
Metallic Minerals Initiates 2024 Exploration Programs at La Plata and Keno Silver Projects

Metallic Minerals Initiates 2024 Exploration Programs at La Plata and Keno Silver Projects

Accesswire ·  06/13 07:45

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / June 13, 2024 / Metallic Minerals Corp. (TSXV:MMG);(OTCQB:MMNGF) ("Metallic Minerals" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the commencement of the 2024 exploration programs at both the Keno Silver project in the Yukon Territory, Canada, and the La Plata copper-silver-gold-PGE project in southwest Colorado, USA.

位于加拿大育空地区的Keno银矿项目和美国科罗拉多州西南部的La Plata铜-银-金-铂族金属项目均于2024年启动勘探计划。MMG股份(TSXV:MMG;OTCQB:MMNGF,以下简称“公司”)很高兴宣布这一消息。

At the Keno Silver project, where the Company announced an inaugural resource of 18.2 million ounces of silver equivalent1 in 2024, preparations are in the final stages for a diamond drilling program set to begin in July. This drilling initiative aims to expand existing resources and test the potential to define new resources at the highest priority drill-ready targets (see Figure 1). An important focus of the program will be on resource expansion at the Formo target, which is the largest current resource at the Keno Silver project. All four deposits comprising the existing mineral resource, including Formo, start at surface and remain open for further expansion.


The 171-square-kilometer ("km2") Keno Silver project is directly adjacent to Hecla Mining Company's ("Hecla") high-grade Keno Hill mining operations and mill, which is projected to produce 3-4 million ounces of silver in 20242. The Keno Silver project features excellent infrastructure with access via highway, well-developed and maintained roads on the property and access to the Yukon power grid.

占地171平方公里("km","4":")的Keno银矿项目直接毗邻Hecla Mining Company(“Hecla”)的Keno Hill高品位银矿工业和矿厂,预计在2024年产银量将达300-400万盎司。Keno银矿项目交通便利,可通过公路、经过开发和维护良好的道路进入公司资源区,并接入育空电网。2在美国科罗拉多州西南部的La Plata铜-银-金-铂族金属项目中,公司已开始野外工作,包括进行绘图和表面采样,以推进和优先考虑10公里内的铜斑岩系统内新确定的目标进行钻探测试(参见图2)。具有高度表面地球化学特征的先进目标包括铜山、Renegade和Morningstar。钻探计划预计将从扩展Allard资源区较高品位的矿化开始,Allard资源区与5个独立的钻孔部位拦截了连续铜和贵金属矿化的500至900米端面。还计划进行额外的钻探,以检验Allard资源区之外的优先目标。2MMG股份的总裁Scott Petsel评论道:"我们很高兴在2024年初在Keno银矿和La Plata项目中启动勘探活动。我们的团队热切期望从以往的项目中获得的知识,应用于今年在选择的旨在最大化成功机会的目标进行钻探。在Keno银矿项目中,一旦在具有生产性构造设置的地区确立初始资源,便有明显的机会快速增加高品位银含量,就像该区一再展示的那样。在我们持有的Keno银区探勘潜在的40多个有前途的目标区域中,我们看到了显著增加现有资源以及取得新发现的良好潜能。"

At the La Plata copper-silver-gold-PGE project in southwest Colorado, field programs have commenced, including mapping and surface sampling to advance and prioritize newly identified targets for drill testing within the 10km2 footprint of the district-scale copper porphyry system. Advanced targets include Copper Hill, Renegade and Morningstar (shown in Figure 2), which all show very strong surface geochemical signatures. Drilling is anticipated to start with an initial focus on extending higher-grade mineralization at the Allard resource area, where five separate drill holes have intercepted 500 to 900-meter-thick zones of continuous copper and precious metals mineralization. Additional drilling is planned to test the highest priority targets outside of the Allard resource area.

"同样,在La Plata项目中,我们已建立了美国关键矿产资源,其中包括超过12亿磅的铜和1760万盎司银。我们可以在现有Allard资源区进行钻探,从而有机会继续扩大现有资源;通过首次钻探重点新目标,我们也有可能进行新的发现。在La Plata已确定并优先考虑了20多个斑岩中心,这些中心具有非常高品位的地表样品,被地球物理迹象证实。新的矿产资源估算正在进行中,将根据2023年钻探计划的良好成果和黄金、铂族金属和银的加入进行更新。虽然项目的潜力仍很初步,但预计这些关键矿产的加入将显著增加Allard资源的规模和稳健性。随着这些计划和其他计划的继续推进,我们期待提供进一步的更新。"2图2显示了La Plata项目的金属-土壤和岩石样品值,以突出优先考虑的目标区。

Scott Petsel, President of Metallic Minerals, commented, "We are excited to initiate our exploration activities at both Keno Silver and La Plata for 2024. Our team is eager to apply the knowledge gained from previous programs to this year's drilling at targets selected to maximize opportunity for success. At Keno Silver, there is a clear opportunity to rapidly grow high-grade silver ounces once initial resources are established in such a productive structural setting, as has been repeatedly demonstrated through the long and productive history of the district. With 40+ promising target areas across our prospective Keno Silver district holdings, we see excellent potential to significantly grow our current resources, as well as to make new discoveries."

正如2024年5月8日先前宣布的,Newmont公司行使了其"top-up right"权利,根据2023年5月18日的投资者权利协议,在$0.33/股的价格上购买了342,750股股份,对该发行股份实施四个月加一天的持有期限,并依照加拿大证监会法规和TSX Venture Exchange的政策进行了购买。这些股份未根据1933年修订的美国证券法或任何美国州证券法注册,并且不得在美国或向美国人或为其账户或利益提供或出售,除非根据美国证券法和适用美国州证券法的注册规定或任何适用的豁免条款。发行仍须获得TSX Venture Exchange的最终批准。

"Similarly, at La Plata, we have established a US-based critical minerals resource consisting of over 1.2 billion pounds of copper and 17.6 million ounces of silver3. We see the opportunity to continue to grow existing resources by drilling at the existing Allard resource area, as well as for new discoveries by first drill testing of major new targets. Over 20 additional porphyry centers with very high-grade surface samples have been identified and prioritized at La Plata that are supported by geophysical indicators. An updated mineral resource estimate for the La Plata Project is underway that will include the addition of gold, platinum, and palladium, along with copper and silver based on the positive results from the 2023 drill program. While it is still early days in terms of the potential of the project, the addition of these critical minerals is anticipated to enhance the size and robustness of the Allard resource considerably. We look forward to providing further updates as these programs and other initiatives advance."

图1 - Keno银矿项目的资源和优先目标区3Metallic Minerals将参加2024年6月22日至26日在育空达森市举行的YMA产业巡回展及投资会议,并向投资者和媒体介绍其位于Keno District的Keno银矿项目,该项目毗邻Hecla的采矿工业。我们期待与育空业内同行、育空和第一民族政府以及投资者、分析师和媒体参会人员重新联系。有关育空矿业联盟的更多信息,请访问此处

Newmont Top-Up Right Financing Closed
As previously announced on May 8, 2024, Newmont Corporation exercised its 'top-up right' to purchase additional common shares of Metallic Minerals to maintain its 9.5% interest in the Company under the provisions of the Investor Rights Agreement dated May 18, 2023. Newmont Corporation purchased 342,750 shares at $0.33 per share with the issued shares subject to a four-month plus one day hold period from date of issuance, in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws and the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange. The shares have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any U.S. state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons, absent registration or any applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable U.S. state securities laws. The issuance remains subject to the final approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

Newmont Corporation完成了权益融资
正如先前在2024年5月8日宣布的,Newmont Corporation行使其"top-up right"行权,根据投资者权益协议中规定的条款购买了Univelco Solar Energy AG ("Univelco")发行的普通股,以维持其在Metallic Minerals Corp. ("Metallic Minerals"或"公司")持有的9.5%股权比例。Newmont Corporation以每股0.33美元的价格购买了342,750股,发行股份受到发行后四个月加一天的限售期限制,限售期根据可适用加拿大证券法和交易所政策规定执行。这些股份未根据1933年修订的美国证券法或任何美国州证券法注册,并且不得在美国或向美国人或为其账户或利益提供或出售,除非根据美国证券法和适用美国州证券法的注册规定或任何适用的豁免条款。

Figure 1 - Resource and priority target areas for the Keno Silver project

注释1 - 图1:Keno银矿项目资源和优先目标区

Figure 2 - La Plata project metal-in-soil and rock sample values highlighting priority target areas

注释2 - 图2:La Plata项目金属-土壤和岩石样品值,重点突出的目标区

Yukon Mining Alliance Property Tours and Investment Conference
Metallic Minerals will be participating in the 2024 YMA Property Tours & Investment Conference in Dawson City, Yukon from June 22-26th. This year's event will include Metallic hosting investors and media at our high-grade Keno Silver project adjacent to Hecla's mining operations in the Keno District of Central Yukon. We look forward to reconnecting with our Yukon peers, Yukon and First Nations governments as well as the investors, analysts and media attendees. More information about the Yukon Mining Alliance can be found here:

注释3 - Yukon Mining Alliance产业巡回展及投资会议
注释4 - 全美西部矿业会议及展览th注释5 - 所有板块

National Western Mining Conference & Exhibition
Metallic Minerals is proud to be presenting on Wednesday June 19th at the 126th National Western mining Conference & Exhibition held in Grand Junction, Colorado. The conference, presented by the Colorado Mining Association, is the largest mining related conference in Colorado and will feature an excellent program of expert speakers, a broad range of exhibits and networking opportunities from throughout the industry. More information about the Colorado Mining Association and the conference can be found here:

注释6 - Advanced为爱文思控股的品牌名称
注释7 - 贵金属为铂金、钯金和银的统称;涉矿概念为一种股票投资策略,寻找股票中涉及物质资源开采、勘探等股票th在科罗拉多大峡谷举行的第126届国家西部矿业会议和展览会。该会议由科罗拉多矿业协会主办,是科罗拉多州最大的与采矿有关的会议,将展示专家演讲的优秀节目,广泛的展览和来自整个行业的网络机会。了解更多有关科罗拉多州矿业协会和会议的信息,请点击此处:th关于金属矿产

About Metallic Minerals
Metallic Minerals Corp. is a resource-stage mineral exploration company, focused on copper, silver, gold, and platinum group elements in top North American mining jurisdictions. Our objective is to create shareholder value through a systematic, entrepreneurial approach to making exploration discoveries, growing resources, and advancing projects toward development.

Metallic Minerals Corp.是一家资源级矿产勘探公司,专注于在北美顶级采矿地区探索铜、银、金和铂族元素。我们的目标是通过系统的、创业的方法进行勘探发现、扩大资源和推进项目开发,为股东创造价值。
在公司位于科罗拉多西南部的拉普拉塔项目中,扩大的2023年NI 43-101矿产资源评估凸显出一个拥有12亿磅铜和1760万盎司银的重要斑岩铜银矿产资源,并有许多其他目标表明具有区域性斑岩系统的潜力。2023年5月,公司宣布由Newmont Corporation(之前是Newcrest Mining,于2023年11月被Newmont Corporation收购)拥有的9.5%的战略投资。美国地质调查局已将拉普拉塔矿区确定为地球勘探资源计划下的关键矿产资源区,并在2023年完成了显著的地质和地球物理研究,以加强对该地区关键矿产资源的认识。拉普拉塔项目位于科罗拉多州曼科斯和杜兰戈社区之间,位于160号公路北侧。

At the Company's La Plata project in southwestern Colorado, the expanded 2023 NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate highlights a significant porphyry copper-silver resource containing 1.2 Blbs copper and 17.6 Moz of silver3, with numerous additional targets showing potential for a district-scale porphyry system. In May 2023, the Company announced a 9.5% strategic investment by Newmont Corporation (previously Newcrest Mining which was acquired by Newmont Corporation in November 2023). The U.S. Geological Survey has identified the La Plata mining district as a critical minerals resource area under the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative program and in 2023 completed significant geologic and geophysical studies to enhance understanding of the critical mineral occurrence in the district. The La Plata project is located between the communities of Mancos and Durango, Colorado, north of Highway 160.

在美国科罗拉多州的拉普拉塔项目,扩大的2023年NI 43-101矿产资源评估强调一个包含12亿磅铜和1760万盎司银的重要斑岩铜银矿产资源,并有许多其他目标表明具有区域性斑岩系统的潜力。3在美国科罗拉多州的拉普拉塔项目,扩大的2023年NI 43-101矿产资源评估凸显了一个包含12亿磅铜和1760万盎司银的重要斑岩铜银矿产资源,并有许多其他目标表明具有区域性斑岩系统的潜力。美国地质调查局已将拉普拉塔矿区确定为地球勘探资源计划下的关键矿产资源区,并在2023年完成了显著的地质和地球物理研究,以加强对该地区关键矿产资源的认识。拉普拉塔项目位于科罗拉多州曼科斯和杜兰戈社区之间,位于160号公路北侧。

In Canada's Yukon Territory, Metallic Minerals has the second-largest land position in the historic high-grade Keno Hill silver district, directly adjacent to Hecla's operations, with more than 300 Moz of high-grade silver in past production and current M&I resources. The new 2024 Resource Estimate at the Company's Keno Silver project adds 18.2 Moz silver equivalent1 to the Company's total resources. Hecla is the largest primary silver producer in the USA and soon to be Canada's largest with full production at its Keno Hill operations in 2024.

在加拿大育空地区,金属矿物公司在历史悠久的高品位Keno Hill银矿区拥有第二大土地位置,直接邻接Hecla的运营,过去生产了超过300 Moz的高品级银和现有的M&I资源。公司Keno Silver项目的2024年新资源估算增加了18.2 Moz的银当量。Hecla是美国最大的初级白银生产商,很快将成为加拿大最大的白银生产商,在其2024年Keno Hill运营全面生产。1在加拿大育空地区,金属矿物公司在历史悠久的高品位Keno Hill银矿区拥有第二大土地位置,直接邻接Hecla的运营,过去生产了超过300 Moz的高品级银和现有的M&I资源。公司Keno Silver项目的2024年新资源估算增加了18.2 Moz的银当量。Hecla是美国最大的初级白银生产商,很快将成为加拿大最大的白银生产商,在其2024年Keno Hill运营全面生产。

The Company is also one of the largest holders of alluvial gold claims in the Yukon and is building a production royalty business by partnering with experienced mining operators.


Metallic Minerals is led by a team with a track record of discovery and exploration success on several major precious and base metal deposits in North America, as well as having large-scale development, permitting and project financing expertise. The Metallic Minerals team is committed to responsible and sustainable resource development and has worked closely with Canadian First Nation groups, US Tribal/Native Corporations, and local communities to support successful project development.

金属矿产公司由一个在北美几个主要贵金属和基础金属矿床上有发现和勘探成功记录的团队领导,同时具备大规模开发、许可和项目融资专业知识。金属矿产团队致力于负责任和可持续的资源开发,并与加拿大第一民族团体、美国部落 / 原住民公司和当地社区密切合作,支持成功的项目开发。



Footnote 1: Keno Silver Mineral Resource Estimate
See news release dated February 24, 2024 and associated NI 43-101 Technical Report

脚注1:Keno Silver矿产资源评估。请参阅2024年2月24日的新闻发布和相关的NI 43-101技术报告。
请参阅2024年2月24日的新闻发布和相关的NI 43-101技术报告

Footnote 2: Hecla Mining Keno production guidance
See Hecla news release dated February 14, 2024 and First Quarter 2024 Report

脚注2:Hecla Mining Keno生产指导。请参阅2024年2月14日的Hecla新闻发布和第一季度2024年报告。

Footnote 3: La Plata Mineral Resource Estimate:
See news release dated July 31, 2023 and associated NI 43-101 Technical Report

脚注3:La Plata矿产资源估算:。请参阅2023年7月31日的新闻发布和相关的NI 43-101技术报告。
请参阅2023年7月31日的新闻发布和相关的NI 43-101技术报告。

Forward-Looking Statements
This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts including, without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization, historic production, estimation of mineral resources, the realization of mineral resource estimates, interpretation of prior exploration and potential exploration results, the timing and success of exploration activities generally, the timing and results of future resource estimates, permitting time lines, metal prices and currency exchange rates, availability of capital, government regulation of exploration operations, environmental risks, reclamation, title, statements about expected results of operations, royalties, cash flows, financial position and future dividends as well as financial position, prospects, and future plans and objectives of the Company are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. Although Metallic Minerals believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include failure to obtain necessary approvals, unsuccessful exploration results, unsuccessful operations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, results of future resource estimates, future metal prices, availability of capital and financing on acceptable terms, general economic, market or business conditions, risks associated with regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of personnel, materials and equipment on a timely basis, accidents or equipment breakdowns, uninsured risks, delays in receiving government approvals, unanticipated environmental impacts on operations and costs to remedy same and other exploration or other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators. Readers are cautioned that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Mineral exploration, development of mines and mining operations is an inherently risky business. Accordingly, the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on Metallic Minerals and the risks and challenges of their businesses, investors should review their annual filings that are available at .


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Metallic Minerals Corp.


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