
CopAur to Initiate Work at Troy Canyon Gold and Silver Project That Has Never Been Drilled

CopAur to Initiate Work at Troy Canyon Gold and Silver Project That Has Never Been Drilled

newsfile ·  2024/06/27 21:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 27, 2024) - CopAur Minerals Inc. (TSXV: CPAU) (OTCQX: COPAF) ("CopAur" or the "Company") is pleased to announce plans to initiate baseline surveys prior to submission of a US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Plan of Operations permit application to support future exploration drilling and access construction at its at its 100% owned Troy Canyon Gold-Silver Property (the "Troy Canyon Project" or the "Project") located in Nye County.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省--(资讯公司 - 2024年6月27日) - CopAur矿业公司(TSXV: CPAU) (OTCQX: COPAF) ("CopAur很高兴地宣布计划,在提交美国国土管理局(BLM)运营计划申请之前开始基线调查,以支持未来勘探钻探和访问建筑在其100%拥有的Troy Canyon金银物业(“Troy Canyon Project”或“项目”)上。位于Nye County。"或"公司很高兴宣布计划在其压力位的美国土地管理局(US Bureau of Land Management,BLM)计划操作许可申请提交之前启动基线调查,以支持将来的探测钻探和施工。 CopAur首席执行官Jeremy Yaseniuk表示,“在2023年的现场访问之后,Conrad和我不确定为什么挖掘在1950年停止,当时从垃圾场和贴着阿迪特墙的高成绩采样?这个石英脉系统地下还有多少矿化物质没有挖掘呢?鉴于在历史矿井和废渣堆中采样到的特别高品位的材料,我们必须想知道还有什么被忽视了。”Troy Canyon项目简介

CEO Jeremy Yaseniuk stated, "After a site visit in 2023, Conrad and I were left wondering why mining was stopped in 1950 when such high grades were sampled from the dump and chipped off adit walls? It's unclear how much more mineralization remains underground in this quartz vein system that is exposed on the surface for 300 metres. Given the exceptionally high-grade material sampled from the historic mines and waste dumps, we have to wonder what else was overlooked?"

美国国土管理局(BLM)运营计划(POO)许可申请的提交前,基线调查预计由CopAur的许可顾问Thorne Solutions LLC的首次实地访问开始。之后的基线调查预计包括为提交BLM POO许可证申请做准备的野生动植物、植被和文化资源调查。2023年实地考察后,Conrad和我想知道为什么在1950年停止采矿时会取得如此高的级别,而这种高级别则来源于dump和adit 墙壁? 在这个露出地表的石英脉系统中,地下还有多少矿化物质仍然不清楚。 鉴于从历史矿井和废料堆中取样的非常高品位金属,我们必须想知道是否还有其他被忽视的物质。?"

Baseline surveys are expected to commence with an initial field visit by CopAur's permitting consultant Thorne Solutions LLC. Subsequent baseline surveys are expected to compromise, wildlife, vegetation and cultural resource surveys preparatory to submission of a BLM POO permit application.

CopAur在Troy Canyon进行的岩石采样亮点包括:在历史上的Locke West和East矿山迹地的部分氧化硅石硫化物角砾岩露头中的每吨42.7克/吨(g/t)金(Au)和15克/吨Au,以及91克/吨(g/t)银(Ag);来自Locke East矿山历史废弃物堆的氧化石英脉材料的37.7 g/t Au(图1和2);以及与1.2公里南北走向、大于10 ppb Au的土壤异常相吻合的矿场废料材料,沿西Troy Canyon权利要求沿着历史的Leadhill和Galena脉向延伸,包括7.68克/吨Au(其中包括526克/吨Ag和97.20克/吨Ag和105克/吨Ag)。

The permit will allow for exploration drilling to advance significant historic underground and current surface gold-silver anomalies identified at Troy Canyon, which has never been drilled to date. This will be the first time that modern exploration techniques have ever systematically been employed to this property.

2007年的特洛伊土壤地球化学调查包括沿着以北-南为向的网格线的791个土壤样品,在60米间隔处采集。在791个土壤中,共计41个样品返回大于20皮帕黄金(ppb Au)的数字,大于第95百分位数,并且土壤中最高达2.02克/吨(g/t)的Au;除了在土壤中大于0.25克/吨(g/t)的银(Ag)和最高达36.6克/吨Ag的银之外。结果定义了一个卓越的大于50 ppb Au的土壤异常,从历史上的Locke金矿门延伸650米向西南方向。一个1.2公里长的南北向趋向大于10 ppb Au的土壤异常出现,这与众多历史性的气门和勘探坑(Leadhill和Galena脉趋势)的位置相吻合。

Highlights of CopAur rock sampling at Troy Canyon include1:

自1867年首次发现Troy Canyon项目以来,该项目的黄金矿化就已得到确认,并于1869年开始进行小规模开采。最近的采矿活动是在1948年至1950年进行的,当时据报道从1859吨矿化岩中生产了643盎司黄金和660盎司银,平均品位为11.83克/吨黄金(0.345盎司/吨Au)和12克/吨银(0.355盎司/吨Ag)。1:

  • 42.7 grams-per-tonne (g/t) gold (Au) and 15 g/t Au, and 91 g/t silver (Ag) in outcrop of partially oxidized silica-sulphide breccia at the historic Locke West and East Mine prospects.
  • 37.7 g/t Au in oxidized quartz vein material sampled from historic waste dumps at the Locke East Mine (Figures 1 and 2).
  • 7.68 g/t Au including 526 g/t Ag, in addition to 97.20 g/t Ag and 105 g/t Ag from mine dump material coincident with a 1.2 km north-south trending greater than 10 ppb Au in soil anomaly along the western Troy Canyon Claims along the historic Leadhill and Galena vein trends.
  • Troy Canyon银金项目位于内华达州尼县的Grant山脉,距离Tonopah东部约150公里。该项目由59个相邻的未申请专利矿权组成,占地493公顷,中心大约在历史悠久的Locke金矿上。
  • 聚类黄金和银矿藏通常对深度很持久。迄今为止,在Troy Canyon项目上看到的系统仅在垂直范围内探查了大约180米,其中大部分工作集中在石英母体的挂墙上。
  • 在西特洛伊峡谷权利要求地区沿南北向大于10 ppb Au土壤异常线,金品位高达7.68克/吨,含银品位高达526克/吨,还有97.2克/吨和105克/吨的银来自矿床倾倒物

1 See CopAur Minerals Inc. news release dated October 22, 2020.

请参阅CopAur Minerals Inc. 2020年10月22日发布的新闻稿。

The 2007 Troy Soil geochemical survey comprised 791 soil samples were collected along 120 metre (m) spaced north-south oriented gridlines at 60 m intervals. Of the 791 soils, a total of 41 samples returned greater than 20 parts-per-billion gold (ppb Au), greater than the 95th percentile, and up to 2.02 grams-per-tonne (g/t) Au in soil; in addition to greater than 0.25 g/t silver (Ag) and up to 36.6 g/t Ag in soil. The results define a prominent greater than 50 ppb Au in soil anomaly extending 650 m southwest from the historical Locke Gold Mine portal. A 1.2 km north-south trending greater than 10 ppb Au in soil anomaly occurs that is coincident with the location of numerous historical adits and exploration pits (Leadhill and Galena vein trends).

2007年特洛伊土壤地球化学调查包括791个样品,在北南向的网格线上收集,间距为120米,间隔为6000万。在791个土壤中,总共有41个样本返回大于20 ppb Au,大于95个百分点,并且土壤中金品位高达2.02克/吨;此外,土壤中含有大于0.25克/吨的银(Ag),土壤中银品位高达36.6克/吨。结果定义了一个显着的大于50 ppb Au在土壤异常,向西南延伸65000万,从历史洛克金矿门廊。沿北南向的1.2公里趋势大于10 ppb Au土壤异常与许多历史隧道入口和勘探坑位位置重合(Leadhill和Galena脉趋势)。

Troy Canyon Summary

聚类黄金和银矿藏通常对深度很持久。迄今为止,在Troy Canyon项目上看到的系统仅在垂直范围内探查了大约180米,其中大部分工作集中在石英母体的挂墙上。

The Troy Canyon silver gold project is located in the Grant Range of eastern Nye County, Nevada, approximately 150 km east of Tonopah. The project consists of 59 contiguous unpatented mineral claims that cover 493 hectares of land centered approximately on the historical Locke gold mine. High-grade gold mineralization occurs within massive quartz veins, vein breccias and narrower sheeted vein and stockwork zones. The quartz system is exposed for 300 meters along the sheared, northerly trending contact between hanging wall recrystallized limestone of Cambrian age and footwall quartz monzonite of the Tertiary (23 Ma) Troy pluton.

Troy Canyon银金项目位于内华达州尼县的Grant山脉,距离Tonopah东部约150公里。该项目由59个相邻的未申请专利矿权组成,占地493公顷,中心大约在历史悠久的Locke金矿上。

The Troy Gold-Silver Project has seen limited modern exploration effort and was a former small-scale producer. Gold mineralization was first identified at the project in 1867 and small-scale mining commenced in 1869. The most recent mining took place from 1948 to 1950 where 643 ounces of gold and 660 ounces of silver were reportedly produced from 1,859 tons of mineralized rock, at an average grade of 11.83 g/t gold (0.345 oz/t Au) and 12 g/t silver (0.355 oz/t Ag).

特洛伊金银项目的现代勘探工作受限,曾是一个小规模生产商。金矿化物在1867年首次在该项目中被确认,小规模开采始于1869年。最近的采矿从1948年至1950年进行,据报告从1859吨矿化岩中产出了643盎司金和660盎司银,平均品位为11.83克/吨金(0.345盎司/吨Au)和12克/吨银(0.355盎司/吨 银)。

The area of the old Locke Mine in Troy Canyon hosts mesothermal gold and silver mineralization with potential for economically significant concentrations. Mesothermal systems typically are persistent to great depths. To date the system seen on the Troy Canyon Project has only been investigated over a vertical extent of approximately 180 metres, with the bulk of the work having been concentrated on the hanging wall of the quartz host.

地理坐标-尼县=白银, 内华达州=黄金

Recent assessments (late 1980s to early 2000s) of the project by multiple companies include sampling of surface and underground quartz exposures, mine dumps, mineral processing facilities, and tailings piles. In 2004, Miranda Gold Corp determined that stopes were developed on multiple 'stacked' north-trending, moderately east-dipping veins. Three of 13 underground stope rock grab samples collected by Miranda reportedly returned 47.8 g/t gold, 48.4 g/t gold, and a high of 576 g/t gold* (16.8 oz/ton Au). The remaining ten rock samples collected from underground stope and adit wall outcrops returned values ranging from <1 g/t gold to 8.8 g/t gold, and from 0 g/t silver to 27 g/t silver.

多家公司于1980年代末至2000年代初对该项目进行了最新评估,包括对地表和井下石英出露、矿山垃圾、矿物加工设施和尾矿堆样本的采样。2004年,Miranda Gold Corp确定在多个“叠层”北向逆冲脉中开发了采区。Miranda采集的13个地下采区岩石样品中,有三个分别返回了47.8克/吨黄金、48.4克/吨黄金和最高达576克/吨黄金* (16.8盎司/吨Au)。另外10个地下采区以及入口处岩壁露头采集的岩石样品,金品位范围从

In 2007, Portage Minerals Inc. completed a multi-parameter exploration program on the project that included a property-wide soil geochemical survey, focused IP/Resistivity and CSAMT surveys, and rock chip sampling and surveying of the main Locke mine underground workings. The soil geochemical program identified several zones of anomalous gold outbound of the mine and a strong northwest trending IP anomaly in the southeast part of the survey area.

2007年,Portage Minerals公司完成了该项目的多参数勘探方案,包括了全地形土壤地球化学探测,重点IP / 电阻率和CSAMT测量,以及主Locke矿井地下开采的岩石样品和勘测。土壤地球化学方案识别出矿外的多个异常金矿区和在调查区东南部的一个强劲的西北趋向IP异常。

Gold mineralization is associated with grey, late-stage vuggy, sugary limonitic quartz and minor sphalerite, galena and arsenopyrite, and a strong gold-bismuth correlation suggests that mineralization is part of an intrusive-related mesothermal gold vein system. Compiled data for the Troy Canyon Project reference only one exploration drill-hole which apparently was terminated in mineralized limestone before reaching the vein.

黄金矿化与灰色后期孔洞状云母化石英和少量闪锌矿、方铅矿和砷黄铁矿有关。强烈的金铋相关性表明矿化是火成岩相关中温金脉系统的一部分。Troy Canyon Project的汇编数据仅参考了一个勘探钻孔,显然其在到达脉石前已经停止在含矿石灰岩中。

CEO Jeremy Yaseniuk stated, "We look forward to reinvigorating exploration efforts at Troy Canyon to capitalize on a project which hosts significant historic underground development that targeted high grade gold bearing veins and breccia bodies, bolstered by multiple modern gold and silver anomalies in rock and soil that have never been drilled."

CEO杰里米·亚瑟纽克表示: “我们期待在Troy Canyon重新激发勘探工作,利用项目的重大历史地下开发,突出重围高品位含金矿脉和角砾矿体,旁证现代岩石和土壤中的多个黄金和白银异常,这些异常至今未进行钻探。”

About Thorne Solutions LLC

关于Thorne Solutions LLC

Formed in 2022, Thorne Solutions LLC advises companies on permitting strategy and management of their environmental permitting processes, as well as contributing to strategy on community relations, government relations, and bolstering companies' corporate responsibility programs. Thorne Solutions LLC's primary focus is directing permitting, community relations, and government relations for the Yerington Copper Project in Yerington, Nevada.

Thorne Solutions LLC成立于2022年,为公司提供许可证策略和环境许可证流程管理方面的咨询,同时为社区关系、政府关系和加强公司企业社会责任计划方面的策略做出贡献。 Thorne Solutions LLC的主要重点是指导Yerington Copper Project在内华达州Yerington的许可证,社区关系和政府关系。

About CopAur


Copaur Minerals is associated with The Metals Group of companies including Altiplano Metals. APN.v, Benchmark Metals (BNCH.V), Thesis Gold (TAU.V), Founders Metals (FDR.V) and Emperor Metals (AUOZ.V). Metals Group is an award-winning team of professionals who stand for technical excellence, painstaking project selection and uncompromising corporate governance, with a proven ability to capitalize on investment opportunities and deliver shareholder returns.

Copaur Minerals与The Metals Group相关联,包括Altiplano Metals, APN.v,Benchmark Metals (BNCH.V),Thesis Gold (TAU.V),Founders Metals ( FDR.V)和Emperor Metals (AUOZ.V)。Metals Group是一个获奖的专业团队,以技术卓越,精心选择项目和不妥协的公司治理,以及在投资机会上获得资本和给股东带来回报的业绩而著称。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Kristopher J. Raffle, P.Geo. (BC), Principal and Consultant of APEX Geoscience Ltd. of Edmonton, AB, a "Qualified Persons" as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Raffle has verified the data disclosed which includes a review of the sampling, analytical and test data underlying the information and opinions contained herein.

本新闻稿中包含的科学和技术信息已由APEX Geoscience Ltd.的主要顾问之一Kristopher J. Raffle,P.Geo(BC)审核和批准,后者是《加拿大43-101号国家标准》披露矿产项目的定义为“有资格人士”。 Raffle先生已经验证所披露的数据,包括审核此处包含的信息和意见的取样、分析和测试数据。

For more information, please contact:


CopAur Minerals Inc.

CopAur Minerals Inc。

Jeremy Yaseniuk, Chief Executive Officer & Director
Tel: +1 (604) 773-1467

首席执行官兼董事Jeremy Yaseniuk

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Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains forward-looking statements. These statements relate to future events or the Company's future performance including obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals for and completion of an option agreement on the Williams property with Omega Pacific Resources Inc. All such statements involve substantial known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results to vary from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements including if Omega Pacific will be able to raise sufficient funding to exercise the options on the Williams Property or if it will exercise any of the options granted under the option agreement. Forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties, they should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results and they will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether or not such results will be achieved. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management of the Company believes are reasonable assumptions on the date of this news release, the Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date hereof and the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revised any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities regulations.

本新闻稿包含未来的前瞻性声明。这些声明涉及未来事件或公司的未来表现,包括获得与Omega Pacific Resources Inc签订Williams财产期权协议所需的必要监管批准和完成。所有这些声明都涉及大量已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些风险、不确定性和其他因素可能导致实际结果与此类前瞻性声明所表达的结果有所不同,包括如果Omega Pacific有能力筹集足够的资金行使Williams物业的期权,或者它是否会行使期权协议中授予的任何期权。 前瞻性声明涉及重大风险和不确定性,它们不应被视为未来表现或结果的保证,它们不一定是是否准确的指示性内容,表明这些结果是否会实现。实际结果可能因许多因素和风险而有所不同。 尽管本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性声明基于公司管理团队在本新闻稿日期认为是合理的假设,但公司不能保证实际结果将与这些前瞻性声明一致。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性声明从本日起生效,除非受到适用证券法规的约束,否则公司不声明或承认有任何义务或责任更新或修订任何前瞻性声明,无论是因为获得新信息、未来事件还是其他原因。

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