
Beyond Oil Enters Into Supply Agreement With Second Global Fast-Food Chain in Israel

Beyond Oil Enters Into Supply Agreement With Second Global Fast-Food Chain in Israel

Beyond Oil与以色列第二大全球快餐连锁店签订供应协议
Accesswire ·  06/06 07:30

Israeli Master Franchisee of Major Global Fast-Food Chain Becomes a Customer of Beyond Oil

全球著名快餐连锁店的以色列特许经营权方成为Beyond Oil的客户

VANCOUVER, BC and KIBBUTZ YIFAT, ISRAEL / ACCESSWIRE / June 6, 2024 / Beyond Oil Ltd. (CSE:BOIL)(OTCQB:BEOLF) ("Beyond Oil" or the "Company"), a food-tech innovation company dedicated to reducing health risks associated with fried food while lowering operational costs, minimizing waste, and enhancing sustainability, is pleased to announce that it has entered into a new supply agreement (the "Second Chain Supply Agreement") with the master franchisee of one of the largest global fast-food chains in Israel. The Second Chain Supply Agreement provides for the adoption of Beyond Oil's product by this chain in Israel, marking the second international fast-food chain to become a direct customer of Beyond Oil.

温哥华,BC和KIBBUTZ YIFAT,以色列/ ACCESSWIRE /2024年6月6日/ Beyond Oil(CSE:BOIL)(OTCQB:BEOLF)(以下简称“Beyond Oil”)是一家致力于降低炸食健康风险,降低运营成本,减少浪费和提高可持续性的Food-tech创新公司,很高兴地宣布已与以色列最大全球快餐连锁店之一的特许经营权方签订了一项新供应协议(以下简称“第二批供应协议”)。第二批供应协议要求该连锁店在以色列采用Beyond Oil的产品,这标志着该公司成为Beyond Oil的第二个直接客户的国际快餐连锁店。

Second Chain Supply Agreement


Under the Second Chain Supply Agreement dated June 4, 2024, the master franchisee will initiate the purchase and deployment of Beyond Oil's product with an initial rollout over the coming months. Following this period, the Company expects to complete full implementation across the chain. This rollout, already underway, signifies a substantial step forward in Beyond Oil's mission to reduce health risks, improve food quality, reduce operation costs and decrease environmental waste. The Second Chain Supply Agreement has an initial term of 36 months and includes customary provisions for automatic extension.

根据2024年6月4日签订的第二批供应协议,特许经营权方将在未来几个月内启动Beyond Oil的产品采购和部署。该公司预计在此期间完成在整个连锁店的实施。这个已经在进行中的推广标志着Beyond Oil旨在减少健康风险,改善食品质量,降低运营成本和减少环境浪费使其使命取得了实质性进展。第二批供应协议的初始期限为36个月,并包括自动延期的惯例条款。

"Beyond Oil is rapidly gaining momentum in the global food industry," said Jonathan Or, CEO of Beyond Oil. "Following our recent announcement with another major fast-food chain, we are thrilled to announce this new partnership with the master franchisee of a second global chain in Israel. Our product is set to revolutionize the food oil industry by offering significant health, environmental, quality, and cost-saving benefits to restaurants and their customers worldwide. We are confident that we will continue to create value for our supportive shareholders in the coming weeks and months as we focus on shortening the sales cycle of existing and future customer leads."

Beyond Oil的首席执行官Jonathan Or表示:“Beyond Oil正在全球食品行业中获得迅速的动力。跟在我们与另一个主要快餐连锁店的最近公告后,我们非常高兴宣布与以色列第二个全球连锁店的特许经营权方建立的新合作伙伴关系。我们的产品旨在通过为全球餐厅和他们的客户提供显著的健康、环保、质量和节约成本的优势来颠覆食用油行业,我们有信心在接下来的几周和几个月继续为我们支持的股东创造价值,专注于缩短现有和未来客户线索的销售周期。

Global Expansion Strategy


On May 9, 2024, Beyond Oil announced the deployment of its product with franchisees of one of the world's largest fast-food chains, following extensive multi-month trials and pilot programs in collaboration with the chain's parent company and corporate team. The swift adoption by a second major international fast-food chain in Israel underscores Beyond Oil's capability to penetrate global franchise networks. Beyond Oil continues to advance its strategy to integrate its innovative product into additional global and regional fast-food chains worldwide.

Beyond Oil在2024年5月9日宣布,在与该连锁店母公司和公司团队进行了长达数月的试验和飞行程序之后,将其产品部署到该连锁店的特许经营权方。在以色列加入以色列的第二个国际快餐连锁店的快速采用强调了Beyond Oil的能力,可以渗透全球连锁店网络。Beyond Oil继续推进其战略,将其创新产品整合到全球和区域快餐连锁店中。

Beyond Oil's Contribution to Public Health

Beyond Oil对公共健康的贡献

The Problem: Imagine the oil in your kitchen, used only once or twice, now reused hundreds of times over several days. This is the reality in restaurants, catering services, and food factories worldwide. Most people do not know that this practice makes the oil carcinogenic and filled with harmful trans fats. Changing the oil after each use would make food prices skyrocket and also dramatically increase its carbon footprint, so it continues.

问题: 想象一下您厨房中的油,只使用一两次,现在在数天内重复使用数百次。这是世界范围内的餐厅、餐饮服务和食品工厂的现实。大多数人不知道这种做法使油变为致癌物,而且充满有害的反式脂肪。每次使用后更换油会使食品价格飞涨并大大增加其碳足迹,因此这种做法仍在继续。

Who is affected by the problem? From childhood snacks at school to meals at weddings, hotels, and even the frozen foods we heat at home, most of the global population is consuming fried foods cooked in reused oil in our day-to-day lives. This hidden practice contributes to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, lung issues, and obesity. It is time to demand healthier practices in our food industry for a healthier future.


Statistical Insight: In the Western world, approximately one in five individuals is affected by cancer, with reused frying oil posing a significant risk factor. Reusing frying oil over multiple days leads to harmful health outcomes, including an increased prevalence of certain types of cancer. Recent academic literature, along with studies by regulatory agencies like the U.S. and European health agencies, confirms a direct link between consuming oil absorbed in fried foods and elevated cancer rates. (Source 1: Impact of Repeatedly Heated Cooking Oils on Cancer Incidence - Critical Review; Source 2: Professor Oren Fruchte | Professor Nissim Garti Research Reports).

统计见解: 在西方世界,大约五分之一的人受癌症影响,再次使用的炸油也是重要的风险因素。在多天内重复使用炸油会导致有害健康结果,包括某些类型的癌症更加普遍。最近的学术文献以及美国和欧洲卫生机构的研究证实,摄入油炸食品中吸收的油和升高的癌症率之间存在直接联系。(来源1:反复加热食用油对癌症发病率的影响 - Critical Review;来源2:教授Oren Fruchte |教授Nissim Garti研究报告)。

During frying, oil degradation is accelerated and harmful compounds such as Acrylamide, PAH, free radicals, Free Fatty Acids ("FFA"), Total Polar Materials ("TPM"), Metals, formation of trans fats diverging from safety standards. These compounds affect the oil's quality, leading to foaming, smoking, and a change in color, smell, and taste. The frying oil fumes contains aromatic carcinogenic components causing contributing to mortality and morbidity of customers and kitchen personnel.


Beyond Oil's Innovative Solution

Beyond Oil的创新解决方案

Beyond Oil is a health food-tech company specializing in the health sector. Over the course of 15 years, it has developed a formula comprised of food additives that create an innovative filter powder, protected by a patent. This formula effectively absorbs degradation components from fried oil, slows down the rate of deterioration reactions, and, through a straightforward filtration process, enables the oil to be reused while preserving its quality. Beyond Oil's solution represents a significant global advancement in safeguarding the health of diners and kitchen workers in factories or restaurants that reuse the same oil over an extended period.

Beyond Oil是一家专门从事健康食品行业的科技公司。在15年的时间里,它已经开发了一种由食品添加剂组成的配方,形成了一个受专利保护的创新过滤粉末。这种配方有效地吸收炸油的降解成分,减缓变质反应的速率,并通过一个简单的过滤过程,使油可以在保持质量的同时得以重复使用。Beyond Oil的解决方案代表了在工厂或餐厅中重复使用相同油脂的情况下保护用餐者和厨房工人健康的全球性进展。

Beyond Oil for Enhancing Sustainability

Beyond Oil用于提高可持续性

  • Sustainable practices are becoming increasingly crucial in this inflationary global economy. Beyond Oil's filtration powder that extends the lifespan of fried oil, thereby contributes to environmental impacts:
  • Minimizes the environmental footprint associated with oil disposal.
  • Reduces emissions of hazardous volatile substances and decreases energy consumption in refinery plants.
  • Alleviates the burden on sewage systems and groundwater by reducing the volume of oil intended for treatment.
  • Mitigates carbon dioxide emissions to bolster the earth's natural greenhouse effect.
  • Reduces overland or maritime transportation of oils helps prevent soil contamination, air pollution from gas emissions, and ecological seas contamination.
  • 在这个通货膨胀的全球经济中,可持续实践变得越来越重要。Beyond Oil的过滤粉末延长了油炸食品的寿命,从而对环境影响产生贡献:
  • 减少与油废弃处理相关的环境足迹。
  • 在炼油厂中减少有害挥发性物质排放并降低能源消耗。
  • 通过减少油品处理量,缓解了污水系统和地下水的负担。
  • 通过降低二氧化碳排放来增强地球的自然温室效应。
  • 减少陆路或海上油品运输有助于防止土壤污染、气体排放导致的空气污染和生态海洋污染。

Patent Protected: The Company also has a portfolio of registered and patent-pending solutions that extend the shelf-life of produced and used vegetable oils.


Potential Cost-Savings: One of Beyond Oil's unique value propositions is that it can dramatically lower costs for quick-service restaurants by significantly extending the useful life of the oil while meeting food quality and safety requirements. For more information on how the Beyond Oil Product extends the life of frying oil, see the Company's news release dated December 12, 2022.

潜在成本节省Beyond Oil 的一个独特价值主张是,它可以显著延长油的使用寿命,同时满足食品质量和安全要求,从而大幅降低快餐餐厅的成本。有关 Beyond Oil 产品如何延长炸油寿命的更多信息,请参见公司 2022 年 12 月 12 日发布的新闻稿。

Beyond Oil Permits and Accreditations: The Company received a non-objection letter from the US Food & Drug Administration ("FDA") in March 2022, on the basis that all the Beyond Oil Product ingredients meet food-grade specifications of the FDA. In May 2022, Beyond Oil received a non-objection letter from Health Canada and a National Sanitation Foundation certification. Beyond Oil is legally permitted to sell its product into the Israeli market according to the processing-aid and filtering-aid regulations.

Beyond Oil 许可和认证公司已经收到了美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)于 2022 年 3 月发出的无异议书,理由是 Beyond Oil 产品的所有成分均符合 FDA 的食品级规格。2022 年 5 月,Beyond Oil 收到了加拿大卫生部的无异议书和国家卫生基金会的认证。Beyond Oil 根据加工助剂和过滤剂的规定,有合法权利将其产品销售到以色列市场。

How the Beyond Oil Product Works- Simple and effective Protocols:

Beyond Oil 产品的工作原理-简单而有效的协议:

The Beyond Oil Product integrates into the existing filtration systems of both commercial and industrial fryers. The combination of active filtration by the powder and passive filtration by the filter and filtration machine ensures the best results by removing other degradation particles. The powder remains on the filter and creates an additional layer which provides the microfiltration benefit.

Beyond Oil 产品可以集成到商用和工业炸锅的现有过滤系统中。使用粉末的主动过滤和过滤机器的被动过滤相结合,可以通过去除其他降解颗粒物来获得最佳效果。粉末留在过滤器上并创建了一个额外的层,提供了微过滤的益处。

About Beyond Oil Ltd.

关于 Beyond Oil Ltd。

Beyond Oil Ltd. is an innovative food tech company in the health sector, with over 15 years dedicated to game-changing solutions that mitigate cancer and cardiovascular risks in fried and processed foods consumed in our day-to-day lives. Beyond Oil provides a disruptive solution for food-processing and food-service companies striving to produce & serve healthier food, increase sustainability, while saving their costs. For more information, visit our website at: .

Beyond Oil Ltd. 是一家创新的食品技术公司,致力于提供可减少我们日常生活中摄入癌症和心血管疾病风险的炸食品和加工食品的创新解决方案。Beyond Oil 为致力于生产和销售更健康的食品、增加可持续性并节省成本的食品加工和食品服务公司提供了一种颠覆性的解决方案。有关更多信息,请访问我们的网站:。



Jonathan Or
CEO and Co-founder

Jonathan Or
CEO and Co-founder

Caroline Sawamoto
Investor Relations

Caroline Sawamoto

Forward Looking Statement and Information


The Canadian Securities Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the Company and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor the Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the securities laws. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates" and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts, and are based upon management's current expectations, beliefs and projections, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain. Such expectations, beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith. However, there can be no assurance that management's expectations, beliefs and projections will be achieved, and actual results may differ materially from what is expressed in or indicated by the forward-looking statements. In addition, we cannot assure that any patent will be issued as a result of a pending patent application or, if issued, whether it will be issued in a form that will be advantageous to us. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. For a more detailed description of the risks and uncertainties affecting the Company, reference is made to the Company's reports filed from time to time at Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statements are made. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, subsequent events or circumstances, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting forward-looking information except to the extent required by applicable securities laws. If the Company does update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that the Company will make additional updates with respect thereto or with respect to other forward-looking statements. References and links to websites have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this press release. The Company is not responsible for the contents of third-party websites.

加拿大证券交易所未对公司的价值作出任何判断, 也未批准或驳回本新闻稿的内容. 加拿大证券交易所及市场监管机构(该术语在加拿大证券交易所的政策中定义)不承担此发布内容的充分性或准确性的责任. 本新闻稿包含“前瞻性陈述”, 此类词语如“期望”, “预计”, “打算”, “计划”, “相信”, “寻求”, “估计”和此类词语的变体, 旨在识别前瞻性陈述. 前瞻性陈述并非历史事实, 而是基于管理层目前的预期、信念和预测, 其中许多因其性质而本质上不确定. 这样的预期、信念和预测是出于善意表达的. 然而, 不能保证管理层的预期、信念和预测将会得到实现, 实际结果可能与前瞻性陈述中表达的或指示的不同. 此外, 我们不能保证任何专利将由于待处理的专利申请而发行, 或者, 如果发行, 是否将以对我们有利的形式发行. 前瞻性陈述受到风险和不确定性的影响, 这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际表现或结果与前瞻性陈述中所表达的不同. 对于影响公司的风险和不确定性的更详细描述, 可参考公司不时提交的报告, 目前保存在 前瞻性陈述仅适用于该声明发表日期. 公司假定不会更新前瞻性陈述以反映实际结果、随后的事件或情况、假设变化或其他影响前瞻性信息的因素的变化, 除非适用的证券法律规定其程度. 如果公司更新一项或多项前瞻性陈述, 不应推断出公司将对其进行其他更新或对其他前瞻性陈述进行更新. 引用和链接到网站仅为方便起见, 并且此类网站上包含的信息不被引用为参考文献并作为本新闻稿的一部分. 本公司不对第三方网站的内容负责。

SOURCE: Beyond Oil Ltd.

来源: Beyond Oil Ltd.

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