
AT&T Mexico Completes Major Cloud Transformation of Its Amdocs CES Systems to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

AT&T Mexico Completes Major Cloud Transformation of Its Amdocs CES Systems to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

AT&T墨西哥成功将其Amdocs CES系统进行云基础建设并迁移至甲骨文云基础建设平台。
Accesswire ·  06/12 08:00

Amdocs' Customer Experience Suite migration to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure enables AT&T Mexico to facilitate new business models and reduce operational costs as its network evolves

Amdocs的客户体验套件迁移到Oracle云基础建设,有助于AT&T Mexico实现新的业务模式,并降低运营成本,以配合网络发展。

JERSEY CITY, NJ / ACCESSWIRE / June 12, 2024 / Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX), a leading provider of software and services to communications and media companies, today announced that AT&T Mexico has completed a major cloud transformation of its Amdocs Customer Experience Suite (CES) systems to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

纽泽西州泽西城 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年6月12日 / 领先的通信和媒体服务软件和服务提供商Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) 今天宣布,AT&T Mexico已经将其Amdocs客户体验套件(CES)系统的云计算进行了重大转型,迁移到了Oracle云基础建设(OCI)。

By placing its Amdocs systems on OCI, AT&T Mexico will benefit from flexibility and capacity growth, reduced operational costs, and state-of-the art cloud infrastructure that will allow AT&T Mexico to continue implementing its unique vision in the Mexican marketplace, providing superior services and customer experience.

通过将其Amdocs系统放置在OCI上,AT&T Mexico将受益于灵活性和容量增长、降低运营成本、以及先进的云基础设施,这将使AT&T Mexico能够在墨西哥市场继续实现其独特的愿景,提供卓越的服务和客户体验。

"AT&T Mexico's digital transformation is moving fast in the right direction with digital technology to support the business and all our customers," said Jeronimo Diez de Sollano, chief information officer, AT&T Mexico. "Our continued transition to the cloud with pioneer programs to reduce our IT footprint is an important area of growth as our network evolves."

AT&T Mexico的首席信息官Jeronimo Diez de Sollano表示:"AT&T Mexico的数字化转型正在以数字技术支持业务和所有客户的方向快速推进,我们持续将IT转型到云上,实现减少IT占地面积的先锋计划,这是我们网络发展的重要增长领域。"

"AT&T Mexico is committed to providing innovative services and customer-focused offerings to lead the local market," said Shimie Hortig, president of the Americas group, Amdocs. "By migrating its IT services infrastructure to OCI, AT&T Mexico can ensure it has the right infrastructure to support its growing business needs. We're pleased to collaborate on this initiative."

Amdocs美洲集团总裁Shimie Hortig表示:"AT&T Mexico致力于提供创新服务和以客户为中心的产品,引领当地市场。通过将其IT服务基础设施迁移到OCI,AT&T Mexico可以确保拥有适当的基础设施来支持其日益增长的业务需求。我们很高兴参与此次合作计划。"

"Our work with Amdocs to move CES to OCI is a critical example of how service providers like AT&T Mexico can become more agile and reduce capital expenditures and operating costs while adopting a flexible foundation for innovation," said Doug Smith, senior vice president, global strategic partnerships, Oracle. "We're excited to continue our collaboration with both AT&T Mexico and Amdocs."

Oracle全球战略合作伙伴高级副总裁Doug Smith表示:"我们与Amdocs合作将CES迁移到OCI是一个关键的例子,例如,服务提供商如AT&T Mexico可以变得更加敏捷、降低资本支出和运营成本,同时采用灵活的创新基础,以推动增长和客户忠诚度。"

Amdocs and Oracle recently announced a collaboration that enables communications and media service providers to move their Amdocs classic applications to OCI and offer new and differentiated cloud services to drive growth and customer loyalty.


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About Amdocs


Amdocs helps those who build the future to make it amazing. With our market-leading portfolio of software products and services, we unlock our customers' innovative potential, empowering them to provide next-generation communication and media experiences for both the individual end user and enterprise customers. Our approximately 29,000 employees around the globe are here to accelerate service providers' migration to the cloud, enable them to differentiate in the 5G era, and digitalize and automate their operations. Listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market, Amdocs had revenue of $4.89 billion in fiscal 2023. For more information, visit


Amdocs' Forward-Looking Statement


This press release includes information that constitutes forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements about Amdocs' growth and business results in future quarters and years. Although we believe the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be obtained or that any deviations will not be material. Such statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the effects of general macro-economic conditions, prevailing level of macroeconomic, business and operational uncertainty, including as a result of geopolitical events or other global or regional events such as the October 7, 2023 attacks in Israel and evolving conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the current inflationary environment, and the effects of these conditions on the company's customers' businesses and levels of business activity, including the effect of the current economic uncertainty and industry pressure on the spending decisions of the company's customers, Amdocs' ability to grow in the business markets that it serves, Amdocs' ability to successfully integrate acquired businesses, adverse effects of market competition, rapid technological shifts that may render the Company's products and services obsolete, potential loss of a major customer, our ability to develop long-term relationships with our customers, our ability to successfully and effectively implement artificial intelligence and Generative AI in the company's offerings and operations and risks associated with operating businesses in the international market. Amdocs may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future; however, Amdocs specifically disclaims any obligation to do so. These and other risks are discussed at greater length in Amdocs' filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023 filed on December 13, 2023 and our Form 6-K furnished for the first quarter of fiscal 2024 on February 20, 2024, and for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 on May 20, 2024.

本新闻稿包含构成根据1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》的安全港条款的前瞻性声明,包括有关Amdocs未来季度和年度增长及业务成果的声明。虽然我们认为此类前瞻性声明反映了合理的假设,但我们不能保证我们的期望将得到实现或任何偏差不会重大。这些声明涉及的风险和不确定性可能导致未来结果与预期有所不同。这些风险包括但不限于一般宏观经济情况的影响,宏观经济、商业和操作不确定性的现有水平,包括由地缘政治事件或其他全球或区域事件,如2023年10月7日的以色列袭击和不断加剧的冲突和COVID-19大流行病,以及当前通货膨胀环境的影响以及这些条件对公司客户业务和业务活动水平的影响,包括目前的经济不确定性和行业压力对公司客户支出决策的影响,Amdocs在其服务市场上发展能力,Amdocs成功整合收购的企业,市场竞争的不利影响,可能使公司的产品和服务过时的快速技术转变,可能失去一个主要客户,我们与客户建立长期关系的能力,我们能否成功有效地在我们的产品和业务中实施人工智能和生成式AI以及在国际市场上运营业务的风险。Amdocs可能会选择在未来某个时间更新这些前瞻性声明;但是,Amdocs明确声明无义务这样做。有关这些和其他风险的更详细讨论,请参阅Amdocs向证券交易委员会提交的申请,包括我们于2023年12月13日提交的《20-F表》年度报告,以及我们于2024年2月20日提交的第一季度Form 6-K申请和2024年5月20日提交的第二季度Form 6-K申请。

About AT&T Mexico

关于AT&T Mexico:

AT&T Mexico is transforming the telecommunications industry by fostering competition and shaping the next generation of mobile internet. AT&T Mexico products and services are available nationwide at its points of sale. For more information about AT&T Mexico products and services, visit

AT&T Mexico正在通过促进竞争和塑造下一代移动互联,改变电信行业。AT&T Mexico的产品和服务在全国各个销售点上均可获得。有关AT&T Mexico产品和服务的更多信息,请访问。

2024 AT&T Intellectual Property II, L.P.AT&T and the Globe logo are registered brands under AT&T Intellectual Property II, L.P. and/or its affiliated companies. All other brands are properties of their respective owners.

2024 AT&T Intellectual Property II,L.P.AT&T和Globe标志是AT&T Intellectual Property II,L.P.及/或其关联公司的注册商标。所有其他品牌均为其各自所有者的财产。

Media Contacts:


Michael Zema
Amdocs Public Relations

Michael Zema

Emily Holt
PAN Communications for Amdocs

Emily Holt

SOURCE: Amdocs


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