
Numinus Clarifies Disclosures

Numinus Clarifies Disclosures

newsfile ·  2024/06/08 09:09

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 7, 2024) - Numinus Wellness Inc. (TSX: NUMI) (OTCQX: NUMIF) ("Numinus" or the "Company"), a mental health care company advancing traditional and innovative behavioral health treatments with a focus on safe, evidence-based psychedelic-assisted therapies, wishes to clarify two news releases disseminated on May 30, 2024, titled "Numinus and Cybin Embark on a Groundbreaking Journey: Pioneering Phase 3 Trials for Major Depressive Disorder" ("Release 1") and "Numinus Wellness Charts Path To Profitability While Strengthening Community Ties" ("Release 2" and, together with Release 1, collectively, the "Releases").

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(新闻资讯公司-2024年6月7日)-Numinus Wellness Inc.(TSX:NUMI)(OTCQX:NUMIF),一家医疗保健公司,通过传统的和创新的行为健康治疗,致力于安全、基于证据的致幻辅助疗法,愿意澄清2024年5月30日发布的两个新闻稿,题为"Numinus and Cybin Embark on a Groundbreaking Journey: Pioneering Phase 3 Trials for Major Depressive Disorder"("发布1")和"Numinus Wellness Charts Path To Profitability While Strengthening Community Ties"("发布2"),以及发布1和发布2一起被称为"发布"。这些发布是由一家公共关系公司无心泄露的,代表了公司以前发布的信息。公司对任何可能引起的困惑表示歉意。Numinus"或"公司,一家精神医疗保健公司,致力于通过安全、基于证据的致幻辅助治疗传统和创新的行为健康治疗,希望澄清2024年5月30日发布的两个新闻稿,题为"Numinus and Cybin Embark on a Groundbreaking Journey: Pioneering Phase 3 Trials for Major Depressive Disorder"("发布1")和"Numinus Wellness Charts Path To Profitability While Strengthening Community Ties"("发布2"),以及发布1和发布2一起被称为"发布"。发布1Numinus Wellness发布了两份新闻稿:"Numinus Wellness宣布发行私人安全无担保债务证券"("发行1")和"Numinus Wellness加强社区联系的盈利路径"("发行2"),两者合起来是"发布2Numinus Wellness发布了两份新闻稿:"Numinus Wellness宣布发行私人安全无担保债务证券"("发行1")和"Numinus Wellness加强社区联系的盈利路径"("发行2"),两者合起来是"发布").

The Releases were inadvertently disseminated by a public relations firm contracted by the Company and represent information that was previously disseminated by the Company. The Company apologizes for any confusion.


Release 1


The Company confirms that Cedar Clinical Research ("CCR"), has been engaged by Cybin Inc. ("Cybin") to provide clinical research services and that its Murray, Utah, location will be one of 15 U.S. research sites for Cybin's Phase 3 multinational clinical trial of CYB003. However, Dr. Paul Thielking is the Site Principal Investigator for the CCR site, and he is not the trial's Principal Investigator. Numinus has no direct or indirect ownership interest in CYB003. As such, results of any CYB003 research are the property of its sponsor, Cybin, and findings would be shared by Cybin if, as and when Cybin deems appropriate.

公司确认Cedar Clinical Research("CCR")已经为Cybin Inc.("Cybin")提供临床研究服务,并且它的犹他州默里位置将成为Cybin的CYB003多国临床试验的15个美国研究站之一。然而,Paul Thielking医生是CCR站点的主要研究员,而不是试验的主要研究员。Numinus对CYB003没有直接或间接的所有权利。因此,CYB003研究的结果是其赞助商Cybin的财产,如果Cybin认为适当,研究结果将由Cybin分享。CCRCybinCybin它将与另外14个美国研究机构一起成为Cybin的CYB003全球临床试验的美国研究地点之一,为提供临床研究服务进行投资。但是,CCR网站的首席研究员是Paul Thielking博士,而不是该试验的首席研究员。Numinus没有CYB003的直接或间接所有权。因此,CYB003研究的任何结果都是其赞助商Cybin的财产,如果Cybin认为合适,Cybin会分享研究结果。

Please refer to the Company's news release dated April 17, 2024, and titled "Cedar Clinical Research selected as clinical research site for Cybin's Phase 3 Study of CYB003" for details regarding the Company's role in CYB003 (the "CYB003 Release").

请参考公司2024年4月17日发布的名为"Cedar Clinical Research selected as clinical research site for Cybin's Phase 3 Study of CYB003"的新闻资讯,以获取有关该公司在CYB003中的作用的详细信息。这个新闻资讯被称为"CYB003发布"。CYB003发布").

Release 2


The Company confirms that it plans to launch a Numinus Network community pilot, which will be made available to its current therapists and other practitioners, alumni of its training program, and former therapists and other practitioners, including those who join the Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing ("CCPH") when it is launched. In addition to training, the Numinus Network provides access to Numinus treatment protocols, promotional support, and access to Numinus' extensive network of experienced health care professionals. However, the planned community pilot program and Numinus Network do not provide access to medical infrastructure for the therapeutic administration of ketamine and other psychedelic drugs within Canada's regulatory framework, which may be through a program such as CCPH's co-op program. Further, there can be no assurance that a subscription-based model of the Numinus Network will be rolled out in Canada and/or the U.S.

公司确认将推出Numinus Network社区试点项目,该项目将面向其现有的治疗师和其他从业者、其培训计划的毕业生以及前治疗师和其他从业者,包括那些加入加拿大致幻疗法中心("CCPH")的人员。CCPHNuminus Network在推出时将为您提供培训、Numinus治疗协议的使用、促销支持和使用经验丰富的医疗保健专业人员的服务。不过,根据加拿大的监管框架,在社区试点计划和Numinus Network中并不能访问用于给予氯胺酮和其他致幻药物的诊疗基础设施,可能需要通过CCPH的合作计划。此外,在加拿大和/或美国推出基于订阅的Numinus Network的模式也无法保证。

The Company further confirms that it and CCPH have agreed in principle to collaborate on the development of training content for the Numinus learning platform. However, the terms of this collaboration shall be mutually agreed in a subsequent agreement.


Please refer to the Company's news release dated April 15, 2024, and titled "Numinus Wellness Provides Corporate Update" for further details (the "Update Release").

有关“Numinus Wellness提供企业更新”的详细信息,请参阅于2024年4月15日发布的公司新闻稿件(以下称“更新发布”)。更新发布").

Important Information regarding the Releases


The Releases included statements that are future oriented information concerning our plans, intentions, and expectations, which are not historical in nature. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties and there can be no assurance that those plans, intentions, and/or expectations will occur. Please refer to the CYB003 Release for disclosures concerning forward-looking statements in Release 1 and refer to the statement below under the heading "Forward-looking statements" as well as Update Release for disclosures concerning forward-looking statements in Release 2.


About Numinus
Numinus Wellness Inc. (TSX: NUMI) helps people to heal and be well through the development and delivery of innovative mental health care and access to safe, evidence-based psychedelic-assisted therapies. The Numinus model - including psychedelic research, clinic care and practitioner training - is at the forefront of a transformation aimed at healing rather than managing symptoms for depression, anxiety, trauma, pain, and substance use. At Numinus, we are leading the integration of psychedelic-assisted therapies into mainstream clinical practice and building the foundation for a healthier society.

Numinus Wellness Inc.(TSX:NUMI)通过开发和提供创新的心理健康治疗方法和安全的、基于证据的辅助致幻疗法,帮助人们得以恢复健康。Numinus处于治疗、而非精神健康症状管理的前沿。在Numinus,我们致力于领导心理治疗方式的转型,重视患者的愈合,而非仅仅压制症状。我们正在引领心理健康疗法的融入主流临床实践,为建立一个更健康的社会奠定基础。
Numinus Wellness Inc. (TSX:NUMI)致力于通过开发和提供创新的心理健康护理服务以及安全的、以证据为基础的致幻药协助疗法来帮助人们康复和获得健康。Numinus医疗模型——包括致幻药研究、诊所护理和从业人员培训——处于通过治疗而不是管理抑郁症、焦虑症、创伤后应激障碍、疼痛和物质成瘾症状的变革前沿。在Numinus,我们正在引领致幻药协助疗法融入主流临床实践,并为建立更健康的社会奠定基础。

Learn more at and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


SOURCE Numinus Wellness Inc.


Forward-looking statements
Statements and other information contained in this press release about anticipated future events constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect" and "intend" and statements that an event "may", "will", "should", "could" or "might" occur or other similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements, including the successful launch and commercialization of the Numinus Network, uptake of the Numinus Network offering by practitioners, commercial viability of any or all of the Numinus Network members, availability or continued availability of the services to be delivered to Numinus Network members, client uptake of services from members of the Numinus Network; disclosures concerning forward-looking statements in the Releases; and other risks that are set forth in our annual information form dated November 29, 2023 and available on SEDAR at . Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and opinions of management at the date the statements are made. Numinus does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements even if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by applicable laws. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

前瞻性声明 本新闻稿中包括的关于未来表现和结果、预期、规划、策略、重点、承诺和其他声明(包括与我们社会、环境和其他可持续性目标有关的声明)的非历史事实的前瞻性声明,是根据美国联邦证券法的定义而作出的前瞻性声明。本新闻稿中关于我们环境和其他可持续性计划和目标的前瞻性声明以及其他声明并不意味着这些声明对于投资者、我们的业务、运营结果、财务状况、前景或策略、对我们在可持续发展事项上的影响或其他当事方来说均是重要的,或者必须披露在我们向证券交易委员会(“SEC”)或其他监管机构的备案中。此外,历史、现有及未来涉及社会、环境和可持续性的相关声明可能是基于仍在发展的衡量进展的标准、不断演变的内部控制和流程以及假设,在将来可能会发生变化。前瞻性声明基于当前的信仰、期望和假设,并受到可能导致实际结果与前瞻性声明有实质性差异的重大风险、不确定性和情况变化的影响。
本新闻稿所含的有关预期未来事件的语句和其他信息构成前瞻性声明。前瞻性声明通常通过使用“寻求”、“预计”、“相信”、“计划”、“估计”、“期望”和“打算”这类措辞以及“可能”、“将会”、“应当”、“可能会”或其他类似表达来识别。前瞻性声明存在风险和不确定性因素,还有其他可能导致实际结果与前瞻性声明所述的结果不同的因素。因此,不能确保Nuuminus Network的成功推出和商业化、从业者对Nuuminus Network方案的接受或任何或全部Numinus Network成员的商业可行性、向Numinus Network成员提供服务的可用性或持续可用性、客户使用Numinus Network成员的服务的程度。此外请参阅于2023年11月29日发布的年度信息表格以及SEDAR网站上公开披露的风险会影响前瞻性声明事项。前瞻性声明是基于管理层的估计和观点在发布时作出的。Nuuminus不承诺随着情况变化或管理层的估计或观点变化及时更新前瞻性声明,除非适用法律要求。投资者不应过度依赖前瞻性声明。前瞻性陈述是根据管理层的估计和意见于陈述发布之日制作的。即使情况发生变化或者管理层的估计或者意见发生变化,Numinus也不承诺更新前瞻性陈述,除非适用法律要求。投资者不应过分依赖前瞻性陈述。

For more information:


Investor Contact: Craig MacPhail

投资者联系:Craig MacPhail



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