
Gowest Gold Ltd. Enters Into Definitive Agreement With Group of Existing Shareholders to Go Private

Gowest Gold Ltd. Enters Into Definitive Agreement With Group of Existing Shareholders to Go Private

newsfile ·  06/24 08:18

Minority Shareholders to Receive Consideration of $0.15 per Share


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 24, 2024) - Gowest Gold Ltd. (TSXV: GWA) ("Gowest" or the "Company") announced today that it has entered into a definitive arrangement agreement (the "Arrangement Agreement") dated June 21, 2024, with a group of existing shareholders of Gowest (the "Acquiring Group"), pursuant to which the Acquiring Group will acquire all of the outstanding common shares of Gowest not already owned by the Acquiring Group (the "Acquisition"), for cash consideration of $0.15 per common share (the "Share Consideration").

多伦多,安大略省--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年6月24日)-Gowest Gold Ltd. (TSXV:GWA)宣布,已与一组现有股东(“收购小组”)签订了一份最终安排协议(“安排协议”),根据该协议,收购小组将收购 Gowest尚未由收购小组持有的所有流通普通股,每股以现金支付0.15美元(“股份报酬”)。 (TSXV: GWA) ("Gowest"或"公司宣布今天已经与 Gowest(“公司”)的一组现有股东(“收购方”)签订了一份最终安排协议(“安排协议”),根据该协议,交易将以现金支付0.15美元的每股普通股作为对 Gowest 非收购方普通股的补偿。安排协议安排方收购方所获得的可流通普通股收购股份报酬股份报酬").

The Acquiring Group, which collectively holds approximately 91.5% of the outstanding common shares of Gowest, is comprised of Lush Land Investment Canada Inc., Greenwater Investment Hong Kong Limited, 1000216244 Ontario Inc., Debao Wang, Yun Zhao, Fortune Future Holdings Limited, Meirong Yuan, C. Fraser Elliott and CFE Financial Inc. (a corporation controlled by Mr. Elliott).

收购方共持有 Gowest 流通普通股的约 91.5%,由 Lush Land Investment Canada Inc.、Greenwater Investment Hong Kong Limited、1000216244 Ontario Inc.、Debao Wang、Yun Zhao、Fortune Future Holdings Limited、Meirong Yuan、C. Fraser Elliott 和 CFE Financial Inc.(由 Mr. Elliott 控制的公司)组成。

The Share Consideration represents a 114% premium to the $0.07 closing price of the common shares of Gowest on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSX-V") on June 21, 2024, the last closing price prior to the entering into of the Arrangement Agreement, and a 131% premium to the volume-weighted average trading price of $0.0649 of the common shares of Gowest on the TSX-V for the 20 trading days ended June 21, 2024.

股份报酬为每股0.15美元,比2024年6月21日TSX Venture Exchange(“创业公司交易所”)上的 G owest 普通股收盘价0.07美元溢价114%,比截至 2024年6月21日20个交易日的 Gowest 普通股平均成交价0.0649美元溢价131%。TSX-V本协议签署前最后交易日收盘价为0.1526 美元,较 TSX-V上 Gowest 普通股在过去 20 个交易日内的成交量加权平均交易价格 0.0649 美元溢价 131%。

With respect to the announcement, Dan Gagnon, President and Chief Executive Officer of Gowest, commented:

关于此公告,Gowest 的总裁兼首席执行官 Dan Gagnon 评论道:

"Gowest has faced significant challenges for a number of years in raising sufficient capital to carry out its objective of developing the Bradshaw deposit and ultimately bringing it into production. Operating as a public company is expensive and has become a constraint on the ability of the Company to raise capital and operate efficiently.

多年来,Gowest 面临着筹集足够资金开发 Bradshaw 矿床并最终投产的重大挑战。作为一家公共公司是昂贵的,已经成为公司筹集资金和高效运营的限制。

This transaction will allow a small group of our committed investors, who historically have been our most substantial source of capital, to bear the significant continuing exploration, financing and other risks facing the Company going-forward. At the same time, it will also provide our existing shareholders with liquidity and the opportunity to realize certainty of value for their common shares, in cash, at a significant premium to the Company's recent trading price. This transaction is intended to benefit not just shareholders, but all stakeholders of the Company."


Description of the Acquisition


It is anticipated that the Acquisition will be completed by way of an arrangement (the "Arrangement") under the provisions of the Business Corporation Act (Ontario) pursuant to which, among other things, 1000920370 Ontario Inc., a newly formed corporation controlled by the Acquiring Group, and Gowest will amalgamate with the same effect as if they had amalgamated under Section 174 of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) (the "Amalgamation"). Pursuant to the Amalgamation, all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Gowest, other than those held by the Acquiring Group, will be converted, on a one-for-one basis, into Class A redeemable preferred shares (the "Class A Redeemable Shares") of the amalgamated corporation. The Class A Redeemable Shares will then be immediately redeemed by the amalgamated corporation for the Share Consideration of $0.15 per share. The aggregate cash consideration payable to shareholders of Gowest (excluding members of the Acquiring Group) pursuant to the Arrangement will be approximately $8.52 million.

预计将通过安排完成此收购。安排商业公司法(安大略省),1000920370 Ontario Inc.,这是由收购方控制的新成立的公司,和 Gowest 将合并,其效果与它们根据 Section 174 of the Business Corporation Act(安大略省)合并相同。英属哥伦比亚省企业法(安大略省)(以下简称“合并交易”)。根据合并交易,除收购团队持有的所有Gowest普通股外,其余所有已发行和流通的Gowest普通股将按一对一的比例转换为可赎回的A类优先股份(以下简称“Class A Redeemable Shares”),并由合并后的公司立即兑换成每股0.15美元的股份作为交换条件。按照安排规定,应向Gowest股东(不包括收购团队成员)支付的总现金对价约为8,520万美元。此外,根据该安排,(i)所有未行使的Gowest普通股认购权将在合并交易之前由公司以现金收购,每股认购权的现金金额等于股份交换条件超过认购权的行权价格的金额(如果有);(ii)所有未行使的Gowest股票期权将在合并交易之前被公司以现金收购,每股期权的现金金额等于股份交换条件超过股票期权行权价的金额(如果有)。不会根据每股0.15美元的股份交换条件向任何股票期权持有人支付任何金额。由于该安排,Gowest证券持有人(不包括收购团队成员)将不再持有Gowest的任何证券,而收购团队将共同持有Gowest 100%的流通股。在完成收购后,预计Gowest将从TSX-V退市。该收购交易需要符合惯例的交割条件,包括获得有关安排的法院批准以及获得相关证券持有人批准(如下所述)和其它必要的合同和监管批准,如在安排协议中规定。证券持有人的批准要求该收购交易需要Gowest证券持有人的批准。将召开证券持有人特别会议以审批安排(以下简称“会议”)。具体而言,该安排需要:(i)在会议上以出席或代理投票方式投票的Gowest股东所投的选票中获得不少于662/3%的赞成票;(ii)在会议上以出席或代理投票方式投票的Gowest股东和认股权持有人所投的选票中,单个类别的投票集中获得不少于662/3%的赞成票;以及(iii)根据多边现金流工具61-101 - ?薪酬和公司治理的最少数为多数的批准。对于MI 61-101下“少数股东的多数”批准要求,除非股份交换条件为每股0.15美元的股票被排除,否则将排除收购团队(及其相关方和收购团队的联合行动者和其相关方)所投的选票。

Further, pursuant to the Arrangement, (i) all outstanding common share purchase warrants of Gowest will be acquired by the Company immediately prior to the Amalgamation for an amount in cash per warrant equal to the amount, if any, by which the Share Consideration exceeds the exercise price of such warrant, and (ii) all outstanding stock options of Gowest will be acquired by the Company immediately prior to the Amalgamation for an amount in cash per stock option equal to the amount, if any, by which the Share Consideration exceeds the exercise price of such stock option. No amount will be payable to any holders of stock options based on Share Consideration of $0.15 per share.

MI 61-101下的安全保障 收购交易供MI 61-101下的“业务合并”豁免正如《多边现金流工具61-101》第4.4(a)条所规定的,在Gowest普通股仅在TSX-V上上市的基础上,本次收购不需要MI 61-101中规定的正式评估要求。

As a result of the Arrangement, securityholders of Gowest (other than members of the Acquiring Group) will cease to hold any securities of Gowest, and the Acquiring Group will collectively hold 100% of the outstanding shares of Gowest. Upon completion of the Acquisition, it is expected that Gowest will be delisted from the TSX-V.


The Acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of court approval for the Arrangement and the receipt of requisite securityholder approvals (as further described below) and any other requisite contractual and regulatory approvals, as specified in the Arrangement Agreement.

董事会批准和建议就收购交易而言,Gowest董事会(以下简称“董事会”)成立了一个特别委员会(以下简称“特别委员会”),由完全独立的董事组成,以检查、审查和评估拟议交易的优缺点和风险(以及任何可能存在的其他方案),建立保障措施,以确保适当处理任何潜在的利益冲突事宜,并就拟议的收购交易(或任何替代交易)是否符合公司的最佳利益提供建议。Peter Quintiliani和Douglas Cater是组成特别委员会的独立董事。

Securityholder Approval Requirement

财务公平意见特别委员会聘请Eight Capital为收购交易制定财务公正意见。Eight Capital已经向特别委员会提供了其意见(以下简称“意见”),即截至2024年6月18日,根据其中所包含的假设、限制和限制条件,除收购团队成员(即收购团队成员以外持有Gowest股票的人)外,Gowest股票股东收到的股份交换条件是公平的,恰当的。

The Acquisition is subject to approval by securityholders of Gowest. A special meeting of securityholders of Gowest will be called for the purpose of approving the Arrangement (the "Meeting"). Specifically, the Arrangement will require: (i) approval of at least 662⁄3% of the votes cast by shareholders of Gowest, voting in person or by proxy, at the Meeting; (ii) approval of at least 662⁄3% of the votes cast by shareholders and warrantholders of Gowest (voting as a single class), voting in person or by proxy, at the Meeting; and (iii) "majority of the minority" approval under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). For the purposes of the "majority of the minority" approval requirement under MI 61-101, the votes cast by the Acquiring Group (and their related parties and joint actors of the Acquiring Group and their related parties) in respect of the Arrangement will be excluded.

收购还需获得Gowest股东的批准。 Gowest股东的特别会议将召开,用于批准安排("Meeting特别股东会议MI 61-101的《保护少数股东特别交易规定》(Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions)规定,在向MCAPM LP发行债券的情况下,公司可以依靠MI 61-101第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)条中规定的从正式估值中豁免,并不要求获得少数股东批准的豁免规定,因为债券的公允市场价值低于公司市值的25%(在适用MI 61-101的情况下分别确定)。 ("mi 61-101多边现金流工具

The Acquisition, which constitutes a "business combination" under MI 61-101, is exempt from the formal valuation requirement set out in MI 61-101 pursuant to section 4.4(a) of MI 61-101, on the basis that the common shares of Gowest are listed solely on the TSX-V.


Pursuant to the Arrangement Agreement, all of the members of the Acquiring Group (holding, in aggregate, approximately 91.5% of the outstanding common shares of Gowest and approximately 50.3% of the outstanding common share purchase warrants of Gowest), have agreed to vote their common shares and warrants of Gowest in favour of the Arrangement at the Meeting.

董事会批准和建议就收购交易而言,Gowest董事会(以下简称“董事会”)成立了一个特别委员会(以下简称“特别委员会”),由完全独立的董事组成,以检查、审查和评估拟议交易的优缺点和风险(以及任何可能存在的其他方案),建立保障措施,以确保适当处理任何潜在的利益冲突事宜,并就拟议的收购交易(或任何替代交易)是否符合公司的最佳利益提供建议。Peter Quintiliani和Douglas Cater是组成特别委员会的独立董事。

Board Approval and Recommendation


In connection with the Acquisition, the board of directors of Gowest (the "Board") established a special committee (the "Special Committee") comprised solely of independent directors in order to, among other things, examine, review and evaluate the merits and risks of the proposed transaction (and any potential alternative transactions that might be available in the circumstances), establish safeguards to ensure the proper treatment of any potential conflict of interest matters, and to advise and determine as to whether the proposed Acquisition (or any alternative transaction) is in the best interests of the Company. Peter Quintiliani and Douglas Cater are the independent directors that composed the Special Committee.

Gowest的董事会(以下简称“董事会”)成立了一个特别委员会(以下简称“特别委员会”),由完全独立的董事组成,以检查、审查和评估拟议交易的优缺点和风险(以及任何可能存在的其他方案),建立保障措施,以确保适当处理任何潜在的利益冲突事宜,并就拟议的收购交易(或任何替代交易)是否符合公司的最佳利益提供建议。董事会特别委员会特别委员会与其顾问的建议一致,建议董事会批准该安排并建议股东赞成该安排。董事会与公司管理层及其顾问评估该安排,并在特别委员会的一致建议(Pradip Banerjee先生弃权)后批准该安排,并确定该安排符合公司的最佳利益。董事会建议股东投票赞成该安排。财务公正意见

Eight Capital was retained by the Special Committee to prepare a fairness opinion in respect of the Acquisition. Eight Capital has provided the Special Committee with its opinion (the "Fairness Opinion") that, as of June 18, 2024, subject to the assumptions, limitations and qualifications contained therein, the Share Consideration to be received by shareholders of Gowest other than the members of the Acquiring Group (the "Minority Shareholders") pursuant to the Arrangement is fair, from a financial point of view, to the Minority Shareholders.

在Gowest普通股仅在TSX-V上上市的基础上,本次收购不需要MI 61-101中规定的正式评估要求。有关公允意见。除收购团队成员(即收购团队成员以外持有Gowest股票的人)外,Gowest股票股东收到的股份交换条件是公平的,恰当的。少数股东根据安排,对于少数股东而言,本次交易是公平的财务交易。

After consideration of various matters concerning the proposed Acquisition, and after consultation with the management of Gowest and its legal advisors, and following receipt of the Fairness Opinion, the Special Committee unanimously determined that the Arrangement is fair to securityholders and is in the best interests of Gowest, and unanimously recommended that the Board approve the Arrangement and the Arrangement Agreement.


Following receipt of the recommendations of the Special Committee, the Board unanimously determined that the Arrangement is fair to securityholders and is in the best interests of Gowest and unanimously approved the Arrangement and the Arrangement Agreement (with conflicted directors, namely, C. Fraser Elliott, Meirong Yuan and Fuhua Zhou, abstaining from voting in respect of the Arrangement or the Arrangement Agreement). The Board (excluding the conflicted directors) recommends that securityholders of Gowest vote in favour of the Arrangement.

在收到特别委员会的建议后,董事会一致认为安排对证券持有者公平,并符合Gowest的最大利益,并一致批准安排和安排协议(有利益冲突的董事C.Fraser Elliott,Meirong Yuan和Fuhua Zhou在有关安排或安排协议的投票中弃权)。董事会(不包括利益冲突的董事)建议Gowest的证券持有人赞成安排。

Additional Information


Complete details of the terms and conditions of the Acquisition are set out in the Arrangement Agreement, which will be filed by Gowest under its profile on SEDAR+ at .

有关Acquisition的所有条款和条件的详细信息,将在Gowest在SEDRAR+上的资料中披露的Arrangement Agreement中说明。

In addition, further information regarding the Acquisition will be contained in the management information circular in respect of the Meeting which will be filed on SEDAR+ at the time that meeting materials are mailed securityholders of Gowest. All securityholders are urged to read the information circular once it becomes available, as it will contain additional important information concerning the Acquisition.


In connection with the Acquisition, Wildeboer Dellelce LLP is acting as legal counsel to Gowest and the Special Committee, and Boughton Law Corporation and Aird & Berlis LLP are acting as legal counsel to the Acquiring Group.

在Acquisition方面,Wildeboer Dellelce LLP担任Gowest和特别委员会的法律顾问,Boughton Law Corporation和Aird&Berlis LLP担任Acquiring Group的法律顾问。

Eight Capital provided a fairness opinion to the Special Committee in connection with the Arrangement.

Eight Capital向特别委员会提供了有关安排的公正意见。

About Gowest

关于Gowest Gowest是一家加拿大黄金勘探和开发公司,专注于划定和开发其100%拥有的Frankfield_Property北Timmins_Gold_Project(NTGP)的Bradshaw_Gold_Deposit(Bradshaw)。Gowest正在探讨其+100平方公里NTGP土地包上其他黄金目标,并继续评估该区域,该区域是著名的安大略省Timmins金矿。目前,Bradshaw包含一项根据43-101资源合规标准估算得出的铂金组合资源,共2.1亿吨("T"),平均金品位6.19克每吨黄金(g/t Au),含有422,000盎司(oz) Au,以及一个总量达3.6亿t,平均金品位6.47_g/t_Au含有755,000oz Au的铂金组合资源。此外,基于Stantec Mining在2015年6月9日公布的预备可行性研究,Bradshaw包含的金属矿储量(金属矿资源包含金属矿储量)在可行性研究中属于概率类别,利用以3_g/t_Au为截止标准和使用1200美元/盎司的金价,总共有1.8亿t,平均金品位4.82_g/t_Au,含有277,000oz Au。

Gowest is a Canadian gold exploration and development company focused on the delineation and development of its 100% owned Bradshaw Gold Deposit (Bradshaw) on the Frankfield Property, part of the Corporation's North Timmins Gold Project (NTGP). Gowest is exploring additional gold targets on its +100‐square‐kilometre NTGP land package and continues to evaluate the area, which is part of the prolific Timmins, Ontario gold camp.

Gowest是一家加拿大黄金勘探和开发公司,专注于勾肖金矿床(Bradshaw)和Frankfield Property的100%持有,是公司北蒂明斯金矿项目(NTGP)的一部分。 Gowest正在探索其+100平方公里的NTGP土地包上的其他黄金目标,并继续评估它,该地区是著名的安大略省蒂明斯金矿的一部分。

Forward-Looking Information


Certain statements in this release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements in this press release include, without limitation, statements relating to: the Acquisition and the proposed Arrangement under the Arrangement Agreement; the ability of the parties to satisfy the conditions to closing of the Acquisition; the mailing of the management information circular in connection with the Meeting; and the anticipated completion of the Acquisition. Words such as "may", "would", "could", "should", "will", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "expect", "intend", "potential" and similar expressions may be used to identify these forward-looking statements although not all forward-looking statements contain such words.

本新闻稿中的某些声明构成适用证券法规定的前瞻性声明。本新闻稿中的前瞻性声明包括但不限于:有关Acquisition和根据Arrangement Agreement提议的安排;各方满足结案条件的能力;邮寄与会议有关的管理信息循环的能力;以及完成Acquisition的预期时间等事项。虽然并非所有前瞻性声明都包含此类用语,但“可能”、“将”、“可能”、“应当”、“将”、“预期”、“相信”、“计划”、“期望”、“意图”、“潜在”等类似表述可能用于识别此类前瞻性声明。

Forward-looking statements involve significant risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements that may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including risks associated with the Acquisition and acquisitions generally, such as the failure to satisfy the closing conditions contained in the Arrangement Agreement, the absence of material adverse changes or other events which may give the parties a basis on which to terminate the Arrangement Agreement, and the ability of the parties to complete and mail the information circular in respect of the Meeting and hold the Meeting. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results, performance or achievements may vary materially from those expressed or implied by this press release. These factors should be considered carefully and reader should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and, other than as required by law, Gowest does not intend to or assume any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

前瞻性声明涉及重大风险、不确定性和假设。许多因素可能导致实际结果、绩效或成就与任何未来结果、绩效或成就在实质上不同,这些因素包括与Acquisition和收购一般相关的风险,例如未能满足在Arrangement Agreement中包含的结案条件,没有实质性不利变化或其他可能使各方有有效终止安排协议的事件,以及各方完成并邮寄有关会议的信息循环以及举行会议的能力等。如果这些风险或不确定性中的一个或多个发生,或者基于前瞻性声明的假设证明不正确,则本新闻稿所述的实际结果、绩效或成就可能会与此不同。这些因素应该被仔细考虑,读者不应对前瞻性声明给予过度依赖。这些前瞻性声明是在本新闻稿的日期发表的,并且除法律规定外,Gowest不打算或承担任何更新或修订这些前瞻性声明的义务,无论是因为获得新信息、未来事件还是其他原因。


TSX 创业公司交易所及其监管服务提供商(如 TSX 创业公司交易所政策所定义)不接受此新闻稿的足够性或准确性的责任。

For further information, please contact:


Dan Gagnon
President & CEO
Tel: (416) 363-1210

电话:(416) 363-1210

Greg Taylor
Investor Relations
Tel: (416) 605-5120

Greg Taylor 电话:(416)605-5120
电话:(416) 605-5120

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