
PagerDuty Announces Integration With Snowflake Trail to Improve Observability Workflows

PagerDuty Announces Integration With Snowflake Trail to Improve Observability Workflows

PagerDuty ·  06/04 00:00

The PagerDuty Operations Cloud integrates with Snowflake Trail, new observability capabilities, to help resolve incident management issues rapidly and rescue costs

PagerDuty Operations Cloud与Snowflake Trail集成了新的可观察性功能,帮助快速解决事件管理问题并节省成本。

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- PagerDuty (NYSE:PD), a global leader in digital operations management, today announced the integration of the PagerDuty Operations Cloud with Snowflake Trail, a rich set of observability capabilities unveiled today by Snowflake, the AI Data Cloud company. By integrating the PagerDuty Operations Cloud with Snowflake Trail, joint customers can take a proactive approach to managing incidents that can deliver more resilient operations over time.

旧金山——(美国商业线)—PagerDuty(NYSE:PD)是数字运营管理的全球领导者,今天宣布将PagerDuty Operations Cloud与Snowflake Trail集成,后者是AI数据云公司今天推出的一个丰富的观测能力集。通过将PagerDuty Operations Cloud与Snowflake Trail集成,联合客户可以采取积极的方法来管理事故,从而实现更加弹性的运营。snowflakeSnowflake Trail是基于OpenTelemetry和开放标准构建的,因此开发人员可以与流行的观察和警报平台集成,包括PagerDuty的全面事件管理平台。PagerDuty和Snowflake的组合使团队能够快速识别和解决与数据基础设施、数据质量、AI运营有关的问题,同时管理软件成本。

Snowflake Trail is built with OpenTelemetry and open standards so developers can integrate with popular observability and alert platforms, including PagerDuty's comprehensive incident management platform. The combination of PagerDuty and Snowflake enables teams to quickly identify and resolve issues related to data infrastructure, data quality, AI operations and at the same time manage software costs.


"A proactive approach to managing large amounts of data requires digital operations management including triaging and real-time communication of data operational issues," said Julia Fare, vice president of partnerships at PagerDuty. "Our expanded integration with Snowflake helps organizations enhance their data operations and further unlock the potential of their data infrastructures."

您可以加入PagerDuty的CIO Eric Johnson和Snowflake的CIO和数据官Sunny Bedi,了解有关PagerDuty和Snowflake更多信息,时间是2024年6月5日星期三,在Snowflake的数据云峰会上。您可以在此注册他们的会议。

The PagerDuty Operations Cloud automatically detects and diagnoses disruptive events, mobilizes the right team members to respond and automates infrastructure and workflows across an organization's digital operations. By utilizing the PagerDuty Operations Cloud and Snowflake Trail, organizations can improve their operational efficiency, reduce downtime and ensure they effectively communicate with key stakeholders on important metrics that matter in real-time.

本基金寻求于东欧地区注册的主要权益关联发行人的长期升值投资。PagerDuty Operations Cloud会自动检测和诊断破坏性事件,动员合适的团队成员做出反应,自动化跨组织的数字运营基础设施和工作流程。通过利用PagerDuty Operations Cloud和Snowflake Trail,组织可以提高其操作效率,降低停机时间,并确保与关键利益相关者实时有效地交流重要指标。Snowflake的应用和开发平台主管杰夫·霍兰(Jeff Hollan)说:“Snowflake的使命是确保组织能够从其数据中获得最大的价值。”他说:“通过将PagerDuty Operations Cloud引入Snowflake Trail,组织将更好地配备积极识别数据被注入关键系统之前的质量问题的能力,从而更容易快速标记警报作为事故,最终使组织更有效地运行。”

"Snowflake's mission is to ensure that organizations can get the most value out of their data," said Jeff Hollan, Head of Applications and Developer Platform at Snowflake. "By bringing the PagerDuty Operations Cloud into Snowflake Trail, organizations are better equipped to proactively identify quality issues before the data is ingested into critical systems, making it easier to quickly flag alerts as incidents, ultimately enabling organizations to run more effectively."

要成为Snowflake合作伙伴并获得访问Snowflake的自助合作伙伴资源,请单击。要了解有关PagerDuty合作伙伴计划的更多信息,请访问。您还可以在2024年6月11日的圣弗朗西斯科PagerDuty之旅活动中听到有关PagerDuty和Snowflake的更多信息,地点在Chase Center。您可以在此注册该活动。

To learn more about PagerDuty and Snowflake, please join PagerDuty's CIO, Eric Johnson, and Snowflake's CIO and Data Officer, Sunny Bedi, at Snowflake's Data Cloud Summit on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. You can register for their session here.

想要了解PagerDuty和Snowflake更多的信息,请加入PagerDuty的首席信息官埃里克·约翰逊和Snowflake的首席信息官和数据官桑尼·贝迪,在 Snowflake的数据云峰会2024年6月5日星期三这里.

  • To become a Snowflake partner and get access to Snowflake's self-service partner resources, please click here.
  • To learn more about the PagerDuty partner program, please visit here.
  • You can also hear more about PagerDuty and Snowflake at PagerDuty on Tour San Francisco, on June 11, 2024, at the Chase Center. You can register for the event here.
  • 要成为Snowflake合作伙伴并获得访问Snowflake的自助合作伙伴资源,请单击。这里.
  • 要了解有关PagerDuty合作伙伴计划的更多信息,请访问。这里.
  • 您还可以在2024年6月11日的圣弗朗西斯科PagerDuty之旅活动中听到有关PagerDuty和Snowflake的更多信息,地点在Chase Center。您可以在此注册该活动 这里.

About PagerDuty Inc.

关于PagerDuty Inc.

PagerDuty, Inc. (NYSE:PD) is a global leader in digital operations management, enabling customers to achieve operational efficiency at scale with the PagerDuty Operations Cloud. The PagerDuty Operations Cloud combines AIOps, Automation, Customer Service Operations and Incident Management with a powerful generative AI assistant to create a flexible, resilient and scalable platform to increase innovation velocity, grow revenue, reduce cost, and mitigate the risk of operational failure. More than half of the Fortune 500 and nearly 70% of the Fortune 100 rely on PagerDuty as essential infrastructure for the modern enterprise. To learn more and try PagerDuty for free, visit

PagerDuty公司 (NYSE:PD)是数字化运营管理的全球领导者,其PagerDuty Operations Cloud将AIOps、自动化、客户服务操作和事件管理与强大的生成式AI助手相结合,打造出一个灵活、有弹性和可扩展的平台,以提高创新速度、增加营业收入、降低成本和减轻操作失误的风险。超过一半的《财富》500强企业和近70%的《财富》100强企业将PagerDuty视为现代企业不可或缺的基础设施。要了解更多信息并免费尝试PagerDuty,请访问

The PagerDuty Operations Cloud

PagerDuty Operations Cloud

The PagerDuty Operations Cloud is the platform for mission-critical, time-critical operations work in the modern enterprise. Through the power of AI and automation, it detects and diagnoses disruptive events, mobilizes the right team members to respond, and streamlines infrastructure and workflows across your digital operations. The Operations Cloud is essential infrastructure for revolutionizing digital operations to compete and win as a modern digital business.

PagerDuty Operations Cloud是现代企业中使关键任务和时效任务运作的平台。借助AI和自动化的力量,它可以检测和诊断破坏性事件,动员正确的团队成员进行响应,并在数字运营中简化基础设施和工作流程。Operations Cloud是革新数字运营的必要基础设施,在现代数字业务中取得竞争和成功。

Amberly Asay Janke

Amberly Asay Janke

SOURCE PagerDuty


Source: PagerDuty


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