
Showcase Minerals Provides Drill Program Results From Dixie Flats-North Star Project in Nevada

Showcase Minerals Provides Drill Program Results From Dixie Flats-North Star Project in Nevada

Showcase Minerals公布了内华达州Dixie Flats-North Star项目的钻探计划结果。
newsfile ·  06/27 13:28

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - June 27, 2024) - Showcase Minerals Inc. (CSE: SHOW) (FSE: ZJ0) ("Showcase" or the "Company") is pleased to announce drill results from the two completed holes at their Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project in Elko County, Nevada. The 2024 drill program was conducted in Section 18 of T 31N R 54E Hole DF24-01 and was completed to 373.4 meters at an azimuth of 300 ̊and dip of -55 ̊. This first hole was designed to test for gold mineralization along a fault parallel and west of the Dark Star Fault northern extension (Figure 1). The fault is normal and down dropped to the east. In addition, gold mineralization at the Webb Formation-Devils Gate Limestone was targeted. Section 18 lies at the intersection between a northwest-oriented Emigrant fault zone or corridor, and a north-northeast fault zone that extends at least to the Dark Star Deposit owned by Orla Mining Ltd. This area was chosen for initial drilling because all the previous drill holes with mineralization on Showcase land occur within section 18, and due to its proximity to the Dark Star Fault Extension. Recent Leapfrog modeling by Rangefront Mining Services highlighted these zones. Figure 1 shows the project area and generalized geology of the Emigrant area. A grade cutoff of 0.20 g/t gold at the Emigrant Mine is shown in red.

阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里--(新闻稿公司-2024年6月27日)--Showcase Minerals Inc. (CSE: SHOW) (FSE: ZJ0)(“Showcase”或“公司”)很高兴宣布来自其内华达州Elko县Dixie Flats-North Star Gold项目的两个完成孔的钻孔结果。2024年的钻井计划在T 31N R 54E孔DF24-01的第18节进行,钻孔深度为373.4米,方位角为300度,倾角为-55度。这个第一个孔设计是为了测试一个与Dark Star Fault北部延伸(图1)平行且向西的错断带上的黄金矿化。该断层为正常断层并向东降落。此外,该项目还针对Webb Formation-Devils Gate Limestone中的黄金矿化。第18节位于西北向Emigrant断层带或走廊和一个至少延伸到Orla Mining Ltd所拥有的Dark Star Deposit的东北向断层带的交汇处。选择在该区域进行初始钻探是因为所有以前在Showcase土地上具有矿化的钻孔都位于第18节,并且由于其靠近Dark Star Fault Extension。Rangefront Mining Services最近的Leapfrog建模突出了这些区域。图1显示了项目区域和Emigrant区域的一般地质情况。在Emigrant矿山的金品位截止值显示为0.20克/吨的红色显示。

The geology of Section 18 and hole DF23-01 is typical of the Rain-Emigrant Subdistrict. Alluvium and volcanic tuff and sediments overlie Mississippian age Melandco Formation sandstone previously named Chainman Formation (Ressel et al. 2015), Webb Formation siltstone and shale, and Devonian age Devils Gate limestone. DF23-01 is in the hanging wall of the hereto named East Spring Fault. In contrast, North Bullion, South Bullion, and Darkstar gold mineralization is hosted in rocks that do not occur in the northern Dixie Flat property but may occur further to the south on the Showcase claims under volcanic cover.

第18节和DF23-01的地质情况与Rain-Emigrant亚区相似。在覆盖在Mississippian时期的Melandco Formation砂岩(名为Chainman Formation)(Ressel et al. 2015)、Webb Formation页岩和泥岩以及Devonian时期的Devils Gate石灰岩的沉积物和火山凝灰岩之上。DF23-01位于名为East Spring Fault的挂墙上。相反,North Bullion、South Bullion和Darkstar金矿化是寄主在北Dixie Flat产权不发生的岩石,但可能在Showcase索赔权下的火山遮盖下进一步发生。

In Section 18, gold intercepts occur in the foot wall of this fault which is a horst block at the Melandco-Devils Gate contact. Previous drilling indicates the Webb Formation is very thin or absent across the top of the horst. Intercepts here are typically less than 15 metres and gold grades are less than 0.30 g/t. Like the Emigrant and Rain deposits, the mineralization occurs as silicified breccia at the top of Devils Gate and base of Webb Formation (Figure 2). Holes DF24-01 and DF-24-02 did encounter silicified breccia at the Webb-Devils gate contact. The depth of this contact in DF24-01 was much greater than anticipated. Historic hole DX-5 drilled approximately 40 meters north of the Showcase property line and 220 meters north-northwest of DF24-01 encountered similar breccia and contained a gold intercept of 22 metres of 0.277 g/t at a similar depth (Figure 2). DF24-01 likely ended near the downdip projection of East Spring Fault but did not penetrate it.

在第18节,黄金拦截器出现在Melandco-Devils Gate接触面的horst block中。以前的钻探表明Webb Formation在horst的顶部非常薄或不存在。这里的截距通常小于15米,金品位小于0.30 g/t。像Emigrant和Rain矿床一样,矿化物出现在Devils Gate的顶部和Webb Formation的底部的硅化角砾岩中(图2)。DF24-01和DF-24-02在Webb-Devils gate接触面上遇到了硅化角砾岩。DF24-01的这个接触深度远大于预期。历史性的DX-5孔钻井大约在Showcase产权线的北部40米处和DF24-01以类似的深度(图2)遇到了相似的岩屑,并含有22米0.277 g/t的金截距。DF24-01可能结束于East Spring Fault的downdip投影,但没有穿透它。

The gold results in DF24-01 are not as thick as DX-5 but indicate that mineralization does continue south along the fault (Figure 2). DF24-02 was drilled 316 meters west-northwest of DF24-01 in the horst block, and the 25.9-metre-thick gold intercept encountered is larger than any hole previously drilled on Showcase ground.

DF24-01的金结果不像DX-5那么厚,但表明矿化物沿断层向南延伸(图2)。DF24-02在距DF24-01西北方向316米的horst block中钻孔,所遇到的25.9米厚的金截距比以前在Showcase地面上钻探的任何孔都要大。

Gold assays are shown in Table 1 with silver (Ag), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), mercury (Hg), antimony (Sb), and thallium (Tl) results that are typical indicator elements in the Emigrant system. Of note are the elevated silver assays as the Emigrant deposit is characteristically elevated in silver. Ressel (et al., 2015) interpreted the silver content as evidence that the Emigrant deposit formed at a shallower depth than classic Carlin deposits and may be transitional to an epthermal system. The silver assays obtained in the Showcase drilling confirm that Section 18 is within the Emigrant hydrothermal system.

金测定结果在表1中显示,包括砷(As)、铋(Ba)、汞(Hg)、硫(Sb)和铊(Tl)等典型的Emigrant系统指示元素。值得注意的是升高的银测定结果,因为Emigrant矿床是具有特色的银升高。Ressel(et al., 2015)将银含量解释为Emigrant矿床形成的证据,表明其形成深度比典型的Carlin沉积物更浅,可能过渡到一种温泉系统。在Showcase钻探中获得的银测定结果确认第18节处在Emigrant热液系统内。

Hole ID From-
To-m Au
Ba(ppm) Hg
DF24-01 368.8 374.9 0.219 1.93 324.8 938 10.9 54.7 1.9
- 379.5 385.6 0.254 3.08 344.8 345 10.5 54.1 6.98
DF24-02 112.8 138.7 0.252 3.82 141.4 1361 3.26 36.21 1.48
孔ID 从-
To-m Au
Ba(ppm) Hg
DF24-01 368.8 374.9 0.219 1.93 324.8 938 10.9 54.7 1.9
- 379.5 385.6 0.254 3.08 344.8 345 10.5 54.1 6.98
DF24-02 112.8 138.7 0.252 3.82 141.4 1361 3.26 36.21 1.48

Table 1- Assay results


Drilling was conducted with a Schramm T685 reverse circulation drill. Sampling began at the base of the Quaternary alluvium, which occurred at 500 metres in DF24-01 and 240 metres in DF24-02. Samples were retrieved every 1.5 metres (5 feet) from a rotary wet splitter that was adjusted to recover approximately 10 kilograms of material. Quality assurance/quality control blanks, standards, and duplicates were inserted approximately every twenty samples and were delivered daily to the ALS Global preparation facility in Elko, Nevada. Duplicate samples were collected at the drill. Samples were crushed to 70% less than 2 millimetres and riffle split to 250 grams. The split was pulverized to 85% passed 75 microns (PREP-31). Assay methods consisted of a 30 gram fire assay with an AA finish (Au-AA23), and aqua regia ICP (ME-MS41). A total of 230 samples were assayed.

根据Shramm T685反循环钻进行钻探。采样始于第四纪全uvium的基底,在DF24-01中为500米,在DF24-02中为240米。样品从旋转湿分离器中每1.5米(5英尺)检索,并调整以回收约10千克的物料。大约每20个样品插入一次质量保证/质量控制白样,标准和重复,并每天交付给内华达州Elko的ALS Global制备设施。在钻井中收集了重复样品。样品粉碎到70%小于2毫米,并均分为250克。分离物粉碎至85%通过75微米(PREP-31)。化验方法包括30克火试金法,AA法完成 (Au-AA23),和王水ICP(ME-MS41)。共进行了230次测定。

In summary, the Showcase 2024 program tested for Webb-Formation-Devils Gate contact mineralization in the foot wall of the normal East Springs Fault (parallel to the Dark Star Fault extension), and fault-controlled mineralization within the fault and contact mineralization in the hanging wall of the fault. Rain-Emigrant type silicified breccia occurs in both drilled holes, but mineralization in the footwall hole DF24-01 is consistent with mineralization in previous neighboring holes and slightly above the cutoff grade of the Emigrant Deposit. Production grades at the Emigrant Mine averaged 0.62 g/t gold (Ressel et al. 2015). The Company's consulting geologist recommends that any further drilling in Section 18 should focus on thicker and higher-grade intercepts. In Section 18, a previous hole 87-6 containing three metres of 0.310 g/t gold occurs 319 meters west-southwest of D24-02 (Figure 2). The area between these holes is untested, and there is a potential for finding thicker and possibly higher-grade intercepts.

总之,2024年的Showcase项目测试了East Springs Fault(与Dark Star Fault extension平行)的正常挂墙上的Webb-Formation-Devils Gate接触矿化物,并针对断层控制的矿化物和断层挂墙上的接触矿化。在两个钻孔中都出现Rain-Emigrant类型的硅化角砾岩,但是挂墙孔DF24-01中的矿化类型与以前的相邻孔的矿化类型一致,并略高于Emigrant Deposit的截止品位。Emigrant矿山的生产品位平均为0.62 g/t(Ressel等人,2015)。公司的咨询地质学家建议,在第18节的任何进一步钻探应集中在更厚和更高品位的拦距上。在第18节,之前的87-6孔中包含的三米0.310 g/t的金与D24-02以西南321米处(图2)的未测区之间的区域是未经测试的,并有可能发现更厚和可能更高品位的截距。

An additional target in Section 18 may exist at depth in the Devonian Oxyoke Canyon Formation. This formation is the deepest known mineralized unit in the South Bullion deposit (Sletten et al. 2022). In the Emigrant area, the Oxyoke Canyon Formation is approximately 355 meters beneath the top of the Devils Gate limestone (Ressel et al. 2015) or 355 to 500 meters beneath the surface.

在关于目标的第18节可能存在于泥盆纪Oxyoke Canyon组的深处,这一组岩层是南布尔金矿床已知的最深的含矿岩层(Sletten等,2022)。在Emigrant区域,Oxyoke Canyon组距离恶魔之门石灰岩顶部约355米深(Ressel等,2015),或者距离地表355-500米深。

Outside of Section 18, Section 24 to the southwest is crosscut by the Emigrant Fault on the west, and the East Spring Fault on the east. Figure 3 shows CSAMT target areas from a 2017 survey along with the geology, project area, and faults in Figure 1. Other than gravity and CSAMT, there have been no other surveys conducted in this section. The CSAMT targets are between two major faults and may provide further exploration opportunities.


Qualified Person:

本新闻稿所含的科学技术信息已由Serigne Dieng博士,M.Sc.评审并批准,他是国家43-101--矿产项目披露标准("NI 43-101")的资格人员,澳大利亚地质学家学会(AIG)会员(MAIG,# 8095),该公司独立地质顾问。

Mr. Steve McMillin, M.Sc., C.P.G. is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.


About the Dixie Flats- North Star Gold Project:

关于Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project:

The Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project (the "Property" or "Dixie Flats") is located on the east side of the Piñon Mountains, 21 air-miles south of the City of Elko in northeast Nevada. It is a combination of two claim blocks, the Dixie Flats group of claims and the North Star group of claims. The Property is comprised of a total of 236 total unpatented mineral claims on Federal land administered by the US Bureau of Land Management.

Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project(以下简称"物业"或"Dixie Flats")位于内华达州东北部的Piñon Mountains东侧,距离内华达州东北部的埃尔科市21英里。它是两个要求块,Dixie Flats块和North Star块的组合。该物业包括由美国土地管理局管理的236个非专利矿权的总数。

The Property lies on the southern margin of the Carlin Trend, a northwest-trending belt of sediment-hosted gold deposits that makes up the greatest geographic concentration of gold deposits in North America, with reported production of more than 92.5 million ounces of gold since 1961 (Muntean, 2019). The Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project is underlain by rocks known to host gold mineralization on the Carlin Trend, and surface sampling has shown anomalous gold, silver, arsenic, antimony, and mercury levels in rock, soil, and biogeochemical samples from the Property, which is a characteristic geochemical signature of Carlin-Type gold deposits.

该物业位于Carlin趋势的南部边缘,这是一条分布在北美的沉积岩型金矿沉积带,自1961年以来报告的黄金产量超过9250万盎司(Muntean,2019)。 Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project的岩石含有Carlin趋势上的金矿化,表面采样显示该物业中的岩石、土壤和生物地球化学样品中具有异常的金、银、砷、锑和汞水平,这是Carlin型金矿沉积的特征地球化学信号。

The Dixie Flats - North Star Gold Project is approximately three miles south of Newmont Mining Company's Emigrant Springs Mine, which finished production in 2018, and approximately 4.5 miles southeast of the past producing Rain Mine. Both deposits are hosted in dissolution breccia zones at the contact between the Webb mudstone, the basal unit of the overlying assemblage, and the underlying Devils Gate limestone. Prior exploration on the Dixie Flats -North Star Gold Project has been focused on delineating this contact at depth and discovering possible extensions to the regional structures controlling mineralization at the Rain and Emigrant Mines and their demonstrated extension to the Property. The information on the adjacent projects is taken from publicly available sources and is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization in the Dixie Flats - North Star Gold Project.

Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project位于Newmont Mining Company的Emigrant Springs矿山以南约3英里处,该矿山于2018年停产,距离过去的Rain矿山约4.5英里东南方。两个沉积破碎带的金矿床都是位于Webb泥岩顶部单元和下伏的Devils Gate石灰岩的接触带中。之前在Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project的勘探工作主要集中在深度勘探和发现延伸到该物业的Rain和Emigrant矿山中的区域构造的可能延伸部分。相邻项目的信息来自公开的资料,不一定表明Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project的矿化情况。

Additional information on the Dixie Flats - North Star Gold Project can be found in the National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") technical report entitled "Technical Report on the Dixie Flats-Northstar Gold Exploration Property", Elko, Nevada, dated September 21, 2022, which has been filed on SEDAR+ at .

关于Dixie Flats - North Star金矿项目的更多信息,请参阅名为"Dixie Flats-Northstar Gold Exploration Property"的国家仪器43-101("NI 43-101")技术报告,日期为2022年9月21日,该报告已在SEDAR+上提交。

About Showcase Minerals Inc.:
Showcase is a Canadian mineral exploration company with an exclusive option to acquire a 100% interest in Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project and the Woodruff Gold-Vanadium Project (subject to various net smelter returns royalties ranging from 2.25% to 4.25%), which collectively consist of unpatented 254 lode mining claims covering approximately 1,818 hectares located in Elko County, Nevada.
For further information, please contact:
Kirk Reed, President
Showcase Minerals Inc.
Telephone: 1-800-982-0670
Neither the CSE nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in CSE policies) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

关于Showcase Minerals公司:
Showcase是一家加拿大矿产勘探公司,拥有独家选项以收购100%的Dixie Flats-North Star金矿项目和Woodruff Gold-Vanadium项目(受各种净冶炼厂按回报率计算的专属权益权益,范围从2.25%到4.25%不等),它们共同包括位于内华达州埃尔科县的未申请专利的254个矿权,约占面积为1,818公顷。
如需更多信息,请联系:丹·努恩(Dan Noone)
Kirk Reed,总裁
Showcase Minerals Inc.:



Ressel, M.W., Dundas, M., Lujan, R., Essman, J., Shumway, P.J, 2015, Shallow Expressions of Carlin-type Hydrothermal System: An Example from the Emigrant Mine, Carlin Trend, Nevada, Geological Society of Nevada, New Concepts and Discoveries: 2015 Symposium Proceedings, p.409-433.

Ressel,M.W.,Dundas,M.,Lujan,R.,Essman,J.,Shumway,P.J,2015,Carlin趋势中Emigrant矿山的浅层热液系统表现:产状沉积沉积破碎带的一个例子,Nevada Geological Society,新概念和新发现:2015年研讨会论文集,p.409-433。

Sletten, M., Bermudez, B., Ibrado, A.S., Lindholm, M., Dyer, T., Anderson, J., Simmons, J.A., Delong, R., Lutes, K, 2022, Form43-101F1 Technical Report Feasibility Study, Elko County, Nevada, Prepared for Gold Standard Ventures Corporation.

Sletten,M.,Bermudez,B.,Ibrado,A.S.,Lindholm,M.,Dyer,T.,Anderson,J.,Simmons,J.A.,Delong,R.,Lutes,K,2022,Form43-101F1技术报告可行性研究,内华达州Elko县,为Gold Standard Ventures Corporation准备。

Figure 1: Showcase 2024 project area and Emigrant Mine geology (After Ressel et al., 2015)

图1:Showcase 2024项目区域和Emigrant Mine地质(引自Ressel等人,2015)

Figure 2: 2024 Dixie Flats drill locations and results. Dashed red line marks area for possible follow-up exploration.

图2:2024 Dixie Flats钻孔位置和结果。虚线红色线标志着可能进行跟进勘探的区域。

Figure 3: CSAMT targets in Section 24.


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