


ATLAS OCEAN VOYAGES新增星空观测和天文学研讨会& 2026年新日食探险
PR Newswire ·  06/19 11:18

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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., June 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Atlas Ocean Voyages, the leader in yacht expedition cruising, is enhancing its Cultural Expeditions' Atlas Focus Lab programming by introducing new Stargazing and Astronomy Workshops on select 2024 and 2025 expeditions. Atlas will also feature two special voyages highlighting the total solar eclipse scheduled on August 12, 2026. World Navigator will be positioned in the Arctic region off Patreksfjordur, Iceland, and World Traveller will be positioned in the Mediterranean off Palma de Mallorca, Spain, ensuring optimal viewing locations centered in the path of totality for each location.

佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡,2024年6月19日 /PRNewswire/——游艇探险巨头阿特拉斯海洋游轮公司(Atlas Ocean Voyages)将在2024年和2025年的部分探险活动上推出新的星空观测和天文研讨会,进一步提升其文化探险Atlas Focus Lab的活动项目。Atlas将提供两个特别航次,突出8月12日计划的全日食。世界导航者将停放在冰岛帕特雷克斯菲厄尔德(Patreksfjordur)外的北极地区,世界旅游者将停放在西班牙马略卡(Mallorca)附近的地中海區域,确保每个位置在全食路徑中心的最佳观察地点。

Total solar eclipse, mountains, and sea.

Stargazing & Astronomy Workshops
Throughout each Stargazing and Astronomy Workshop, guests will engage in conversations about the cosmos with fellow explorers while viewing the galaxy with advanced telescopes on deck. Talks and lectures will cover topics ranging from the birth of the universe to the latest astronomical discoveries, leaving guests with a greater appreciation for the sky above. Featured on three expeditions in 2024 aboard World Navigator, guests will have the opportunity to enrich their journey with enlightening talks led by Astronomer Jonathan H. Ward.

每次星空观测和天文研讨会上,客人将与其他探险者一起观测星系,同时在甲板上通过先进的望远镜进行观测和交流。演讲和讲座将涵盖从宇宙诞生到最新天文发现的主题,让客人更好地欣赏天空。 世界导航者三个2024年的探险活动中,客人将有机会通过由天文学家乔纳森·H·沃德(Jonathan H. Ward)领导的富有启发性的演讲丰富他们的旅程。

Reykjavik to Amsterdam (8-Nights) Departure September 12, 2024
Amsterdam to Lisbon (10-Nights) Departure September 20, 2024
Las Palmas to Rio De Janeiro (13-Nights) Departure October 14, 2024


Astronomer Charles Barclay will lead the World Voyager expedition in 2025, departing on June 10, 2025, for 12 nights from Leith (Edinburgh) to Trondheim. Additional Stargazing and Astronomy Workshop expeditions to Northern Europe in 2025 will be announced soon.

天文学家查尔斯·巴克利将领导2025年的 世界探险者探险活动将于2025年6月10日从利斯(爱丁堡)出发,为期12晚。2025年的北欧区域的其他星空观测和天文研讨会远航活动即将公布。

"There has always been a close connection to stargazing and the sea, from captains navigating with the stars to novice astronomers gazing at the night sky on deck," shares James Rodriguez, president and CEO of Atlas Ocean Voyages. "The Atlas Ocean Voyages team looks forward to welcoming Jonathan Ward and Charles Barclay onboard as our expedition guides to the galaxy as we further elevate the onboard experience for our guests to new heights."

“从船长用星星导航,到初学者在甲板上凝视夜空时,天文观测与海有着密切的联系。”阿特拉斯海洋游轮公司的总裁兼首席执行官詹姆斯·罗德里格斯(James Rodriguez)说:“阿特拉斯海洋游轮团队期待着将乔纳森·沃德和查尔斯·巴克利迎接到我们的探险家中,与他们一起开启星际之旅,将我们为客人提供的船上体验提升到新的高度。”

Jonathan H. Ward is the author of space history books, an astronomer, and an avid astrophotographer. His most recent book, "Through the Glass Ceiling to the Stars," was written in collaboration with astronaut Eileen Collins, the first American woman to pilot and command space missions. His previous book, "Bringing Columbia Home: The Untold Story of a Lost Space Shuttle and Her Crew," was optioned for development as a feature film and was awarded the Space Hipsters Prize for Best Space and Astronomy Book of 2018. He has been an active speaker on space-related topics as a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador since 2012. His enrichment lectures include "The Sky Above Us" planetarium presentations and leading stargazing sessions on deck. Jonathan was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society in September 2018 and is president of the Greensboro (North Carolina) Astronomy Club.

乔纳森·H·沃德是太空历史书籍的作者、天文学家以及狂热的天体摄影师。他最近的一本书是《通过玻璃天花板到达星星》。Through the Glass Ceiling to the Stars与首位驾驶和指挥太空任务的美国女宇航员艾琳·科林斯合作撰写。他之前的书籍《把哥伦比亚号送回家:一个失落的航天飞机及其船员的未知故事》被选为其故事情节开发的电影,并获得了2018年度最佳太空和天文图书的太空嬉皮士奖。作为NASA/JPL太阳系大使,他一直是与太空相关话题的活跃演讲者,其丰富的讲座包括“我们上方的天空”星球仪演示和主持的甲板上观星活动。他于2018年9月当选为皇家天文学会会士,并担任格林斯伯勒(北卡罗来纳州)天文俱乐部的主席。《把哥伦比亚号送回家:一个失落的航天飞机及其船员的未知故事》精心策划的两个行程将分别在2026年8月12日的冰岛帕特雷克斯菲厄尔村(Patreksfjordur)和巴尔荷尔斯德梅罗纳(Palma de Mallorca)与法国班尤尔斯-苏尔-梅(Banyuls Sur Mer)之间的地中海海域内航行,让客人在全球最佳位置观赏日全食。

Charles Barclay, a previous Vice President of the Royal Astronomical Society, directed the Blackett Observatory in Wiltshire for 25 years. He is at the forefront of astronomy education and outreach in the UK, serving as a National Astronomy Education Coordinator for the International Astronomical Union, UK Team Leader for the Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad, and an Academic Visitor in the Oxford University Astrophysics Department. Recognized by the Royal Astronomical Society with the 2023 Service Award for his outstanding contribution to astronomy education, Barclay lectures on diverse astrophysics topics internationally and writes for popular astronomy magazines.

查尔斯·巴克利(Charles Barclay)是皇家天文学会的前副主席,曾在威尔特郡的布莱克特天文台任职25年。他是英国天文教育和外展事业的领军人物,担任国际天文联合会的全国天文教育协调员,天文与天体物理竞赛的英国团队领队,还兼任牛津大学天体物理系的客座学者。由于在天文教育方面做出的杰出贡献,巴克利获得2023年女王服务奖,并在国际上讲授多种天体物理学课程,并为流行的天文杂志撰写文章。

2026 Eclipse Expeditions
World Navigator will mark the August 12, 2026, solar eclipse in Patreksfjordur, Iceland, while World Traveller will sail the Mediterranean Sea between Palma de Mallorca, Spain, and Banyuls Sur Mer, France. Both itineraries have been carefully curated to position the vessels in the most optimal locations on the globe for viewing the eclipse.

世界导航者这两个行程都经过精心安排,将在全球最佳位置将船只定位到最佳位置,观看2026年8月12日冰岛帕特雷克斯菲厄尔村(Patreksfjordur)的日全食。World Traveller号将从西班牙帕尔马德马约卡(Palma de Mallorca)出发,一路穿过地中海、来到法国巴尼乌斯苏梅尔(Banyuls Sur Mer)观测日全食。

"This year's solar eclipse was one of the most sought-after travel experiences in 2024 and Atlas Ocean Voyages is thrilled to offer not one, but two voyages to optimum locations for the next solar eclipse in 2026," shares James Rodriguez, president and CEO of Atlas Ocean Voyages.

“今年的日全食成为最受欢迎的旅行经历之一,Atlas Ocean Voyages很高兴能够为2026年日全食提供不止一次的航行机会,”Atlas Ocean Voyages的总裁兼首席执行官詹姆斯·罗德里格斯分享道。

Reykjavik roundtrip (9 nights) Departure August 9, 2026
Barcelona to Montecarlo (7 nights) Departure August 11, 2026


Both journeys will feature expert astronomers serving as expedition guides. They will share their knowledge of the solar eclipse and detailed descriptions of the uninterrupted views of the stars above. Guests will enjoy special lectures, advanced telescopes on deck, and engaging conversations about the cosmos with fellow explorers. These expeditions are expected to be popular and anticipated to sell out quickly.


For information and reservations, call a travel advisor or 1.844.44.ATLAS or visit . You can also follow Atlas on Facebook and Instagram: or .


About Atlas Ocean Voyages
Atlas Ocean Voyages is the yacht expedition brand of Mystic Invest Holding. Stylish and intimate expedition yachts featuring less than 100 suites and staterooms offering five-star comfort, from luxurious accommodations and an all-inclusive onboard experience to in-depth excursions. Fares include a Cultural Immersion tour, open bars aboard the ship, including craft beers, specialty coffees, and smoothies, L'OCCITANE bath amenities, an in-room coffee bar, prepaid gratuities, and complimentary emergency medical evacuation insurance. World Navigator was launched in 2021, World Traveller in 2022, and World Voyager joined the fleet in 2023.

Atlas Ocean Voyages 是Mystic Invest Holding的游艇探险品牌,拥有100个套房和小客房的时尚、亲密的探险游艇,提供五星级的舒适度,从豪华住宿和全包式的船上服务,到深入的深度探险。费用包括文化沉浸之旅、船上开放吧台,包括精酿啤酒、特色咖啡和果汁,欧舒丹浴室配件,客房内咖啡吧,预付小费,以及免费的紧急医疗撤离保险。

SOURCE Atlas Ocean Voyages

SOURCE Atlas海洋航行

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