
Collective Audience CEO, Peter Bordes, Appointed to Symitri's All-Star Board of Digital Tech Executives and Investors

Collective Audience CEO, Peter Bordes, Appointed to Symitri's All-Star Board of Digital Tech Executives and Investors

Collective Audience的CEO Peter Bordes被任命为Symitri的所有数字技术高管和投资者的明星董事会成员
Accesswire ·  06/24 08:31

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / June 24, 2024 / Collective Audience, Inc. (NASDAQ-GM:CAUD), an industry-leading audience-based advertising and media platform for the open web, announced that its CEO, Peter Bordes, was appointed to the board of directors of Symitri, the world's first integrated privacy firewall and real-time data cleanroom for the open web.

2024年6月24日,纳斯达克上市的行业板块领先的基于观众的广告和媒体平台Collective Audience宣布,其首席执行官Peter Bordes被任命为Symitri董事会成员,Symitri是全球首个为开放网络提供集成隐私防火墙和实时数据干净室的公司。

Peter Bordes
Peter Bordes

As a lifelong entrepreneur, industry thought leader and venture investor, Bordes brings to the board more than 30 years of experience leading private and public companies driving innovation in the AdTech, media, AI, fintech and technology sectors.


He has founded, led and served on the boards of numerous companies whose innovations have driven digital transformation and disrupted the world of digital media and advertising.


Bordes is also the founder and managing partner of Trajectory Ventures, a venture capital platform comprised of operators, founders, and entrepreneurs focused on advancing digital technologies with investments in more than 100 tech innovators.

Bordes还是Trajectory Ventures的创始人和管理合伙人,该风险投资平台由运营商、创始人和企业家构成,专注于推动数百家科技创新公司的投资。

Trajectory Ventures recently joined KB Partners, AperiamVentures and several media industry luminaries in a $5 million financing round to support the launch of Symitri's privacy-enhancing technology platform.Symitri's innovative approach to privacy and data protection enables media buyers and sellers to make an instant, deterministic identity connection, but without pushing any personal data into the bidstream.

Trajectory Ventures最近与KB Partners,AperiamVentures和几位媒体行业杰出人物共同参与一轮500万美元的融资,以支持Symitri的隐私增强技术平台的推出。Symitri的创新隐私和数据保护方法,可以让媒体买方和卖方进行即时、确定的身份连接,但不会将任何个人数据推送到出价流中。

Bordes joins with other recently appointed board members who have committed to help advance Symitri's groundbreaking solution that balances the long-term sustainability of open internet advertising with every individual's fundamental right to privacy.


"Peter brings a wealth of tech and media expertise to our product and go-to-market strategy," stated Bill Wheaton, Symitri's co-founder and new chairman who previously served as chief strategy officer and EVP of Media at Akamai Technologies. "Peter has witnessed firsthand how the more than 30 years of unfettered access to consumer data has powered everything from innovation to marketing and sales. Data has been the foundation that supports much of the free, ad-supported internet, and few companies can operate without consumer data."

"Peter带来了丰富的科技和媒体专业知识,为我们的产品和市场策略提供帮助," Symitri的联合创始人、前首席战略官兼阿卡迈技术公司的执行副总裁Bill Wheaton说道。"Peter亲眼目睹了30多年的无拘束接触消费者数据驱动了创新、营销和销售的一切。数据一直是支持大部分免费广告支持互联网的基础,很少有公司可以在没有消费者数据的情况下运营。"

"However, government regulation and third-party signal loss threaten the interests of businesses and consumers alike," continued Wheaton. "For the open web to survive, we must find a way to balance the need for data with the privacy consumers want and deserve. We believe we've created this balance with Symitri, and under the guidance of Peter and our other new board members, the time has come to bring this technology to the global market."

"然而,政府监管和第三方信号的丧失威胁着企业和消费者的利益," Wheaton继续说道。"为了生存,我们必须找到一种平衡数据需求和消费者想要和应得的隐私权之间的方法。我们相信Symitri已经创造了这种平衡,在Peter和其他新董事会成员的指导下,时机已经成熟,将这项技术带到全球市场。"

The other new Symitri board members include highly accomplished tech executives and investors, Keith Bank and Jeff White.

其他新的Symitri董事会成员包括高度成功的技术执行官和投资者Keith Bank与Jeff White。

As a veteran tech executive and currently managing partner at TB Partners and chairman of Media Analytics, White understands the power of disruptive technology from his executive experience at several successful tech companies, including PodTV, Wheelhouse Analytics, HP, Agilent, and Fingerworks. White co-founded and eventually sold Fingerworks to Apple, where its multitouch technology served as the foundation for the iPhone and iPad.

作为一名资深的技术执行官,现任TB Partners的管理合伙人、Media Analytics的主席White从他在几家成功的科技公司(包括PodTV、Wheelhouse Analytics、HP、Agilent和Fingerworks)的行政工作经验中理解了颠覆性技术的价值。White共同创立并最终将Fingerworks出售给苹果公司,该公司的多点触摸技术成为iPhone和iPad的基础。

Bank brings to the board nearly 30 years of experience in tech and investments, including more than 70 startups with successful exits to Intel, Oracle, Sony Interactive and others.


Symitri co-founder and CEO, David Kohl, who joined Collective Audience's Advisor Collective earlier this year, served as CEO of TRUSTX for more than seven years before it was acquired by Symitri in May. TRUSTX's industry-disruptive programmatic marketplace was formed by more than 30 of the world's top premium publishers.

Symitri联合创始人兼首席执行官David Kohl今年早些时候加入了Collective Audience's Advisor Collective,并在5月份担任了TRUSTX首席执行官7年多,然后TRUSTX被Symitri收购。TRUSTX的创新性项目是由30多个世界顶级高端出版商创建的。

"Privacy is a fundamental human right that must be protected," noted Kohl. "Yet we also need to sustain the traditional business models that have long supported professional journalism and the high-quality lifestyle, sports and entertainment content we take for granted. Symitri creates a new foundation for the ad-supported open Internet that eliminates the need for publishers and advertisers to choose between performance, precision and privacy.

"隐私是必须受到保护的基本人权," Kohl指出。"然而,我们还需要维持长期支持专业新闻和高质量的生活方式、体育和娱乐内容的传统商业模式。Symitri为广告支持的开放互联网创建了一个新的基础,这个新基础消除了出版商和广告商在表现、精准度和隐私权之间的选择。

"Our solution seamlessly integrates into the existing programmatic ecosystem while delivering on all three of these key elements. We look forward to working closely with Peter, Collective Audience and our other new board members as we launch this groundbreaking technology."

"我们的解决方案可以顺畅地集成到现有的程序化生态系统中,同时在这三个关键元素中都发挥作用。我们期待与Peter、Collective Audience和其他新董事会成员紧密合作,推出这项开创性技术。"

Kohl has been among several new members of the Advisor Collective who have been providing Collective Audience strategic guidance and access to industry luminaries. Their efforts have led to the formation of several key partnerships and joint ventures with major industry players, including Insticator, Reset Digital and Genesis. This also includes a number of transformative acquisitions underway that include BeOp and DSL Digital.

Kohl是Advisor Collective的几个新成员之一,他们正在为Collective Audience提供战略指导和行业杰出人士的接触。他们的努力已经导致了与主要行业参与者的多个重要合作伙伴关系和联合风险投资,包括Insticator、Reset Digital和Genesis。这还包括正在进行的几项革命性收购,包括BeOp和DSL Digital。

As Collective Audience's new CEO, Bordes has been leading the growth and development of Collective Audience's new end-to-end platform, AudienceDesk powered by AudienceCloud. The cloud-based infrastructure platform was designed from the ground up as a next-generation integrated digital advertising and media ecosystem. The solution empowers brands, agencies and publishers with audience-based performance advertising and media solutions in a way that unlocks unrealized value and introduces a new level of integrated collaboration.

作为Collective Audience新CEO,Bordes一直在领导Collective Audience的新一代综合平台AudienceDesk。这一基于云技术的基础设施平台是一种下一代的综合数字广告和媒体生态系统,能够为品牌、代理和出版商提供基于受众的性能广告和媒体解决方案,以一种解锁未实现价值和引入一个新水平的综合合作方式的方式。

Bordes recognizes the data privacy Catch-22 for advertisers as well as Symitri's potential to stave off the unwanted consequences for all stakeholders in the digital economy: "It's not hard to see why many brands favor walled gardens with its seemingly unlimited consumer data, rather than transacting across the open web. Advertisers are loath to risk exposing their valuable customer data to an unknown number of third parties. We see Symitri offering a simple and seamless way to neutralize this risk."


"I think of Symitri as the new 'dial-tone' for the digital economy, securing personal data across the open web in the background so that now advertisers can support this vital part of our media economy without the associated risk," added Bordes. "We believe Symitri is the most advanced system for real-time, privacy-safe audience matching, measurement and reporting in an open web environment. We see many potential partnership opportunities between Symitri and AudienceCloud, with the aim of eliminating the need for advertisers and publishers to share their most-valuable audience data in the bidstream.

"我认为Symitri就是数字经济的新'拨号音',在后台中保护着开放网络上的个人数据,以便广告商现在可以支持我们媒体经济的重要组成部分,而不带来相关风险," Bordes补充说。"我们认为,Symitri是在开放的网络环境中实时、安全地实现受众匹配、测量和报告最先进的系统。我们看到Symitri和AudienceCloud之间有许多潜在的合作机会,旨在消除广告商和出版商在出价流中共享他们最宝贵的受众数据的需求。

To learn more about Symitri and what its groundbreaking solutions can mean for your business, go to For more about Collective Audience's AudienceDesk powered by AudienceCloud, visit

欲了解Symitri及其开创性解决方案对您的业务意味着什么,请访问。欲了解Collective Audience's AudienceDesk powered by AudienceCloud 有关的更多信息,请访问。

About Symitri


Symitri, Inc. is the world's first integrated privacy firewall and real-time data cleanroom for the open web. Designed to balance the economic viability of open-web programmatic advertising with the growing global demand for consumer privacy, Symitri is a seamless EZ-button for buyer-defined deterministic campaign targeting, measurement and attribution, without exposing any personal data - pseudonymous or otherwise - in the bidstream. Discover more at, or follow Symitri on LinkedIn.

Symitri,Inc.是世界上第一个为开放网络设计的集成隐私防火墙和实时数据净化室。Symitri旨在平衡开放网络程序化广告的经济可行性和消费者隐私的全球需求不断增长。Symitri是一个无缝的EZ按钮,可以进行买方定义的确定性广告活动定向、测量和归因,而不暴露任何个人数据 - 伪名或其他 - 在出价流中。请访问,或在LinkedIn上关注Symitri,了解更多信息。

About Collective Audience
Collective Audience provides an innovative audience-based performance advertising and media platform for brands, agencies and publishers. The company has introduced a new open, interconnected, data driven, digital advertising and media ecosystem that will uniquely eliminate many inefficiencies in the digital ad buyer and seller process for brands, agencies and publishers. It will deliver long sought-after visibility, complementary technology, and unique audience data that drives focus on performance, brand reach, traffic and transactions.

关于Collective Audience
Collective Audience为品牌、代理商和出版商提供创新的基于受众的业绩广告和媒体平台。该公司引入了一种新的开放、互联、数据驱动、数字广告和媒体生态系统,将唯一地消除品牌、代理商和出版商数字广告买方和卖方过程中的许多低效。它将提供长期以来一直渴望的能见度、补充技术和唯一的受众数据,促进对业绩、品牌覆盖、流量和交易的关注。

For the AdTech providers and media buyers who come onto Collective Audience's platform, they can leverage audience data as a new asset class, powered by AI as an intelligence layer to guide decision-making. To learn more, visit

对于进入Collective Audience平台的AdTech供应商和媒介买家,他们可以将受众数据作为一种新的资产类别,由人工智能作为指导决策的智能层来推动。有关更多信息,请访问。

Important Cautions Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This press release includes certain statements that are not historical facts but are forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements generally are accompanied by words such as "believe," "may," "will," "estimate," "continue," "anticipate," "intend," "expect," "should," "would," "plan," "predict," "potential," "seem," "seek," "future," "outlook" and similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. All statements, other than statements of present or historical fact included in this press release, regarding the company's future financial performance, as well as the company's strategy, future operations, estimated financial position, estimated revenues and losses, projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives of management are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on various assumptions, whether or not identified in this press release, and on the current expectations of the management of Collective Audience and are not predictions of actual performance. These forward-looking statements are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to serve as, and must not be relied on as, a guarantee, an assurance, a prediction or a definitive statement of fact or probability. Actual events and circumstances are difficult or impossible to predict and will differ from assumptions. Many actual events and circumstances are beyond the control of Collective Audience. Potential risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, our need for additional capital which may not be available on commercially acceptable terms, if at all, which raises questions about our ability to continue as a going concern; our ability to file our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 within the period provided by Nasdaq to do so, and/or to timely submit an acceptable plan to regain compliance with the Nasdaq continued listing rules within the period provided by Nasdaq; our ability to timely file our subsequent periodic reports with the SEC; our ability to maintain the listing of our common stock on Nasdaq; our ability to consummate previously announced pending acquisitions of BeOp and/or DSL Digital; changes in domestic and foreign business, market, financial, political and legal conditions; unanticipated conditions that could adversely affect the company; the overall level of consumer demand for Collective Audience's products/services; general economic conditions and other factors affecting consumer confidence, preferences, and behavior; disruption and volatility in the global currency, capital, and credit markets; the financial strength of Collective Audience's customers; Collective Audience's ability to implement its business strategy; changes in governmental regulation, Collective Audience's exposure to litigation claims and other loss contingencies; disruptions and other impacts to Collective Audience's business, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and government actions and restrictive measures implemented in response; ; any breaches of, or interruptions in, Collective Audience's information systems; changes in tax laws and liabilities, legal, regulatory, political and economic risks. More information on potential factors that could affect Collective Audience's financial results is included from time to time in Collective Audience's public reports filed with the SEC. If any of these risks materialize or Collective Audience's assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. There may be additional risks that Collective Audience presently knows, or that Collective Audience currently believes are immaterial, that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. In addition, forward-looking statements reflect Collective Audience's expectations, plans or forecasts of future events and views as of the date of this press release. Nothing in this press release should be regarded as a representation by any person that the forward-looking statements set forth herein will be achieved or that any of the contemplated results of such forward-looking statements will be achieved. Collective Audience anticipates that subsequent events and developments will cause their assessments to change. However, while Collective Audience may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, Collective Audience specifically disclaims any obligation to do so, except as required by law. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Collective Audience's assessments as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements.

此新闻稿包含一些不是历史事实,但是用于美国1995年私人证券诉讼改革法案下的安全港规定的前瞻性陈述。前瞻性声明通常伴随着“相信”、“可能”、“将”、“估计”、“继续”、“预期”、“意图”、“期望”、“应该”、“将要”、“计划”、“预测”、“潜在”、“看起来”、“寻求”、“未来”、“前景”等表达式,预测或指示未来事件或趋势,或不是历史事实的陈述。除了本新闻稿中包含的目前或历史事实的陈述外,关于公司未来财务表现、以及公司的战略、未来业务、估计的财务状况、预计的收入和亏损、预计的成本、前景、管理计划和目标的所有陈述都是前瞻性声明。这些声明基于各种假设,无论是否在本新闻稿中被识别,并且基于Collective Audience管理层目前的期望,它们不是实际表现的预测。这些前瞻性陈述仅供说明目的,不作为保证、保障、预测或事实或概率的决定性陈述,并保留原则上任何义务和责任都可能实现时期望的权利。实际事件和情况难以预测,将与假设不同。许多实际事件和情况超出Collective Audience的控制。潜在风险和不确定性可能会导致实际结果与前瞻性声明中所表达或暗示的结果有实质性差异,但不限于我们需要更多资本可能没有商业可接受条款,如果有的话,这引发了关于我们作为一家持续存在能力的企业的问题;我们有能力在纳斯达克规定的期限内提交2023年12月31日结束的年度报告表格10-K,和/或及时提交一份可接受的计划以在纳斯达克规定的期限内恢复纳斯达克持续上市规则的合规性;我们有能力及时提交后续定期报告表格给SEC;我们有能力维护我们普通股在纳斯达克的上市地位;我们有能力完成BeOp和/或DSL Digital的先前宣布的待定收购;国内外的业务、市场、金融、政治和法律条件的变化;可能会对公司产生不利影响的意外情况;Collective Audience产品/服务的消费者需求总体水平;全球货币、资本和信贷市场的破坏性和波动性;Collective Audience客户的财务实力;Collective Audience能否实施其业务战略;政府监管的变化,Collective Audience暴露于诉讼索赔和其他损失准备金的风险;由于COVID-19大流行和政府采取的行动和限制措施对Collective Audience业务的影响以及其他影响Collective Audience业务的破坏性和其他影响突发情况;任何Collective Audience信息系统的违规或中断;税法和责任、法律、监管、政治和经济风险的变化。有关可能影响Collective Audience财务业绩的潜在因素,有时会在Collective Audience提交的公共报告中包含。如果这些任何风险变为现实或Collective Audience的假设证明是不正确的,则实际结果可能会与这些前瞻性声明所暗示的结果有实质性差异。Collective Audience目前知道的或Collective Audience认为目前是微不足道的可能会导致实际结果与前瞻性声明中所包含的内容不同。此外,前瞻性声明反映了Collective Audience对未来事件的预期、计划或预测,以及本新闻发布日期的看法。本新闻发布中任何人的陈述都不应被视为表示这些前瞻性声明将会实现,或者任何这样的前瞻性声明所描述的结果的任何赋予决定性的陈述。Collective Audience预计随着时间的推移和发展,其评估将发生变化。但是,虽然Collective Audience可能会选择在将来的某个时间更新这些前瞻性声明,但Collective Audience明确拒绝承担任何义务来这样做,除非法律要求这样做。不应依赖这些前瞻性声明反映本新闻发布日期之后Collective Audience的评估。因此,不应对前瞻性声明放弃不当的依赖。

Symitri Media Contact:
Rachel Pasqua
Symitri, Inc.
Tel +1 917-683-1688
Social Media: X and LinkedIn.

Symitri 媒体联系人:
Rachel Pasqua
电话 +1 917-683-1688
社交媒体:X 和 LinkedIn.

Collective Audience Company Contact:

Collective Audience公司联系方式:

Peter Bordes, CEO
Collective Audience, Inc.
Email contact

Peter Bordes,CEO
Collective Audience,Inc。

Collective Audience Investor Contact:
Ron Both
CMA Investor Relations
Tel +1 (949) 432-7566
Email contact

Collective Audience投资者联系方式:
电话+1 (949) 432-7566

Collective Audience Media Contact:
Tim Randall
CMA Media Relations
Tel +1 (949) 432-7572
Email contact

Collective Audience媒体联系方式:
电话+1 (949) 432-7572

SOURCE: Collective Audience

来源:Collective Audience

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