
Petco Love Urges Pet Parents to Register Their Cats and Dogs on Love Lost Ahead of July 4th Holiday

Petco Love Urges Pet Parents to Register Their Cats and Dogs on Love Lost Ahead of July 4th Holiday

PR Newswire ·  06/28 06:03

National Nonprofit Releases Animated Video 'Fireworks Fiasco' Featuring Dogs Voiced by Actress Christina Applegate and Actor Mark Consuelos


SAN ANTONIO, June 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- National nonprofit Petco Love urges people who lose or find a pet to use Love Lost, its national lost and found pet database, to reunite those pets with the families that love them. More pets go missing July 4th than any other day often ending up at already overwhelmed and crowded animal shelters across the country. Pet parents can register their cats and dogs on Love Lost, today while their pets are safe at home and in case the unthinkable happens and their pet goes missing tomorrow.

2024年6月28日,圣安东尼奥 /新华社/ - 全国非营利组织Petco Love敦促失去或找到宠物的人使用其国家级丢失和找回宠物数据库Love Lost,与那些爱他们的家庭团聚。更多的宠物会在7月4日失踪,这往往会导致全国各地已经不堪重负和拥挤的动物收容所。宠物父母可以在今天在Love Lost上为他们的猫和狗进行注册,而他们的宠物却安全地在家中,以防万一发生可怕的事情,他们的宠物明天会失踪。th7月4日或其他庆祝活动的烟火只是夏季期间宠物想要逃跑和失踪的许多原因之一。

Fireworks Fiasco is the second animated short series released by Petco Love as part of its MY RUFF DAY Campaign, raising awareness about reuniting lost pets and featuring two lost dogs on their journey to try to get back home. Actress Christina Applegate lends her voice as Poppy, while Otto is voiced by Actor Mark Consuelos. Applegate photo credit: John Russo.
《烟火惨剧》是Petco Love作为其《MY RUFF DAY》活动发布的第二部动画短片,旨在提高人们关于寻找失踪宠物的意识,并讲述了两只狗在回家的途中迷路的故事。女演员克里斯蒂娜·阿普尔盖特为波比配音,而男演员马克·康斯埃洛斯为奥托配音。阿普尔盖特的照片由John Russo拍摄。
Fireworks Fiasco is the second animated short series released by Petco Love as part of its MY RUFF DAY Campaign, raising awareness about reuniting lost pets and featuring two lost dogs on their journey to try to get back home. Actress Christina Applegate lends her voice as Poppy, while Otto is voiced by Actor Mark Consuelos.
《烟火惨剧》是Petco Love作为其《MY RUFF DAY》活动发布的第二部动画短片,旨在提高人们关于寻找失踪宠物的意识,并讲述了两只狗在回家的途中迷路的故事。女演员克里斯蒂娜·阿普尔盖特为波比配音,而男演员马克·康斯埃洛斯为奥托配音。

Love Lost uses image recognition technology to help families reunite with their missing pets via one photo. July 4th or other festivity fireworks are just one of many reasons pets get scared and go missing during the summer.

Love Lost使用图像识别技术通过一张照片来帮助家庭找回失踪的宠物。th7月4日或其他夏季庆典的烟火只是宠物失踪的多种原因之一。

Fireworks Fiasco is the second animated short series (Watch here) released by Petco Love as part of its MY RUFF DAY campaign. Fireworks Fiasco features dogs, Poppy and Otto, who are frightened by loud fireworks and escape their yard in fear. It follows their journey trying to get home, told from their point of view. Actress Christina Applegate lends her voice as Poppy, while Otto is voiced by Actor Mark Consuelos.

《烟火惨剧》是Petco Love作为其《我的糟糕一天》活动发布的第二部动画短片。这是第二部动画短片系列(光火炮响,惊吓的狗子们泄离了家里,它们试图回家的旅程从它们的角度讲述。演员克里斯蒂娜·阿普尔盖特为瓢虫借用了她的声音,而奥托的声音由演员马克·康素洛斯配音。观看这里MY RUFF DAY我的糟糕一天活动。《烟火惨剧》讲述了两只被烟花吓跑的狗波比和奥托逃出他们的围栏并试图回家的故事,这个故事由它们自己的视角讲述。女演员克里斯蒂娜·阿普尔盖特为波比配音,而男演员马克·康斯埃洛斯为奥托配音。好心人发现了奥托和波比,把它们送到最近的动物收容所。收容所的工作人员为这两只狗狗拍照并上传到Love Lost,将它们列为“已找到”。美国许多参与的动物收容所都使用Love Lost来帮助重聚他们的护理中的宠物,包括图森地区的皮马动物护理中心。

"Animals have always been an important part of my life, so I am happy to voice Poppy in this animated series that brings awareness to the Love Lost national database," said Applegate. "The 4th of July is a rough time for our pets. While we enjoy the fireworks, most dogs and cats get frightened, and many try to run or hide from the loud sounds. The Love Lost platform is a smart way to prepare for the unexpected and get your pet back home to you if they go missing."

“动物一直是我生活中很重要的一部分,所以我很高兴在这个动画系列中配音波比,这个系列向Love Lost国家数据库提高人们的意识,”阿普尔盖特说,“7月4日对我们的宠物来说是一个艰难的时刻,当我们欣赏烟花时,大多数狗和猫感到害怕,许多宠物会试图逃跑或躲藏,Love Lost平台是一个聪明的方式来准备应对意想不到的情况,如果他们的宠物失踪了,让它们尽快回家。”

"Pets are near and dear to my heart, and the thought of my dogs going missing is absolutely terrifying," said Consuelos. "I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through the anxiety of losing their pet, but unfortunately that's the reality for so many people this time of year. I'm thrilled to lend my voice as 'Otto' to get the word out about this free resource, Love Lost, so more families can reunite as quickly as possible with their pets who go missing."

“宠物是我亲爱的心灵伴侣,想象我的狗走失是非常可怕的,”康斯埃洛斯说,“我不希望任何人经历失去宠物的焦虑,但不幸的是,这个时候许多人都会面临这种现实。我很高兴借助‘Otto’的声音传递有关这个免费资源Love Lost的消息,以便更多的家庭可以尽快与失踪的宠物团聚。”

In Fireworks Fiasco, a Good Samaritan finds Otto and Poppy and takes them to his nearest animal shelter where shelter staff take pictures of the dogs and upload them to Love Lost to list them as "found." Many participating animal shelters in the U.S. use Love Lost to help reunite the pets in their care, including Pima Animal Care Center in the Tucson, Arizona area.

在2019年12月,《烟火惨剧》中,一位好心人找到了奥托和波比,并将它们送到最近的动物收容所,在那里收容所工作人员拍照并将它们上传到Love Lost中列出它们已被“找到”。美国许多参与的动物收容所, 包括在图森, 亚利桑那地区的Pima动物保护中心也使用Love Lost来帮助团聚他们照顾的宠物。若是一位善良的人士找到奥托和波比,他们会带它们到最近的动物收容所,动物收容所的工作人员会为他们拍照,并将它们上传到Love Lost,作为“已找到”的宠物。美国许多参与的动物收容所都使用Love Lost来帮助他们照顾的宠物重聚,包括图森,亚利桑那的Pima动物护理中心。

"Reuniting pets in our community not only honors the human-animal bond and maintains public health, but it also allows shelters like ours to prioritize resources to those pets who truly need us – sick and injured, behavioral challenged, and those whose pet parents are experiencing crisis," said Monica Dangler with PACC. "We view keeping pets with their families as an important piece of providing a safe and healthy community."

PACC的Monica Dangler说:"在我们的社区中重聚宠物不仅尊重人与动物之间的纽带和维护公共卫生,而且也让我们这样的收容所将资源优先于那些真正需要我们的宠物,如生病,受伤的,行为上的挑战以及那些宠物父母遭遇危机的宠物。

Love Lost has reunited 50,000 pet parents across the U.S. with their best friends who went missing. "July is National Lost Pet Prevention Month because of how many pets go missing this time of year, many of them ending up in shelters that are already at capacity," said Petco Love President Susanne Kogut. "Our mission is to reunite all lost pets, like Poppy and Otto, with the families that love them as quickly as possible. We know if people who lose or find a pet use one central national database to post those pets, they have a better chance of reuniting with their loved ones. Together, we can Unite to Reunite, and help pets, pet families, and shelters all over the country."

Love Lost已经在整个美国重新联合了5万个宠物主人与他们失踪的最好的朋友。Petco Love总裁Susanne Kogut说:"7月是全国防止宠物走失月,因为这个时候有很多宠物走失,其中许多最终在已经满员的收容所里结束。我们的使命是尽快与所有迷路的宠物重聚,比如Poppy和Otto与他们所爱的家庭。我们知道,如果失去或发现宠物的人使用一个主中央的全国性数据库发布这些宠物,他们就有更好的机会与他们所爱的人团聚。一起,我们可以联合起来,重新联合,并让宠物留在属于他们的家——和你在一起。联合起来,重新联合,并帮助全国各地的宠物、宠物家庭和收容所。

Petco Love encourages everyone to register their pet now in case they go missing later. Love Lost can help people in almost any language, and it provides privacy for those who use it. Together with pet parents, good Samaritans, and partner animal shelters, let's Unite to Reunite and keep pets where they belong - at home, with you.

Petco Love鼓励每个人现在注册他们的宠物,以防他们以后走失。Love Lost可以用几乎任何语言帮助人们,并为那些使用它的人提供隐私。与宠物主人、好心人和合作伙伴动物收容所一起,让我们联合起来,重新联合,并让宠物留在属于他们的家——和你在一起。如需了解如何在烟火显示和整个夏季使您的宠物感到安全和舒适的提示,请在这里查看。

For tips on how to keep your pet safe and comfortable during fireworks displays and throughout the summer, go here.

Petco Love是一个改变生活的非营利性组织,使社区和宠物家庭更加亲密、强大和健康。自1999年作为Petco基金会成立以来,我们已经投资近4亿美元来支持动物福利组织的工作。我们与Petco和全国组织合作,帮助6.8万只宠物找到了爱的家。我们对宠物的爱推动我们以创新为先导,创造动物爱好者需要重新联合失踪的宠物的工具,并以激情为先导,激励和动员社区和我们的4000多个动物福利合作伙伴一起与我们一起推动挽救生命的变革。爱呼唤你了吗?加入我们。访问PetcoLove.org或关注我们的Facebook、Instagram、X、Threads和LinkedIn,成为我们每天领导的挽救生命的重要一员。

About Petco Love
Petco Love is a life-changing nonprofit organization that makes communities and pet families closer, stronger, and healthier. Since our founding in 1999 as the Petco Foundation, we've empowered animal welfare organizations by investing nearly $400 million in adoption and other lifesaving efforts. We've helped find loving homes for more than 6.8 million pets in partnership with Petco and organizations nationwide. Our love for pets drives us to lead with innovation, creating tools animal lovers need to reunite lost pets, and lead with passion, inspiring and mobilizing communities and our more than 4,000 animal welfare partners to drive lifesaving change alongside us. Is love calling you? Join us. Visit or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X, Threads, and LinkedIn to be part of the lifesaving work we lead every day.

Petco Love
Petco Love是一个改变人类和宠物家庭关系、更紧密、更坚强、更健康的非营利组织。自1999年作为宠物基金会成立以来,我们已通过投入近4亿美元用于领养和其他拯救生命的工作,支持动物福利组织。我们与Petco和全国各地的组织合作,帮助超过680万宠物找到温暖的家。我们对宠物的热爱驱使我们创新引领行业,为动物爱好者创造重新团聚丢失宠物所需要的工具,同时发起和动员社区以及我们的4000多个动物福利伙伴,共同与我们一起推动拯救生命的变革。爱是否正在呼唤你?请加入我们。请访问PetcoLove.org或关注我们的Facebook、Instagram、X、Threads和LinkedIn,成为我们每天引领的拯救生命工作的一部分。

Media Contacts
Crystal Bugary, Petco Love
[email protected]

Crystal Bugary,Petco Love
[email protected]

Jeff Hare /The Artemis Agency
(818) 726-9238
[email protected]

Jeff Hare / The Artemis Agency
(818) 726-9238
[email protected]

SOURCE Petco Love

出处:Petco Love

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