
USCM Samples up to 2,129 Ppm Lithium at McDermitt Lithium East Project

USCM Samples up to 2,129 Ppm Lithium at McDermitt Lithium East Project

美国小瑞士矿业公司在麦克德米特东锂项目上发现高达2,129 Ppm的锂矿
newsfile ·  06/26 08:00

Total of 53 samples taken with grades ranging from anomalous to 2,129 ppm Li.


Highest grade samples collected to date at McDermitt confirming strongly elevated Li grades within the system.


Project area is mostly covered by overburden allowing for shallowly concealed targets. Suggests the eastern margin of the caldera has been overlooked for lithium potential due to post-mineral cover.


Program has delineated a prospective area for further trenching and maiden drill program.


Project spans 6,508 acres of Bureau of Land Management claims with the majority of the claims unexplored for lithium potential.

该项目覆盖Bureau of Land Management权利面积6,508英亩,其中大部分权利面积未开采针对锂的潜力。

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 26, 2024) - US Critical Metals Corp. (CSE: USCM) (OTCQB: USCMF) (FSE: 0IU0) ("USCM" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed further exploration activities at the McDermitt Project in Nevada (the "Project"). The Project is strategically located along the east margin of the McDermitt Caldera and approximately 19 kilometers from Lithium America's Thacker Pass Lithium Project, which is the largest known claystone lithium deposit(s) in the US with 3.7 million tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent reserves at 3,160 ppm lithium1. USCM holds an options agreement with Live Energy Minerals Corp. ("LIVE"), a public British Columbia company listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange (the "CSE"), providing the Company with the option (the "Option") to acquire up to a 50% interest in the Project and a further option to acquire an additional 25% interest for an aggregate total of 75% interest in the Project. The figure below sets forth the location of the Project in relation to the Thacker Pass Lithium Project.

温哥华,卑诗省 - (Newsfile Corp. - 2024年6月26日) - 美国关键金属公司(CSE:USCM)(OTCQB:USCMF)(FSE:0IU0)("")非常高兴地宣布,在内华达的麦克德米特项目("")完成了进一步的勘探活动。该项目位于麦克德米特火山口东侧缘,距离美国锂美洲公司的Thacker Pass锂项目约19公里,是美国已知的最大的黏土状锂矿床,锂碳酸盐当量储量3,160ppm锂达到3.7百万吨。美国关键金属公司持有Live Energy Minerals Corp.("" LIVE""),这是一家上市在加拿大证券交易所的BC公司,为公司提供了以该项目获得50%的权益选项,以及再获得25%权益的进一步选择,进一步实现拥有该项目75%的所有权。下面的图显示了该项目与Thacker Pass锂项目的地理位置关系。如果在加拿大证券交易所("CSE")上的普通股的交易价格在任何10个连续交易日内等于或超过每股1.00美元,公司有权在此10日期满后的10个工作日内通过发布新的到期日期的新闻稿来选择加速行权期("加速通知")。在这种情况下,新到期时间应被视为在加速通知发布后30天下午5:00(温哥华时间)到期;从加速通知指定的新到期时间开始,不得发行或行使旧股票购买权证。"或"公司非常高兴地宣布,在内华达的麦克德米特项目项目该项目位于麦克德米特火山口东侧缘,距离美国锂美洲公司的Thacker Pass锂项目约19公里,是美国已知的最大的黏土状锂矿床,锂碳酸盐当量储量3,160ppm锂达到3.7百万吨。1美国关键金属公司与上市在加拿大证券交易所的BC公司Live Energy Minerals Corp.(""LIVE"")订立了选项协议,为公司提供了项目的50%权益选项(""Option""),以及进一步选择的权益,最多可获得该项目75%权益。上市在加拿大证券交易所的BC公司("" LIVE"")CSE美国关键金属公司与上市在加拿大证券交易所的BC公司Live Energy Minerals Corp.(""LIVE"")订立了选项协议,为公司提供了项目的50%权益选项(""Option""),以及进一步选择的权益,最多可获得该项目75%权益。下面的图显示了该项目在Thacker Pass锂项目中的位置。

Figure 1


Exploration Program Summary


The field work was designed to examine and sample in detail the historical trenching area where lithium-bearing decomposed rock material was reported in previously collected samples, and further investigate the presence of outcropping caldera lakebed sedimentary rocks within the confines of the claim block. This exploration program has significantly advanced each of these objectives by replicating previous samples of approximately 2,000ppm Li. The recent exploration work suggests that the eastern margin of the caldera has been overlooked for lithium potential due to post-mineral cover. Samples were collected from nearly all of the trenches that cover an area approximately 1.3 km north-south and 0.3 km east-west.


Detailed work within the historical trenching area where samples of lithium-bearing sandy material have been collected included reexamining the area where the initial samples were collected and undertaking trench dump sampling of nearly all of the trenches that exist in the area. During the Fall of 2023 and Spring of 2024, a total of 53 geochemical samples were collected from the trench area and surrounding areas.




USCM collected 53 samples at the historic trench area and the surrounding areas (two sampling campaigns during Fall of 2023 and Spring of 2024) where highly anomalous concentrations of lithium were previously reported in several samples. All of the samples comprise unconsolidated material, mostly of sand or silt-size, assumed to be colluvial and alluvial in origin with a possibility of being derived from decomposed rock of local origin (loess deposits).


Five samples out of the total 53 have shown elevated concentrations of lithium. These include sample 945910 at 2,054 ppm Li collected during the Fall 2023 exploration program, and samples collected from the current exploration including sample 945938 at 670 ppm Li, sample 945939 at 2,129 ppm Li, sample 945940 at 418 ppm Li, and sample 945941 at 754 ppm Li. The highest lithium concentrations observed were from samples 945910 and 945939 which were collected from a single ridgeline, between two trenches, that is covered by a sandy material that hosts the lithium mineralization.


The map below provides sample locations and corresponding lithium values of samples collected during the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 field campaigns.


Figure 2


Management Commentary


Mr. Darren Collins, CEO and Director of USCM, comments: "Despite market headwinds in the critical minerals sector, we continue to see value within our portfolio of assets and will seek to further advance our projects to drill ready. These exploration results demonstrate what we believe is overlooked potential and we now have a clear path forward for the claims, which includes a focused drill program to test the area of the Project where historic trenching exists. We also now turn our attention to our Long Canyon Uranium and Vanadium Project in Idaho, where our team will be in the field completing additional exploration work in the coming weeks."

USCm的首席执行官兼董事Darren Collins先生评论道:“尽管关键矿物领域市场面临逆风,我们仍然认为我们持有的资产组合具有价值,并将寻求进一步推进我们的项目以备钻探。这些勘探结果表明了我们认为被忽视的潜力,我们现在为这些申请块拥有了明确的前进道路,其中包括集中进行钻探计划,以测试项目存在历史掘槽的区域。我们现在也将把我们的注意力转向我们在爱达荷州的Long Canyon铀和钒项目,我们的团队将在未来几周外出进行额外的勘探工作。”

Project Overview


The Project spans 6,508 acres of BLM claims and is located within the McDermitt Caldera, an extinct 40x30 km super-volcano formed approximately 16.3 million years ago (Ma) as part of a hotspot currently underneath the Yellowstone Plateau. Following an initial eruption and concurrent collapse of the McDermitt Caldera, a large lake formed in the caldera basin. This lake water was extremely enriched in lithium and resulted in the accumulation of lithium-rich clays.


Late volcanic activity uplifted the caldera, draining the lake and bringing the lithium-rich moat sediments to the surface resulting in the near-surface lithium present on the Project. The McDermitt Caldera is potentially one of the largest sources of lithium clays in the world and hosts some of the largest lithium deposits in the USA including the Thacker Pass project in the southern portion of the caldera.

晚期火山活动隆起了火山口,排干了湖泊,并将富含锂的护堤沉积物带到了地表,导致了该项目上的近地表含锂。麦克德米特火山口坑可能是世界上最大的锂黏土来源之一,承载了美国包括南部地区Thacker Pass项目在内的一些最大的锂矿床。

LIVE completed a Technical Report in accordance with the requirements of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, on the Project entitled "43-101 Technical Report on McDermitt Lithium East Property" with an effective date of December 16, 2022" (the "Technical Report"). The Technical Report can be found on SEDAR+ at .

LIVE根据《43-101标准》的要求,完成了关于该项目的技术报告,该报告名为“ 《关于麦克德米特锂东物业的43-101技术报告》,有效日期为2022年12月16日”。技术报告技术报告可以在SEDAR+上找到。

QP Statement


Robert J. Johansing, BSc (geology), MSc (economic geology), who is a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (the "QP"), has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. Robert J. Johansing is a consultant for the Company.

签署本新闻稿的科技公司专家Robert J. Johansing,拥有地质学学士学位和经济地质学硕士学位,并是符合《43-101标准》定义的合格人士。Robert J. Johansing是该公司的顾问。



All samples were delivered to American Assay Laboratories (AAL) of Sparks, Nevada. Samples were then dried, crushed and split, and pulp samples were prepared for analysis. Lithium was determined by a 4 acid + Boric acid digestion and analyses by ICP-OES+MS. Lithium standards, along with blanks and duplicates, were inserted into the sample chain by AAL Standard sample 'chain of custody' procedures were employed during field work until delivery to the analytical facility.


About US Critical Metals Corp.


USCM is focused on mining projects that will further secure the US supply of critical metals and rare earth elements, which are essential to fueling the new age economy. Pursuant to option agreements with private Canadian and American companies, USCM's assets consist of three agreements, each providing USCM with the right to acquire interests in four discovery focused projects in the US. These projects include the Clayton Ridge Lithium Property located in Nevada, the Haynes Cobalt Property located in Idaho, the Sheep Creek located in Montana, and Lemhi Pass located in Idaho. A significant percentage of the world's critical metal and rare earth supply comes from nations with interests that are contrary to those of the US. USCM intends to explore and develop critical metals and rare earth assets with near- and long-term strategic value to the advancement of US interests.


For further information please contact:
Darren Collins
Chief Executive Officer & Director
Telephone: +1 (786) 633-1756


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor the Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information

关于前瞻性信息的免责声明本新闻稿可能含有前瞻性声明。这些声明包括涉及公司的管理团队和董事会,Sanoukou Gold Project,Tilemi磷酸盐项目以及公司未来计划和目标的影响。这些声明基于目前的预期和假设,面临着风险和不确定性。实际结果可能因为在我们的中期和最近的年度财务报告的管理讨论和分析部分或其他报告和文件及TSX Venture Exchange和适用的加拿大证券法规中所讨论的因素而有所不同。我们不承担任何更新前瞻性声明的义务,除非法律规定。

This news release contains certain information that may be deemed "forward-looking information" with respect to USCM within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause USCM's actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-Looking information includes statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Forward-Looking information contained in this press release may include, without limitation, the expectation that the Company will exercise the Option and fulfil its obligations under the pursuant to the Option; exploration plans and expected exploration and drilling results at the Project, results of operations, and the expected financial performance of the Company.

本新闻稿中包含的某些信息可能被视为是与USCM有关的“前瞻性信息”,该信息是根据适用证券法的意义而设定的。这样的前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的风险,不确定性和其他因素,可能会导致USCM的实际结果,业绩或成果,或该行业的发展与此前瞻性信息所表达或暗示的结果,业绩或成果有所不同。前瞻性信息包括不是历史事实的陈述,并且通常但并非总是通过“期望”,“计划”,“预计”,“认为”,“意图”,“估计”,“项目”,“潜在” 和类似的表达方式,或者事件或条件“将”,“应该”,“可能”,“可能”或“应该”发生。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性信息可能包括,但不限于,预计公司将行使该选项并履行根据该选项的义务;项目的勘探计划和预期的勘探和钻探结果,经营业绩以及公司的预期财务表现。

Although USCM believes the forward-looking information contained in this news release is reasonable based on information available on the date hereof, by its nature, forward-looking information involves assumptions and known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information.

尽管USCM相信本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性信息基于今日公布信息的情形,但前瞻性信息的性质决定了假设和已知或未知的风险,不确定性和其他因素可能导致我们的实际结果,业绩或成果,或未来活动的其他方面,与其前瞻性信息所表达或暗示的任何未来结果,业绩或成果大不相同。前瞻性信息包括但不限于,与经济普遍条件有关的尤其是自新型冠状病毒爆发以来的条件,不利行业事件,需要获得的必要的监管批准以及获得这些批准的时间;USCM与其正在或拟定在其中经营的社区保持良好关系;加拿大矿业行业和市场;USCM实施其业务策略的能力;竞争;任何假设被证明无效或不可靠的风险,这可能会导致计划的工作的延迟或终止;与数据的解释,矿床的地质,等级和连续性有关的风险;可能导致结果与USCM的预期不一致的可能性; 以及适用于矿产勘探和开发活动以及适用于USCM的其他假设,风险和不确定性,包括在USCM在SEDAR+网站上的公开披露文件中所述。

Examples of such assumptions, risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, assumptions, risks and uncertainties associated with general economic conditions; the Covid-19 pandemic; adverse industry events; the receipt of required regulatory approvals and the timing of such approvals; that USCM maintains good relationships with the communities in which it operates or proposes to operate; future legislative and regulatory developments in the mining sector; USCM's ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favorable terms; mining industry and markets in Canada and generally; the ability of USCM to implement its business strategies; competition; the risk that any of the assumptions prove not to be valid or reliable, which could result in delays, or cessation in planned work; risks associated with the interpretation of data, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits; the possibility that results will not be consistent with USCM's expectations; as well as other assumptions, risks and uncertainties applicable to mineral exploration and development activities and to USCM, including as set forth in the USCM's public disclosure documents filed on the SEDAR+ website at .


The forward-looking information contained in this press release represents the expectations of USCM as of the date of this press release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. While USCM may elect to, it does not undertake to update this information at any particular time except as required in accordance with applicable laws.


1 The comparable information about other issuers was obtained from public sources and has not been verified by the Company. Comparable means information that compares an issuer to other issuers. The information is a summary of certain relevant operational attributes of certain mining and resource companies and has been included to provide an overview of the performance of what are expected to be comparable issuers. The comparables are considered to be an appropriate basis for comparison with the Company based on their industry, commodity mix, jurisdiction, and additional criteria. The comparable issuers face different risks from those applicable to the Company. Relevant material concerning any adjacent or comparable properties included in this press release is limited to information publicly disclosed by the owner or operator for such adjacent or comparable property. The Company has relied on the Qualified Persons responsible for such information and has not independently verified such information. The Company cautions that past production, mineral reserves, resources or occurrences on adjacent or comparable properties are not indicative of the mineralization on the Company's properties. Readers are cautioned that the past performance of comparables is not indicative of future performance and that the performance of the Company may be materially different from the comparable issuers. You should not place undue reliance on the comparable information provided in this press release.


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