
First Majestic Reports Positive Exploration Results at San Dimas

First Majestic Reports Positive Exploration Results at San Dimas

newsfile ·  06/13 07:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 13, 2024) - First Majestic Silver Corp. (NYSE: AG) (TSX: AG) (FSE: FMV) (the "Company" or "First Majestic") is pleased to announce positive drilling results from its 2024 exploration program at the San Dimas Silver/Gold Mine located in Durango State, Mexico. The drill program was designed to test new silver and gold mineral targets, add Mineral Resources, and convert Mineral Resources to Mineral Reserves.

加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(新闻稿 Corp. - 2024 年 6 月 13 日)- First Majestic Silver Corp.(纽交所:AG)(TSX:AG)(FSE:FMV)(以下简称“公司”或“First Majestic”)很高兴地宣布,其 2024 年位于墨西哥杜兰戈州的 San Dimas 银/黄金矿的勘探计划取得了积极的钻探结果。 钻探计划旨在测试新的银和黄金矿物靶区、增加矿产资源以及将矿产资源转换为矿产储量。

"We are very pleased with the positive exploration results that we continue to achieve at San Dimas in 2024," stated Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO of First Majestic. "The recent drilling has continued to highlight San Dimas' 71,867 hectare prospectivity through the intersection of significant gold and silver mineralization. Drilling to convert Inferred to Indicated Mineral Resources at Perez, Santa Regina and Elia has, in multiple cases, returned better than expected results. Resource expansion drilling has confirmed the Perez vein remains open to the east and west, the Sinaloa mineralized system is open down-dip, and the Santa Teresa mineralization is open for approximately one kilometre to the west."

“我们对 2024 年在 San Dimas 不断取得的积极勘探结果感到非常满意,”First Majestic 的总裁兼首席执行官 Keith Neumeyer 表示。“最近的钻探通过显著的金银矿化交汇突出了 San Dimas 71,867 公顷的远景,钻孔转换从推断矿产资源到指示矿产资源的 Perez、Santa Regina 和 Elia,在多种情况下,取得了超预期的结果。矿产资源扩展钻探证实,Perez 矿脉向东和向西仍然开放,Sinaloa 矿化系统向下延伸,Santa Teresa 矿物化物向西延伸约一公里。” . 钻探亮点


San Dimas 公司持续进行的勘探计划选择亮点包括以下高品位截获:

Select highlights from the Company's ongoing exploration program at San Dimas include the following high-grade intercepts:

Perez 矿脉亮点(实际宽度):

Perez Vein Highlights (true width):

PE24_297:6.72米内 Au7.36 g/t,Ag1,129 g/t;

  • PE24_297: 7.36 g/t Au and 1,129 g/t Ag over 6.72 metres ("m");

  • PE24_309: 10.87 g/t Au and 1,034 g/t Ag over 7.88 m;

  • PE23_294: 1.99 g/t Au and 440 g/t Ag over 6.08 m.

  • PE24_309: 7.88 米内 Au10.87 g/t,Ag1,034 g/t;

  • PE24_309:7.88米内的10.87克/吨金和1,034克/吨银;

  • Sinaloa-Elia 矿脉系统亮点(实际宽度):

Sinaloa-Elia Vein System Highlights (true width):

SIN24_092: 1.76 米内 Au39.28 g/t,Ag1,905 g/t;

  • SIN24_092: 39.28 g/t Au and 1,905 g/t Ag over 1.76 m;

  • EL24_266: 20.41 g/t Au and 1,702 g/t Ag over 2.15 m;

  • EL24_265: 10.46 g/t Au and 879 g/t Ag over 0.92 m.

  • SIN24_092:1.76米内的39.28克/吨金和1,905克/吨银;

  • EL24_266:2.15米内的20.41克/吨金和1,702克/吨银;

  • EL24_265:0.92米内的10.46克/吨金和879克/吨银。

Santa Regina Vein Highlights (true width):

SRE23_287: 0.94 米内 Au13.24 g/t,Ag1,501 g/t;

  • SRE23_287: 13.24 g/t Au and 1,501 g/t Ag over 0.94 m;

  • SRE23_282: 9.44 g/t Au and 1,069 g/t Ag over 1.34 m;

  • SRE23_293: 9.27 g/t Au and 849 g/t Ag over 1.52 m.

  • SRE23_287:0.94米内的13.24克/吨金和1,501克/吨银;

  • SRE23_282:1.34米内的9.44克/吨金和1,069克/吨银;

  • Santa Teresa 矿脉亮点(实际宽度):

Santa Teresa Vein Highlights (true width):

Santa Teresa 矿脉亮点(实际宽度):

  • STA24_029: 4.86 g/t Au and 511 g/t Ag over 2.18 m;

  • STA23_028: 4.10 g/t Au and 79 g/t Ag over 2.09 m.

  • STA24_029: 2.18米内的4.86克/吨金和511克/吨银;

  • 2.09米内含4.10克/吨黄金和79克/吨白银。



Exploration drilling at San Dimas intersected significant gold and silver mineralization in multiple veins focused in the central and western regions of the property. Four areas are highlighted here: Perez, Sinaloa-Elia, Santa Regina and Santa Teresa (see Figure 1 below).

圣迭马斯的勘探钻探在该项目的中央和西部区域多个矿脉中相交了显著的金银矿化。本文重点介绍了Perez、Sinaloa-Elia、Santa Regina和Santa Teresa四个区域(请参见下面的图1)。

Figure 1: San Dimas District Vein Occurrence Map and Highlighted Target Areas


Drilling for the Perez vein extended gold and silver mineralization up-dip on several ore shoots, further defining a recently identified mineralized shoot to the east. Step-out drilling in the easternmost extension of the vein confirmed vein continuity. The Perez vein exploration potential remains open both to the east and west (see Figure 2). Select drill hole assay grades and true width intervals of the vein intersections are highlighted below:


  • PE24_297: 7.36 g/t Au and 1,129 g/t Ag over 6.72 m;

  • PE24_309: 10.87 g/t Au and 1,034 g/t Ag over 7.88 m;

  • PE23_294: 1.99 g/t Au and 440 g/t Ag over 6.08 m;

  • PE24_289: 3.26 g/t Au and 381 gpt Ag over 2.79 m.

  • PE24_297:6.72米内的7.36克/吨金和1,129克/吨银;

  • PE24_309:7.88米内的10.87克/吨金和1,034克/吨银;

  • PE23_294:6.08米内的1.99克/吨金和440克/吨银;

  • PE24_289:2.79米内的3.26克/吨金和381克/吨银。

At the historic Sinaloa-Elia vein system located in the western portion of the property, drilling intersected several intervals of gold and silver mineralized veins. Resource conversion drilling confirms and further delineates mineralization below the historic Sinaloa vein with several intercepts returning better than expected values. Expansionary drilling below historic mining at Elia intersected two significant vein intercepts, highlighting down-dip potential (see Figure 3). Select drill hole assay grades and true width intervals of the Sinaloa-Elia vein system intersections are highlighted below:


  • SIN24_092: 39.28 g/t Au and 1,905 g/t Ag over 1.76 m;

  • EL24_266: 20.41 g/t Au and 1,702 g/t Ag over 2.15 m;

  • EL24_265: 10.46 g/t Au and 879 g/t Ag over 0.92 m.

  • SIN24_092:1.76米内的39.28克/吨金和1,905克/吨银;

  • EL24_266:2.15米内的20.41克/吨金和1,702克/吨银;

  • EL24_265:0.92米内的10.46克/吨金和879克/吨银。

Resource conversion drilling at Santa Regina has returned significant intercepts while locally growing the Inferred Mineral Resource (see Figure 4). Drill hole assay grades and true width intervals of the Santa Regina vein intersections are highlighted below:

Santa Regina的资源转换钻探返回了显著截面,同时在局部增加了推断矿物资源(请参见图4)。下面突出了Santa Regina矿脉交叉口的钻孔化验品位和实际宽度:

  • SRE23_287: 13.24 g/t Au and 1,501 g/t Ag over 0.94 m;

  • SRE23_282: 9.44 g/t Au and 1,069 g/t Ag over 1.34 m;

  • SRE23_293: 9.27 g/t Au also returned and 849 g/t Ag over 1.52 m.

  • SRE23_287:0.94米内的13.24克/吨金和1,501克/吨银;

  • SRE23_282:1.34米内的9.44克/吨金和1,069克/吨银;

  • SRE23_293:1.52米内的9.27克/吨金还有849克/吨银。

Expansionary drilling of the Santa Teresa vein has returned significant intercepts in the eastern and western extensions of the historic mine. Early results from the western extension drilling have confirmed vein continuity and prospectivity in this direction where approximately 1 kilometre of strike length of potential remains untested (see Figure 5). Drill hole assay grades and true width intervals of the Santa Teresa vein intersections are highlighted below:

Santa Teresa矿脉的扩张性钻探在历史矿井的东部和西部延伸中返回了显著截面。在该方向上有约1公里的潜在走向尚未检测(请参见图5)。下面突出了Santa Teresa矿脉交叉口的钻孔化验品位和实际宽度:

  • STA24_029: 4.86 g/t Au and 511 g/t Ag over 2.18 m;

  • STA23_028: 4.10 g/t Au and 79 g/t Ag over 2.09 m.

  • STA24_029: 2.18米内的4.86克/吨金和511克/吨银;

  • 2.09米内含4.10克/吨黄金和79克/吨白银。

Figure 2: Perez Vein Vertical Long Section Looking North


Figure 3: Sinaloa-Elia Vein System Vertical Long Section Looking North


Figure 4: Santa Regina Vein Vertical Long Section Looking North


Figure 5: Santa Teresa Vein Vertical Long Section Looking North


Table 1: Summary of Significant Silver and Gold Drill Hole Intercepts at San Dimas

表1:San Dimas重要的银和黄金钻孔拦截摘要。

Drillhole Target Target Type Significant Intercept
True Length
GPE23_003 Guadalupe Resource addition 295.70 1.50 1.36 1.99 293 452
GPE23_006 Guadalupe Resource addition 271.70 0.80 0.75 0.84 175 242
GPE23_006 String zone Resource addition 428.40 0.95 0.91 1.24 196 296
CN24_004 Carmen Resource addition 440.65 1.00 0.94 1.18 166 261
EL24_265 Elia Resource addition 397.30 1.30 0.92 10.46 879 1716
EL24_266 Elia Resource addition 461.50 4.00 2.15 20.41 1702 3336
ORO24_109 El Oro Resource conversion 286.10 1.60 1.13 2.79 61 285
ORO24_111 El Oro Resource conversion 221.70 0.95 0.94 9.78 1311 2093
ORO24_115 El Oro Resource conversion 355.65 1.05 0.71 2.39 299 490
PE23_267 Perez Resource conversion 194.25 1.60 0.74 1.05 145 229
PE23_272 Perez Resource conversion 184.35 1.45 1.19 3.52 368 649
PE23_273 Perez Resource conversion 287.55 3.35 2.37 1.50 240 360
PE24_283 Perez Resource addition 185.70 1.10 0.95 0.93 197 272
PE24_289 Perez Resource conversion 290.45 6.60 2.79 3.26 381 641
PE24_289 Perez Resource conversion 300.35 3.35 1.42 2.85 153 381
PE24_294 Perez Resource conversion 258.80 10.60 6.08 1.99 440 599
PE24_296 Perez Resource addition 276.85 2.95 1.47 6.50 590 1110
PE24_297 Perez Resource conversion 344.40 8.20 6.72 7.36 1129 1717
PE24_304 Perez Resource addition 280.70 1.35 0.95 2.71 285 502
PE24_306 Perez Resource conversion 231.00 1.70 0.85 0.86 191 260
PE24_306 Perez Resource conversion 234.47 2.23 1.28 11.53 1158 2081
PE24_309 Perez Resource addition 255.55 16.00 7.88 10.87 1034 1904
PE24_311 Perez Resource conversion 325.55 1.50 1.41 4.78 550 932
PE24_315 Perez Resource conversion 239.60 3.30 1.89 2.23 395 573
SIN23_087 Sinaloa Resource conversion 58.95 1.20 1.01 12.34 196 1183
SIN23_087 Sinaloa Resource conversion 278.75 1.35 1.20 4.90 271 664
SIN23_087 Sinaloa Resource conversion 312.65 2.15 2.08 4.26 255 596
SIN24_091 Sinaloa (FW) Resource conversion 239.85 0.85 0.70 9.65 1017 1788
SIN24_091 Sinaloa Resource conversion 288.20 2.00 1.73 2.50 188 389
SIN24_091 Sinaloa Resource conversion 292.35 1.10 0.95 9.13 582 1312
SIN24_092 Sinaloa Resource conversion 257.70 1.85 1.76 39.28 1905 5047
SIN24_092 Sinaloa (HW) Resource conversion 288.40 1.20 1.04 3.43 238 512
ST23_028 Santa Teresa Resource addition 343.30 2.55 2.09 4.10 79 407
ST24_029 Santa Teresa Resource addition 141.50 2.35 2.18 4.86 511 900
ROS23_035 Macho Bayo Resource addition 398.40 1.10 0.90 3.81 262 567
ROS23_037 Rosario Resource addition 369.20 0.80 0.70 3.45 378 654
SRE23_274 Santa Regina Resource conversion 242.65 2.05 1.78 3.85 392 700
SRE23_274 Santa Regina Resource conversion 295.45 1.15 1.04 3.37 339 609
SRE23_279 Santa Regina Resource conversion 234.05 1.40 0.99 5.48 622 1061
SRE23_280 Santa Regina Resource conversion 228.80 1.35 1.16 5.32 551 976
SRE23_281 Santa Regina Resource conversion 237.15 1.10 0.84 6.61 855 1384
SRE23_281 String zone Resource conversion 266.55 1.65 1.43 4.12 683 1013
SRE24_282 Santa Regina (HW) Resource conversion 259.00 1.50 1.34 9.44 1069 1824
SRE24_283 Santa Regina Resource conversion 247.60 0.95 0.70 10.59 1055 1902
SRE24_286 Santa Regina Resource conversion 246.15 0.90 0.78 2.45 345 541
SRE24_287 Santa Regina (HW) Resource conversion 261.50 1.15 0.94 13.24 1501 2559
SRE24_287 Santa Regina Resource conversion 308.80 1.40 1.27 4.02 457 779
SRE24_289 String zone Resource conversion 260.55 1.55 1.27 1.76 182 323
SRE24_289 Santa Regina (HW) Resource conversion 296.90 2.50 2.05 3.42 361 635
SRE24_289 Santa Regina Resource conversion 315.55 1.20 0.98 1.38 233 343
SRE24_293 Santa Regina Resource conversion 280.35 2.15 1.52 9.27 849 1590
SRE24_295 Santa Regina Resource conversion 301.50 1.20 1.09 1.50 185 305
钻孔 塔吉特 目标类型 重要拦截段
GPE23_003 瓜达卢佩 资源增加 295.70 1.50 1.36 1.99 293 452
GPE23_006 瓜达卢佩 资源增加 271.70 0.80 固定费用覆盖率 0.84 175 242
GPE23_006 字符串区域 资源增加 428.40 0.95 0.91 1.24 196 296
CN24_004 卡门 资源增加 440.65 1.00 0.94 1.18 166 261
EL24_265 埃利亚 资源增加 397.30 1.30 0.92 10.46 879 1716
EL24_266 埃利亚 资源增加 461.50 4.00 2.15 20.41 1702 3336
ORO24_109 El Oro 资源转换 286.10 1.60 1.13 2.79 61 285
ORO24_111 El Oro 资源转换 221.70 0.95 0.94 9.78 1311 2093
ORO24_115 El Oro 资源转换 355.65 1.05 0.71 2.39 299 490
PE23_267 佩雷斯 资源转换 194.25 1.60 0.74 1.05 145 229
PE23_272 佩雷斯 资源转换 184.35 1.45 1.19 3.52 368 649
PE23_273 佩雷斯 资源转换 287.55 3.35 2.37 1.50 240 360
PE24_283 佩雷斯 资源增加 185.70 1.10 0.95 0.93 197 272
PE24_289 佩雷斯 资源转换 290.45 6.60 2.79 3.26 381 641
PE24_289 佩雷斯 资源转换 300.35 3.35 1.42 2.85 153 381
PE24_294 佩雷斯 资源转换 258.80 10.60 6.08 1.99 440 599
PE24_296 佩雷斯 资源增加 276.85 2.95%。 1.47 6.50 590 1110
PE24_297 佩雷斯 资源转换 344.40 8.20 6.72 7.36 1129 1717
PE24_304 佩雷斯 资源增加 280.70 每股稀释1.35美元 0.95 2.71 285 502
PE24_306 佩雷斯 资源转换 231.00 1.70 0.85 0.86 191 260
PE24_306 佩雷斯 资源转换 234.47 2.23 1.28 11.53 1158 2081
PE24_309 佩雷斯 资源增加 255.55 16.00 7.88 10.87 1034 1904
PE24_311 佩雷斯 资源转换 325.55 1.50 1.41 4.78 550 932
PE24_315 佩雷斯 资源转换 239.60 仅当A类普通股票的收盘价等于或超过330.00美元时,公司才可以赎回未行使的认股权证。 1.89 2.23 395 573
SIN23_087 西纳罗阿 资源转换 58.95 1.20 1.01 12.34 196 1183
SIN23_087 西纳罗阿 资源转换 278.75 每股稀释1.35美元 1.20 4.90 271 664
SIN23_087 西纳罗阿 资源转换 312.65 2.15 2.08 4.26 255 596
SIN24_091 西纳罗阿(FW) 资源转换 239.85 0.85 0.70 9.65 1017 1788
SIN24_091 西纳罗阿 资源转换 288.20 2.00 1.73 2.50 188 389
SIN24_091 西纳罗阿 资源转换 292.35 1.10 0.95 9.13 582 1312
SIN24_092 西纳罗阿 资源转换 257.70 1.85 1.76 39.28 1905 5047
SIN24_092 西奈罗亚(HW) 资源转换 288.40 1.20 1.04 3.43 238 512
ST23_028 圣塔特雷莎 资源增加 343.30 2.55 2.09 4.10 79 407
ST24_029 圣塔特雷莎 资源增加 141.50 2.35 2.18 4.86 511 900
ROS23_035 马乔巴约 资源增加 398.40 1.10 0.90 3.81 262 567
ROS23_037 罗萨里奥 资源增加 369.20 0.80 0.70 3.45 378 654
SRE23_274 Santa Regina 资源转换 242.65 2.05 1.78 3.85 392 700
SRE23_274 Santa Regina 资源转换 295.45 1.15 1.04 3.37 339 609
SRE23_279 Santa Regina 资源转换 234.05 1.40 0.99 5.48 622 1061
SRE23_280 Santa Regina 资源转换 228.80 每股稀释1.35美元 1.16 5.32 551 976
SRE23_281 Santa Regina 资源转换 237.15 1.10 0.84 6.61 855 1384
SRE23_281 字符串区域 资源转换 266.55 1.65 1.43 4.12 683 1013
SRE24_282 圣塔雷吉纳(HW) 资源转换 259.00 1.50 1.34 9.44 1069 1824
SRE24_283 Santa Regina 资源转换 247.60 0.95 0.70 10.59 1055 1902
SRE24_286 Santa Regina 资源转换 246.15 0.90 0.78 2.45 345 541
SRE24_287 圣塔雷吉纳(HW) 资源转换 261.50 1.15 0.94 13.24 1501 2559
SRE24_287 Santa Regina 资源转换 308.80 1.40 1.27 4.02 457 779
SRE24_289 字符串区域 资源转换 260.55 1.55 1.27 1.76 182 323
SRE24_289 圣塔雷吉纳(HW) 资源转换 296.90 2.50 2.05 3.42 361 635
SRE24_289 Santa Regina 资源转换 315.55 1.20 0.98 1.38 233 343
SRE24_293 Santa Regina 资源转换 280.35 2.15 1.52美元 9.27 849 1590
SRE24_295 Santa Regina 资源转换 301.50 1.20 1.09 1.50 185 305



  1. All holes are Diamond Drill; AgEq grade = silver grade (g/t) + [gold grade (g/t)*80].
  2. From and Length indicated in metres, true width of the intercept is calculated per drill hole and vein angles.
  3. See Table A1 for details regarding drill hole locations, sample type, azimuth, dip and total depth.
  1. 所有钻探均为金刚石钻探;AgEq等级=白银等级(克/吨)+ [黄金等级(克/吨)* 80]。
  2. 按照米计算的距离和长度,钻孔和矿脉角度下的实际宽度被计算出来。
  3. 有关钻孔位置,采样类型,方位角,倾角和总深度的详细信息,请参见表A1。

Gold and silver drill hole intercepts were composited using the length weighted averages of uncapped sample assays, a 190 g/t AgEq minimum grade, and a minimum composite length of 0.7 m (true width). A maximum one metre below the minimum grade was allowed as internal dilution and a single sample below the minimum but above 100 g/t AgEq was allowed in the hanging or footwall to achieve minimum true width in select cases. True width of intercepts is calculated based on current understanding of drill hole and vein angle geometry.


First Majestic's drilling programs follow established QA/QC insertion protocols with standards, blanks and duplicates introduced to the sample stream. After geological logging, all drill core samples are cut in half. One half of the core is submitted to the laboratory for analysis and the remaining half is retained on-site for verification and reference purposes.

First Majestic的钻探方案遵循已建立的QA / QC插入协议,样品流程中引入标准,白样和重复。地质记录后,所有钻探岩心样品均被切成两半。将一半岩心样品提交给实验室进行分析,另一半则在现场保留用于验证和参考。

Core samples were submitted to First Majestic's owned and operated Central Laboratory (ISO 9001:2015) or to SGS (ISO/IEC 17025:2017), and independent third-party laboratory.

钻孔样品提交给First Majestic拥有和经营的中央实验室(ISO 9001:2015)或SGS(ISO / IEC 17025:2017)和独立第三方实验室进行检测。

At the Central Lab, gold is analyzed by fire assay with atomic absorption finish (Au-AA13), and by fire assay gravimetric finish (ASAG-13-Au, ASAG-15-Au). Results above 10 g/t gold are analyzed by 30 g fire assay gravimetric finish (ASAG-14). Silver is analyzed by 3-Acid digest atomic absorption finish (AAG-13) or by 30 g fire assay gravimetric finish (ASAG-13-Ag). Results above 200 g/t silver are analyzed by 30 g fire assay gravimetric finish (ASAG-14).

在中央实验室,黄金通过火试法进行原子吸收法完成测试(Au-AA13),并通过火试法重力法完成测试(ASAG-13-Au,ASAG-15-Au)。结果> 10克/吨的金子通过30克的重力法完成测试(ASAG-14)。银是通过3酸消解原子吸收法(AAG-13)或通过30克的火试法重力法完成测试(ASAG-13-Ag)。结果> 200克/吨的银通过30 g的重力法进行测试(ASAG-14)。

At SGS, gold is analyzed by 30 g fire assay atomic absorption finish (GE-FAA30V5). Results above 10 g/t gold are analyzed by 30 g fire assay gravimetric finish (GO-FAG30V). Silver is analyzed by 3-acid digest atomic absorption finish (GE-AAS33E50). Results above 100 g/t silver are analyzed by fire assay gravimetric finish (GO-FAG37V).

在SGS上,黄金通过30g火试法原子吸收法完成测试(GE-FAA30V5)。10克/吨以上的结果将通过30克的重力法完成测试(GO-FAG30V)。银是通过3酸消解原子吸收法(GE-AAS33E50)进行分析的。结果> 100 g/t银的样品通过火试法重力法完成测试(GO-FAG37V)。

For further information concerning QA/QC and data verification matters, key assumptions, parameters, and methods used by the Company to estimate Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources, and for a detailed description of known legal, political, environmental, and other risks that could materially affect the Company's business and the potential development of Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources, see the Company's most recent Annual Information Form available at .

有关QA / QC和数据验证事项以及公司用于估算矿物储备和资源的关键假设,参数和方法,以及影响公司业务和潜在矿物储备和资源开发的已知法律,政治,环境和其他风险的详细说明,请参阅公司最近的年度信息表单,网址为 。



Gonzalo Mercado, P. Geo., the Company's Vice President of Exploration and Technical Services and a "Qualified Person" as defined under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"), has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. Mr. Mercado has verified the exploration data contained in this news release, including the sampling, analytical and test data underlying such information.

Gonzalo Mercado(P. Geo.),公司的勘探和技术服务副总裁,是根据《43-101国家规定》定义的“合格人员”,已审查和批准了本新闻发布中所包含的科学和技术信息。Mercado先生已经验证了本新闻发布中包含的勘探数据,包括样品,分析和测试数据。遵守矿业项目披露标准("NI 43-101")后,在SEDAAR+上对Bilboes硫化物金项目("项目")的单阶段开发进行了初步经济评估报告。PEA的拷贝题为"Bilboes Gold Project Preliminary Economic Assessment",有效日期为2024年5月30日,由DRA Projects(Pty)Ltd("DRA")编制,反映本公告中所包含的摘要信息,同时也将在公司的网站上提供。所有金额均以美元计算。关于First Majestic First Majestic是一家以在墨西哥和美国生产白银和黄金为主的上市采矿公司。公司目前拥有和经营着圣迪玛斯银/金矿,圣塔埃莲娜银/金矿和恩坎塔达银矿以及一系列的开发和勘探资产,包括位于美国内华达州东北部的杰瑞特峡谷金项目。First Majestic很自豪拥有和经营自己的造币厂——First Mint,LLC,并提供部分银制品出售给公众。购买的金条,银锭,硬币和奖章在线上是售价中最低的之一 。更多信息请访问我们的网站: 。你可以通过info@firstmajestic.com发送电子邮件与我们联系,也可以通过电话1.866.529.2807与我们联系。


First Majestic是一家以在墨西哥和美国生产白银和黄金为主的上市采矿公司。

First Majestic is a publicly traded mining company focused on silver and gold production in Mexico and the United States. The Company presently owns and operates the San Dimas Silver/Gold Mine, the Santa Elena Silver/Gold Mine, and the La Encantada Silver Mine as well as a portfolio of development and exploration assets, including the Jerritt Canyon Gold project located in northeastern Nevada, U.S.A.


First Majestic is proud to own and operate its own minting facility, First Mint, LLC, and to offer a portion of its silver production for sale to the public. Bars, ingots, coins and medallions are available for purchase online at , at some of the lowest premiums available.

First Majestic很自豪拥有和经营自己的造币厂——First Mint,LLC,并提供部分银制品出售给公众。购买的金条,银锭,硬币和奖章在线上是售价中最低的之一。

For further information, visit our website at . You can contact us by e-mail at, or by telephone at 1.866.529.2807.






Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO

Keith Neumeyer,总裁兼首席执行官

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements


This news release contains "forward‐looking information" and "forward-looking statements" under applicable Canadian and U.S. securities laws (collectively, "forward‐looking statements"). These statements relate to future events or the Company's future performance, business prospects or opportunities that are based on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions of management made in light of management's experience and perception of historical trends. Assumptions may prove to be incorrect and actual results and future events may differ materially from those anticipated. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "seek", "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "predict", "forecast", "potential", "target", "intend", "could", "might", "should", "believe" and similar expressions) are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward‐looking statements".


Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to materially differ from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: material adverse changes, unexpected changes in laws, rules or regulations, or their enforcement by applicable authorities; the failure of parties to contracts with the company to perform as agreed; social or labour unrest; changes in commodity prices; and the failure of exploration programs or studies to deliver anticipated results or results that would justify and support continued exploration, studies, development or operations. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended.


The Company believes that the expectations reflected in these forward‐looking statements are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward‐looking statements included herein should not be unduly relied upon. These statements speak only as of the date hereof. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable laws.


Cautionary Note to United States Investors


The Company is a "foreign private issuer" as defined in Rule 3b-4 under the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and is eligible to rely upon the Canada-U.S. Multi-Jurisdictional Disclosure System, and is therefore permitted to prepare the technical information contained herein in accordance with the requirements of the securities laws in effect in Canada, which differ from the requirements of the securities laws currently in effect in the United States. Accordingly, information concerning mineral deposits set forth herein may not be comparable with information made public by companies that report in accordance with U.S. standards.

公司是根据1934年修正的美国证券交易法规则3b-4定义的"外国私营发行人",有资格依靠加拿大 - 美国跨境多管辖区披露系统,并因此有资格按照加拿大生效的证券法规要求准备此处包含的技术信息,这些要求与美国现行证券法规要求不同。因此,在此处列出的矿物质存储信息可能与报告按照美国标准报告的公司公开的信息不相可比。

Technical disclosure contained in this news release has not been prepared in accordance with the requirements of United States securities laws and uses terms that comply with reporting standards in Canada with certain estimates prepared in accordance with NI 43-101.


NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators that establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning the issuer's material mineral projects.



附录 - 钻孔细节

Table A1: Drill Hole Location, Sample Type, Azimuth, Dip and Total Depth


Drillhole East North Elevation Azimuth Dip Depth (m) Type
GPE23_003 398324 2666358 572 148 -13 507 Core
GPE23_006 398324 2666358 572 171 6 483 Core
CN24_004 398324 2666359 572 181 -13 549 Core
EL24_265 400317 2667086 549 191 -30 501 Core
EL24_266 400317 2667087 550 204 -28 513 Core
ORO24_109 404187 2665505 509 277 15 309 Core
ORO24_111 404186 2665505 509 282 14 249 Core
ORO24_115 404186 2665504 510 277 25 372 Core
PE23_267 398560 2671170 831 317 -23 246 Core
PE23_272 398560 2671169 830 296 -12 243 Core
PE23_273 399019 2671354 844 320 -31 327 Core
PE24_283 399592 2671895 859 9 -36 381 Core
PE24_289 398697 2671242 831 352 43 324 Core
PE24_294 398698 2671242 831 9 36 294 Core
PE24_296 398696 2671242 831 323 42 324 Core
PE24_297 399019 2671353 844 292 31 372 Core
PE24_304 398696 2671241 831 310 37 309 Core
PE24_306 398696 2671242 831 313 33 267 Core
PE24_309 398696 2671242 831 330 42 312 Core
PE24_311 398698 2671242 831 358 44 338 Core
PE24_315 399314 2671670 859 9 -10 273 Core
SIN23_087 399888 2666329 562 291 -6 354 Core
SIN24_091 399888 2666329 562 298 -7 321 Core
SIN24_092 399889 2666329 562 300 -5 318 Core
ST23_028 398456 2667240 556 314 -23 396 Core
ST24_029 397881 2667261 578 310 13 453 Core
ROS23_035 399812 2665304 950 162 25 900 Core
ROS23_037 399811 2665305 950 172 -28 951 Core
SRE23_274 399696 2670823 842 158 21 360 Core
SRE23_279 399697 2670823 842 150 20 300 Core
SRE23_280 399696 2670823 842 158 19 342 Core
SRE23_281 399696 2670823 842 165 18 291 Core
SRE24_282 399697 2670823 843 157 26 366 Core
SRE24_283 399696 2670823 842 168 22 306 Core
SRE24_286 399695 2670823 842 162 22 270 Core
SRE24_287 399695 2670823 842 165 27 339 Core
SRE24_289 399695 2670823 842 164 25 345 Core
SRE24_293 399695 2670824 842 177 27 363 Core
SRE24_295 399695 2670823 842 179 25 327 Core
钻孔 海拔高度(masl) 方位角(度) 倾角 深度(米) 类型
GPE23_003 398324 2666358 572 148 -13 507 核心
GPE23_006 398324 2666358 572 171 6 483 核心
CN24_004 398324 2666359 572 181 -13 549 核心
EL24_265 400317 2667086 549 191 -30 501 核心
EL24_266 400317 2667087 550 204 -28 513 核心
ORO24_109 404187 2665505 509 277 15 309 核心
ORO24_111 404186 2665505 509 282 14 249 核心
ORO24_115 404186 2665504 510 277 25 372 核心
PE23_267 398560 2671170 831 317 -23 246 核心
PE23_272 398560 2671169 830 296 -12 243 核心
PE23_273 399019 2671354 844 320 -31 327 核心
PE24_283 399592 2671895 859 9 -36 381 核心
PE24_289 398697 2671242 831 352 43 324 核心
PE24_294 398698 2671242 831 9 36 294 核心
PE24_296 398696 2671242 831 323 42 324 核心
PE24_297 399019 2671353 844 292 31 372 核心
PE24_304 398696 2671241 831 310 37 309 核心
PE24_306 398696 2671242 831 313 33 267 核心
PE24_309 398696 2671242 831 330 42 312 核心
PE24_311 398698 2671242 831 358 44 338 核心
PE24_315 399314 2671670 859 9 -10 273 核心
SIN23_087 399888 2666329 562 291 -6 354 核心
SIN24_091 399888 2666329 562 298 -7 321 核心
SIN24_092 399889 2666329 562 300 -5 318 核心
ST23_028 398456 2667240 556 314 -23 396 核心
ST24_029 397881 2667261 578 310 13 453 核心
ROS23_035 399812 2665304 950 162 25 900 核心
ROS23_037 399811 2665305 950 172 -28 951 核心
SRE23_274 399696 2670823 842 158 21 360 核心
SRE23_279 399697 2670823 842 150 20 300 核心
SRE23_280 399696 2670823 842 158 19 342 核心
SRE23_281 399696 2670823 842 165 18 291 核心
SRE24_282 399697 2670823 843 157 26 366 核心
SRE24_283 399696 2670823 842 168 22 306 核心
SRE24_286 399695 2670823 842 162 22 270 核心
SRE24_287 399695 2670823 842 165 27 339 核心
SRE24_289 399695 2670823 842 164 25 345 核心
SRE24_293 399695 2670824 842 177 27 363 核心
SRE24_295 399695 2670823 842 179 25 327 核心



  1. All Collar coordinates are determined using total station equipment after hole completion with WGS84, Zone 13 (metres) as the reference system.
  1. 所有板块的领子坐标是在使用总站设备完成钻孔后使用WGS84,第13区(米)作为参考系统确定的。
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