
American Aires Provides Corporate Update on Robust Fundamentals, Sales Growth & Commitment to Scaling Into Global Health Tech Leader

American Aires Provides Corporate Update on Robust Fundamentals, Sales Growth & Commitment to Scaling Into Global Health Tech Leader

newsfile ·  06/18 07:00
  • American Aires delivers strong performance & continues rapid growth trajectory
  • Robust fundamentals & strategic partnerships drive confidence in future success
  • CEO Josh Bruni committed to scaling Aires into global leader in health technology
  • 美国艾尔斯表现强劲,并继续快速增长。
  • 强大的基本面和战略合作伙伴支持人们对未来成功的信心。
  • 首席执行官Josh Bruni致力将艾尔斯打造成全球健康技术领导者。

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 18, 2024) - American Aires Inc. (CSE: WIFI) (OTCQB: AAIRF) ("Aires" or the "Company"), a pioneer in innovative technology designed to safeguard against electromagnetic radiation and enhance human well-being, is pleased to share a corporate update highlighting the Company's strong growth and promising future outlook. Despite recent stock price fluctuations, Aires' fundamentals remain solid, and the Company continues to execute its strategic plan with precision and vigor.

多伦多,安大略省—(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年6月18日)—American Aires Inc.(CSE: WIFI) (场外交易:AAIRF) ("Aires"或"公司公司很高兴分享最新企业动态,以突显公司强劲增长和光明前景。尽管最近的股价波动,艾尔斯公司的基本面仍然坚实,公司继续以精确和活跃的策略执行其计划。

In a display of growth, Aires achieved a 47% year-over-year increase in order volume in April, followed by an impressive 98% surge in May. This continues the strong growth trajectory seen in previous years, with 128% YoY growth from 2021 to 2022 and 79% YoY growth from 2022 to 2023. Gross profit margins in April and May held steady at 58% and 60%, respectively, underscoring the robustness of our business model. A significant contributor to this success was CEO Josh Bruni's appearance on the prestigious "Health Uncensored with Dr. Drew" show on FOX Business Network on May 2nd, 2024 which catalyzed a notable uptick in order volume.

展示了艾尔斯公司的增长,4月份订单量同比增长47%,5月份有49%的巨幅增长,这延续了前几年的强劲增长轨迹,2021年到2022年同比增长128%,2022年到2023年同比增长79%。四月和五月的毛利润率分别为58%和60%,凸显了公司的业务模式的强劲性。CEO Josh Bruni在2024年5月2日出现在FOX Business Network的备受瞩目的“Health Uncensored with Dr. Drew”节目上,此为成功传播的一个重要因素。

The Company's May 2024 financing has provided the necessary fuel to propel Aires forward, enabling the pursuit of high-impact mass marketing initiatives. Most notably, our recently forged global partnership with UFC has unlocked immediate access to 170 countries and 700 million pre-qualified fans who prioritize health, wellness, and peak performance-the very values that Aires technology embodies.


Aires wants to emphasize that the recent stock price volatility is not a reflection of the Company's strong performance and unwavering commitment to its mission. The anticipated release on June 17th, 2024 of 26,666,663 common shares of the Company from the 4-month hold period related to our February 16, 2024 financing was expected to temporarily impact market dynamics, and some volatility was anticipated as a result. The market fluctuations do not reflect the underlying strength of our fundamentals or the visionary leadership guiding Aires forward. The Company remains focused on executing its growth strategy and delivering long-term value to its shareholders, and we are confident that the market will recognize our solid position and bright future prospects.

艾尔斯公司希望强调,最近的股价波动并不反映出公司的强劲表现和毫不动摇的使命。2024年6月17日,公司计划释放26666663股普通股,这些股票来自我们于2024年2月16日的融资所拥有的4个月的持有期,这预计将临时影响市场动态,因此预计会有一些波动。市场波动不反映我们基本面的强度或指导艾尔斯前进的远见卓识。公司仍然专注于执行其增长战略并为股东提供长期价值,我们确信市场将认识到我们稳健的位置和光明的前景。th首席执行官Josh Bruni和整个管理团队共持有该公司23%的股份,坚定地致力于将艾尔斯打造成健康技术领域的领导者。在Josh的管理下,Aires在过去的30个月中一直在实现承诺,在全球90个国家销售了数十万件产品。公司认为,这一成功的记录将成为未来更大成就的发射台。

CEO Josh Bruni, along with the entire management team, who collectively hold a 23% stake in the Company, remain steadfastly dedicated to scaling Aires into a leader in health technology. Over the past 30 months under Josh's stewardship, Aires has consistently delivered on its promises, selling hundreds of thousands of products across 90 countries. The Company believes this track record of success will serve as a launchpad for even greater achievements in the future.

首席执行官Josh Bruni表示:“在艾尔斯公司,我们不断专注于建立基础,使我们能够成为我们所在类别的无可争议的领导者。到目前为止,我们的增长令人瞩目,而我们仅仅是刚刚开始。通过与UFC等全球知名品牌对齐,并与具有影响力的运动员和思想领袖建立伙伴关系,我们可以将艾尔斯的地位巩固为全球性品牌。我们的团队致力于利用过去两年获得的宝贵见解推动创新,扩大我们的影响力,并为客户和股东提供价值。”

"At Aires, we are relentlessly focused on building the foundation that will position us to become the undisputed leader in our category," stated CEO Josh Bruni. "Our growth so far has been impressive, and we are just getting started. By aligning with global icons such as the UFC and forging partnerships with influential athletes and thought leaders, we can cement Aires' status as a household brand worldwide. Our team is committed to leveraging the invaluable insights gained over the past two years to drive innovation, expand our reach, and deliver value to our customers and shareholders alike."

“我们专注于构建基础,使我们能够成为我们所在类别的无可争议的领导者,”首席执行官Josh Bruni表示。 “到目前为止,我们的增长令人瞩目,而我们仅仅是刚刚开始。通过与UFC等全球知名品牌对齐,并与具有影响力的运动员和思想领袖建立伙伴关系,我们可以将艾尔斯的地位巩固为全球性品牌。我们的团队致力于利用过去两年获得的宝贵见解推动创新,扩大我们的影响力,并为客户和股东提供价值。”

Aires remains confident in its ability to execute its vision and capitalize on the opportunities that lie ahead. With a solid foundation, a proven track record of success, and an unwavering commitment to innovation and growth, management believes Aires is poised to reshape the landscape of health technology and emerge as a leader in its field.


In addition, the Company announces an agreement with West Coast Media LLC ("WCM") (phone: +1-503-989-1439; address: PO Box 3915, Bend, OR 97707) to provide certain financial publishing and digital marketing services, reporting to the Company's CEO. The investor relations initiatives are aimed at increasing investor awareness and interest in the Company. The agreement is solely focused on US capital markets and increasing awareness of the Company among American investors. The services commence on June 24, 2024 and are continuing through July 24, 2024. The Company will pay WCM USD$50,000 for its services. The Company will not issue any securities to WCM in consideration of the services. The Company and WCM deal at arm's length and do not have any prior relationship.

此外,该公司宣布与West Coast Media LLC("WCM")(电话:+1-503-989-1439,地址:PO Box 3915,Bend,OR 97707)达成协议,提供某些财务出版和数字营销服务,向公司CEO报告。投资者关系举措旨在增加投资者对该公司的认识和兴趣。该协议仅关注美国资本市场,并在增加美国投资者对公司的认识方面。该服务从2024年6月24日开始,并持续至2024年7月24日。公司将向WCM支付50,000美元的服务费用。公司不会发行任何证券以作为该服务的代价。公司和WCM不相互关联,也没有任何先前的关系。

About American Aires Inc.

美国Aires股份有限公司是一家加拿大纳米技术公司,致力于通过科学领先的创新、教育和倡导来增强健康和环境安全。该公司开发了一种保护人体免受电磁辐射有害影响的专有的基于硅的振荡器。Aires的Lifetune产品针对电子设备(如手机、电脑、婴儿监视器和Wi-Fi)发射的电磁辐射(EMR),包括更强大且正在迅速扩展的高速5G网络。Aires在CSE上的股票代码为WIFI,在OTC QB上的股票代码为AAIRF。了解更多,请访问。

American Aires Inc. is a Canadian-based nanotechnology company committed to enhancing well-being and environmental safety through science-led innovation, education, and advocacy. The company has developed a proprietary silicon-based resonator that protect against the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Aires' Lifetune products target EMR emitted by consumer electronic devices such as cellphones, computers, baby monitors, and Wi-Fi, including the more powerful and rapidly expanding high-speed 5G networks. Aires is listed on the CSE under the ticker 'WIFI' and on the OTC QB under the symbol 'AAIRF'. Learn more at .

美国艾尔斯是一家总部位于加拿大的纳米技术公司,致力于通过科学领导的创新,教育和倡导,增强人类福祉和环境安全。该公司开发了一种基于硅的专有共振器,可保护免受电磁辐射的有害影响,并增强人类福祉。Aires的Lifetune产品针对消费类电子设备(如手机,计算机,婴儿监视器和Wi-Fi)发出的电磁辐射,包括更强大且迅速扩展的高速5G网络。艾尔斯在CSE上的代码是“WIFI”,在OTC QB上的代码是“AAIRF”。更多信息请参见。

On behalf of the board of directors


Company Contact:
Josh Bruni, CEO
Telephone: (415) 707-0102

电话:(415) 707-0102

Certain information set forth in this news release may contain forward-looking statements that involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding future financial position and financial measures, future market position, growth, innovations, global impact, business strategy, brand development, product adoption, use of proceeds, corporate vision, proposed acquisitions, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, 2024 being our best year ever, continuing our trajectory of revenue growth, relationships with athletes, celebrities and performers, the size and growth of the consumer market focused on wellbeing and EMF protection, strategic alliances and co-operations, budgets, cost and plans and objectives of or involving the Company. Such forward-looking information reflects management's current beliefs and is based on information currently available to management. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "predicts", "intends", "targets", "aims", "anticipates" or "believes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases or may be identified by statements to the effect that certain actions "may", "could", "should", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. A number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors may cause the actual results or performance to materially differ from any future results or performance expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the control of the Company including, but not limited to, the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, the occurrence of force majeure events, developments and changes in laws and regulations, competitive factors, and dependence upon regulatory approvals. Certain material assumptions regarding such forward-looking statements may be discussed in this news release and the Company's annual and quarterly management's discussion and analysis filed at . Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. The Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by securities laws.


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