
Wondershare Filmora Releases Gen Z Whitepaper: 'Gen Z in Action: Exploring This Generation's Reflection on AI, Influencer Culture, and Content Creation'

Wondershare Filmora Releases Gen Z Whitepaper: 'Gen Z in Action: Exploring This Generation's Reflection on AI, Influencer Culture, and Content Creation'

Wondershare Filmora发布了Gen Z白皮书:“行动中的Gen Z:探索这一代人对人工智能、影响者文化和内容创作的反思”
PR Newswire ·  06/28 03:33

VANCOUVER, BC, June 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Wondershare Filmora, one of the most popular video editing software for young creators, released its first Gen Z Whitepaper based on a comprehensive interview and survey focusing on the aspect of Gen Z social reflection. This interview is an insightful study of Filmora users, college students, and high schoolers who are trending on social media and influencer culture in North America.

Wondershare Filmora是年轻创作者中最受欢迎的视频编辑软件之一,发布了第一份面向Gen Z社交反思方面的Gen Z Whitepaper,该报告是基于针对社交媒体和北美文化影响力者的Filmora用户、大学生和中学生的综合访谈和调查的深入研究。

Click to download "Gen Z in Action" Whitepaper:

点击下载“Gen Z in Action”白皮书:

Wondershare Filmora Gen Z Documentary and Whitepaper: Gen Z in Action Fearfiction
Wondershare Filmora Gen Z纪录片和白皮书:Gen Z in Action Fearfiction

This comprehensive document, based on a survey of nearly 1,000 Gen Z individuals, explores the dynamic and innovative world of this generation, shedding light on their dedication, entrepreneurial spirit, curiosity, adaptation to AI, and passion for content creation. The whitepaper aims to debunk common misconceptions about Gen Z, revealing a generation that values skills, authenticity, and the integration of AI in their creative processes. This insightful white paper is titled the same as Filmora's Gen Z documentary, "Gen Z in Action."

这份综合性文件基于对近1000名Gen Z个体的调查,探讨了这一代人的动态和创新世界,揭示了他们的奉献精神、创业精神、好奇心、对人工智能的适应能力以及对内容创作的热情。白皮书旨在驳斥关于Gen Z的常见误解,揭示了一代人重视技能、真实性和将人工智能融入他们的创意过程的价值观。这份有洞察力的白皮书与Filmora的Gen Z纪录片同名,名为“Gen Z in Action”。“Gen Z in Action”。

Key Findings:


  • Valuing Education with a Focus on Skills and Entrepreneurship: While traditional education remains important, Gen Z places a higher priority on practical skills and entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Passion for Content Creation: Driven by expression, authenticity, and entertainment, content creation is a significant passion for Gen Z, offering flexible working hours and potential passive income.
  • Trust in Live Content: Gen Z trusts creators and finds their product recommendations particularly influential when delivered through live streams, perceiving live content as more genuine than pre-recorded content.
  • Adaptation to AI: Gen Z has adeptly adapted AI for content creation, communication, and data analysis. They view AI not as a job threat but as a tool to boost productivity and serve as a creative partner.
  • 注重技能和创业精神的教育:虽然传统教育仍然重要,但Gen Z更看重实用技能和创业企业。对内容创作的热情:受表达、真实性和娱乐的驱动,内容创作是Gen Z一个重要的热情所在,提供灵活的工作时间和潜在的被动收入。
  • 对直播内容的信任:Gen Z信任创作者,认为他们的产品推荐在通过直播方式传递时特别有影响力,将直播内容视为比预先录制的内容更真实。适应人工智能:Gen Z 已经熟练地将人工智能用于内容创作、沟通和数据分析,他们视人工智能不为工作威胁,而是提高生产力和作为创意伙伴的一种工具。
  • “在过去的几十年中,我们见证了社交媒体和内容创作被千禧一代重塑的繁荣。它是数字空间里一个令人难以置信的转型时期,由VidCon、创作者盛典等活动推动。我们很幸运能够拥抱新时代的人工智能和这个新一代,他们是自然力量,充满个性、创造力和独特的叙事风格。他们通过视频和直播重新定义着自我表达和社交媒体的格局。我们在这里赋予每个人讲述他们的故事的能力。”——Wondershare副总裁Christy。作为内容创作者,Gen Z相信直播,认为推荐产品经过直播方式传递时特别真实。
  • 适应人工智能:Gen Z已经熟练地将人工智能用于内容创作、沟通和数据分析。他们看待人工智能不是工作威胁,而是提高生产力、作为创意伙伴的工具。Gen Z已经熟练地将人工智能用于内容创作、沟通和数据分析。他们看待人工智能不是工作威胁,而是提高生产力、作为创意伙伴的工具。

"In the past decades, we've witnessed the thriving of social media and content creation renovated by the millennials. It's been a decade of incredible transformation in the digital space, driven by events like VidCon, the creator's gala. We are fortunate to embrace the new era of AI and this new generation, who are a force of nature, bursting with individuality, creativity, and unique storytelling styles. They're redefining self-expression and the social media landscape through videos and live streaming. We're here to empower every person to tell their story." - Christy, VP, Wondershare.

Wondershare以用户为中心,提供平滑的性能和直观的界面。凭借先进的人工智能能力、超过22万个创意资产、商业上可用的音乐、3D LUTs、特效和预设模板,它提供了实现您创意愿景所需的一切。Filmora可在所有平台上访问。在Filmora上免费下载,关注我们。

About Filmora

Wondershare是一家享誉全球的创意和生产力解决方案领导者,致力于使尖端技术对所有人都可用,促进效率和创造力的提升。我们的卓越承诺得到了获得了The Shorty Awards、G2和GetApp等组织的认可。我们的用户遍布全球150个国家,人数超过1亿,提供涵盖视频编辑、PDF操作、数据恢复、图表创建、图形设计等各种软件解决方案。

Filmora is designed with users in mind, offering smooth performance and an intuitive interface. With advanced AI capabilities, over 220,000 creative assets, commercially available music, 3D LUTs, effects, and pre-set templates, it provides everything you need to realize your creative vision. Filmora is accessible across all platforms. Download for free on Filmora, follow us on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook to learn more

FilmoraWondershare是一家全球软件公司,以创新性的创意和生产力解决方案而闻名。通过在 The Shorty Awards、G2 和 GetApp 获奖,Wondershare 为150个国家的超过1亿用户提供视频编辑、PDF 管理、数据恢复等软件。YouTube,TikTok,Instagram 上关注他。 脸书学习更多

About Wondershare


Wondershare is a global software company known for innovative solutions in creativity and productivity. Recognized with awards from The Shorty Awards, G2, and GetApp, Wondershare serves over 100 million users in 150 countries with software for video editing, PDF management, data recovery, and more.

Wondershare是一家全球性软件公司,以创新的创意和高效的解决方案而闻名。Wondershare曾获得Shorty Awards、G2和GetApp等奖项,为150个国家和地区的超过1亿用户提供视频编辑、PDF管理、数据恢复等软件。

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SOURCE Wondershare Technology

来源Wondershare Technology

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