senior Secured Debt shall carry an interest rate of 8% (the "Interest"), such Interest shall accrue and compound quarterly until the Maturity Date. All accrued and compounded Interest will be added to the principal as a balloon payment at the Maturity Date.


Fairchild will have the ability to repay or retire the Senior Secured Debt in part or in full at its discretion at any time, including accrued interest prior to the Maturity Date.


The MOU is binding and subject only to the following conditions:


  • Due diligence satisfactory being satisfactory to Fairchild, acting reasonably;
  • Execution of definitive agreements prior to June 15, 2024.
  • Registration of the security interest;
  • Absence of any material transaction out of the ordinary course of business of Goodsprings or any material adverse change in Goodsprings's financial condition, assets or liabilities (contingent or otherwise) from the date of signing of the MOU until the final closing of the transaction; and
  • Receipt of all and any necessary approvals.
  • 尽到合理的注意义务后,费尔奇尔德认为尽职调查结果令人满意;
  • 在2024年6月15日之前签订最终协议。
  • 登记安全利益;
  • Goodsprings自谅解备忘录签署之日起至交易最终结账时,资金状况,资产或负债(或有或无)不得出现任何与正常业务相悖的重要交易或负面变动;
  • 收到所有必要的批准;

The Company is subject to any TSX Venture Exchange approval, where required.

该公司若需要,须符合tsx venture交易所的审批要求。

Goodsprings Exploration LLC's (GS) Exclusive Irrevocable Option Agreement Terms

Goodsprings Exploration LLC(GS)独家不可撤销期权协议条款。

GS has an Exclusive and Irrevocable Agreement with Soloro Copper and Gold Corporation ("Owner"), a private Nevada corporation which is the owner of the 103 unpatented lode mining claims and the Copper Chief MS2044 patented mining claims (the "Claims"), which Claims are located in Clark County, Nevada.

GS与Soloro Copper and Gold Corporation("所有者"),一家拥有103处无专利硫化物矿业权和Copper Chief MS2044专利矿业权("权利")的内华达州私人公司签订了独家不可撤销协议。"所有者权利权利这些权利位于内华达州克拉克县。

GS has a first option (the "First Option") to purchase a Seventy Percent (70%) interest in the Claims (or, in GS discretion, less than all) of the Claims upon spending the sum of $4,000,000 in qualified expenditures and paying Owner the advanced minimum royalties (the "AMRs") over the 5-year term of the First Option, together with all improvements, ores, minerals, stockpiles, tailings, and dumps thereon and all mineral rights, easements, access rights, water rights and other appurtenances thereto, under the terms of the option agreement between GS and Owner. The First Option shall remain in effect for a period of five years from and after May 15, 2024. If GS has exercised the First Option, it shall have the right to own an exclusive and irrevocable right to enter into and have a second option to purchase an additional Twenty Percent (20%) in the claims by expending the additional sum of $4,000,000 in qualified expenditures and paying Owner the AMRs over a three-year period (the "Second Option"). The Second Option period will start upon execution of a notice of Exercise to that effect given to Owner within or at the close of the initial five-year First Option period. The Options shall apply to any and all amendments, relocations, modifications and replacements of the Claims made during the option periods.

GS有一项首选权("首选权"),按照与所有者签订的选择协议的条款,在第一选项期限内支出400万美元的合格支出并支付所有者先期最低版税("AMRs"),便可购买价值权利的70%(或GS自行酌情确定不足全部)权益,以及所有改良,矿石,矿物,尾矿,储量和堆场,以及与此有关的所有矿权,便利权,通行权,水权和其他所有权。首选权期限自2024年5月15日起为期五年。若GS行使了首先选项,则有权进入独家不可撤销权并有第二个选择权来购买权利的20%,在三年期限内支出额外的400万美元的合格支出并支付所有者AMRs("第二选择权")。第二选项期将在第一五年期内或结束时向所有者发出通知后开始。期权适用于在期权期限内对权利进行的任何和所有的修改,搬迁,修改和更换。首选权AMRsAMRs该期权协议的条款下,在第一选择权期限内支出400万美元的合格支出并支付付所有者先期最低版税(AMRs),即可获得该权益。 该期权期限为五年,即从2024年5月15日开始,持续五年。第二选择权在第一选择期限内或结束时向所有者发出通知后,GS行使了第一选择权,则有权进入独家不可撤销权并有第二个选择权来购买权益的20%,在三年期限内支出所需的额外400万美元的合格支出并支付所有者AMRs。

GS may exercise the options at any time during the option periods by completing the following obligations (collectively, the "Purchase Obligations") during the option period, and GS will thereafter notify Owner of such completion (the "Option Exercise Notice").


Initial Option Payment. GS will pay to Owner the sum of US $35,000 on or before June 15th, 2024, after the signing of the option agreement (the "Initial Payment"), Advance Royalty Payments. GS will pay to Owner the following amounts ("Advance Royalty Payments"):


  • $35,000 on or before the first anniversary of the option agreement;
  • $35,000 on or before the second anniversary of this option agreement;
  • $35,000 on or before the third anniversary of this option agreement;
  • $35,000 on or before the fourth anniversary of this option agreement; and
  • $35,000 on or before the fifth anniversary of this option agreement.
  • $35,000:期权协议生效之日起第一周年日或之前;
  • $35,000:期权协议生效之日起第二周年日或之前;
  • $35,000:期权协议生效之日起第三周年日或之前;
  • $35,000:期权协议生效之日起第四周年日或之前;和
  • $35,000:期权协议生效之日起第五周年日或之前。

and if the First Option period has been extended to and through the Second Option period:


  • $50,000 on or before the sixth anniversary of this option agreement.
  • $50,000 on or before the seventh anniversary of this option agreement; and
  • $50,000 on or before the eighth anniversary of this option agreement;
  • $50,000:期权协议生效之日起第六周年日或之前;
  • $50,000:期权协议生效之日起第七周年日或之前;和
  • $50,000:期权协议生效之日起第八周年日或之前;

For the avoidance of doubt, GS's obligation to make Advance Royalty Payments will cease upon GS's exercise of the second option and having earned a 90% Interest in the Property, subject to a 2% NSR production royalty to Owner.


Claim Maintenance Fees. GS will pay the appropriate government agencies the following federal and state fees required by law to maintain the Claims (collectively, the "Claim Maintenance Fees") during the terms of the option agreement. Commencing with the federal mining claim maintenance fees that are due on or before September 1, 2024, GS will make to and with the Federal Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") all annual payments and filings required by federal law to maintain the Claims, and pay for property taxes and file a Notice of Intent to Hold Mining Claims with the Clark County Recorder on or before October 1st of each year that the options remain in effect, commencing with the state filing that is due on or before November 1, 2024. Subsequently, GS will provide to Owner documentation of such payments and filings at least 30 days before the applicable federal and state filing deadlines.


If GS drops the Claims before the end of terms of the options, GS will pay these governmental Claims maintenance fees for the upcoming September 1/November 1 filing deadlines.


There shall be no annual minimum work requirements under this agreement, only that GS earn-in expenditures shall consist of qualified expenditures.


The Company anticipates filing a technical report pursuant to National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects on the Copper Chief Project before the end of June 2024.

公司预计在2024年6月底之前发表根据43-101国家规定的技术报告遵守矿业项目披露标准("NI 43-101")后,在SEDAAR+上对Bilboes硫化物金项目("项目")的单阶段开发进行了初步经济评估报告。PEA的拷贝题为"Bilboes Gold Project Preliminary Economic Assessment",有效日期为2024年5月30日,由DRA Projects(Pty)Ltd("DRA")编制,反映本公告中所包含的摘要信息,同时也将在公司的网站上提供。所有金额均以美元计算。有关Copper Chief项目的金属数据可以在报告中获得。

Mr. Richard R. Redfern, M.S., C.P.G. No. 10717, is the qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 who has examined the property on the ground, reviewed the geological information available from public sources related to the property, and is responsible for having approved the technical contents of this press release.

Richard R. Redfern先生是获得了地质学硕士学位、资历注册地质工程师(证号10717号)、并在NI 43-101的定义下负责验证992号矿产权的合格人士。他现已审查了与该物业相关的公共信息。.

About Fairchild Gold Corp.

关于Fairchild Gold Corp。

Fairchild is engaged in the business of mineral exploration and the acquisition of mineral property assets in Canada. Its objective is to locate and develop economic precious and base metal properties of merit and to conduct its exploration program on the Fairchild Lake Property. The Fairchild Lake Property consists of 25 single cell and multi cell claims (108 cells) covering an area of 2,224 hectares, located approximately 250 kilometers northwest of the city of Thunder Bay in the Patricia Mining Division, Ontario.

Fairchild从事加拿大矿产探索和矿产资产收购业务,其目标是找到并开发经济实用的贵重和基础金属矿产,并在Fairchild Lake Property上开展勘探工作。Fairchild Lake Property包括25个单个电池和多个电池权利(108个电池),占地2,224公顷,位于Patricia Mining Division,安大略省,距离Thunder Bay市约250公里。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Luis Martins
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Fairchild Gold Corp.
(866) 497-0284

Fairchild Gold Corp。
(866) 497-0284

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as the term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy of this news release.

TSX Venture交易所及其监管服务提供商(如TSX Venture交易所政策所定义)不对本新闻发布的充分性承担任何责任。

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


Certain information contained in this news release constitutes "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward- looking information"). Without limiting the foregoing, such forward-looking information includes statements regarding the process and completion of the Offering, the use of proceeds of the Offering and any statements regarding the Company's business plans, expectations and objectives. In this news release, words such as "may", "would", "could", "will", "likely", "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "intend", "plan", "estimate" and similar words and the negative form thereof are used to identify forward-looking information. Forward-looking information should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether, or the times at or by which, such future performance will be achieved. Forward-looking information is based on information available at the time and/or the Company management's good faith belief with respect to future events and is subject to known or unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other unpredictable factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control. For additional information with respect to these and other factors and assumptions underlying the forward-looking information made in this news release, see the Company's most recent Management's Discussion and Analysis and financial statements and other documents filed by the Company with the Canadian securities commissions and the discussion of risk factors set out therein. Such documents are available at under the Company's profile and on the Company's website, The forward-looking information set forth herein reflects the Company's expectations as at the date of this news release and is subject to change after such date. The Company disclaims any News Release Announcing Offering intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.


声明:本内容仅用作提供资讯及教育之目的,不构成对任何特定投资或投资策略的推荐或认可。 更多信息