
Unanet's 2024 AEC Inspire Report Details Optimistic Outlook for Growth, Expansion Among All Size Firms

Unanet's 2024 AEC Inspire Report Details Optimistic Outlook for Growth, Expansion Among All Size Firms

Unanet的2024年AEC Inspire报告详细说明了所有规模公司增长和扩张的乐观前景。
PR Newswire ·  06/13 09:15

Data management critical for integrating new AI tools, survey finds


DULLES, Va., June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Unanet, the leading provider of project-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) for the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries, unveiled its 2024 AEC Inspire Report, a comprehensive survey detailing industry insights, best practices, and benchmarks from more than 300 AEC leaders in the first quarter of this year. The report finds high optimism for growth and expansion among 86% of all small, mid-sized, and large AEC firms.

弗吉尼亚州达勒斯,2024年6月13日/ PRNewswire / - Unanet是企业资源计划(ERP)和客户关系管理(CRM)领域的领先供应商 ,专为建筑、工程和建造业提供解决方案,揭晓了其2024年AEC Inspire报告,这是一份综合调查,详细介绍了今年第一季度超过300名AEC领导者的行业见解、最佳实践和基准数据。报告发现,86%的小型、中型和大型建筑、工程和建造公司都对增长和扩张充满了高度乐观的前景。在报告中,大多数公司预计提案的中标率将增加,这将促进利润和增长。那些对未来最有信心的公司是那些利用技术的公司,因为他们能深入了解公司资源、项目和生产线的各个方面。这些公司在应对挑战和经济不可预测性方面更加有力,同时对业务预测和资源管理的能力更为有信心。

In the report, most firms anticipate an increase in proposal win rates, which will spur profits and growth. Those most confident in their future are firms that leverage technology because they have keen insights into all aspects of their company's resources, projects, and pipelines. These firms feel more solid in their ability to weather challenges and economic unpredictability, while also having greater confidence in their ability to forecast their business and manage resources.

“2024年AEC Inspire报告强调了使用现代、专门构建的技术工具的重要性,” Unanet的AEC执行副总裁Akshay Mahajan表示,“虽然许多公司对未来持有积极的态度,但知道如何利用并利用他们的数据的公司将能够将这种潜力转化为现实。集成现代技术是必不可少的——不仅是为了生存,而且是为了蓬勃发展”。

"The 2024 AEC Inspire Report underscores the importance of using modern, purpose-built tech tools," said Akshay Mahajan, executive vice president, AEC, for Unanet. "While many firms have a positive outlook for the future, the firms that know how to harness and leverage their data will be able to turn this potential into reality. Integrating modern tech is essential – not just to survive but to thrive."


Strong data management is critical to forecasting and firm decision-making. Yet about half of firms surveyed (49%) report that their data management tools are insufficient, despite a growing recognition of the importance of data stewardship, particularly for AI, which is rapidly proliferating. Construction firms are leading the way in smart AI adoption, with 41% using AI with oversight policies in place, compared to 18% of architecture firms and 23% of engineering firms. Many AEC firms report using AI but having no policies in place to guide its use, which can produce suboptimal results.


AI-mature firms more frequently cite data availability as a key to their digital transformation than their less AI-advanced counterparts. This illustrates how data readiness—or the lack thereof—is among the biggest deficits for AEC firms.

“结论是,利用人工智能等先进工具赋能自己的团队的技术领先的公司最有可能加快增长并取得前所未有的成功,” Mahajan继续说道。

"The bottom line is, tech-advanced firms that empower their teams with cutting-edge tools like AI are best-positioned to accelerate growth and achieve unprecedented success," continued Mahajan.

今年的AEC Inspire报告的调查对象是来自AEC组织的337位高级专业人员。根据主要行业将回复进行了细分,分为建筑、工程或建造,有些受访者表明参与了两个或两个以上的行业(即多学科)。受访者的职能、角色、员工规模和年收入进行了筛选。

This year's AEC Inspire Report survey respondents comprised 337 senior-level professionals from AEC organizations. Responses were segmented by primary industry into architecture, engineering, or construction, with some respondents indicating involvement in two or more industries (i.e., multidisciplinary). Respondents were screened for function, role, employee size, and annual revenue.


To download the full report, visit


About Unanet
Unanet is a leading provider of project-based ERP and CRM solutions purpose-built for government contractors, architecture, engineering, construction, and professional services. More than 4,000 project-driven organizations depend on Unanet to turn their information into actionable insights, drive better decision-making, maintain regulatory compliance, and accelerate business growth. All backed by a people-centered team invested in the success of your projects, people, and financials. For more information, visit .




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