
Driving Change: Discover How NRG Is Building a Culture of Learning and Growth

Driving Change: Discover How NRG Is Building a Culture of Learning and Growth

Accesswire ·  06/05 09:45

Ask questions, be curious


Originally published on NRG Insights

最初发表在 NRG Insights

By NRG Editorial Voices

作者:NRG 编辑之声

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 5, 2024 / Culture in Focus is a series highlighting the people and culture that make us who we are. As we continue to advance, we understand the importance of not only sharing our journey, but also the values that drive us. Through these conversations, we want to pull back the curtain on our vibrant culture to showcase the stories that power our purpose.

马萨诸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE /2024年6月5日/ 聚焦文化 该系列重点介绍了造就我们本质的人和文化。在我们不断前进的过程中,我们了解不仅分享我们的旅程的重要性,还了解推动我们前进的价值观的重要性。通过这些对话,我们希望拉开我们充满活力的文化的大幕,展示推动我们实现目标的故事。

Part two of our series features Dak Liyanearachchi, Chief Data and Technology Officer.


Born in Sri Lanka, Liyanearachchi lived in the U.K. until just over eight years ago when he moved to the U.S. In another life he would have been an acoustic guitar player, but in this one he's a deep thinker, Beyoncé and Becky Hill fan, and occasional hang glider.

Liyanearachchi 出生于斯里兰卡,一直生活在英国,直到八年多前他移居美国。在另一种生活中,他本来是一名原声吉他手,但在这段生活中,他是一个思想深刻的人,碧昂斯和贝基·希尔的粉丝,偶尔还会有悬挂式滑翔机。

To him, "The simplest way to talk about what I do, is to say 'I look after data and technology'," yet he does so much more. From encouraging curiosity to building a culture that promotes continuous learning, Liyanearachchi is setting the stage for growth at NRG.


Building trust through transparency


At NRG, trust and open communication are the pillars of a successful culture. These two tenets are particularly important when collaborating across teams, a process that occurs here every day. In his third year with the company, Liyanearachchi is no stranger to using transparency and connection as a vehicle to drive that trust and open communication in his role.


"For me it's around how do I support you and how do I make you successful? The trust comes from being open, transparent, and creating connection. Connection is really important because it breaks down barriers."


These practices facilitate smoother conversations, guarantee that everyone's voice is heard, and streamline problem solving. Our company's continuous growth is propelling us toward a common purpose, and open communication will be the key to achieving that. While silos foster division, collaborative teams create room for diverse perspectives and better outcomes. By bolstering a connected culture, we're building a solid foundation for future innovation.


Permission to fail


No question is a dumb question. In fact, Liyanearachchi would prefer you ask him about something as many times as it takes until you understand it. This value of psychological safety is one that is shared by many at NRG.

没有问题是一个愚蠢的问题。实际上,Liyanearachchi 希望你尽可能多地向他询问某件事,直到你明白为止。这种心理安全的价值观是NRG的许多人所共有的。

Liyanearachchi advocates for creating an environment where everyone feels safe enough to fail. This mindset provides an open space for teammates to excel, while also promoting the curiosity and perseverance they need to keep trying.


"I try and push the teams by empowering them to take some of those decisions. To do that, I have to be comfortable that everything may not work out the way we want it to. My ask of the teams is fail fast, but ask questions if you don't understand."


At NRG, we believe success is a journey of trial and error. Through our triumphs and reworks, one thing has remained constant - having team support along the way makes it that much more impactful when we finally achieve our goals.


There's always room for improvement


There's no growth in stagnation. To Liyanearachchi, learning and growing is a unique journey with no finish line - in his own words, you've got to, "keep putting your hand up to learn more and do more." That's why we're always eager to listen, adapt, and evolve at NRG - it's how we stay in tune with our customers' needs.

停滞不前没有增长。对Liyanearachchi来说,学习和成长是一段独特的旅程,没有终点线——用他自己的话说,你必须 “继续举起手来学习更多,做更多的事情。”这就是为什么我们一直渴望倾听、适应和发展 NRG 的原因——这就是我们与客户需求保持一致的方式。

"From an improvement perspective there's plenty of growth. In terms of opportunities, we are evolving from a traditional energy company to a consumer company. If you ask how many companies have done that, I'm not sure there are many."


As the world continues to modernize and technology becomes smarter, our teams are understanding every day what it means and what it takes to power a brighter future together.


Want to connect with Dak? Visit his LinkedIn.

想与 Dak 建立联系吗?访问他的 LinkedIn

Did you miss the first installment of the Culture in Focus series? Read more about NRG's CFO Bruce Chung.

你错过了《聚焦文化》系列的第一部分吗?阅读有关 NRG 首席财务官 Bruce Chung 的更多信息。

Stay tuned for the next installment of the Culture in Focus series.

敬请关注下一期 聚焦文化 系列。

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在3blmedia.com上查看来自NRG Energy的更多多媒体和更多ESG故事。

Contact Info:
Spokesperson: NRG Energy

发言人:NRG Energy


来源:NRG 能源

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