
Lode Gold Commissions Cutting Edge QMAG(T) Geophysical Survey on Its Golden Culvert and Win RIRGS And Orogenic Gold Projects, Yukon

Lode Gold Commissions Cutting Edge QMAG(T) Geophysical Survey on Its Golden Culvert and Win RIRGS And Orogenic Gold Projects, Yukon

黄金采购公司在育空区Golden Culvert和Win RIRGS以及造山型黄金项目上委托Cutting Edge QMAG(T)进行先进的地球物理勘测。
newsfile ·  06/06 11:45

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 6, 2024) - Lode Gold Resources Inc. (TSXV: LOD) (OTCQB: SBMIF) ("Lode Gold " or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has commissioned a QMAGT geophysical survey (1,151-line kilometres) on its Golden Culvert and Win projects in the Yukon. The QMAGT system is to be flown out of Seabridge Gold's 3-Aces camp southwest of Lode Gold's properties. This is a collaborative alliance with other Yukon explorers such as Snowline Gold, Seabridge Gold and Aben Minerals, whereby Lode Gold and the associated companies will save on mobilization/demobilization and resultant cost-effective means of data generation.

安大略省多伦多-(新闻资料公司-2024年6月6日)- Lode Gold Resources Inc. (tsxv: LOD) (otcqb: SBMIF)非常荣幸地报告,在其111公里的新不伦瑞克省麦金蒂尔布鲁克项目中,确认了黄金赋存量及其高探明潜力。该资产连同公司的Golden Culvert和Win项目将很快分拆成一个名为Gold Orogen的新公司,以更好地聚焦于其高潜力资产的勘探。(“Lode Gold”或“公司”)很高兴宣布,它已经委托QMAG做一次地球物理测量(1,151线公里),用于其位于育空地区的Golden Culvert和Win项目。该QMAG系统将从Seabridge Gold的3-Aces营地(靠近Lode Gold公司的资产)出发。这是与Snowline Gold、Seabridge Gold、Aben Minerals等育空区探矿公司的协作联盟,Lode Gold及其所关联的公司将通过节省调动/撤离费用并寻求数据生成的成本效益方式来获得收益。T磁测在大多数勘探项目中起着支撑作用;它们实际上是衡量岩石中铁含量的指标,并生成形成进一步探矿基础的地质学地图。根据这些信息,我们的现场队伍可以很快地找到该地区的矿床。全矢量系统强调了岩石结构和亚型之间的细微差别;这两个要素对于矿化控制都很重要。TQMAG系统是一种增强型直升机磁测系统,利用SQUID(超导量子干涉仪)传感器测量地球磁场的完整梯度张量(二阶),否则称为全矢量磁梯度计(FTMG)。QMAG数据特别适合3D磁模型,这项工作可能在审核结果后委托执行。

Magnetic surveys form the backbone of most exploration programs; they in effect measure the amount of iron in rocks and produce a geology map forming the foundation for further exploration. From this information our field teams can swiftly zero in towards discovery. This full vector system highlights, and is particularly suited to mapping structure, and subtle contrast between rock types, both important factors for controlling mineralization.


The QMAGT system is an enhanced helicopter-borne magnetic survey system that measures the magnetic field utilizing a SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) sensor that measures the complete gradient tensor (second order) of the earth's magnetic field (otherwise known as full tensor magnetic gradiometry - FTMG). The QMAGT data is particularly useful for 3-D magnetic modelling and this work may be commissioned over areas of interest once the results have been reviewed.


This FTMG measurement provides directional information about the magnetic field, which is not available from total field sensors, which have been the industry standard for many years. The SQUID sensors are developed by Supracon AG of Jena, Germany. Operating within a liquid helium bath, the sensors measure the magnetic field with an order-of-magnitude greater sensitivity. The sensor system is the result of over 20 years of development and testing, flying many successful exploration campaigns.

此FTMG测量提供有关磁场方向的信息,总场传感器无法提供这种信息,而后者已经成为行业标准多年。SQUID传感器由德国耶拿的Supracon AG开发,它们在液态氦浴中运行,具有更高的灵敏度。该传感器系统经过20年的发展和测试,已经成功运行了许多勘探项目。

Mr. Buddy Doyle commented, "Having used this system in the past, I was impressed by the data it produced. One main advantage is it is a vector system, measuring the field in the x, y and z directions. This contrasts with the total field, measured by the industry-standard Cesium magnetometer surveys, where there is no vector information. The other advantage is that the SQUID device has increased sensitivity, able to highlight more subtle contrasts compared to usual surveys. This system is particularly good at lighting up structure, and this will be very helpful in further understanding the orogenic gold mineralization we have recognized on the Golden Culvert and WIN properties. The system will also map the hornfels around the intrusions hosting the RIRGS mineralization that our recent work has confirmed on the WIN Property."

Buddy Doyle先生评论说:“我曾在过去使用过这个系统,我对它所产生的数据印象深刻。一个主要的优点是它是一个矢量系统,用于测量x、y和z方向的磁场。这与业内标准(铯磁力计测量总场)测量的没有矢量信息相比形成了鲜明的对比。另一个优点是SQUID设备具有更高的灵敏度,能够突出展现比普通勘测更微妙的差异。该系统在照亮结构方面特别出色,这将非常有助于进一步了解我们在Golden Culvert和WIN地区认识到的造山型金矿化和WIN Property周围的火山角岩地层混合体。

Final data is expected before the end of June and will be used to guide our field crews when they are deployed in early July.



关于Lode Gold

Lode Gold is a Canadian exploration and development company with grassroots and advanced exploration properties in highly prospective and safe mining jurisdictions.

Lode Gold是一家加拿大的勘探和开发公司,在高度有前景和安全的采矿地区拥有基础和先进的勘探项目。

Its Golden Culvert and Win Projects, Yukon, covering 99.5 km2 across a 27-km strike length, are situated in a district-scale, high-grade-gold-mineralized trend within the southern portion of the Tombstone Gold Belt. Gold deposits and occurrences within the Belt include Fort Knox, Pogo, Brewery Creek and Dublin Gulch, and Snowline Gold's Valley target on its Rogue property in the Selwyn Basin.

它的Golden Culvert和Win项目位于肯特恩州,横跨27公里走向,覆盖99.5平方公里的范围内,位于Tombstone Gold Belt南部的一个区域级别、高品位黄金矿化趋势中。带状的黄金矿床包括Fort Knox、Pogo、Brewery Creek和Dublin Gulch,以及Snowline Gold公司在Selwyn盆地的Rogue物业上的Valley目标。2它的McIntyre Brook项目位于纽芬兰,覆盖了111平方公里的范围,有17公里的矿化走向,位于新Found Gold的Queensway项目的同龄和类似构造的变形岩之中。该区域被Puma Exploration的Williams Brook项目(50米内Au含量5.55克/吨)所环绕。

Its McIntyre Brook Project, New Brunswick, covering 111 km2 and a 17-km strike length in the emerging Triple Fault Gold Belt, is surrounded by Puma Exploration's Williams Brook Project (5.55 g/t Au over 50m) and is hosted by orogenic rocks of similar age and structure as New Found Gold's Queensway Project.

该公司还在推进位于加利福尼亚历史悠久的Mother Lode黄金区带的Fremont Gold开发项目,该区域产出5000万盎司黄金。Fremont距离Equinox Gold的Castle Mountain和Mesquite矿山500公里,通过一份PEA报告,该项目的税后净现值为2.17亿美元,内部收益率为21%,有一个长达11年、平均每年118k盎司达到1750美元/盎司的寿命周期。在2023年3月31日的PEA报告下,以2000美元/盎司的金价,敏感性分析显示该报表的5%税后净现值为3.7亿美元,内部收益率为31%。该项目拥有一个NI 43-101规范下的资源,包括19.0吨指示资源,含1.16百万盎司黄金,平均含量为1.90克/吨Au,以及28.3吨暗示资源中含2.02百万盎司黄金,平均含量为2.22克/吨Au。MRE评估只覆盖了Fremont物业长4公里的1.4公里,其具有五个富含金矿化区。值得注意的是,深部的三个踏出孔均命中了典型的虚构矿床的矿化结构。Fremont位于Mariposa的私人土地上,是最初的淘金热县,距离加州弗雷斯诺市1.5小时车程,具有全年通行的公路,并且靠近机场和铁路。请查阅Fremont Gold项目在NI 43-101指南下编写的PEA报告。技术报告已由P&E的独立“有资格人士”Eugene Puritch, P.Eng.,FEC,CET和Andrew Bradfield,P.Eng. 审查和批准,以及KCA的Travis Manning,P.E。2有资格人士声明

The Company is also advancing its Fremont Gold development project in the historic Mother Lode Gold Belt of California where 50,000,000 oz of gold has been produced. Fremont, located 500km north of Equinox Gold's Castle Mountain and Mesquite mines, has a PEA with an after-tax NPV of USD $217MM, a 21% IRR, 11-year LOM, averaging 118k ounces per annum at USD $1,750 gold. A sensitivity to the March 31, 2023 PEA at USD $2,000/oz gold gives an after-tax NPV(5%) of USD $370MM and a 31% IRR over an 11-year LOM. The project hosts an NI 43-101 resource of 1.16 Moz at 1.90 g/t Au within 19.0 MT Indicated, and 2.02 Moz at 2.22 g/t Au within 28.3 MT Inferred. The MRE evaluates only 1.4 km of the 4 km strike length of the Fremont property that features five gold-mineralized zones. Significantly, three step-out holes at depth hit mineralized structure, typical of orogenic deposits that often occur at depth. Fremont is located on private land in Mariposa, the original gold rush county and is 1.5 hours from Fresno, California. The property has year-round road access and is close to airports and rail. Please refer to the Fremont Gold project PEA dated March 31, 2023 under NI 43-101 guidelines. The technical report has been reviewed and approved by independent "Qualified Persons" Eugene Puritch, P.Eng., FEC, CET, and Andrew Bradfield, P.Eng. both of P&E, and Travis Manning, P.E. of KCA.

Buddy Doyle, FAusIMM是这个新闻稿的作者。本新闻稿中包含的科学和技术信息已由Jonathan Victor Hill, Director, BSc(Hons)(Economic Geology-UCT),FAusIMM作为“有资格人士” 根据《43-101号国家仪器43-101_对矿产项目披露的标准》("NI 43-101")的定义进行了审查和批准。



The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Jonathan Victor Hill, Director, BSc (Hons) (Economic Geology - UCT), FAusIMM, and who is a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").

本新闻稿包含的科学和技术信息经Jonathan Victor Hill Director核查和批准,Jonathon Victor Hill是一位“合格人”,按照 NI 43-101矿产项目信息披露标准(“NI 43-101”)的定义。

For more information, please visit the Company's website at or contact:

更多信息请访问公司网站 或联系:

Gary Nassif
Senior Vice President, Director
+1 (416) 915-4157

Gary Nassif
+1 (416) 915-4157,

Kevin Shum
Investor Relations
+1 (647) 725-3888 ext. 702

Kevin Shum
+1 (647) 725-3888 ext. 702

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TSX Venture Exchange及其监管服务提供商(如TSX Venture Exchange政策中定义的那样)均不对本发布内容的充分性或准确性承担责任。

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