
Harley-Davidson Unveils Davidson Park, a New Community Park at Iconic Milwaukee Headquarters

Harley-Davidson Unveils Davidson Park, a New Community Park at Iconic Milwaukee Headquarters

PR Newswire ·  06/24 09:15

Spearheaded by the Harley-Davidson Foundation and designed by acclaimed designers Heatherwick Studio, Davidson Park will benefit employees, local community and visitors to Milwaukee

由哈雷戴维森基金会领导,由著名设计师Heatherwick Studio设计,Davidson Park将惠及员工、当地社区和访问密尔沃基的游客

MILWAUKEE, June 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Harley-Davidson, Inc. ("Harley-Davidson" or "H-D") (NYSE: HOG) today formally unveiled the newly created community park, Davidson Park ("the Park"), at its iconic Juneau Avenue campus in Milwaukee.

2024年6月24日密尔沃基 /PRNewswire/--哈雷戴维森公司(Harley-Davidson,简称"哈雷"或"H-D")(纽交所:HOG)今天正式揭开了新建社区公园Davidson Park("公园"),该公园位于其位于Juneau大道的标志性校园内。

The project, pioneered by the Harley-Davidson Foundation ("the Foundation"), has been created in partnership with internationally acclaimed designers, Heatherwick Studio who conceived and oversaw an original design to transform the 4-acre parking lot just south of the Company's 3700 W. Juneau Avenue building into a soulful green space that can be used by everyone who lives in and visits Milwaukee's Near West Side ("NWS"). As part of the project team, HGA served as the architect and engineer of record and Greenfire Management Services as the construction partner, with both Milwaukee-based firms partnering with Heatherwick Studio to bring the design vision to life.

该项目由哈雷戴维森基金会(基金会)倡导,与享有国际声誉的设计师Heatherwick Studio合作创建,后者构思和监督一个原始的设计,将公司位于3700 W. Juneau Avenue建筑物南侧的4英亩停车场改造成一个充满灵魂的绿色空间,供居住在和参观密尔沃基近西侧(Near West Side,简称NWS)的所有人使用。作为项目团队的一部分,HGA担任记录的建筑师和工程师,Greenfire Management Services则作为建造伙伴,两家位于密尔沃基的公司与Heatherwick Studio合作,将设计构想变为现实。

"When we started this project, we did so with one main goal, and that was to further connect the Company with our hometown Milwaukee, a place that we've been proud to call home for over 120 years," said Jochen Zeitz, Chairman, President and CEO, Harley-Davidson. "No matter how fast you move forward, you can never forget where you've come from – this project both celebrates our heritage and reinforces the power of the Harley-Davidson brand to be a force for good within our communities."

Harley-Davidson的主席、总裁兼首席执行官Jochen Zeitz表示:"当我们开始这个项目时,我们的一个主要目标就是进一步将公司与我们的家乡密尔沃基联系起来,这是我们自豪地称之为家的地方已经超过120年了。无论你前进得有多快,你都不能忘记自己来自哪里——这个项目既庆祝了我们的遗产,又强化了Harley-Davidson品牌在社区内成为一股力量的力量。

"Davidson Park has been an extraordinary collaboration between the studio and local partners, schools, artists and the Forest County Potawatomi community, to transform an uninspiring concrete parking lot into a new public park and events amphitheatre for Milwaukee. Created for the local community, with the community's collaboration and help, it's a place where people can come together with friends and family to enjoy some of the wildness of Wisconsin's incredible nature, listen to the state's best music, or experience the energy of a motorcycle rally. Harley-Davidson has been part of Near West Side's history for over 120 years and the park is a natural next chapter in their joint story. As the plants grow and mature, the intention is that the space increasingly honours both the heritage of Harley-Davidson and gives the residents something to not just enjoy, but to feel proud of," said Thomas Heatherwick, Founder and Director, Heatherwick Studios.

"Davidson Park是工作室和当地合作伙伴、学校、艺术家和Forest County Potawatomi社区之间的一次非凡合作,将一片无聊的混凝土停车场改造成密尔沃基的一个新的公园和活动露天剧场。它是为当地社区创建的,与社区合作和帮助,是人们可以与朋友和家人一起享受威斯康星州美妙大自然的野性、聆听该州最好的音乐或体验摩托车集会活力的地方。哈雷戴维森已经成为近西边历史的一部分超过120年,公园是他们合作故事的一个自然的下一篇章。随着植物的生长和成熟,意图是这个空间越来越多地尊重哈雷戴维森的传统,并给居民们带来不仅仅是享受,还让他们有一些可以引以为豪的东西。" Thomas Heatherwick,Heatherwick工作室的创始人兼主任说。

"On behalf of the Harley-Davidson Foundation, we are really excited to formally unveil Davidson Park – we believe that the Park will provide a much-needed greenspace in our local community – but importantly a space that can be shared by all," said Tori Termaat, President, The Harley-Davidson Foundation.

"我们非常高兴地代表哈雷戴维森基金会正式推出Davidson Park——我们相信该公园将为我们当地社区提供急需的绿色空间——但更重要的是,可以为所有人共享的空间," 霍莉•特马特(Tori Termaat)哈雷戴维森基金会主席说。

History and Concept
In 2021, the Foundation sponsored an Appreciative Inquiry Summit in partnership with Near West Side Partners, a non-profit founded to make the NWS a great place to live, work, play and stay by revitalizing and sustaining thriving business and residential corridors.

2021年,基金会赞助了一次赞赏式查询峰会,与 Near West Side Partners 成立了合作伙伴关系,该非营利组织致力于通过振兴和维持繁荣的商业和住宅走廊,使 NWS 成为一个伟大的生活、工作、娱乐和停留的地方。

The Summit brought together over 200 NWS stakeholders, including residents, youth, and local businesses, to realize their hopes and dreams for the neighborhood. Among the key community needs identified was a safe green space that supports health, well-being, art and culture, and a place for youth to play. Input from the stakeholders served as the basis for Heatherwick Studio's unique community park design.

该峰会汇聚了200多名NWS利益相关者,包括居民、青年和当地企业,实现他们对社区的希望和梦想。其中识别出的主要社区需求之一是一个安全的绿色空间,支持健康、幸福、艺术和文化,以及年轻人嬉戏的地方。利益相关者的意见成为Heatherwick Studio独特社区公园设计的基础。

From the start, the ambition for Davidson Park has been to create an inclusive place that everyone who lives or visits NWS can call their own - whether they use the park as a space to relax, to enjoy the local art and culture scene or attend an event.

从一开始,Davidson Park的雄心壮志就是创建一个包容性的场所,所有居住或参观NWS的人都可以称之为自己的场所——无论他们使用公园作为放松、享受当地艺术和文化场所还是参加活动。

"Davidson Park is a testament to the power of collaboration and listening," says Peter Balistrieri, Principal and National Corporate Market Sector Leader at HGA. "Voices from all over the Near West Side—from Potawatomi leaders to local students and community groups—played a crucial role throughout the process. This is truly a park for the community, by the community."

"Davidson Park见证了协作和倾听的力量," HGA的负责人和国家企业市场部门领导人Peter Balistrieri说:"来自近西侧各地的声音——从Potawatomi领袖到当地的学生和社区团体——在整个过程中都起着至关重要的作用。这确实是一个社区的公园,由社区创造。"

Davidson Park Features

Davidson Park的特色

The Hub and Foundation Stone
Celebrating togetherness and paying homage to history and community, at the heart of Davidson Park is "The Hub", a sunken multi-use events space, an amphitheatre approximately 272 feet wide with tiered seating, set among lush plants and trees. The design promotes coming together with its circular layout defined by a combination of motorcycle driveways and turning circles, parking bays, sidewalks, plants, seats, and 360-degree viewpoints.

庆祝团结,向历史和社区致敬,在Davidson Park的中心是"中心",一个太阳穴的多功能活动空间,一个大约272英尺宽的露天电影场地,坐落在郁郁葱葱的植物和树木之间。该设计通过结合摩托车车道、转弯圆圈、停车车位、人行道、植物、座位和360度的视角,促进人们的团结。

In one direction, "The Hub" will provide views of the brick buildings of the original home of Harley-Davidson. In the other, visitors will see a park sown with 120 native plant species, including 20 species of trees and 100 species of perennials, some of which are sacred to the Forest County Potawatomi tribe, who have helped provide guidance throughout the process.

在一个方向上,"中心"将提供 Harley-Davidson 原来所在地的砖建筑视野。在另一个方向上,游客将看到一片种有120种本地植物的公园,其中包括20种树木和100种多年生植物,其中一些对 Forest County Potawatomi 烈士是神圣的,后者在整个过程中提供了指导。

The Hub has been built with ten types of locally sourced brick, natural wany-edge timber, and weathered steel with a beautiful warm patina. In addition to tripling the green space such as lawns and plantings, the park integrates a dynamic system of green infrastructure, including native bioswales, permeable pavers and cisterns to capture hundreds of thousands of gallons of stormwater – a significant contribution to regional infrastructure and the environment. With a commitment to sustainability, the park's design will be one of the first SITES—a rating system for sustainable land design and development—certified projects in Wisconsin.

The Hub采用了十种本地筹措的砖块、天然无边缘木材和具有美丽暖色调的发锈钢打造而成。除了将草坪和栽植物的绿化空间扩大三倍之外,公园还集成了一个动态的绿色基础设施系统,包括本地生物沟、渗透铺装和蓄水池,可捕捉数十万加仑的雨水,这对区域基础设施和环境做出了重大贡献。公园的设计将是范围可持续性地区评估工具(SITES)认证项目之一,该认证为可持续土地设计和开发提供了一种评级系统,这是威斯康星州的首批认证项目之一。

The Foundation Stone is located at the center of the Hub (the event and gatherings amphitheater, recessed into the ground) and is four feet in diameter made from cast iron. The Foundation Stone has been designed by local artist, and Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design student, Megan Huss, and celebrates the Near West Side and the creation of this new community park in Milwaukee.

基地石位于中心(the event and gatherings amphitheater,凹入到地面),直径为四英尺,用铸铁制成。基石由当地艺术家、密尔沃基艺术与设计学院的学生Megan Huss设计,庆祝近西边社区和在密尔沃基创建这个新的社区公园。

"I am incredibly honored to be a part of the history of Harley-Davidson and I am able to showcase the sense of community in the Near West Side neighborhood through my work," said Huss.

"我非常荣幸能成为哈雷戴维森历史的一部分,通过我的工作,我能展示近西部社区的社区感。" Megan Huss说。

Main Street
Main Street is the main pedestrian thoroughfare through the Park, envisioned for use for events such as farmers' markets, craft fairs & food trucks. The street also connects all major areas of the park including the Hub, playground, community lawn, picnic knoll, serenity garden, and viewing lawns, surrounded by native plants, including one hundred species of perennials and twenty species of trees. People can walk across or around Main Street to access the Hub, making it a lively place for social interaction. At night, the street will have a festive ambiance with catenary lights above that change colors.

Main Street是公园的主要行人通道,为农夫市场、工艺品博览会、美食车等活动提供使用。该街道还连接了公园的所有主要区域,包括中心、游乐场、社区草坪、野餐山丘、宁静花园和观景草坪,周围环绕着本地植物,包括100种多年生植物和20种树木。人们可以步行穿过或绕过主街来访问中心,使它成为一个充满活力的社交环境。晚上,街道会在上方设置令人愉悦的彩灯。

Union Plaza
The main pedestrian entrance to the park is Union Plaza, located off West Highland Boulevard. At approximately 11,000 square feet, the plaza leads to Main Street and the Hub and will be a destination in itself, with flexible space for temporary markets, food trucks, and events. Union Plaza will be made from concrete with varying textures. It is home to a 10-foot tall, weathered steel sculpture inspired by Harley Davidson's iconic bar and shield.

公园的主要步行入口是位于West Highland Boulevard的联合广场。广场面积约11,000平方英尺,通向Main Street和中心地带,可作为临时市场、流动餐车和活动场所的灵活场地。联合广场将由具有不同纹理的混凝土制成,这里还有一座10英尺高的氧化钢雕塑,受到哈雷戴维森标志性的bar和shield的启发。

North and South Lawn
Located off Main Street to the northeast is the community North Lawn. The Lawn is approximately 7,600 square feet in size and is surrounded by planting, which will provide shade and a beautiful setting for relaxation, play & community events.

东北部的社区北部草坪位于Main Street以外。草坪面积约为7,600平方英尺,周围种植着树木,提供遮荫和美丽的休闲、娱乐和社区活动场所。

The South Lawn picnic knoll is adjacent and east of Main Street and north of the Union Plaza. It is a place for people to gather on picnic benches, whether this be family lunch, dog walkers having a chat, or school children taking part in learning activities. The picnic knoll is approximately 5,750 square feet in size and is a wonderful place to be while surrounded by greenery.

南部草坪野餐丘位于Main Street以外的东侧,联合广场的北侧。这是一个人们可以聚集在野餐长椅上的地方,无论是家庭午餐、遛狗交流还是学校儿童参加学习活动。野餐丘面积约为5,750平方英尺,是一个被绿色环绕的美妙之地。

Little Legends Playground
Located in the south portion of the park off Main Street, Legends Play Area was designed in collaboration with the NWS community to realize the vision of a nature play area. Elements include wooden log climbers, steppingstones, and hillside climbing. Little Legends Playground is 6,000 square feet of accessible elements for kids ages 1 to 12.

位于公园南部的Legends Play Area是与NWS社区合作设计的自然游乐区。元素包括木制爬山者、石头跳板和山坡攀爬。小传奇游乐场有6,000平方英尺的适合1到12岁的儿童的无障碍元素。

Viewing Hills
Three hillside Viewing Hills are adjacent to the southwest portion of the Hub. Each hill is approximately 2,300 square feet and provides views overlooking the Hub during special events such as movie nights, theatre events, or music performance events. The Hills also provide a place to relax surrounded by native plants, some of which are sacred to the Forest County Potawatomi., including one hundred species of perennials and twenty species of trees.

三座山坡观景山丘位于中心地带的西南部。每个山丘面积约为2,300平方英尺,可在特别活动期间俯瞰中心地带,例如电影之夜、戏剧活动或音乐表演活动。山丘还提供一个被本地植物包围的休息场所,其中一些植物是Forest County Potawatomi部落所尊崇的,包括100多种多年生植物和20多种树木。

1903 Tavern
In partnership with Molson Coors, 1903 Tavern brings together two iconic Near West Side anchor institutions to offer Davidson Park visitors a relaxed open-air environment to socialize while enjoying a cold beverage. 1903 Tavern will serve an assortment of canned beverages including beer, malt, seltzers and non-alcoholic beverages. A portion of the revenue from 1903 Tavern goes back into amplifying Davidson Park's ambition.

与Molson Coors合作,1903 Tavern将两个标志性的近西区锚定机构融合在一起,为Davidson Park的游客提供一个放松的露天环境,在享用冷饮的同时社交。 1903酒馆将提供一系列罐装饮料,包括啤酒、麦芽、苏打水和非酒精饮料。 1903酒馆的一部分收益将回馈Davidson Park的目标。

Potawatomi Serenity Garden
The Serenity Garden is a result of a close collaboration between the Forest County Potawatomi leaders and the Harley-Davidson Foundation. The garden reflects the geometry of the medicine wheel, a symbol of significance for many Native American tribes including the Potawatomi. A grandfather stone is located at the center of four quadrants of medicine plants that mark the cardinal directions of the wheel. These plants include tobacco to the east, cedar to the south, sage to the west, and sweetgrass to the north. All are invited to use this garden as a place for contemplation, reflection, and meditation.

Potawatomi Serenity Garden
安宁花园是Forest County Potawatomi领导人与哈雷戴维森基金会密切合作的结果。花园反映了医学之轮的几何结构,这是许多美洲原住民部落包括Potawatomi部落所重视的符号。一块祖父石位于四个医学植物象限的中心,标志着车辙的基本方向。这些植物包括东部的烟草、南部的雪松、西部的鼠尾草和北部的香草。欢迎所有人使用这个花园作为一个冥想、反思和沉思的场所。

An accessible and inclusive space, Davidson Park will be open and welcoming for all (residents, community members, and visitors) to enjoy, gather, and connect. We will continue to seek ongoing stakeholder feedback - incorporating and encouraging community and visitor voices to inform future enhancements and changing interests.

Davidson Park是一个无障碍、包容性的场所,将向所有人(居民、社区成员和游客)敞开大门,享受、聚集和联系。我们将继续寻求相关利益相关者的反馈 - 纳入和鼓励社区和游客的声音,以指导未来的增强和变化的兴趣。

Future Campus Development
Today's opening marks the first phase of development at Juneau Avenue. The Company's vision for the campus is to focus on multi-purpose development, ensuring that developments continue to celebrate Harley-Davidson and its history, while recognizing the need to evolve the space to be relevant not only for today, but for the future. And as the Company continues to explore opportunities for the wider campus, we remain committed to our mission and vision.

今天的开放标志着Juneau Avenue开发的第一个阶段。公司的校园愿景是专注于多用途开发,确保开发继续庆祝哈雷戴维森及其历史,同时认识到需要使空间不仅符合当今,而且符合未来的需求。随着公司继续探索更广泛的校园机会,我们仍致力于我们的使命和愿景。

As part of the next phase of development, two exciting additions are coming to Juneau Ave – a STEAM Lab and the Harley-Davidson Factory Racing Headquarters.

作为下一阶段发展的一部分,Juneau Ave将增加两个令人兴奋的附加组件 - 一个STEAM实验室和哈雷戴维森工厂赛车总部。

Harley-Davidson recognizes the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) in education and the importance of helping build the next generation of skilled workers. The STEAM lab will enable H-D to further partner with local organizations and schools to provide students direct access to resources, receive mentoring from our talented employees, experience hands-on learning, and encourage career exploration in STEAM fields.

哈雷戴维森认识到科学、技术、工程、艺术和数学(STEAM)在教育中的重要性,以及帮助建立下一代熟练工人的重要性。 STEAM实验室将使H-D进一步与当地组织和学校合作,为学生提供直接资源,从我们才华横溢的员工中接受指导,体验动手学习,并鼓励在STEAM领域的职业探索。

Racing has been part of H-D history for over 100 years and is a compelling way to bring its brand narrative to life for customers and fans. The H-D Factory Racing Team will move back to where it all began, giving visitors to the historic H-D headquarters an exciting and engaging behind-the-scenes look and enhancing customer-facing experiences in alignment with the Company's campus strategy.


To learn more about Davidson Park, including upcoming events, visit

要了解Davidson Park的更多信息,包括即将举行的活动,请访问。

About Harley-Davidson
Harley-Davidson, Inc. is the parent company of Harley-Davidson Motor Company and Harley-Davidson Financial Services. Our vision: Building our legend and leading our industry through innovation, evolution and emotion. Our mission: More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul. Our ambition is to maintain our place as the most desirable motorcycle brand in the world. Since 1903, Harley-Davidson has defined motorcycle culture by delivering a motorcycle lifestyle with distinctive and customizable motorcycles, experiences, motorcycle accessories, riding gear and apparel. Harley-Davidson Financial Services provides financing, insurance and other programs to help get riders on the road. Harley-Davidson also has a controlling interest in LiveWire Group, Inc., the first publicly traded all-electric motorcycle company in the United States. LiveWire is the future in the making for the pursuit of urban adventure and beyond. Drawing on its DNA as an agile disruptor from the lineage of Harley-Davidson and capitalizing on a decade of learnings in the EV sector, LiveWire's ambition is to be the most desirable electric motorcycle brand in the world. Learn more at and

哈雷戴维森公司是哈雷戴维森电机公司和哈雷戴维森金融服务公司的母公司。我们的愿景:通过创新、演变和情感来建立我们的传奇并领导我们的行业。我们的使命:不仅仅是制造机器,我们代表了永恒追求冒险的精神。自由的灵魂。我们的雄心壮志是保持我们在全球最受欢迎的摩托车品牌的地位。自1903年以来,哈雷戴维森通过提供具有特色和可定制的摩托车,体验,摩托车配件,骑行装备和服装来界定摩托车文化。哈雷戴维森金融服务提供融资、保险和其他节目,帮助骑手上路。哈雷戴维森还持有 LiveWire Group, Inc. 的控制权,这是美国第一家上市的全电动摩托车公司。LiveWire 是城市冒险及更多领域追求的未来。利用哈雷戴维森血脉中作为一位机敏的颠覆者的DNA,并利用在电动汽车领域十年的学习成果,LiveWire 的雄心是成为全球最受欢迎的电动摩托车品牌。欲了解更多信息,请访问哈雷戴维森官网和页面。livewire官网.

About The Harley-Davidson Foundation
The Harley-Davidson Foundation, established in 1993, is the philanthropic arm of Harley-Davidson, Inc. The Foundation cultivates social impact through employee volunteerism, collaboration with other non-profit organizations and investments in youth programs that foster STEAM innovation and programming. Our Foundation priorities include a commitment to our home, the Near West Side of Milwaukee, and the communities where we live and work across the globe.


About Heatherwick Studio
Heatherwick Studio is a team of over 250 problem solvers dedicated to making the physical world around us better for everyone. Based out of our combined workshop and design studios in London, Shanghai, and California, we create buildings, spaces, objects and infrastructure. We want to see a world where the buildings and places around us are radically more joyful, engaging and human.

关于 Heatherwick 工作室
Heatherwick 工作室是一个由250多名问题解决者组成的团队,致力于让周围的物理世界对所有人都更好。我们的综合工作坊和设计工作室位于伦敦、上海和加利福尼亚,我们创造建筑、空间、物体和基础设施。我们想看到一个世界,在这个世界上,我们周围的建筑和场所更加令人愉快、吸引人和人性化。

Our team of architects, designers, makers, engineers and landscape architects share a motivation to design soulful and impactful places, which celebrate the complexities of the real world. The approach driving everything is to lead from human experience rather than any fixed design belief.


The studio's completed projects include several internationally celebrated buildings, including the recently completed Little Island, a new park and performance space in New York, the award-winning Zeitz MOCAA in Cape Town, Azabudai Hill district in Tokyo, Coal Drops Yard in London, and the UK Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010.

工作室完成的项目包括几个国际上备受赞誉的建筑物,包括最近完成的小岛(Little Island)、纽约的新公园和表演场所、获奖的开普敦Zeitz MOCAA、东京的麻布台区、伦敦的煤圆庄园和上海世博会英国馆。

The studio is currently working on 30 live projects in ten countries. These include Hainan Performance Art Centre, a major cultural institution in China, mixed-use projects in Shanghai and Seoul, as well as new headquarters for Google in London (in collaboration with BIG).

该工作室目前正在全球十个国家开展30个项目。包括中国的海南表演艺术中心、上海和首尔的混合用途项目,以及与 BIG 合作为 Google 在伦敦打造新总部。

About HGA
HGA is an acclaimed interdisciplinary design firm committed to making a positive, lasting impact for our clients and communities through research-based, holistic solutions. The firm believes that great design requires a sense of curiosity—forming deep insight into our clients, their contexts, and the human condition. HGA is a collective of over 1,000 architects, engineers, interior designers, planners, researchers, and strategists, with 13 offices. The national practice spans multiple markets, including corporate, cultural, education, local and federal government, healthcare, and science and technology. Visit or follow on LinkedIn and Instagram.

关于 HGA
HGA 是一家著名的跨学科设计公司,致力于通过研究为我们的客户和社区带来积极而持久的影响,提供全面的解决方案。该公司认为,出色的设计需要一种好奇心 - 对我们的客户、他们的背景和人类条件形成深刻的洞察力。HGA 是一个由1,000多名建筑师、工程师、室内设计师、规划师、研究员和策略家组成的集体,共设有13个办事处。HGA 的国家实践涵盖多个市场,包括企业、文化、教育、地方和联邦政府、医疗保健以及科学与技术。请访问HGA.com或关注HGA的LinkedIn和Instagram。

About Greenfire Management Services
Greenfire Management Services is a minority-owned construction company with offices in Milwaukee and Wausau, Wisconsin and is managing projects throughout the Midwest. Founded in 2010, Greenfire is a subsidiary of Potawatomi Ventures, the investment arm of the Forest County Potawatomi Community. Greenfire is a reputable, local construction manager that provides innovative construction services to every project throughout multiple industries. In 2021, Greenfire was recognized by the State of Wisconsin with the highest certified spend for construction/architecture and engineering.

关于 Greenfire 管理服务公司
Greenfire 管理服务公司是一家在威斯康星州密尔沃基和沃索的少数民族所有的建筑公司,管理着中西部地区的多个项目。Greenfire 成立于2010年,是 Forest County Potawatomi Community 投资部门 Potawatomi Ventures 的子公司。Greenfire 是一家声誉良好的本地施工经理,为多个行业中的所有项目提供创新的施工服务。2021年,Greenfire 被威斯康星州认可为建筑/建筑和工程领域的最高认证支出。



SOURCE Harley-Davidson, Inc.


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