
Shedding Some Light on Fox Squirrel Solar in Ohio

Shedding Some Light on Fox Squirrel Solar in Ohio

Accesswire ·  06/24 13:00

Amazon to purchase full generation capacity of solar energy project unveiled by Enbridge and EDF Renewables

亚马逊将购买Enbridge和EDF Renewables推出的太阳能项目的全部发电容量

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 24, 2024 / Time for some fun as we harness the Ohio sun.

麻省北安普顿 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年6月24日 / 是时候来一些乐趣了,因为我们利用俄亥俄州的太阳能。

Enbridge, project partner EDF Renewables in North America and guests are celebrating today in Madison County, Ohio, with a ribbon cutting ceremony for the recently completed first phase of Fox Squirrel Solar.

Enbridge、EDF Renewables北美项目合作伙伴及来宾们今天在俄亥俄州麦迪逊县举行了Fox Squirrel Solar最近完成的第一阶段的剪彩仪式,庆祝活动。

It's one of the largest utility-scale solar developments east of the Mississippi-1.4 million panels and 159 inverters; and peak construction that required 650 workers safely installing 10,000 panels a day.


During the event, Amazon announced it has entered into power purchase agreements for the full generation capacity, which will help contribute to Amazon's commitment to match all of the electricity used by its operations with 100% renewable energy by 2030. The company is currently on a path to meet its goal by 2025.


As renewable energy commitments are increasingly embraced by corporations, solar projects like Fox Squirrel will help the state of Ohio realize its continuing commitment to attract business and nurture economic growth in the state.

随着各公司越来越多地接受可再生能源承诺,像Fox Squirrel这样的太阳能项目将帮助俄亥俄州实现其继续吸引业务和培育经济增长的承诺。

Thomas Carbone, Enbridge's vice president of power business development, told the crowd that Enbridge is pleased and grateful to grow its presence in the Buckeye State, amid an ongoing expansion of our renewables business.

恩桥电力业务发展副总裁Thomas Carbone告诉观众,恩桥很高兴并感激能扩大其在Buckeye州的业务,并在可再生能源业务不断扩张的同时。

"Fox Squirrel is a key part of our commitment to the energy transition and our plans to continue to invest in these types of projects," Carbone said. "We look forward to working closely with all of you as we advance construction on Phases 2 and 3."

“Fox Squirrel是我们承诺能源转型和继续投资于这类项目的关键部分,”Carbone说。“我们期待与你们的密切合作,推进第2和第3阶段的施工。”

The initial phase of Fox Squirrel has a generation capacity of 150 megawatts (MW) of solar energy. F Phase 2 is expected to be operational in mid-2024 and will generate up to 250 MW, while Phase 3 is expected to enter service in late 2024 and generate up to 177 MW.

Fox Squirrel的初期阶段具有150兆瓦(MW)的太阳能发电能力。预计第二阶段将于2024年中期投入运营,将产生高达250 MW的能量,而第三阶段预计将在2024年末投入运营,产生高达177 MW的能量。

The project extends the longstanding partnership between Enbridge and EDF Renewables that began with four wind projects in Canada 12 years ago. The growing Enbridge-EDF portfolio also includes several offshore wind projects in France.

该项目延续了Enbridge和EDF Renewables 12年前在加拿大实施的四个风电项目的长期合作关系。不断增长的Enbridge-EDF投资组合还包括法国的几个海上风电项目。

"I am so pleased at how far we've come on this journey with our partners, EDF Renewables, and all we've achieved together," said Carbone.

Carbone表示:“我非常高兴我们与我们的合作伙伴EDF Renewables在这个旅程上所取得的成就和我们的伙伴关系。”

Enbridge is firmly planted in Ohio, with operations now representing every part of our business in the state-renewable power (Fox Squirrel and the Wheelersburg Solar project), liquids pipelines (Line 17, a.k.a. the Toledo Pipeline), natural gas transmission pipelines (Texas Eastern, NEXUS and Generation), and gas utilities (Enbridge Gas Ohio).

恩桥现在在俄亥俄州扎根,在该州涵盖了所有业务领域的经营业务 - 可再生能源(Fox Squirrel和Wheelersburg太阳能项目),液体管道(17线,即托莱多管道),天然气输送管道(德克萨斯州东部,NEXUS和Generation)和气体公用事业(恩桥天然气俄亥俄州)。

Solar power can generate electricity with no emissions, no waste production and no water use. We entered the solar business in southwestern Ontario in 2008 and continue to build our solar portfolio with several new projects - like Fox Squirrel - that are either operating or in development.

太阳能发电可以不产生排放、废弃物和用水。我们在2008年进入安大略省西南地区的太阳能业务,并继续通过几个新项目(例如Fox Squirrel)来建立我们的太阳能组合,这些项目正在运营或开发中。

In all, the number of homes our solar investments can power each year has surpassed 45,000, based on net generation figures, which exclude our partners' stake in projects.


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