
Green Bridge Metals Corporation Outlines Strategic Plan

Green Bridge Metals Corporation Outlines Strategic Plan

Accesswire ·  2024/06/25 07:30

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / June 25, 2024 / Green Bridge Metals Corporation (CNSX:GRBM)(OTCQB:GBMCF)(FWB:J48, WKN:A3EW4S) ("Green Bridge" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its exploration plan at its South Contact Zone ("SCZ") and Chrome Puddy ("Puddy") projects in Minnesota and Ontario respectively for the next 12 months (Figure 1). The focus of the work will be to expand upon the known mineralized systems and realize the exceptional exploration potential on both projects. The primary focus of the Company will be on the South Contact Zone group of properties (Figure 2); to prioritize drill ready, and permit additional, target areas, and broaden airborne geophysical coverage. At Chrome Puddy, targeting will focus on enhancing targeting near the historical resource through the acquisition of high quality electromagnetic airborne geophysical survey (Figure 3).

温哥华,BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年6月25日 / 绿桥金属公司(CNSX:GRBM)(OTCQB:GBMCF)(FWB:J48,WKN:A3EW4S)(“绿桥”或“公司”)高兴地宣布其在明尼苏达州和安大略省的南接触带(“SCZ”)和Chrome Puddy(“Puddy”)项目的勘探计划,为未来12个月制定计划(图1)。工作的重点是拓展已知的矿化系统并实现两个项目的卓越勘探潜力。公司的主要重点是南接触带地区的财产(图2);优先考虑钻探准备,以及许可其他目标区域,并扩大空中地球物理覆盖。在Chrome Puddy方面,针对将集中于通过获取高质量的电磁空中地球物理勘测图像来增强历史资源的目标(图3)。

A Message from David Suda, CEO of Green Bridge Metals

Green Bridge Metals首席执行官David Suda的一条消息

"As capital markets re-awaken to the prospect of value creation in the mining space and in particular for the "critical metals" of copper and nickel, Green Bridge provides several highly prospective opportunities in North America in mining jurisdictions with proven world class endowment. We feel our timing is excellent with the imminent start-up of fully funded field programs in both Minnesota and Ontario. Our shareholders will see a catalyst rich set of work programs through for the next 12 months as plans tabled today have been designed by a seasoned, successful technical team. We are excited to have the opportunity to build on projects that have clear and demonstrated mineralization in copper, nickel, titanium, vanadium and look forward to executing on the Company's growth plans for each of the projects in our portfolio. We look forward to updating our shareholders with additional details of the strategic work plan with programs beginning this summer."

"随着资本市场重新关注矿业领域以及铜和镍等“关键贵金属”的价值创造前景,Green Bridge在具有已被证明拥有世界一流矿产资源的矿业管辖区内提供了几个高度前景的机会。随着即将在明尼苏达州和安大略省的全资田野项目展开,我们觉得我们的时机非常好。我们的股东将看到丰富的工作计划,因为今天提交的计划是由经验丰富、成功的技术团队设计的。我们很高兴有机会在已经展现出铜、镍、钛和钒矿化的项目上进行拓展,期待实施我们的每个项目的增长计划。我们期待向股东更新战略工作计划的其他细节,夏季开始的项目即将展开。"

12 Month Exploration Plan


Exploration Growth South Contact Zone:


  • The Company believes that the presence of Oxidized Ultramafic Intrusions (OUIs) that are associated with copper-titanium±nickel mineralization represent a new style of exploration target that has been underexplored. Disseminated copper and/or nickel mineralized OUIs are present at the Skibo, Titac, and Boulder properties and will represent the primary target of the Company's exploration plans.
  • The Company's initial efforts will be at the Titac property that has a NI43-101 Inferred Resource of 45.1Mt of 15% TiO2 (Cardero Resources Corp., 2012) hosted within an OUI that also contains significant disseminated copper mineralization. Historical intercepts from surface including 462m of 0.4% copper and 571.5m of 0.2% copper (including 145m of 0.4% Cu).
  • Green Bridge plans to initially drill into Titac's mineralized system to expand upon the known resource and realize the full potential for copper mineralization.
  • The Company will conduct a Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetics (VTEM) geophysical survey over the Titac-Boulder property to fingerprint the signature of Titac mineralization and apply that to Boulder, which has recognized titanium and copper mineralization within an OUI similar to Titac.
  • The Company will also prioritize drill ready targets in the Wyman/Siphon property that has a historical Ni-Cu resource characterized by disseminated mineralization similar to that of the world class Mesaba and Maturi deposits.
  • 公司认为与铜-钛相关的氧化超基性侵入体(OUI)的存在,代表了一种未得到充分开发的新的勘探目标风格。散布的铜和/或镍矿化OUI出现在Skibo,Titac和Boulder属性上,将成为公司勘探计划的主要目标。±镍矿化是一种未被充分开发的新探矿目标。在斯基博、蒂塔克和博尔德物业上存在弥散的铜和/或镍矿化OUI,这将是公司勘探计划的主要目标。
  • Green Bridge计划最初在Titac的矿化系统中进行钻探,以扩大已知资源并实现铜矿化的全部潜力。2该公司将在Titac-Boulder物业上进行Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetics(VTEM)地球物理勘测,以指纹Titac矿化的签名并将其应用于具有与Titac类似OUI中的识别钛和铜矿化的Boulder。
  • 公司还将优先考虑Wyman / Siphon物业中的钻井准备目标,该物业具有具有分散矿化的历史Ni-Cu资源,类似于世界级的Mesaba和Maturi矿床。
  • 探索增长Chrome Puddy:
  • 公司计划在整个物业上执行可转换时间域电磁地球物理勘测(VTEM),以指纹30Mt的历史资源(Commerce Nickel Mines Ltd.,1966)而在2km内的已知矿化趋势;

Exploration Growth Chrome Puddy:


  • The Company plans to fly an airborne VTEM geophysical survey over the entire property to fingerprint the signature of the historical resource of 30Mt of 0.27% Ni (Commerce Nickel Mines Ltd., 1966) over a known mineralized trend over 2km;
  • The Company believes there is potential for a 100Mt exploration target within the 2km trend that will be the primary focus of the first drill campaign at the project;
  • The VTEM survey will help prioritize future drill targets based on the presence of conductors.
  • VTEM勘测将有助于根据导体的存在来优先考虑未来的钻井目标。
  • 公司认为,在2公里的趋势区域内存在一个1亿吨的勘探目标,这将是该项目第一阶段钻探计划的主要重点;
  • 图2.南部接触区的区域地质图,显示项目组合内的单个目标物业(Wyman,Skibo,Titac和Boulder)。其他大型Ni,Cu-Ni或Ti-Cu表现的矿床被显示。
Figure 1. Regional location map showing The South Contact Zone and Chrom-Puddy projects. Other large Ni, Cu-Ni deposits are highlights (magenta ovals).
图3. Chrome-Puddy项目区域,带有电磁勘测覆盖,显示用于镍矿化的推断超基性侵入体(虚线蓝线)的区域,以及历史上的显着钻探拦截和地面样品。
Figure 2. Regional geological map of the South Contact Zone showing individual target properties (Wyman, Skibo, Titac, and Boulder) within the project portfolio. Other large Ni, Cu-Ni, or Ti-Cu occurrences are shown.
Figure 3. Chrome-Puddy project area with electromagnetics survey overlay showing the area of the inferred ultramafic host intrusion (dashed blue line) for nickel mineralization, as well as historic significant drill intercepts and surface samples.

The Chrome Puddy mineral resource estimate is not current and should be considered "historical estimates" under National Instrument 43-101 -Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"). A Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as a current mineral resource or reserve, and the Company is not treating these historical estimates as current mineral resources or reserves. The Company would need to conduct an exploration program (including drilling) in order to verify these historical estimates as current in accordance with NI 43-101. There can be no certainty, following further evaluation and/or exploration work, that these historical estimates can be upgraded or verified as mineral resources or mineral reserves in accordance with NI 43-101. As such, these historical estimates should not be relied upon.

Chrome Puddy矿物资源估算不是最新的,应视为符合矿产项目披露的全国43-101标准(“NI 43-101”)下的“历史估算”。资格的人员未进行足够的工作,对历史估计进行分类,以作为当前矿物资源或储备的估计,公司未将这些历史估计视为当前矿物资源或储备。根据NI 43-101,公司需要开展勘探计划(包括钻探),以验证这些历史估计是否符合当前标准。因此,不能确定在进一步评估和/或勘探工作之后,这些历史估计能否按照NI 43-101进行升级或验证为矿物资源或矿物储量。因此,不应依赖这些历史估计。

All scientific and technical information, and written disclosure in this news release has been prepared by, or approved by Ajeet Milliard, Ph.D., CPG, Ajeet Milliard is and independent consultant and a qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

所有科技资讯和文字披露在此新闻发布中的准备工作都由Ajeet Milliard博士、 CPG批准或准备,而Ajeet Milliard是资格齐全的顾问,也是符合National Instrument 43-101-矿产项目披露标准的独立顾问。


代表Green Bridge Metals,

"David Suda"
President and Chief Executive Officer

“David Suda”

For more information, please contact:


David Suda
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 604.928-3101

David Suda

About Green Bridge Metals

关于Green Bridge Metals

Green Bridge Metals Corporation (formerly Mich Resources Ltd.) is a Canadian based exploration company focused on acquiring 'battery metal' rich mineral assets and the development of the South Contact Zone (the "Property") along the basal contact of the Duluth Intrusion, north of Duluth, Minnesota. The South Contact Zone contains bulk-tonnage copper-nickel and titanium-vanadium in ilmenite hosted in ultramafic to oxide ultramafic intrusions. The Property has exploration targets for bulk-tonnage Ni mineralization, high grade Ni-Cu-PGE magmatic sulfide mineralization and titanium.

绿桥金属公司(前身为Mich Resources Ltd.)是一家加拿大公司,专注于获取贵金属矿产资产和发展Duluth侵入岩基底接触带(以下简称“物业”),物业位于明尼苏达州北部Duluth以北。南接触带含有在超镁铁质至氧化物超镁铁质侵入岩中寄主的大块体铜镍和钛钒。该物业有大体积Ni矿化、高品位Ni-Cu-PGE岩浆硫化物矿化和钛的勘探目标。

Forward Looking Information


Certain statements and information herein, including all statements that are not historical facts, contain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking statements or information include but are not limited to statements or information with respect to: the exploration and development of the South Contact Zone Properties.


Although management of the Company believe that the assumptions made and the expectations represented by such statements or information are reasonable, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements or information herein will prove to be accurate. Forward-looking statements and information by their nature are based on assumptions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information. These risk factors include, but are not limited to: the exploration and development of the South Contact Zone Properties may not result in any commercially successful outcome for the Company; risks associated with the business of the Company; business and economic conditions in the mining industry generally; changes in general economic conditions or conditions in the financial markets; changes in laws (including regulations respecting mining concessions); and other risk factors as detailed from time to time.


The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


Certain figures and references contain information supported by public and corporate references that may have been updated, changed, or modified since their referenced date. The Company has not reviewed any resources and cannot comment on their accuracy.




Farrow, D., Johnson, M., (2012), January 2012 National Instrument 43-101Technical Report on the Titac Ilmenite Exploration Project, Minnesota, USA. SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. SRK Project Number 2CC031.004. Cardero Resources Corp.

Farrow,D.,Johnson,M.,(2012年),2012年1月,SRK Consulting(Canada)Inc. SRK项目编号2CC031.004为Cardero Resources Corp.编写了有关Titac Ilmenite Exploration Project,美国明尼苏达州的National Instrument 43-101技术报告。所有板块资源corp。

SOURCE: Green Bridge Metals Corporation

来源:Green Bridge Metals Corporation

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