
Enventure Chooses Intapp DealCloud to Drive Firm Growth Through AI Innovation

Enventure Chooses Intapp DealCloud to Drive Firm Growth Through AI Innovation

Enventure选择Intapp DealCloud通过人工智能创新来推动公司的成长。
Intapp ·  06/26 00:00

Leading private equity firm to modernize deal flow management and investor relations with Intapp


PALO ALTO, Calif., June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intapp (NASDAQ: INTA), a leading global provider of AI-powered solutions for professionals at advisory, capital markets, and legal firms, announces that private equity firm Enventure has selected Intapp DealCloud and its AI capabilities to modernize deal management and investor relations.

加利福尼亚州帕罗奥图,2024年6月26日(全球新闻发布) --Intapp(纳斯达克: INTA),一家领先的为咨询、资本市场和法律公司提供人工智能解决方案的全球供应商,宣布私募股权公司Enventure已选择Intapp DealCloud及其人工智能功能,以现代化交易管理和投资者关系。EnventureEnventure可以通过DealCloud高效地管理交易、筹款和关系,并获得对集体公司情报的访问,帮助团队加强联系、准确地跟踪和预测交易和线索,并加速执行。

Leading change
"During our pursuit of growth and the launch of two new funds, we've realized that it's imperative for us to transition from traditional spreadsheets to a more dynamic platform that can control deal flow, operational processes, and stakeholder engagements," said Ankit Shrivastava, Founder and Managing Partner at Enventure. "Intapp DealCloud aligns well with our operational ethos, and offers a wealth of AI-driven insights that are indispensable for expanding business management capacity and giving us a bigger competitive advantage."

Enventure的创始人兼管理合伙人Ankit Shrivastava表示: “在我们追求增长并推出两个新基金的过程中,我们意识到必须从传统的电子表格过渡到更具动态性的平台,以便控制交易流、操作流程和利益相关者参与。” Enventure的运营理念与Intapp DealCloud高度一致,并且提供了不可缺少的基于人工智能驱动的洞察力,这对于扩大业务管理能力并给我们带来更大的竞争优势至关重要。“Enventure的创始人兼管理合伙人Ankit Shrivastava表示: “在我们追求增长并推出两个新基金的过程中,我们意识到必须从传统的电子表格过渡到更具动态性的平台,以便控制交易流、操作流程和利益相关者参与。” Intapp DealCloud与我们的运营理念相契合,并提供了在拓展业务管理能力和获得更大竞争优势方面不可或缺的基于人工智能的洞察力。”Enventure的创始人兼管理合伙人Ankit Shrivastava

Modernizing deal management
With DealCloud, Enventure can efficiently manage deals, fundraising and relationships within one centralized platform. Access to collective firm intelligence will help teams strengthen connections, accurately track and forecast deals and pipeline, and accelerate execution.


Advanced AI technology and automation will be integrated into Enventure's everyday workflows to help the firm's professionals work smarter and faster. For example, teams will be able to make more informed, data-driven decisions with actionable, real-time insights into investment trends, industry developments, and relationships. These AI-driven insights are derived from proprietary intelligence, third-party data, and prior interactions centralized within the DealCloud platform.


Teams will also be able to focus more time on making deals and less time on tedious data entry with automated data capture and signature-scraping technology. This technology ensures professionals always have a current, comprehensive view of their relationships by automatically integrating contact data, shared files, emails, and other information into DealCloud from external systems.


Improving productivity and relationship management
Enventure will also use Intapp Assist for DealCloud, a set of generative AI capabilities that enhance operational efficiency and helps professionals manage deals, clients, and engagements more effectively. Intapp Assist leverages Intapp's collaboration with Microsoft to combine Azure OpenAI capabilities with proprietary firm data. This provides professionals with precise insights and recommendations that streamline workflows, increase productivity, and enrich firm intelligence.

Enventure还将使用Intapp Assist,这是一组生成式人工智能功能,可增强操作效率,并帮助专业人员更有效地管理交易、客户和合作。Intapp Assist利用Intapp与微软的协同作用,将Azure OpenAI的能力与专有团队数据相结合。这为专业人员提供了精确的洞察力和建议,可简化工作流程、提高生产率并丰富公司情报。
DealCloud“我们很高兴与U.S. Realty Advisors合作,这是纽约领先的商业房地产公司之一,来现代化他们的技术服务和更好地支持专业人员,”Intapp的DealCloud总经理Erin Guinan说。“在DealCloud中集中数据将提高公司的知识管理能力,而人工智能能力将最小化手动任务并最大化关键见解。”Azure OpenAI用于合并相关报道。的能力与合作团队的专有数据相结合。这为专业人员提供了精确的洞察力和建议,可简化工作流程、提高生产率并丰富公司情报。

For example, Intapp Assist's data summarization feature improves productivity and enhances decision-making by using Applied AI capabilities to identify important insights within large volumes of information. These insights are presented in concise summaries that appear on deal, meeting, contact, company, and other profile pages within DealCloud.

例如,Intapp Assist的数据汇总功能应用人工智能技术,通过梳理大量信息,提炼出重要见解从而提高生产力和增强决策能力。应用人工智能技术,通过梳理大量信息,提炼出重要见解从而提高生产力和增强决策能力。DealCloud通过应用人工智能技术,识别关键洞见并提供简洁的摘要,摘要信息将出现在DealCloud的交易、会议、联系人、公司和其他简介页面上。

Intapp Assist also saves teams time and helps them have more engaging, personalized interactions with contacts by providing suggested email content. It also delivers actionable insights for key contacts via an AI-driven relationship intelligence feed.

Intapp Assist通过提供电子邮件内容建议,节省团队时间并帮助他们与联系人建立更具亲和力和个性化的互动,同时通过由人工智能驱动的关系智能提供关键联系人的可操作见解。

Multiplying success with Intapp
"We're excited to be helping Enventure raise more funds, win more limited partnerships, and execute more deals using Intapp DealCloud," said Erin Guinan, General Manager of DealCloud at Intapp. "By centralizing data and layering in AI, Enventure will have greater visibility into firm intelligence and be better equipped to manage fundraising, deal flow, and ongoing relationships with limited partners."

“我们很高兴能够通过Intapp DealCloud帮助Enventure筹集更多资金,赢得更多有限合伙权并执行更多交易,”Intapp的DealCloud总经理Erin Guinan说道,“通过集中数据和加入人工智能,Enventure将更好地了解企业情报,并更好地管理筹款、交易流程和与有限合伙人的持续关系。”

Enventure will use DealCloud's private equity industry blueprint, which is preconfigured for the way private equity professionals work. The blueprint includes key features like automated contact management, relationship intelligence, pipeline and forecasting, and execution capabilities. Leveraging this blueprint along with Intapp's templated data migration process will provide Enventure with a faster return on investment by accelerating their implementation.


About Intapp
Intapp software helps professionals unlock their teams' knowledge, relationships, and operational insights to increase value for their firms. Using the power of Applied AI, we make firm and market intelligence easy to find, understand, and use. With Intapp's portfolio of vertical SaaS solutions, professionals can apply their collective expertise to make smarter decisions, manage risk, and increase competitive advantage. The world's top firms — across accounting, consulting, investment banking, legal, private capital, and real assets — trust Intapp's industry-specific platform and solutions to modernize and drive new growth. For more information, visit and connect with us on X, formerly Twitter (@intapp), and LinkedIn.

Intapp软件帮助专业人员解锁他们团队的知识、关系和运营见解,以增加他们公司的价值。利用应用人工智能的威力,我们让公司和市场智能易于查找、理解和使用。通过Intapp的垂直SaaS解决方案组合,专业人员可以将他们的集体专业知识应用于做出更明智的决策、管理风险并增加竞争优势。世界上顶尖公司 - across accounting、consulting、investment banking、legal、private capital 以及 real assets – 信任Intapp的行业特定平台和解决方案,以实现现代化和新的增长。欲了解更多信息,请访问intapp.com并在X(前称Twitter)和其他社交媒体上与我们联系LinkedIn.

About Enventure
Enventure is a private equity firm based in the suburb of Chicago, IL, investing primarily in the resilient, high-growth sectors of Healthcare, Space, Sustainability, and Emerging Tech in our geographies of expertise – the USA and India. Enventure redefines investment, blending innovation with impact. Our diverse, seasoned investment & operator team combines global insights with hands-on execution, driving not just growth but meaningful change that blends private equity rigor with VC agility. Unlike traditional investors, we pride ourselves on our approach, tailored to fit the unique needs and aspirations of every entrepreneur and businesses we support. For more information, visit and connect with us on X, (@enventurehub) and LinkedIn.


Ali Robinson
Global Media Relations Director, Intapp

Ali Robinson
Intapp的全球媒体关系总监,Ali Robinson

Ankit Shrivastava
Founder & Managing Partner, Enventure

Ankit Shrivastava, 创始人兼管理合伙人,Enventure

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