


PR Newswire ·  06/26 08:15

Thrive Academies program will advance Thrive Scholars' mission to broaden the corporate talent pipeline and enhance economic mobility for low-income, first-gen college-goers nationwide

Thrive Academies计划将推进Thrive Scholars的使命,为全美低收入、首代大学生扩大企业人才储备,提高经济流动性。

LOS ANGELES, June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Thrive Scholars, a national nonprofit that helps high-achieving, first-gen students prepare for and graduate from top colleges to support their success in careers that lead to economic mobility, today announced that its signature program has expanded to New York and Los Angeles. The launch of Thrive Academy – New York Sponsored by Citadel at Mercy University, Manhattan Campus, and BMO Thrive Academy – Los Angeles at the University of Southern California (USC) marks the first major step in the nonprofit's plan to establish 10 regional Thrive Academies nationwide over the next four years.

加州洛杉矶,2024年6月26日 /美通社/——Thrive Scholars是一家国家级非营利组织,帮助高成就、首代学生为毕业于顶尖大学做准备,以支持他们在通往经济流动性的职业道路上取得成功,今天宣布其特色计划已扩展至纽约和洛杉矶。由Citadel赞助的Thrive Academy – New York位于曼哈顿的Mercy大学校区,并在南方大学的BMO Thrive Academy – Los Angeles由BMO资助的BMO Thrive Academy—Los Angeles。Thrive学院的启动源于Summer Academy的成功。Summer Academy是Thrive Scholars的旗舰项目,为即将升入高三和大学一年级的学生提供超过350小时的高水平学术准备,包括微积分、编码和写作,以及大学招生咨询和职业发展规划。

The launch of Thrive Academies stems from the success of Summer Academy, Thrive Scholars' flagship six-week program that provides rising high school seniors and rising college first-year students with more than 350 hours of college-level academic preparation in calculus, coding, and writing, in addition to college admissions counseling and career development programming.

现在,由于Citadel、Citadel Securities和BMO的支持,来自低收入家庭的5000名更高成就学生将有机会体验变革性的高等教育机会和有影响力的职业。

Now, thanks to the support of Citadel, Citadel Securities, and BMO, 5,000 more high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds will have the opportunity to experience transformative higher education opportunities and impactful careers.

Thrive Scholars的总裁和首席运营官Tyra Montina说:"我们从战略计划投资者那里获得的资金将产生立竿见影的影响,启动我们的前两个Thrive学院。" “由于我们的捐助者的慷慨,我们已经筹集了超过2500万美元的资金,这个里程碑推进了我们的计划,在未来四年内启动10所区域型Thrive学院,让来自经济上劣势的背景的5000名更受欢迎、更出色的首代学生有机会体验变革性的高等教育机会和有影响力的职业。"

"The funding we've received from our strategic plan investors will make an immediate impact and kickstart our first two regional Thrive Academies," said Tyra Montina, President and Chief Operating Officer of Thrive Scholars. "Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have already raised more than $25 million of our $60 million fundraising goal. This milestone advances our plan to launch 10 regional Thrive Academies over the next four years, giving 5,000 more academically talented first-gen students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to experience transformative higher education opportunities and impactful careers."


Partner Contributions and Impact

Citadel和Citadel Securities已捐赠750万美元,以支持由Citadel赞助的Thrive Academy – New York的启动,反映了它们致力于赋权Thrive Scholars的坚定承诺。这一承诺建立在金融公司和Thrive Scholars之间数年的合作关系之上,目前已涵盖每年赞助120名Thrive Scholars、加州夏季学院2的年度首席赞助商,并有机会参加实习以增强学者的技术能力。

Citadel and Citadel Securities have contributed $7.5 million to support the launch of Thrive Academy – New York Sponsored by Citadel, reflecting their steadfast commitment to empowering Thrive Scholars. This commitment builds on a years-long relationship between the financial firms and Thrive Scholars, which to date has included an annual sponsorship of 120 Thrive Scholars, annual lead sponsorships of Chicago Summer Academy 2, and the opportunity to participate in an externship to enhance the technical skills of the Scholars.

由BMO资助的BMO Thrive Academy—Los Angeles。由Citadel赞助的Thrive Academy – New York这笔巨款为300万美元,突显了BMO消除高等教育准入壁垒并在洛杉矶的贫困社区创造进步的承诺。BMO还将与Thrive Scholars紧密合作,制定职业路径课程,打造定制的程序、公司专属的培训和为学生量身定制的练习。

BMO Thrive Academy—Los Angeles is made possible by BMO, whose significant $3 million donation underscores their commitment to eliminating barriers to access higher education and to creating progress in underserved communities across Los Angeles. BMO will also collaborate closely with Thrive Scholars to develop the Career Pathways curriculum, crafting customized programs, company-specific training, and tailored student exercises.

由BMO资助的BMO Thrive Academy—Los Angeles。这笔巨款为300万美元,突显了BMO消除高等教育准入壁垒并在洛杉矶的贫困社区创造进步的承诺。BMO还将与Thrive Scholars紧密合作,制定职业路径课程,打造定制的程序、公司专属的培训和为学生量身定制的练习。

The new Thrive Academy – New York Sponsored by Citadel and BMO Thrive Academy – Los Angeles will each host an inaugural cohort of over 150 students for six intensive weeks of academics. This cohort boasts an impressive 3.9 average GPA and comprises 83% first-generation college-goers. They come from an average annual family income of $51,000.

新的由Citadel赞助的Thrive Academy – New York和页面。由BMO资助的BMO Thrive Academy—Los Angeles。每个学院的首届学员是150人,将接受为期六周的强化学术计划。该群体平均GPA为3.9,83%为首代大学生,平均家庭年收入为51000美元。

The Impact of Thrive Academies

Thrive Academies的影响

Thrive Scholars has been supporting high-achieving, economically under-resourced students since 2002. Initially, despite a 90% college graduation rate among Scholars, many were not securing competitive internships, gaining admission to top graduate schools, or graduating with degrees necessary for desired careers. These students, often from under-resourced high schools, lacked adequate preparation for the rigorous coursework at top colleges, particularly in math and writing, leading to lower college GPAs and high dropout rates from STEM majors.

自2002年以来,Thrive Scholars一直支持高成就、经济资源匮乏的学生。最初,尽管学者的大学毕业率达到90%,但许多人没有获得竞争性实习的机会,没有进入顶尖研究生院,也没有获得必要的学位以追求他们想要的职业。这些学生,通常来自资源匮乏的高中,缺乏在顶尖大学的严格课程,特别是数学和写作方面的充分准备,从而导致较低的大学GPA和较高的STEM专业辍学率。

In response, Thrive Scholars revamped its program in 2012 to include Summer Academy, providing intensive academic preparation and holistic support. This shift was enormously effective: Summer Academy participants not only achieved higher grades but were also 33% more likely to persist in STEM and 10% more likely to graduate compared to their peers. These results underscore the importance of Thrive Academies in bridging educational gaps and fostering academic and career success.

为此,Thrive Scholars在2012年改革了其计划,增加了暑期学院,提供了密集的学术准备和全面支持。这一转变取得了巨大的成效:夏季学院的参与者不仅取得了更高的成绩,而且还比同龄人在STEM方面坚持的可能性高33%,在毕业方面高出10%。这些结果凸显了Thrive Academies在弥合教育差距,培养学术和职业成功方面的重要性。

"Being given an opportunity to attend Thrive Academy has to be the greatest thing that has happened to me since high school," said Wilson Zheng, a high school senior and Thrive Academy – New York Scholar. "The 2-year college program is truly amazing and to think I got accepted means a lot. Not only do I get to prepare and thrive in college, I also get to learn a lot of new things, socialize, and find a passion. With that said, this summer means a lot. I am looking forward to making connections and friends during this summer experience and I hope to succeed and thrive along with all the other Scholars."

高中生Wilson Zheng是Thrive Academy - New York Scholar,他说:“有机会参加Thrive Academy无异于是自高中以来发生在我身上的最伟大的事情。这个为期两年的大学项目真的很棒,能被接受的想法意义非凡。我不仅可以在大学中做好准备,还可以学习很多新的东西,社交并找到一个激情。因此,这个暑期意义重大,我期待在这个暑期体验中结交朋友,希望和其他学者一起取得成功和进步。”

The curriculum for Thrive Academies will retain the core academic elements of college-level calculus, writing, and critical thinking from Thrive's Summer Academy and introduce new components of non-academic programming with the help of outside partner organizations to provide holistic college preparation.

Thrive Academies的课程将保留Thrive夏季学院的核心学术要素,包括高等计算、写作和批判性思维,并通过外部合作伙伴组织的新的非学术性编程引入新元件,为全面的大学准备提供帮助。

Transforming Opportunity and Addressing Inequities


The launch of Thrive Academies supports Thrive Scholars' vision for transforming opportunities for students from under-resourced backgrounds by addressing systemic barriers that restrict access to higher education and career success. Thrive Academies are a critical addition to the suite of impactful programs Thrive Scholars provides, including its 6-Year Program, which extends support through college graduation to early career.

推出Thrive Academies支持Thrive Scholars改变机会,帮助来自资源匮乏背景的学生打破系统性障碍,获得更多高等教育和职业成功机会。Thrive Academies是Thrive Scholars所提供有影响力计划套件中的重要补充,包括其6年计划,该计划通过大学毕业到早期职业的扩展支持。

Thrive Academies are made possible through the donations from more than a dozen generous donors, including BMO, The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, Ceres Foundation, Citadel and Citadel Securities, Datadog, Deloitte Foundation, General Motors, Google, Howmet Aerospace Foundation, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Takeda, and anonymous donors.

Thrive Academies得以实现,要感谢十多位慷慨捐助者的捐赠,其中包括BMO、Eli和Edythe Broad基金会、Ceres基金会、Citadel和Citadel Securities、Datadog、德勤基金会、通用汽车、谷歌、howmet aerospace基金会、Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP、Takeda和匿名捐助者。

About Thrive Scholars
Thrive Scholars is a national nonprofit that for 20 years has worked hard to help high-achieving, first-gen students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds get into and graduate from top colleges equipped to achieve their full career potential. Thrive Scholars uses data to develop programming that translates to Scholar success through a full suite of academic preparation, mentorship, social-emotional, financial, and career counseling to close the opportunity gap.

关于Thrive Scholars。
Thrive Scholars是一个全国性的非营利组织,致力于帮助来自经济困难背景的高成就、第一代学生进入并毕业于顶级学院,以实现他们的完整职业潜力。Thrive Scholars利用数据开发能促进学生成功的计划,通过全套学术准备、指导、社交情感、经济和职业咨询来缩小机会差距。

SOURCE Thrive Scholars

来源:Thrive Scholars。

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