
Arvinas Announces Promotions of Ian Taylor, Ph.D. to President of Research and Development and Angela Cacace, Ph.D. to Chief Scientific Officer

Arvinas Announces Promotions of Ian Taylor, Ph.D. to President of Research and Development and Angela Cacace, Ph.D. to Chief Scientific Officer

Arvinas宣布Ian Taylor博士晋升为研发总裁,Angela Cacace博士晋升为首席科学官。
Arvinas ·  06/17 00:00

NEW HAVEN, Conn., June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Arvinas, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARVN), a clinical-stage biotechnology company creating a new class of drugs based on targeted protein degradation, announced Ian Taylor, Ph.D. has been promoted to President of Research and Development and Angela Cacace, Ph.D. has also been promoted and will succeed Dr. Taylor as Chief Scientific Officer of the company. Dr. Taylor and Dr. Cacace will assume these new roles effective immediately and report to John Houston, Ph.D., Chairperson, President and Chief Executive Officer.

2024年6月17日康涅狄格州纽黑文(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)报道——使用基于靶向蛋白降解的新型药物开发的临床阶段生物技术公司Arvinas Inc.(Nasdaq: ARVN)宣布,Ian Taylor博士已晋升为研发总裁,Angela Cacace博士也晋升并将接替Taylor博士担任首席科学家。Taylor博士和Cacace博士将立即担任这些新职务,并向主席兼总裁兼首席执行官John Houston博士报告。

"These promotions reflect the contributions of both Ian and Angela to our success at Arvinas, as well as their crucial roles in leading Arvinas through a new chapter in its evolution," said John Houston, Ph.D., Chairperson, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Ian has been a driving force at Arvinas for the past eight years, with his wealth of knowledge and passion for innovation, and we are thrilled to announce his promotion to President of R&D. In his new role, Ian will ensure our innovation efforts continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, keeping Arvinas at the forefront of our industry."

“这些晋升反映了Ian和Angela在Arvinas的成功中所做出的贡献,以及他们在引领Arvinas迎接公司演变新篇章中所担任的关键角色,“John Houston博士说。“过去八年来,Ian一直是Arvinas的推动力,凭借他丰富的知识和不断创新的热情。我们非常高兴地宣布他晋升为研发总裁。在他的新职务中,Ian将确保我们的创新努力继续推动可能的边界,让Arvinas一直处于我们行业的前沿。”

Dr. Taylor joined Arvinas in 2016 as Vice President of Pharmacology and Translational Medicine and has held positions of increasing responsibility, including serving as Chief Scientific Officer of the company since early 2019. Prior to Arvinas, Dr. Taylor had long tenures at Bayer and Pfizer, where he held leadership roles in Oncology Research and Development, respectively. As President of R&D, Dr. Taylor will provide strategic input across the company's broad pipeline, from early research efforts to multiple development programs in oncology and neuroscience. Dr. Taylor will continue to be an important connection to outside stakeholders, including thought leaders, strategic partners, and investors, and will also chair the Company's Scientific Advisory Board, with whom he's worked since joining Arvinas.


"I am honored to take on this new role at Arvinas," said Dr. Taylor. "I am very proud of what we have already accomplished as a company and have an unwavering conviction that the future of Arvinas is even brighter, given the incredible strength of our clinical portfolio and the research pipeline that we've built. I look forward to continuing to play a strategic role, along with John and the leadership team, to bring our PROTAC protein degraders to patients. Angela is ideally suited to be our next Chief Scientific Officer and she will step in to that position seamlessly."

“我很荣幸能够在Arvinas担任这个新职务,”Taylor博士说。“我为公司已经取得的成就感到非常骄傲,并坚信Arvinas的未来会更加光明,因为我们的临床组合和研发产品队列非常强大。我期待继续与John 和领导团队一起发挥战略作用,将我们的PROTAC蛋白质降解剂带给患者。Angela非常适合成为我们的下一任首席科学家,她将毫不费力地接替此职务。”“在我们成功中,Angela发挥了关键作用,我很高兴能晋升她为首席科学家,”Houston博士继续说道。“她在过去六年中的远见卓识帮助我们构建了我们的神经科学和平台能力,并推动我们提名ARV-102,Arvinas第一个用于神经退行性疾病的PROTAC降解剂进入临床开发。凭借她在癌症生物学和癌症药物研究方面的深厚科学技术知识,我相信作为首席科学家,Angela将继续推动我们的研发产品队列向前发展。”

"Angela has been instrumental in our success and I am excited we are promoting her to Chief Scientific Officer," continued Dr. Houston. "Her visionary approach over the past six years at Arvinas helped to build our neuroscience and platform capabilities and she was a driving force in our nomination of ARV-102, Arvinas' first investigational PROTAC degrader for neurodegeneration, into clinical development. With her deep scientific and technical expertise in cancer biology and cancer drug discovery, I am confident that as CSO, Angela will continue to drive our research pipeline forward."

Cacace博士于2018年加入Arvinas,担任神经科学和平台生物学副总裁,拥有两个专业领域20多年的药物发现经验,分别是神经科学和肿瘤学研究。她最近担任高级副总裁,神经科学和平台生物学。她在辉瑞的前一份工作是专注于肿瘤抗体药物研发项目,推出一种抗血管生成的临床候选药物。在Bristol-Myers Squibb,这个因研发而闻名的研究领域的几种职位以及在Fulcrum Therapeutics任职生物学负责人期间,她构建了创新的管道、发展了有才华的科学团队、提供了多个临床候选人,并指导制定转化生物标记物以支持临床开发计划。在过去的六年中,与Arvinas团队一起,Cacace博士一直领导着Arvinas强大的PROTAC发现引擎,采用新的E3连接酶和十字血脑屏障,针对多种神经逻辑疾病靶位,包括将PROTAC LRRK2降解剂ARV-102输送到正在进行的临床试验中。

Dr. Cacace joined Arvinas in 2018 as Vice President of Neuroscience and Platform Biology, bringing over two decades of drug discovery experience in neuroscience and oncology research across modalities. She most recently served as Senior Vice President, Neuroscience and Platform Biology. Her prior experience at Pfizer focused on oncology antibody drug discovery efforts to deliver an anti-angiogenic clinical candidate. While at Bristol-Myers Squibb, in positions of increasing responsibility in research, and as head of biology at Fulcrum Therapeutics, she built innovative pipelines, grew talented scientific teams, delivered multiple clinical candidates, and guided the development of translational biomarkers to enable clinical development programs. Over the past six years, together with the Arvinas team, Dr. Cacace has led the continuous evolution of Arvinas' powerful PROTAC Discovery Engine to employ new E3 ligases and cross the blood-brain barrier for multiple neurologic disease targets, including the delivery of PROTAC LRRK2 degrader ARV-102 into ongoing clinical trials.

“我很高兴能在Arvinas担任这个职务,”Cacace博士说。“我一直致力于营造一种协作创新的环境,以推动我们优化从早期的发现到临床研发的药物管道。通过将我们的科学事业与我们的整体业务战略相融合,我们旨在加速将有针对性的蛋白质降解研究转化为有意义的临床试验和可能具有影响力的治疗方案。患者是我们所做的一切,我们将继续以紧迫性和目的驱动的方式推动科学的边界。”Cacace博士于2018年加入Arvinas,担任神经科学和平台生物学副总裁,拥有两个专业领域20多年的药物发现经验,分别是神经科学和肿瘤学研究。她最近担任高级副总裁,神经科学和平台生物学。她在辉瑞的前一份工作是专注于肿瘤抗体药物研发项目,推出一种抗血管生成的临床候选药物。在Bristol-Myers Squibb,这个因研发而闻名的研究领域的几种职位以及在Fulcrum Therapeutics任职生物学负责人期间,她构建了创新的管道、发展了有才华的科学团队、提供了多个临床候选人,并指导制定转化生物标记物以支持临床开发计划。在过去的六年中,与Arvinas团队一起,Cacace博士一直领导着Arvinas强大的PROTAC发现引擎,采用新的E3连接酶和十字血脑屏障,针对多种神经逻辑疾病靶位,包括将PROTAC LRRK2降解剂ARV-102输送到正在进行的临床试验中。Cacace博士于2018年加入Arvinas,担任神经科学和平台生物学副总裁,拥有两个专业领域20多年的药物发现经验,分别是神经科学和肿瘤学研究。她最近担任高级副总裁,神经科学和平台生物学。她在辉瑞的前一份工作是专注于肿瘤抗体药物研发项目,推出一种抗血管生成的临床候选药物。在Bristol-Myers Squibb,这个因研发而闻名的研究领域的几种职位以及在Fulcrum Therapeutics任职生物学负责人期间,她构建了创新的管道、发展了有才华的科学团队、提供了多个临床候选人,并指导制定转化生物标记物以支持临床开发计划。在过去的六年中,与Arvinas团队一起,Cacace博士一直领导着Arvinas强大的PROTAC发现引擎,采用新的E3连接酶和十字血脑屏障,针对多种神经逻辑疾病靶位,包括将PROTAC LRRK2降解剂ARV-102输送到正在进行的临床试验中。

"I am thrilled to take on this role at Arvinas during this crucial stage in our company's journey," said Dr. Cacace. "I have long been committed to fostering a collaborative and innovative environment that advances our pipeline from early discovery through clinical development. By integrating our scientific efforts with our overall business strategy, we aim to accelerate the translation of our targeted protein degradation research into meaningful clinical trials and potentially impactful treatments. Patients are at the heart of everything we do, and we will continue to push the boundaries of science with urgency and purpose."


About Arvinas
Arvinas (Nasdaq: ARVN) is a clinical-stage biotechnology company dedicated to improving the lives of patients suffering from debilitating and life-threatening diseases. Through its PROTAC (PROteolysis Targeting Chimera) protein degrader platform, the Company is pioneering the development of protein degradation therapies designed to harness the body's natural protein disposal system to selectively and efficiently degrade and remove disease-causing proteins. Arvinas is currently progressing multiple investigational drugs through clinical development programs, including vepdegestrant, targeting estrogen receptor for patients with locally advanced or metastatic ER+/HER2- breast cancer; ARV-102, targeting LRRK2 for neurodegenerative disorders; and ARV-393, targeting BCL6 for relapsed/refractory non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Arvinas is headquartered in New Haven, Connecticut. For more information about Arvinas, visit us on, which does not form part of this release, and connect with us on LinkedIn and X.

Arvinas(纳斯达克股票代码:ARVN)是一家临床阶段的生物技术公司,致力于改善患有致命疾病和影响生活质量的患者的生活。通过其蛋白质降解平台PROTAC(PROteolysis Targeting Chimera),该公司正在开创蛋白质降解疗法的发展,旨在利用人体本身的蛋白质清除系统有选择地、高效地降解和消除引起疾病的蛋白质。Arvinas目前正在通过临床开发计划推进多种研究药物,包括针对雌激素受体的奥司他乐(vepdegestrant)治疗局部晚期或转移性ER+/HER2-乳腺癌的瑞缇(rti);针对LRRK2的ARV-102治疗神经退行性疾病;以及针对复发/难治非霍奇金淋巴瘤的BCL6的ARV-393。Arvinas总部位于康涅狄格州纽黑文。欲了解Arvinas的更多信息,请访问我们的网站,或通过LinkedIn与联系我们。此新闻稿不包含于此说明中,有关新闻稿及有关照片请点击链接:LinkedIn和页面。X.

Arvinas Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve substantial risks and uncertainties, including statements regarding Arvinas' ability to bring its technology to patients, including its ability to accelerate the translation of its targeted protein degradation research into meaningful clinical trials and impactful treatment; the potential therapeutic benefits of the product candidates in Arvinas' PROTAC protein degrader pipeline; the future of Arvinas based on strength of its clinical portfolio and research pipeline; and the impact the enumerated promotions may have on the company. The words "believe," "expect," "may," "plan," "potential," "will," "continue," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Arvinas may not actually achieve the plans, intentions or expectations disclosed in these forward-looking statements, and you should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. Actual results or events could differ materially from the plans, intentions and expectations disclosed in the forward-looking statements made as a result of various risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to: Arvinas' approach to the discovery and development of product candidates based on its PROTAC technology platform is unproven, which makes it difficult to predict the time, cost of development and likelihood of successfully developing any products; Arvinas' ability to protect its intellectual property position; whether cash and cash equivalent resources will be sufficient to fund Arvinas' foreseeable and unforeseeable operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements; and other important factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and subsequent other reports on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release reflect current views with respect to future events, and Arvinas assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable law. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Arvinas' views as of any date after the date of this release.

本新闻发布稿件包含根据1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》(Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995)的有利根据的前瞻性声明,涉及到Arvinas将其技术带给患者的能力,包括其加速将有针对性的蛋白质降解研究转化为有意义的临床试验和具有影响力的治疗,Arvinas的PROTAC蛋白质降解剂管道中的产品候选人的潜在治疗效益,以及上述晋升可能对公司产生的影响。虽然并非所有前瞻性声明均包含这些识别性字,如“认为”、“期望”、“可能”、“计划”、“潜在”、“将”、“持续”等等,但阅读者可以通过这些识别性字判断为前瞻性声明。Arvinas无法确保实际上能够达到这些前瞻性声明中所透露的计划、意图或预期,因此您不应对这些前瞻性声明的实际结果或事件表示过多关注。由于各种风险和不确定因素的影响,Arvinas实际上可能无法如计划、意图或预期的那样实现和披露这些前瞻性声明。具体风险和不确定性包括但不限于:Arvinas的基于PROTAC技术平台的产品候选人的开发方式尚未证明,这使得难以预测开发的时间、开发成本和成功开发任何产品的可能性;Arvinas的保护知识产权的能力;现金和现金等价物资源是否足以支撑Arvinas可预测和不可预测的营业费用和资本支出需求;以及有关该公司全年的“风险因素”部分的重要因素。对于未来事件,本新闻发布稿件中的前瞻性声明仅代表当前观点,Arvinas假设除适用法律规定外,不会更新任何前瞻性声明。您不应该将这些前瞻性声明视为自本发布日期起代表Arvinas观点的陈述。



Investor Contact:
Jeff Boyle, Arvinas Investor Relations
+1 (347) 247-5089

Jeff Boyle, Arvinas投资者关系
+1 (347) 247-5089

Media Contact:
Kathleen Murphy, Arvinas Communications
+1 (760) 622-3771

Kathleen Murphy, Arvinas通信
+1 (760) 622-3771

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