
Quail Creek Bank Chooses Jack Henry to Stay Competitive and Enhance Customer Experience

Quail Creek Bank Chooses Jack Henry to Stay Competitive and Enhance Customer Experience

杰克亨利 ·  06/26 00:00

Bank to gain automation, efficiencies, and integrated technology to support community growth


MONETT, Mo., June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jack Henry (Nasdaq: JKHY) announced today that Quail Creek Bank selected Jack Henry to stay competitive in a growing market while improving both the customer and employee experience.

美国蒙内特市,2024年6月26日 /美通社/ - Jack Henry(纳斯达克:JKHY)今天宣布,Quail Creek银行选择Jack Henry公司以在不断增长的市场中保持竞争力并同时提高客户和员工的体验。

Quail Creek Bank is a unique, single-location community bank in the heart of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, with $800 million in assets. The bank, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, remains committed to its original philosophy of serving small businesses and individuals in the community. It plans to do so with a technology plan that will provide a leading digital experience, automation, and efficiencies, allowing the bank to focus its efforts on the community.

Quail Creek银行是美国俄克拉荷马州俄克拉何马市中心的一家独特的单一地点社区银行,拥有8亿美元的资产。该银行今年庆祝50周年纪念,始终致力于为社区中的小企业和个人提供服务。它计划通过一项技术计划来实现这一目标,该计划将提供领先的数字体验、自动化和效率,使该银行能够将其精力集中在社区上。

Oklahoma City is the 20th largest city in the U.S. and continues to grow at a steady rate. Over the years, the bank's competitive landscape has shifted from community banks to megabanks and regional institutions. This positions Quail Creek Bank to benefit from retaining its differentiators of local decision-making and ownership, and gain new business based on its reputation for quality customer service.

俄克拉何马市是美国第20大城市,一直以稳定的速度增长。多年来,银行的竞争格局已从社区银行转变为大型及区域型机构。这使Quail Creek银行能够继续拥有地方决策和所有权的差异化,树立良好的商业信誉,获得新客户。th这个新的技术计划将支持银行的社区发展,并使其为未来做好准备。Jack Henry的SilverLake系统将自动化内部流程,并创造效益,而实时支付、数字账户开户和电子文件交付等新功能将改善客户体验。

This new technology plan will support the bank's community approach and prepare it for the future. Jack Henry's SilverLake System will automate internal processes and create efficiencies, while new capabilities like real-time payments, digital account opening, and electronic document delivery will improve the customer experience.

Quail Creek银行的首席通信与创新官Erin Batey表示:“我们的主要痛点和核心审查过程背后的驱动力是提高效率。例如,更改客户的地址目前需要我们通过九个不同的系统手动输入信息。”“转向Jack Henry将改变我们员工的工作方式,减少错误,并提供更多时间给我们的客户。如果我们更加高效和稳定,我们的客户就能获得更好的产品和更好的银行体验,我们也可以继续为大家提供我们以往所以知晓的优质服务。”Jack Henry的开放生态系统和超过950个API集成的第三方金融技术是Quail Creek银行的又一驱动力。Batey补充说:“我们的技术现代化计划的第二步是更快、更好的供应商集成。Jack Henry的开放策略和与第三方供应商轻松集成的能力,在这个行业中是独一无二的,并显示了他们提升社区银行业务的承诺。我们有信心选择了一个不仅创新而且优先雇佣好人并且做正确事情的技术提供商。”

"Our main pain point, and the driver behind the core review process, was to improve efficiency. For example, changing a customer's address currently requires us to input the information manually through nine different systems," says Erin Batey, Chief Communications & Innovations Officer at Quail Creek Bank. "The move to Jack Henry will transform the way our employees work, reduce errors, and provide more time to dedicate to our customers. If we are more efficient and stable, our customers get better products and an improved banking experience, and we can continue to provide the quality service we are known for."

Jack Henry的高级副总裁,银行解决方案总裁Stacey Zengel表示:“行业整合和俄克拉何马市等城市的增长已经改变了许多社区银行(如Quail Creek银行)的竞争格局。消费者将他们的数字产品与区域和大型银行做比较。Jack Henry可以使这些机构在保持技术竞争力和提高效率的同时,继续提供个性化的体验。”

Jack Henry's open ecosystem and the access to over 950 API-integrated, third-party fintechs was also a driver for Quail Creek Bank. "The second step in our technology modernization plan is faster and better vendor integration," Batey adds. "Jack Henry's open strategy and the ability to easily integrate with third-party vendors is unique in the industry and shows their commitment to escalating community banking. We're confident that we have selected a technology provider that is not only innovative but prioritizes hiring good people and doing the right thing."

Jack Henry(纳斯达克:JKHY)是一家全面的金融科技公司,加强了金融机构与他们服务的人员和企业之间的联系。我们是一家S&P 500公司,优先考虑开放性、协作和用户中心性——为银行和信用合作社提供了一个由内部开发的现代化能力的充满活力的生态系统,以及与领先的金融科技公司集成的能力。 48年来,Jack Henry提供技术解决方案,使客户能够更快地创新,进行战略差异化和成功竞争,同时满足客户账户持有人不断变化的需求。我们为大约7500个客户提供以人为本的创新、个性化服务和以洞察为驱动的解决方案,帮助降低实现财务健康的障碍。其他详细信息请访问 。

"Industry consolidation and the growth of urban areas like Oklahoma City has changed the competitive landscape for many community banks like Quail Creek Bank," said Stacey Zengel, Senior Vice President of Jack Henry and President of Bank Solutions. "Consumers compare their digital offerings to those of regional and big banks. Jack Henry can empower these institutions to stay technologically competitive and improve their efficiency, while helping them continue to provide the personalized experience they're known for."

银行解决方案总裁Stacey Zengel表示:“行业整合和俄克拉何马市等城市的增长已经改变了许多社区银行(如Quail Creek银行)的竞争格局。消费者将他们的数字产品与区域和大型银行做比较。Jack Henry可以使这些机构在保持技术竞争力和提高效率的同时,继续提供个性化的体验。”

About Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.


Jack Henry (Nasdaq: JKHY) is a well-rounded financial technology company that strengthens connections between financial institutions and the people and businesses they serve. We are an S&P 500 company that prioritizes openness, collaboration, and user centricity – offering banks and credit unions a vibrant ecosystem of internally developed modern capabilities as well as the ability to integrate with leading fintechs. For more than 48 years, Jack Henry has provided technology solutions to enable clients to innovate faster, strategically differentiate, and successfully compete while serving the evolving needs of their accountholders. We empower approximately 7,500 clients with people-inspired innovation, personal service, and insight-driven solutions that help reduce the barriers to financial health. Additional information is available at

Jack Henry(纳斯达克:JKHY)是一家全面的金融科技公司,加强了金融机构与服务对象之间的联系。我们是一家S&P 500上市公司,重视开放性、协作和用户中心性,并提供银行和信用合作社一个充满活力、内部开发的现代功能生态系统,以及与领先的金融科技企业集成的能力。 48年来,Jack Henry一直为客户提供技术解决方案,使客户能够更快地创新,战略差异化,并在服务其账户持有人的不断演变的需求的同时成功竞争。我们向大约7,500个客户提供以人为本的创新、个性化服务和洞察驱动的解决方案,帮助降低了金融健康的障碍。更多信息可访问:更多信息可在网站上获取

SOURCE Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.

SOURCE Jack Henry & Associates,Inc.董事联络: Vance Sherard,CFA,副总裁,投资者关系,(417)235-6652;新闻联络: Mark Folk,企业传播主任,(704)890-5323

Analyst, Vance Sherard, Vice President, Investor Relations, (417) 235-6652; or Press, Mark Folk, Director, Corporate Communications, (704) 890-5323

分析师 Vance Sherard,副总裁,投资者关系,(417)235-6652; 媒体联系人 Mark Folk,董事,公司传播,(704)890-5323

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