
Tandem Mobi Improves Quality of Life for People Living With Type 1 Diabetes in New Data Shared at American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Tandem Mobi Improves Quality of Life for People Living With Type 1 Diabetes in New Data Shared at American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Tandem Mobi在美国糖尿病协会科学会议上公布的最新数据表明可以提高1型糖尿病患者的生活质量。
Tandem Diabetes Care ·  06/22 00:00

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun. 22, 2024-- Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (Nasdaq: TNDM), a leading insulin delivery and diabetes technology company, today presented new real-world insights from a survey on Tandem Mobi user satisfaction and wearability during the 84th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) taking place in Orlando, Florida. The survey found that 86 percent of participants were satisfied or very satisfied with Tandem Mobi regardless of prior therapy and agreed that Tandem Mobi helps improve their quality of life.1 Tandem Mobi, the world's smallest, durable automated insulin delivery (AID) system, became commercially available in the United States in February of 2024.

Tandem Diabetes Care公司(纳斯达克:TNDM)是一家领先的胰岛素输送和糖尿病技术公司,在佛罗里达州奥兰多市举行的第84届美国糖尿病协会(ADA)科学会议上,今天发布了一项有关Tandem Mobi用户满意度和可穿戴性的调查的最新实时见解。调查发现,无论先前的治疗如何,86%的参与者对Tandem Mobi感到满意或非常满意,并同意Tandem Mobi有助于改善他们的生活质量。1Tandem Mobi是世界上最小的,耐用的自动胰岛素输送(AID)系统,于2024年2月在美国商业化推出。

"These real-world user insights provide evidence that we are furthering our mission to improve the lives of people with diabetes by demonstrating that Tandem Mobi not only meets, but exceeds user expectations," said Jordan Pinsker, MD, chief medical officer at Tandem Diabetes Care. "We are proud to share these results at ADA and will continue to innovate to provide the diabetes community with choice and improved quality of life."

Tandem Diabetes Care首席医学官Jordan Pinsker博士说:“这些实时用户见解提供了证据,即我们通过展示Tandem Mobi不仅符合,而且超越了用户的期望,进一步推进了改善糖尿病患者的生活使命。 我们很自豪能分享ADA这些结果,并将继续创新,为糖尿病社区提供选择和改善生活质量。”在为期六周的有限推出调查中,以前使用多次日常注射(MDI)、其他胰岛素泵(带管和无管)或以前使用Tandem泵的早期用户,也对Tandem Mobi的独特可穿戴功能与Control-IQ算法的高满意度表现出了高度满意。Tandem Mobi如此小,几乎可以佩戴在任何地方,给用户更多的自主、舒适和灵活性。而Control-IQ技术可以预测和帮助预防高或低血糖。

In the six-week limited launch survey, early users who were previously using multiple daily injections (MDI), other insulin pumps (tubed and tubeless), or were previous Tandem pump users, also exhibited high satisfaction with the unique wearability features of Tandem Mobi combined with the Control-IQ algorithm. Tandem Mobi is so small that it can be worn almost anywhere2, giving users greater discretion, comfort, and flexibility. Meanwhile, Control-IQ technology predicts and helps prevent highs and lows.3

此外,独立研究涉及Tandem Mobi用户的调查结果也在ADA上亮相。结果显示,时间范围改善,而在时间范围外的时间没有增加。对于年轻的参与者,外形,便携,隐私和可穿戴性对满意度和持续使用至关重要。Tandem Mobi提供了许多选项,以支持1型糖尿病患者的需求,包括:2轻量化胰岛素泵Tandem Mobi几乎可以佩戴在任何地方,给用户更多的自主、舒适和灵活性。同时,Control-IQ技术可以预测和帮助预防高或低血糖。3

Of prior MDI users:


  • 84 percent say Tandem Mobi reduces the burden of managing their diabetes
  • 82 percent say Tandem Mobi is easy to use
  • 77 percent say Tandem Mobi helps them feel they have more freedom in their lives
  • 84%的人表示Tandem Mobi减轻了他们管理糖尿病的负担
  • 82%的人表示Tandem Mobi易于使用
  • 77%的人表示Tandem Mobi帮助他们感到在生活中拥有更多的自由

Of prior pump users:


  • 78 percent say Tandem Mobi reduces the burden of managing their diabetes
  • 88 percent say Tandem Mobi is easy to use
  • 80 percent say Tandem Mobi helps them feel they have more freedom in their lives
  • 78%的人表示Tandem Mobi减轻了他们管理糖尿病的负担
  • 88%的人表示Tandem Mobi易于使用
  • 80%的人表示Tandem Mobi帮助他们感到在生活中拥有更多的自由

Barbara Davis Center Study of Early Users

Barbara Davis中心对早期用户的研究

Also shared at ADA were insights from an independent study involving Tandem Mobi users. The results showed that time in range improved with no increase in time spent below range. For younger participants, form factor, portability, discreteness, and wearability are paramount to satisfaction and ongoing use. Tandem Mobi offers many options that support the needs of youth with type 1 diabetes, including:

研究还公布了有关Tandem Mobi用户的独立研究见解。结果显示,时间范围改善,而在时间范围外的时间没有增加。对于年轻的参与者,外形,便携,隐私和可穿戴性对满意度和持续使用至关重要。Tandem Mobi提供了许多选项,以支持1型糖尿病患者的需求,包括:

  • Minimum fill (30 units) - Less insulin waste for users with low insulin requirements
  • Physical on-pump Quick Bolus button - Simple, discreet bolusing with programming in grams or unit increments
  • On-body wear with a lightweight adhesive sleeve and 5-inch tubing (each sold separately)
  • Personal, compatible iPhone control
  • 最小注射量(30单位)-对于低胰岛素需求的用户,减少胰岛素浪费
  • 物理胰岛素泵上的快速Bolus按钮-以克或单位增量进行简单而隐蔽的Bolusing
  • 轻质粘性套管和5英寸管子(每个单独销售)可在身体上佩戴
  • 个人兼容的iPhone控制

The product theater was recorded and will be available on the ADA website following the close of the conference for access by registered attendees, and on the Tandem website at



As of June 2024. Data on file, Tandem Diabetes Care.


The pump should not be placed more than 12 inches (30.5 cm) above the infusion site. Doing so may result in over delivery of insulin.


All published clinical trials and real-world studies of Control-IQ technology to date are based on use of Dexcom G6 CGM with the Tandem t:slim X2 insulin pump.


截至2024年6月。据Tandem Diabetes Care公司提供的数据。




迄今为止,所有公开发表的控制IQ技术的临床试验和现实世界研究均基于使用Dexcom G6持续血糖监测仪和Tandem t:slim X2胰岛素泵。

About Tandem Diabetes Care

关于Tandem Diabetes Care

Tandem Diabetes Care, a global insulin delivery and diabetes technology company, manufactures and sells advanced automated insulin delivery systems that reduce the burden of diabetes management, while creating new possibilities for patients, their loved ones, and healthcare providers. The Company's pump portfolio features the Tandem Mobi system and the t:slim X2 insulin pump, both of which feature Control-IQ advanced hybrid closed-loop technology. Tandem Diabetes Care is based in San Diego, California. For more information, visit

Tandem Diabetes Care是一家全球性的胰岛素输送和糖尿病科技公司,生产和销售先进的自动化胰岛素输送系统,减轻糖尿病管理的负担,为患者、他们的亲人和医疗保健人员创造新的可能性。公司泵组合包括Tandem Mobi系统和t:slim X2胰岛素泵,两者都具有Control-IQ先进的混合封闭环技术。Tandem Diabetes Care总部位于加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥。有关更多信息,请访问

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2024 Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. All rights reserved. Tandem Diabetes Care, Tandem logos, Control-IQ, t:slim X2, and Tandem Mobi are trademarks of Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All third-party marks are the property of their respective owners.

2024 Tandem Diabetes Care公司。版权所有。Tandem Diabetes Care、Tandem标志、Control-IQ、t:slim X2和Tandem Mobi是Tandem Diabetes Care公司在美国和/或其他国家的商标。所有第三方标志是其各自所有者的财产。

Responsible Use of Control-IQ technology


Control-IQ technology does not prevent all highs and lows. Users must still bolus for meals and actively manage their diabetes. Visit for additional important safety information.


Important Safety Information


RX ONLY. Indications for Use: Tandem Mobi system: The Tandem Mobi insulin pump with interoperable technology (the pump) is intended for the subcutaneous delivery of insulin, at set and variable rates, for the management of diabetes mellitus in persons requiring insulin. The pump is able to reliably and securely communicate with compatible, digitally connected devices, including automated insulin dosing software, to receive, execute, and confirm commands from these devices. The pump is intended for single patient, home use and requires a prescription. The pump is indicated for use in individuals 6 years of age and greater. t:slim X2 insulin pump: The t:slim X2 insulin pump with interoperable technology is intended for the subcutaneous delivery of insulin, at set and variable rates, for the management of diabetes mellitus in people requiring insulin. The pump is able to reliably and securely communicate with compatible, digitally connected devices, including automated insulin dosing software, to receive, execute, and confirm commands from these devices. The pump is intended for single patient use. The pump is indicated for use with NovoLog or Humalog U-100 insulin. The pump is indicated for use in individuals 6 years of age and greater. Control-IQ technology: Control-IQ technology is intended for use with compatible integrated continuous glucose monitors (iCGM, sold separately) and alternate controller enabled (ACE) pumps to automatically increase, decrease, and suspend delivery of basal insulin based on iCGM readings and predicted glucose values. It can also deliver correction boluses when the glucose value is predicted to exceed a predefined threshold. Control-IQ technology is intended for the management of Type 1 diabetes mellitus in persons 6 years of age and greater. Control-IQ technology is intended for single patient use. Control-IQ technology is indicated for use with NovoLog or Humalog U-100 insulin.

仅限处方使用。使用适应症:Tandem Mobi系统:Tandem Mobi胰岛素泵具有互操作性技术(泵),旨在皮下给予胰岛素,以固定和可变速率管理糖尿病,适用于需要胰岛素的人群。泵能够可靠安全地与兼容的数字连接设备通信,包括自动胰岛素剂量软件,从这些设备接收,执行和确认命令。该泵适用于单个患者家庭使用,需要处方。该泵适用于6岁及以上的个体使用。t:slim X2胰岛素泵:t:slim X2胰岛素泵具有互操作性技术,旨在皮下给药胰岛素,以固定和可变速率管理糖尿病,适用于需要胰岛素的人员。泵能够可靠安全地与兼容的数字连接设备通信,包括自动胰岛素剂量软件,从这些设备接收,执行和确认命令。该泵适用于单个患者使用。该泵适用于与NovoLog或Humalog U-100胰岛素一起使用。该泵适用于6岁及以上的个体。Control-IQ技术:Control-IQ技术适用于兼容的集成连续葡萄糖监测仪(ICGM,单独销售)和可替代控制器启用(ACE)泵,以根据ICGM读数和预测葡萄糖值自动增加、减少和暂停基础胰岛素输送。当预测的葡萄糖值超过预定义阈值时,它也能够提供更正剂量。Control-IQ技术适用于6岁及以上的个人管理1型糖尿病。Control-IQ技术适用于单个患者使用。Control-IQ技术适用于联合使用NovoLog或Humalog U-100胰岛素。

WARNING: Control-IQ technology should not be used by anyone under the age of 6 years old. It should also not be used in patients who require less than 10 units of insulin per day or who weigh less than 55 pounds.


Control-IQ technology is not indicated for use in pregnant women, people on dialysis, or critically ill patients. Do not use Control-IQ technology if using hydroxyurea. Users of a Tandem insulin pump and Control-IQ technology must use the insulin pump, CGM, and all other system components in accordance with their respective instructions for use; test blood glucose levels as recommended by their healthcare provider; demonstrate adequate carb-counting skills; maintain sufficient diabetes self-care skills; see healthcare provider(s) regularly; and have adequate vision and/or hearing to recognize all functions of the pump, including alerts, alarms, and reminders. The Tandem pump and the CGM transmitter and sensor must be removed before MRI, CT, or diathermy treatment. Visit for additional important safety information.


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Source: Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

来源:Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc。

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