
Altamira Therapeutics Highlights Newly Published Review Article Supporting Use of Betahistine in Vertigo Management

Altamira Therapeutics Highlights Newly Published Review Article Supporting Use of Betahistine in Vertigo Management

Altamira Therapeutics强调新发布的评论文章支持使用Betahistine管理眩晕症状。
Altamira Therapeutics ·  06/20 00:00

Hamilton, Bermuda, June 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

百慕大汉密尔顿,2024 年 6 月 20 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)—

  • Independent review discusses evidence supporting the use of betahistine to alleviate residual dizziness following physical repositioning procedures in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) patients
  • Betahistine is marketed world-wide, except in the US, and considered standard of care treatment for dizziness / vertigo
  • AM-125 is a nasal spray formulation of betahistine currently being developed by Altamira to overcome low bioavailability of oral formulation and make treatment option also available to US patients
  • Altamira intends to partner or divest AM-125 as part of legacy assets in strategic pivot to RNA delivery technology
  • 独立审查讨论了支持使用倍他司汀缓解良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)患者进行物理重新定位手术后的残留头晕的证据
  • 倍他司汀在全球销售,美国除外,被视为头晕/眩晕的标准护理治疗
  • AM-125 是 Altamira 目前正在开发的倍他司汀鼻腔喷雾剂制剂,旨在克服口服制剂的低生物利用度,也为美国患者提供治疗选择
  • Altamira 打算与 AM-125 合作或剥离,将其作为传统资产的一部分,转向 RNA 交付技术

Altamira Therapeutics Ltd. ("Altamira" or the "Company") (Nasdaq:CYTO), a company dedicated to developing and commercializing RNA delivery technology for targets beyond the liver, today highlighted the publication of an article describing the rationale for and use of betahistine in the treatment of residual dizziness following standard of care physical repositioning procedures for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). The peer reviewed article was published by an international group of medical and scientific experts in vestibular disorders in the journal Frontiers in Neurology1 and reviews the potential causes of residual dizziness, which has been reported to occur in 31-61% of patients, and available treatment options.

Altamira Therapeutics Ltd.(“Altamira” 或 “公司”)(纳斯达克股票代码:CYTO)是一家致力于开发和商业化肝脏以外靶点的RNA递送技术的公司,今天重点介绍了一篇文章,描述了根据良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)的标准护理物理再定位程序使用倍他司汀治疗残留头晕的理由和用途。这篇经过同行评审的文章由一组国际前庭疾病医学和科学专家发表在《神经病学前沿》杂志上1 并回顾了剩余头晕的潜在原因(据报道,有31-61%的患者会出现这种情况)以及可用的治疗方案。

BPPV is characterized by repeated episodes of vertigo produced by changes in the head position relative to gravity, e.g. when tipping the head backward. It is typically caused by dislodged inner ear particles (otoconia) in one of the semicircular canals, most often the posterior canal. The debris elicits unwanted vestibular stimulation and is often cleared through physical repositioning procedures such as the Epley maneuver, which is strongly recommended by the Clinical Practice Guideline of the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.

BPPV 的特征是头部位置相对于重力的变化(例如头部向后倾斜时)会反复发作。它通常是由其中一个半圆形运河(最常见的是后管)中的内耳颗粒(耳鼻炎)脱落引起的。这些碎片会引起不必要的前庭刺激,通常通过物理重新定位手术清除,例如埃普利动作,这是美国耳鼻喉科学会头颈外科临床实践指南强烈推荐的。

BPPV is the most common type of vertigo and accounts for 17 to 42% of all diagnosed cases; in the United States, healthcare costs associated with the diagnosis of BPPV alone approach $2 billion per year. Patients suffering from BPPV experience significant inconveniences and disabilities during symptomatic episodes, as they interfere with day-to-day activities such as driving a car or climbing stairs. Almost 86% of BPPV patients suffer some interruption to their daily activities and lost days at work due to BPPV. The dysfunction generally emerges in the elderly with a peak onset in the 5th and 6th decade.

BPPV是最常见的眩晕类型,占所有诊断病例的17%至42%;在美国,每年仅与BPPV诊断相关的医疗费用就接近20亿美元。患有 BPPV 的患者在出现症状时会遇到严重的不便和残疾,因为他们会干扰开车或爬楼梯等日常活动。由于BPPV,将近86%的BPPV患者的日常活动受到一定程度的干扰和工作时间损失。这种功能障碍通常出现在老年人身上,在第五和第六十年达到峰值。

Even in case of a successful physical repositioning procedure, patients may experience residual dizziness. This may last for a few days up to several weeks and may affect quality of life and be of incapacitating nature. Residual dizziness may be due to, among others, remaining otoconia, incomplete vestibular compensation or microcirculation dysfunction. Based on their review of available treatment options, the authors of the publication suggest the use of vestibular habituation therapies and vestibular rehabilitation programs to facilitate vestibular compensation and treatment with betahistine for improvement of inner ear blood supply and promotion of vestibular compensation. An earlier publication by another research group had already shown in a meta-analysis that the combination of a common physical repositioning procedure with betahistine treatment resulted in a significantly greater reduction in dizziness handicap compared to the procedure alone (p = 0.001).2

即使成功进行身体再定位手术,患者也可能会出现残留的头晕。这可能会持续几天到几周,可能会影响生活质量,并具有丧失行为能力的性质。残留的头晕可能是由于剩余的耳锥症、前庭补偿不完全或微循环功能障碍等原因造成的。根据他们对现有治疗方案的审查,该出版物的作者建议使用前庭习惯疗法和前庭康复计划来促进前庭补偿,并使用倍他司汀进行治疗以改善内耳血液供应和促进前庭补偿。另一个研究小组早些时候发表的一份出版物已经在荟萃分析中表明,与单独的手术相比,将常见的物理重新定位手术与倍他司汀治疗相结合可以显著减少头晕障碍(p = 0.001)。2

"We welcome the additional research into residual dizziness after physical repositioning procedures in BPPV since this is a very common and oftentimes serious problem for patients", commented Thomas Meyer, PhD, Altamira's founder, chairman and CEO. "Treatment of BPPV is the single most important vestibular indication for betahistine, and we look forward to testing our AM-125, an intranasal formulation of the drug, specifically in this condition. AM-125 has a significantly higher bioavailability than the oral form of betahistine, which is currently marketed around the world, except for the US. As we are repositioning the Company around our RNA delivery technology, we are working towards the partnering of the program with one or several partners to take it forward and making betahistine ultimately also available to dizziness patients in the US."

Altamira的创始人、董事长兼首席执行官托马斯·迈耶博士评论说:“我们欢迎对BPPV进行物理重新定位手术后的残留头晕进行更多研究,因为这对患者来说是一个非常常见且往往很严重的问题。”“BPPV的治疗是倍他司汀最重要的前庭适应症,我们期待测试我们的 AM-125,这是一种该药物的鼻内配方,特别是在这种情况下。AM-125 的生物利用度明显高于口服形式的倍他司汀,后者目前在除美国以外的世界各地销售。在我们围绕我们的RNA输送技术重新定位公司的同时,我们正在努力与一个或多个合作伙伴合作开展该计划,以推进该计划,并最终使倍他司汀也可用于美国的头晕患者。”

About Betahistine


Betahistine, a small molecule structural analog of histamine, acts as an agonist at the H1 histamine receptor and as an antagonist at the H3 histamine receptor. Unlike histamine, it crosses the blood-brain-barrier. Betahistine is known to increase the release of histamine, acetylcholine, dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. It increases cochlear, vestibular and cerebral blood flow and facilitates vestibular compensation and inhibits neuronal firing in the vestibular nuclei. Betahistine for oral administration is approved in about 115 countries (with the U.S. being a notable exception) for the treatment of vertigo and Meniere's disease. Despite its good safety profile, the clinical utility of orally administered Betahistine is limited due to poor bioavailability.


About AM-125

关于 AM-125

AM-125 is an intranasal formulation of betahistine. Because of its ability to circumvent first-pass-metabolism, AM-125 has been shown to have 5-to-29 times higher bioavailability than orally administered betahistine. Altamira Therapeutics is developing AM-125 for the treatment of acute vestibular syndrome (AVS). The investigational drug has been tested successfully in a Phase 2 clinical trial ("TRAVERS") with patients suffering from AVS following vestibular surgery: compared to placebo, AM-125 treatment helped accelerate vestibular compensation and alleviate signs and symptoms of vestibular dysfunction.3

AM-125 是倍他司汀的鼻内制剂。由于其规避首次代谢的能力,AM-125 的生物利用度已被证明是口服倍他司汀的 5 到 29 倍。Altamira Therapeutics 正在开发用于治疗急性前庭综合征 (AVS) 的 AM-125。该研究药物已在一项针对前庭手术后患有 AVS 的患者的 2 期临床试验(“TRAVERS”)中成功进行了测试:与安慰剂相比,AM-125 治疗有助于加速前庭补偿并缓解前庭功能障碍的体征和症状。3

About Altamira Therapeutics


Altamira Therapeutics (Nasdaq: CYTO) is developing and supplying peptide-based nanoparticle technologies for efficient RNA delivery to extrahepatic tissues (OligoPhore / SemaPhore platforms). The Company currently has two flagship siRNA programs using its proprietary delivery technology: AM-401 for KRAS driven cancer and AM-411 for rheumatoid arthritis, both in preclinical development beyond in vivo proof of concept. The versatile delivery platform is also suited for mRNA and other RNA modalities and made available to pharma or biotech companies through out-licensing. In addition, Altamira holds a 49% stake (with additional economic rights) in Altamira Medica AG, its commercial-stage legacy asset Bentrio, an OTC nasal spray for allergic rhinitis. Further, the Company is in the process of partnering / divesting its inner ear legacy assets. Founded in 2003, Altamira is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda, with its main operations in Basel, Switzerland. For more information, visit:

Altamira Therapeutics(纳斯达克股票代码:CYTO)正在开发和提供基于肽的纳米颗粒技术,用于将RNA高效输送到肝外组织(Oligophore/SemaPhore平台)。该公司目前有两个使用其专有交付技术的旗舰siRNA项目:用于KRAS驱动的癌症的 AM-401 和用于类风湿关节炎的 AM-411,均在体内概念验证以外的临床前开发中。多功能交付平台还适用于mRNA和其他 RNA 模式,并通过外包许可提供给制药或生物技术公司。此外,阿尔塔米拉持有Altamira Medica AG49%的股份(还有额外的经济权利)。Altamira Medica AG是其商业阶段的遗产资产Bentrio,一家治疗过敏性鼻炎的非处方鼻腔喷雾剂。此外,该公司正在合作/剥离其内耳遗留资产。Altamira成立于2003年,总部位于百慕大汉密尔顿,主要业务位于瑞士巴塞尔。欲了解更多信息,请访问:

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release may contain statements that constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are statements other than historical facts and may include statements that address future operating, financial or business performance or Altamira's strategies or expectations. In some cases, you can identify these statements by forward-looking words such as "may", "might", "will", "should", "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "predicts", "projects", "potential", "outlook" or "continue", or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. Forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, developments and business decisions to differ materially from those contemplated by these statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the success of strategic transactions, including licensing or partnering, with respect to Altamira's legacy assets, Altamira's need for and ability to raise substantial additional funding to continue the development of its product candidates, the clinical utility of Altamira's product candidates, the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals, Altamira's intellectual property position and Altamira's financial position, including the impact of any future acquisitions, dispositions, partnerships, license transactions or changes to Altamira's capital structure, including future securities offerings. These risks and uncertainties also include, but are not limited to, those described under the caption "Risk Factors" in Altamira's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023, and in Altamira's other filings with the Securities Exchange Commission ("SEC"), which are available free of charge on the SEC's website at: Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those indicated. All forward-looking statements and all subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to Altamira or to persons acting on behalf of Altamira are expressly qualified in their entirety by reference to these risks and uncertainties. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and Altamira does not undertake any obligation to update them in light of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable law.

本新闻稿可能包含构成经修订的1933年《证券法》第27A条和经修订的1934年《证券交易法》第21E条所指的 “前瞻性陈述” 的陈述。前瞻性陈述是历史事实以外的陈述,可能包括涉及未来运营、财务或业务业绩或阿尔塔米拉战略或预期的陈述。在某些情况下,您可以通过诸如 “可能”、“可能”、“将”、“应该”、“期望”、“计划”、“预期”、“相信”、“估计”、“预测”、“项目”、“潜力”、“展望” 或 “继续” 等前瞻性词语来识别这些陈述,或者这些术语或其他类似术语的否定词。前瞻性陈述基于管理层当前的预期和信念,涉及重大风险和不确定性,可能导致实际业绩、发展和业务决策与这些陈述所设想的存在重大差异。这些风险和不确定性包括但不限于与阿尔塔米拉遗留资产有关的战略交易(包括许可或合作)的成功、阿尔塔米拉为继续开发其候选产品而筹集大量额外资金的需求和筹集大量额外资金的能力、阿尔塔米拉候选产品的临床效用、监管机构申报和批准的时间或可能性、阿尔塔米拉的知识产权状况和阿尔塔米拉的财务状况,包括未来任何收购、处置的影响,合伙企业、许可交易或Altamira资本结构的变化,包括未来的证券发行。这些风险和不确定性还包括但不限于阿尔塔米拉截至2023年12月31日止年度的20-F表年度报告以及阿尔塔米拉向证券交易委员会(“SEC”)提交的其他文件中 “风险因素” 标题下描述的风险和不确定性,这些文件可在美国证券交易委员会的网站上免费获得,网址为。如果其中一种或多种风险或不确定性成为现实,或者基本假设被证明不正确,则实际结果可能与所示结果存在重大差异。所有前瞻性陈述以及随后归因于阿尔塔米拉或代表阿尔塔米拉行事的人的所有书面和口头前瞻性陈述均根据这些风险和不确定性进行了明确的全部限定。您不应过分依赖前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述仅代表其发表之日,除非适用法律另有要求,否则阿尔塔米拉不承担任何义务根据新信息、未来发展或其他方面对其进行更新。


1 Özgirgin et al. (2024), Residual dizziness after BPPV management: exploring pathophysiology and treatment beyond canalith repositioning maneuvers, Front Neurol 15:1382196.

1 奥兹吉尔金等人(2024),《BPPV管理后的残余头晕:探索运河岩重新定位操作之外的病理生理学和治疗方法》,《神经前线》15:1382196。

2 Li et al. (2023), Efficacy of Epley's maneuver plus betahistine in the management of PC-BPPV - A systematic review and meta-analysis, Medicine (Baltimore) 102(13):e33421.

2 李等人(2023),《埃普利疗法加倍他司汀在PC-BPPV管理中的功效——系统评价和荟萃分析,医学(巴尔的摩)102(13):e33421。

3 Van de Heyning et al. (2023), Efficacy and safety of intranasal betahistine in the treatment of surgery-induced acute vestibular syndrome: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phase 2 study, Otol Neurotol 44(5):493-501.

3 Van de Heyning等人(2023),鼻内倍他司汀治疗手术诱发的急性前庭综合征的疗效和安全性:一项双盲、随机、安慰剂对照的2期研究,Otol Neurotol 44 (5): 493-501。

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