
Introducing the Second Cohort of Northwestern Mutual's Hometown HBCU Connection Scholars

Introducing the Second Cohort of Northwestern Mutual's Hometown HBCU Connection Scholars

Accesswire ·  06/12 09:05

MILWAUKEE, WI / ACCESSWIRE / June 12, 2024 / With graduation season still in full swing, high school seniors across the country are gearing up to start their next chapter. Yet in our hometown of Milwaukee, only 9 percent of students will earn both high school and college diplomas,1 and only 14 percent of high school graduates will earn a two- or four-year degree.2 We want to see those numbers improve.


Nine students have been newly selected for the Northwestern Mutual Hometown HBCU Connection Scholarship award. Now in its second year, the scholarship is part of our pledge to invest more than $500,000 in scholarships over the next five years for scholars attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)-aiding a total of 36 students. A combination of financial support alongside mentorship and cohort-building, as well as paid intern and job opportunities, helps address the major pain points that prevent Black students from pursuing or maintaining college enrollment.


The recipients were selected based on academic performance, demonstrated leadership, participation in school and community activities, work experience, and a statement of career and educational goals. And when asked why an HBCU, many expressed their decision as being rooted in a desire to learn more about themselves by being surrounded by a community of driven individuals. They also have hopes of returning to their hometown post-graduation and offering unique perspectives based on their experiences to those they live and work with.


Presenting our class of 2024:


  • Tamera Hughes chose Fayetteville State University not only for its business administration program but also because it felt "more homey." A jewelry maker with a mindset to serve others, Tamera is excited that the Hometown HBCU Connection Scholarship can help students in Milwaukee, like herself, attain new experiences and build connections for future opportunities with Northwestern Mutual.
  • Tamia Hughes finds comfort in knowing that her twin sister will be experiencing all the changes right alongside her on campus at Fayetteville State University as she pursues nursing. Tamia feels that her life reflects resilience, starting from the moment she and her twin were born prematurely. She says she's an example of what can happen when you dream big, work hard and utilize the resources around you.
  • Jada Hughes looks forward to being around people that look like her with the same passion and drive to be successful. Majoring in psychology at Morgan State University, her interest in the field sparked from witnessing the various mental health struggles of those around her. While she'll miss her coveted job at the Incredi-Roll skating rink, she is excited to meet new people and strengthen her interpersonal skills.
  • Taylor Harris first learned of Southern University Agricultural and Mechanical College through her track coach, who is a proud alum. A lover of true crime shows, she chose to major in criminal justice. As the founder of her school's Black Student Union, Taylor chose an HBCU to learn more about the experiences of African Americans outside Wisconsin and the rich history and traditions that an HBCU can offer.
  • Zion Thomas is pursuing civil engineering so that he can return to low-income communities and fix infrastructures: "I want to give back to the city I came from." When he found out that North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University graduates the highest number of Black engineering students in the nation, his bags were already mentally packed. Zion says it has been his goal since childhood to attend an HBCU, and scholarships like this fill in the funding gaps that often deter Black and Brown students from spreading their wings outside Wisconsin.
  • For Karrington Parrish, attending an HBCU was less if and more when. With both her parents graduating from HBCUs and her older brother currently attending one, she's excited to continue the tradition by majoring in health science this fall at Spelman College. She says she loves her city but felt an immediate sense of belonging during her visit to Spelman. Karrington hopes that her story of being first deferred from her top choice and then being accepted later can inspire someone with the belief that a dream deferred is not denied.
  • Loren Muwonge chose Spelman College because she wanted to be in an environment where she could explore more of the "untaught herstory/history of our culture and how it's contributed to the modern-day world." Majoring in political science, she hopes to use both arts and advocacy to empower communities that are systematically oppressed. While Loren looks forward to experiencing the "Black Mecca" that is Atlanta, she says she's equally excited for the opportunities this scholarship brings, such as internships and professional development.
  • Paishance Collins will miss Milwaukee's unique music culture but is excited to learn more about the cultural identities of African Americans from the South and other parts of the country. Majoring in business at Fayetteville State University, she hopes to eventually create a nonprofit in Milwaukee geared toward financial literacy for people in her community.
  • Ilstlo Beiersdorf Jr.'s love for video games is the reason he's choosing to major in computer science at Morehouse College. He's looking forward to the increased rigor of classes and his knowledge being pushed to a different level. As a first-generation college student, Ilstlo says the Hometown HBCU Connection Scholarship is "helping me achieve my dreams."
  • Tamera Hughes在选择Fayetteville State University的企业管理专业时,不仅因为它“更像家”,而且还因为它能帮助像自己这样的密尔沃基学生获得新的经验,并与北西亚互助建立联系,为未来的机会打下基础。她同时作为珠宝制作者,致力于为他人服务。
  • Tamia Hughes感到欣慰的是,她的孪生姐妹将与她一起在Fayetteville State University校园里迎接所有变化,她将学习护理。塔米娅认为,她的一生都是充满了坚韧,从她和她的孪生姐妹早产的那一刻起,她就是当你做梦,努力工作并利用身边的资源时所能实现的例子。
  • Jada Hughes期待着与他外表相像、有相同热情和追求成功的人们在一起。作为Morgan State University的心理学专业学生,她对该领域的兴趣源于她身边人们的各种心理健康问题。尽管她会想念神奇滚轮溜冰场的工作,但她很高兴能结识新朋友并增强自己的人际交往能力。
  • Taylor Harris通过其田径教练了解了美国南方农业和机械学院。作为真正的罪案节目迷,她选择攻读刑事司法专业。作为学校黑人学生联盟的创始人,Taylor选择了一个黑人大学,以更多了解威斯康星州以外的非洲裔美国人的经历,以及一个HBCU可以提供的丰富的历史和传统。
  • Zion Thomas学习土木工程,以便他能够回到低收入社区并修复基础设施:“我想回报自己来自的城市。”当他发现北卡罗来纳州农业技术州立大学是全国拥有最多黑人工程学生的学校时,他的背包已经虚拟地打包好了。Zion说,从小学时起,他的目标就是上一个黑人学院;像这样的奖学金填补了这种资金上的差距,常常会阻碍黑人和棕色人种学生在威斯康星州外展翅高飞。
  • 对于卡灵顿·帕里什来说,就读黑人文化大学的原因并不是出于什么原因,而是出于传统。由于她的父母都是黑人文化大学毕业的学生,而她的哥哥目前正在读一所大学,她很兴奋今年秋季在Spelman学院攻读健康科学。她说,她热爱自己的城市,但在长时间的拜访Spelman期间,她立刻感受到自己是属于那里的一份子。卡灵顿希望她未来的故事,能够激励某人相信,一个推迟的梦想不等于被失去的机会。如果Loren Muwonge选择Spelman学院是因为她想处于一个能够探索“我们文化的未教授的历史/历史”以及它如何为现代世界做出贡献的环境中。她学习政治学专业,希望利用艺术和倡导来赋予被系统性压迫的社区力量。虽然Loren期待体验亚特兰大的“黑人圣地”,但她说,她同样期待这个奖学金带来的机会,如实习和职业发展。股票投资者紧张的是第一次降息将在何时发生。Paishance Collins会怀念密尔沃基独特的音乐文化,但她很高兴能够更多地了解来自南部和其他地方的非裔美国人的文化身份。她在Fayetteville州立大学学习商业专业,希望最终在密尔沃基创办一个非营利性组织,专注于提供金融素养给她社区的人们。
  • Ilstlo Beiersdorf Jr.热爱电子游戏,这就是他选择在莫尔豪斯学院攻读计算机科学专业的原因。他期待着课程增加的灵活性以及他的知识被推向一个不同的层次。作为第一代大学生,Ilstlo说,Hometown HBCU Connection Scholarship正在"帮助我实现我的梦想"。
  • 我们致力于为我们称之为家的社区提供服务。我们为我们的社区学生和未来的领袖们追求梦想而感到自豪。在这里了解更多我们如何投资我们的社区。
  • Ilstlo Beiersdorf Jr. 热爱电子游戏,这是他选择在莫尔豪斯学院攻读计算机科学专业的原因。他期待着在这里接受更严格的课程和将自己的知识提高到不同的水平。作为第一代大学生,Ilstlo表示 Hometown HBCU Connection Scholarhip 正在“帮助我实现我的梦想”。

We are committed to serving those in the community we call home. We're proud to support students and the future leaders of our community in pursuing their dreams. Learn more about how we invest in our communities here.




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