
Thinkific Makes Key Exec Appointments to Drive Further Innovation and Expansion in B2B and Creator Education Sectors

Thinkific Makes Key Exec Appointments to Drive Further Innovation and Expansion in B2B and Creator Education Sectors

PR Newswire ·  06/26 06:30
  • Former Mailchimp Marketing Leader Amanda Malko appointed as Chief Revenue Officer
  • Former Hootsuite CTO Ryan Donovan appointed as Chief Product & Technology Officer
  • Kyle Scott (formerly NBC, Sell It) joins as GM of High Growth Creators
  • Clovis Cuqui (formerly Shopify) appointed VP, Head of Thinkific Commerce
  • 前Mailchimp营销负责人阿曼达·姆尔科被任命为首席营收官
  • 前Hootsuite CTO瑞安·多诺万被任命为首席产品及技术官
  • Kyle Scott(前NBC,Sell It)加入,担任高增长创作者总经理
  • Clovis Cuqui(前Shopify)被任命为Thinkific Commerce负责人副总裁

VANCOUVER, BC, June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Thinkific, a leader in the growing movement of creator educators and online learning experiences, today announced the expansion of its leadership team with the appointment of two new executive leaders. Former G2 CMO and Mailchimp marketing leader, Amanda Malko, steps in as Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), and Ryan Donovan, former Hootsuite CTO, takes on the role of Chief Product and Technology Officer (CPTO). Thinkific has also appointed two exceptional senior leaders to supercharge key growth areas of the business. Kyle Scott (formerly NBC, Sell It) joins as GM of High Growth Creators and Clovis Cuqui (formerly Shopify) as VP, Head of Thinkific Commerce.

加拿大温哥华,2024年6月26日/美通社/-Thinkific,一个领先的创作者教育者和在线学习体验运动的领导者,今天宣布扩大其领导团队,任命了两位新的高管领导。前G2 CMO和Mailchimp营销负责人阿曼达·姆尔科担任首席营收官(CRO),瑞安·多诺万,前Hootsuite CTO,担任首席产品和技术官(CPTO)。Thinkific还任命了两位杰出的高级领导,以加速业务的关键增长领域。Kyle Scott(前NBC,Sell It)加入Thinkific高成长创作者总经理一职,Clovis Cuqui(前Shopify)则担任Thinkific Commerce负责人副总裁。

Speaking to the strengthened C-suite, Thinkific CEO, Greg Smith, commented, "Amanda and Ryan's extensive experience and proven track records in driving growth and innovation will be invaluable as we continue to scale and advance our platform to better serve our customers and continue to grow value for our shareholders. Amanda's immense expertise in revenue generation and market expansion, combined with Ryan's deep knowledge of product and technology, I believe will add another level of depth and strategic excellence to our leadership team and enable us to fully capitalize on the immense opportunities ahead of us."

谈到加强的高管团队,Thinkific CEO Greg Smith评论道:“阿曼达和瑞安在推动增长和创新方面的丰富经验和卓越记录将至关重要,这将使我们在持续扩大规模并推进我们的平台以更好地服务我们的客户和继续为我们的股东创造价值方面增添另一层深度和战略卓越。阿曼达在收入生成和市场扩张方面的巨大专业知识,结合瑞安在产品和技术方面的深刻知识,我相信将为我们的领导团队增加另一个层次的深度和战略卓越,并使我们能够充分利用我们面前的巨大机遇。”

The executive hires represent a transformative new stage of evolution for Thinkific as it continues to advance its cutting-edge platform to support high-growth creators like Miss Excel and Jon Yousheai; and gear up for further expansion with business customers through Thinkific Plus, serving prominent customers such as Datadog, ActiveCampaign, Columbia University, and the New Zealand Parliament. The company is also committed to accelerating growth across key strategic areas of the business, including Thinkific Commerce which helps creators and businesses that use Thinkific sell more.

这些高管任命代表了Thinkific的转型新阶段,它将继续推进其尖端平台以支持类似于 ''Miss Excel'' 和''Jon Yousheai'' 等高增长创作者,并在Thinkific Plus通过企业客户进行进一步扩展,为Datadog,ActiveCampaign,哥伦比亚大学和新西兰议会等知名客户提供服务。该公司还致力于加速业务的关键战略领域增长,包括Thinkific Commerce,帮助使用Thinkific的创作者和企业销售更多。Miss Excel和页面。Jon Yousheai;并准备通过Thinkific Plus为Datadog,ActiveCampaign,哥伦比亚大学和新西兰议会等知名客户等业务客户进行进一步扩展。

Speaking about her new role, Amanda said, "I'm excited to join Thinkific at a pivotal moment in the company's growth and when the need for quality digital learning experiences and trusted expert content has never been more important. My mission is to help more creators and businesses join and find long-term success with Thinkific, while also inspiring entrepreneurs everywhere to build the business of their dreams. I'm motivated by having a positive impact on the world and hearing stories from among the 200 million people that have been impacted by Thinkific made joining an easy choice."

"This role is a unique opportunity to meld transformative product strategies at the intersection of the rapidly growing Creator Economy while also helping businesses deliver world-class learning experiences," added Ryan Donovan, speaking to his appointment. "We are committed to delivering world-class user experiences that help more creators and businesses be successful with, and on, Thinkific. Together, we will build upon Thinkific's legacy of innovation to deliver exceptional value to our customers and stakeholders."


“这个角色是一个独特的机会,融合在快速增长的创作者经济与帮助企业提供世界级学习体验的交集处的变革性产品战略,”瑞安·多诺万谈到他的任命时说。 “我们致力于提供世界级的用户体验,帮助更多的创作者和企业在Thinkific上获得成功。我们将共同建立Thinkific创新的传统,为我们的客户和利益相关者提供卓越的价值。”

Amanda Malko, Chief Revenue Officer

阿曼达·姆尔科,首席营收官 阿曼达·姆尔科拥有超过20年的经验,在扩展高增长科技公司、推动显著的营收增长和股东价值方面具有丰富的经验。她的职业生涯涵盖了知名技术公司的关键角色,包括G2、Mailchimp(Intuit收购)、360i和IgnitionOne(都被电通收购)以及Massive(被微软收购)。

Amanda Malko brings over 20 years of experience in scaling high-growth technology companies, driving significant revenue growth and shareholder value. Her career spans pivotal roles at renowned technology companies including G2, Mailchimp (acquired by Intuit), 360i and IgnitionOne (both acquired by Dentsu), and Massive (acquired by Microsoft).

Amanda Malko拥有超过20年在扩大高成长技术公司、推动显著的营收增长和股东价值的经验。她的职业生涯涵盖了广受认可的技术公司的重要角色,包括G2,Mailchimp(被Intuit收购),360i和IgnitionOne(都被Dentsu收购)以及Massive(被Microsoft收购)。

Before joining Thinkific, Amanda was CMO at G2, the world's largest software marketplace. Prior to G2, she led the partnership program and marketplace business at Mailchimp ahead of its $12 billion acquisition by Intuit. At 360i, Amanda ran sales, marketing, and operations, contributing to its recognition as one of the most influential marketing firms of the 21st century by AdAge and Forbes.


A frequent speaker and writer on digital marketing, Amanda has featured in Web Summit, AdAge, Adweek, SaaStr, Pavilion, AMA, Forrester Marketing Forum, and more.

阿曼达经常在数字营销领域发表演讲和文章。她曾经参加Web Summit、AdAge、Adweek、SaaStr、Pavilion、AMA、Forrester Marketing Forum等活动。

Ryan Donovan, Chief Product and Technology Officer

瑞安·多诺万,首席产品和技术官 瑞安·多诺万拥有20多年的高管经验,专注于产品、工程和技术运营。他的领导将推动Thinkific的所有产品开发、技术和以产品为导向的增长战略。瑞安的职业生涯包括Hootsuite和GRIN等知名公司的高管职位,他们在社交媒体和创作者经济方面领导了变革性的产品和技术倡议。此前,他还在Sitecore担任CTO,将Sitecore确立为数字体验平台领域的领导者;推动Sitecore过渡到云端,并从风险投资到私人股权成功退出。他还在Smith Commerce/Ascentium(退出Sitecore)和微软公司的商业领域担任多个高管职位。

Ryan Donovan joins Thinkific with over 20 years of executive experience in product, engineering, and technology operations. His leadership will drive all aspects of Thinkific's product development, technology, and product-led growth strategies.

Ryan Donovan以20年以上的产品、工程和技术运营高管经验加入Thinkific,他的领导能力将推动Thinkific产品开发、技术和以产品为导向的增长战略的所有方面。

Ryan's career includes notable C-suite roles at Hootsuite and GRIN, where he led transformative product and technology initiatives focused on social media and the creator economy. Previously he also served as CTO with Sitecore, establishing them as a leader in digital experience platforms; its transition to the cloud, and a successful exit from venture to private equity. He also held multiple executive roles in the commerce space at Smith Commerce/Ascentium (with an exit to Sitecore) and at Microsoft Corporation.

Ryan的职业生涯包括在Hootsuite和GRIN担任重要的C-suite角色,他在社交媒体和创作者经济领域领导变革性的产品和技术倡议。此前,他还曾在Sitecore担任CTO,使Sitecore成为数字体验平台领域的领导者;其转型到云计算,并从风险投资退出到私人股本。他还在Smith Commerce / Ascentium(通过向Sitecore转型)和微软公司的商业领域担任多个高管职位。

Kyle Scott, GM of High Growth Creators

Kyle Scott,高增长创作者总经理

Kyle Scott joins Thinkific to partner with scaled creators on the platform across industry verticals. After nearly a decade at NBC News, Kyle went on to cofound 'Sell it' with Ryan Serhant, a hugely successful subscription content business, achieving nearly eight-figure revenues and serving over 25,000 enrollees in 126 countries. A renowned expert in content and media as well as creating, launching, and scaling digital products, Kyle is a highly regarded mentor for entrepreneurs and a prolific conference speaker on building subscription businesses and storytelling for business growth.

Kyle Scott加入Thinkific,与行业垂直领域的规模创作者合作。 Kyle在NBC News工作了近十年后,与Ryan Serhant一起创立了“Sell it”,这是一家非常成功的订阅内容业务,实现了接近八位数的收入,并为126个国家的超过25,000名学员提供服务。Kyle是内容和媒体方面的知名专家,以及创造,推出和扩展数字产品方面的专家,是创业者的高度尊重的导师,也是关于构建订阅业务和故事讲述的大会演讲者。

Clovis Cuqui, VP, Head of Thinkific Commerce

Clovis Cuqui,Thinkific Commerce负责人

Clovis Cuqui joins Thinkific as Head of Commerce, bringing over 20 years of leadership experience in growing start-ups, mid-sized, and large software companies. As the former VP of Merchant Acceleration at Shopify, Clovis is a highly accomplished executive with expertise in corporate strategy, operations, online payment processing, banking, compliance, e-commerce, product, sales, customer success, and risk management. Known for his strong leadership and strategic direction, his addition to Thinkific is expected to further advance the company's commerce capabilities and support the growth of its creator and business community.

Clovis Cuqui加入Thinkific担任商务主管,拥有超过20年的领导经验,可促进初创公司,中型企业和大型软件公司的增长。 Clovis曾是Shopify的商家加速副总裁,是一位极具成就的高级管理人员,具有企业策略,运营,在线支付处理,银行,合规性,电子商务,产品,销售,客户成功和风险管理方面的专业知识。作为一个领导力强和战略导向明确的人,他的加入将进一步推进Thinkific的商务能力,并支持其创作者和商业社区的增长。

To read more about Thinkific's Executive appointments, please visit -

要了解有关Thinkific执行委员会任命的更多信息,请访问 -

About Thinkific


Thinkific (TSX:THNC) makes it simple for creators and established businesses of any size to scale and generate revenue by teaching what they know. Our platform gives businesses everything they need to build, market, and sell digital learning products - from courses to communities - and to run their business seamlessly under their own brand, on their own site. Thinkific's 50,000+ active creators earn hundreds of millions of dollars in direct course, membership and community sales while teaching tens of millions of students. Thinkific is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, with a distributed team.

Thinkific(TSX:THNC)使任何规模的创作者和成熟企业通过教授他们所知道的东西来扩展和生成收入变得简单。我们的平台为企业提供构建,市场营销和销售数字学习产品的所有必需品-从课程到社区-以及在自己的品牌下,在自己的网站上顺畅运行业务所需的一切。 Thinkific的50,000多位活跃创作者通过教授数以百万计的学生而直接赚取数亿美元的课程,会员和社区销售。 Thinkific总部位于加拿大温哥华,具有分布式团队。

For more information, please visit .

有关更多信息,请访问 .

This news release includes forward-looking statements and forward–looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws ("forward-looking statements''). Forward-looking statements are based on Thinkific's current expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions that were made by the company in light of the information available at the time the statement was made and considers Thinkific's experience and its perception of trends. Forward-looking statements in this news release include statements regarding the expected benefit of the executive appointee's experience and skillset as a member of Thinkific's executive management team and the expected benefits the new executive appointees may bring to position the company for greater success and value creation in the future. Although Thinkific's management believes that the assumptions underlying these statements and information are reasonable, they may prove to be incorrect. Except as required by applicable securities laws, forward–looking statements and information speak only as of the date on which they are made and Thinkific undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward–looking statement or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Forward-looking statements and information are not guarantees of future performance and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, some that are similar to other companies with online learning products and some that are unique to Thinkific. Thinkific's actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by its forward-looking statements, so readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on them.

前瞻性声明和信息不是未来业绩的保证,并涉及许多风险和不确定性,其中一些与在线学习产品的其他公司相似,而其他风险和不确定性则是Thinkific独有的。 Thinkific的实际结果可能与其前瞻性声明所表达的相差甚远,因此读者应该谨慎使用它们。

The Annual Information Form of the Company dated March 4, 2024 and other documents filed by it from time to time with securities regulatory authorities describe in greater detail the risks, uncertainties, material assumptions and other factors that could influence actual results and such factors are incorporated herein by reference. Copies of these documents are available under our profile on SEDAR+ at .

分析师团队刚刚选出他们认为投资者现在可以买入的10只最佳股票……而超微电脑不在其中。有可能这10只被选出的股票未来几年会产生巨大回报。公司于2024年3月4日出具的年度信息表格等,该表格及其他文件会不时地向证券监管机构提交,并在此以引用方式包括更详细地描述了影响实际结果的风险,不确定性,重大假设和其他因素。这些文档的副本在我们的SEDAR +档案中的我们档案下可获得。

SOURCE Thinkific Labs Inc.

来源Thinkific Labs Inc.

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