
Media Update: Frexalimab New Phase 2 Data Showed Reduction of Key Biomarker of Nerve Cell Damage in Relapsing MS

Media Update: Frexalimab New Phase 2 Data Showed Reduction of Key Biomarker of Nerve Cell Damage in Relapsing MS

赛诺菲安万特 ·  06/28 00:00

Frexalimab new phase 2 data showed reduction of key biomarker of nerve cell damage in relapsing MS


  • Frexalimab high-dose arm observed a 41% reduction in plasma neurofilament light chain (NfL) levels, a biomarker of nerve cell damage, after 48 weeks of treatment
  • Data support potential as a first-in-class, high-efficacy, and disease-modifying treatment for people with relapsing MS
  • Phase 3 studies of frexalimab in relapsing MS and non-relapsing secondary progressive MS (nrSPMS) are underway
  • Frexalimab高剂量组观察到神经细胞损伤生物标志物——血浆神经丝轻链(NfL)水平下降41%,治疗48周后;
  • 数据支持作为首个高效、疾病修饰性治疗复发性多发性硬化症的治疗方法。
  • Frexalimab 在复发性多发性硬化症和非复发性二级进行性多发性硬化症(nrSPMS)的三期研究正在进行中。

Paris, June 28, 2024. Sanofi's CD40L monoclonal antibody, frexalimab, reduced a key biomarker associated with multiple sclerosis nerve cell damage in patients with relapsing MS, supporting the rationale for this novel mechanism in MS phase 3 studies aiming to delay disability progression. New phase 2 results showed significant reduction in plasma levels of neurofilament light chain (NfL) after one year of treatment, a biomarker of nerve cell damage that is typically elevated in people living with MS. These data were presented at the 10th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) in Helsinki, Finland.

2024年6月28日,赛诺菲的CD40L单克隆抗体Frexalimab减少了复发性多发性硬化患者神经细胞损伤相关的关键生物标志物,支持在MS 3期研究中延迟残疾进展的新机制。新的2期结果显示,在经过一年的治疗后,神经纤维轻链(NfL)的血浆水平明显降低,这是通常在患有MS的人中升高的神经细胞损伤的生物标志物。这些数据在芬兰赫尔辛基欧洲神经学学会(EAN)第10届会议上发表。

Patrick Vermersch, MD, PhD
University of Lille, CHU Lille, France
"As our science and diagnostic tools have evolved, so has our understanding of multiple sclerosis. We now know that NfL levels may be related to both acute inflammatory damage and chronic diffuse neuronal loss leading to disability progression, strengthening its position as a key biomarker of nerve cell damage in people with multiple sclerosis. These data presented at EAN suggest that CD40L inhibition may reduce nerve cell damage in people with multiple sclerosis and reinforce the potential of frexalimab to slow or halt disease progression for people living with this disease."

Patrick Vermersch博士,博士后,法国里尔大学,里尔CHU。
"随着我们的科学和诊断工具的进步,我们对多发性硬化的理解也在不断加深。我们现在知道,NfL水平可能与急性炎症损伤和慢性弥漫性神经元损失相关,并导致残疾进展,从而加强了它在患有多发性硬化人群中作为神经细胞损伤的关键生物标志物的地位。 EAN上呈报的这些数据表明,CD40L抑制可能减少患有多发性硬化的神经细胞损伤,并强化Frexalimab减缓或阻止该疾病对患者造成的进展潜力。."

Erik Wallström, MD, PhD
Global Head of Neurology Development, Sanofi
"People with multiple sclerosis need new high-efficacy treatment options that target disability progression, which remains an unmet need. These results, alongside the previously reported phase 2 efficacy and safety results, further show that frexalimab's novel mechanism of action has the potential to deliver meaningful improvements for people living with this chronic and debilitating disease."

Erik Wallström博士

Ninety-seven percent (125/129) of the study participants from the initial 12-week double-blind period entered the open-label extension (OLE) of the phase 2 study, and 87% (112/129) remained in the study by the 48-week cut-off. During the OLE, treatment groups consisted of participants with relapsing MS receiving either high-dose frexalimab regimens (frexalimab-high), low-dose frexalimab regimens (frexalimab-low), or placebo-matched groups that switched to matching high or low doses of frexalimab at week 12 (placebo-low/frexalimab-low and placebo-high/frexalimab-high). Plasma NfL samples were collected and analyzed from all four groups at baseline, week 12, week 24, and week 48.

最初的12周的双盲期参与者中,97%(125/129)参加了2期研究的开放式延伸(OLE),并且87%(112/129)在48周的截止日期前仍在研究中。在OLE期间,治疗组包括接受高剂量Frexalimab方案(Frexalimab-high),低剂量Frexalimab方案(Frexalimab-low)或安慰剂匹配组,在第12周切换到匹配的高或低Frexalimab剂量(安慰剂低/ Frexalimab-low和安慰剂高/ Frexalimab-high)。所有四个组在基线,第12周,第24周和第48周进行了血浆NfL样本收集和分析。

NfL biomarker results from the phase 2 study showed:


  • Plasma NfL levels (geometric mean pg/ml [SD]) were similar across all study groups at baseline and were reduced across all four treatment groups by week 48.
  • Participants receiving high-dose frexalimab experienced a 41% reduction in plasma NfL levels from baseline (11.5 [1.9]) to week 48 (6.8 [2.0]), the greatest NfL level reduction across the four treatment groups.
  • Participants receiving low-dose frexalimab experienced a 35% reduction in plasma NfL levels from baseline (12.4 [1.9]) to week 48 (8.1 [1.7]).
  • Participants in the placebo-high group who switched to high-dose frexalimab at week 12 experienced a 24% reduction in plasma NfL levels from baseline (12.6 [2.1]) to week 48 (9.6 [1.7]) and by 39% from week 12 when switched from placebo to high-dose frexalimab.
  • Participants in the placebo-low group who switched to low-dose frexalimab at week 12 experienced a 33% reduction in plasma NfL levels from baseline (11.8 [1.9]) to week 48 (7.8 [2.1]) and by 39% from week 12 when switched from placebo to low-dose frexalimab.
  • 基线时血浆NfL水平(几何平均pg / ml [SD])在所有研究组中相似,并在48周内在所有四个治疗组中降低。
  • 接受高剂量Frexalimab的参与者从基线(11.5 [1.9])到第48周(6.8 [2.0])的血浆NfL水平降低了41%,这是四个治疗组中最大的NfL水平降低。
  • 接受低剂量Frexalimab的参与者从基线(12.4 [1.9])到第48周(8.1 [1.7])的血浆NfL水平降低了35%。
  • 安慰剂高组中在第12周切换到高剂量Frexalimab的参与者从基线(12.6 [2.1])到第48周(9.6 [1.7])的血浆NfL水平降低了24%,当从安慰剂切换到高剂量Frexalimab时,从第12周开始下降39%。
  • 安慰剂低组中在第12周切换到低剂量Frexalimab的参与者从基线(11.8 [1.9])到第48周(7.8 [2.1])的血浆NfL水平降低了33%,当从安慰剂切换到低剂量Frexalimab时,从第12周开始下降39%。

In February 2024, 12-week double-blind study period results were published in The New England Journal of Medicine, and at AAN in April 2024, 48-week open-label extension efficacy and safety data were featured in an oral presentation.

2024年2月的12周双盲期研究结果反孪生体注6-义务和 contingencies 的基本报表备注(未经审计),包含在本报告的第I部分第1项中。《新英格兰医学杂志》以及在2024年4月的AAN上,48周的开放式延伸疗效和安全性数据也在口头陈述中亮相。

Sanofi has initiated global phase 3 studies of frexalimab in relapsing MS (NCT06141473) and non-relapsing secondary progressive MS (NCT06141486), which have begun enrolling participants.


About the phase 2 study
The phase 2 study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating frexalimab in participants with relapsing MS. Participants were randomized (4:4:1:1) to receive either high dose (frexalimab 1200 mg intravenously every four weeks, with an initial 1800 mg loading dose) or low dose (frexalimab 300 mg subcutaneously every two weeks, with an initial 600 mg loading dose) frexalimab or matching placebo for 12 weeks (part A). The primary endpoint was the reduction in the number of new Gd+ T1 MRI brain lesions at week 12. Secondary endpoints included additional MRI-based efficacy measures as well as the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of frexalimab. After week 12, participants receiving placebo switched to respective frexalimab arms and entered the open-label part B, which is currently ongoing.

2期研究是一项随机,双盲,安慰剂对照的研究,评估Frexalimab在复发性MS患者中的应用。参与者随机分配(4:4:1:1)接受高剂量(每4周1200mg Frexalimab静脉注射,初始1800mg负荷剂量)或低剂量(每2周300mg Frexalimab皮下注射,初始600mg负荷剂量)的Frexalimab或相匹配的安慰剂,为期12周(A部分)。主要终点是在第12周减少新的Gd + T1 MRI脑部病变的数量。次要终点包括额外的MRI基础疗效措施以及Frexalimab的安全性,耐受性和药代动力学。第12周后,接受安慰剂的参与者切换到相应的Frexalimab疗程,并进入目前正在进行的开放式B部分。

About frexalimab
Frexalimab (SAR441344) is a potentially first-in-class second-generation CD40L antibody that blocks the costimulatory CD40/CD40L pathway which is important for activation and function of adaptive (T and B cells) and innate (macrophages/microglia and dendritic cells) immunity. Through this unique upstream mechanism of action, frexalimab has the potential to address both acute and chronic neuroinflammation in MS, without causing lymphocyte depletion. Frexalimab has significant indications under development, such as phase 2 studies in systemic lupus erythematosus and Type 1 diabetes, and its safety and efficacy have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority. Sanofi is developing frexalimab under an exclusive license from ImmuNext Inc. For more information on frexalimab clinical studies, please visit

Frexalimab(SAR441344)是一种可能的第二代CD40L抗体,可阻断重要的共刺激CD40 / CD40L途径,该途径对适应性(T和B细胞)和先天性(巨噬细胞/微胶质细胞和树突状细胞))免疫的激活和功能很重要。通过这种独特的上游作用机制,Frexalimab有望在不造成淋巴细胞消耗的情况下解决MS中的急性和慢性神经炎症问题。Frexalimab具有正在开发的重要迹象,例如全身性红斑狼疮和1型糖尿病的2期研究,其安全性和疗效尚未得到任何监管机构的审查。赛诺菲正在根据ImmuNext Inc.的独家许可开发Frexalimab。有关Frexalimab临床研究的更多信息,请访问www。临床试验.gov。

About Sanofi
We are an innovative global healthcare company, driven by one purpose: we chase the miracles of science to improve people's lives. Our team, across the world, is dedicated to transforming the practice of medicine by working to turn the impossible into the possible. We provide potentially life-changing treatment options and life-saving vaccine protection to millions of people globally, while putting sustainability and social responsibility at the center of our ambitions.
Sanofi is listed on EURONEXT: SAN and NASDAQ: SNY

Sanofi在EURONEXT: SAN和纳斯达克上市:SNY

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Keita Browne | + 1 781 249 1766 | keita.browne@赛诺菲安万特.com
Nathalie Pham | + 33 7 85 93 30 17 |
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This media update contains forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts. These statements include projections and estimates and their underlying assumptions, statements regarding plans, objectives, intentions, and expectations with respect to future financial results, events, operations, services, product development and potential, and statements regarding future performance. Forward-looking statements are generally identified by the words "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "plans" and similar expressions. Although Sanofi's management believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, investors are cautioned that forward-looking information and statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of Sanofi, that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. These risks and uncertainties include among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development, future clinical data and analysis, including post marketing, decisions by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA or the EMA, regarding whether and when to approve any drug, device or biological application that may be filed for any such product candidates as well as their decisions regarding labelling and other matters that could affect the availability or commercial potential of such product candidates, the fact that product candidates if approved may not be commercially successful, the future approval and commercial success of therapeutic alternatives, Sanofi's ability to benefit from external growth opportunities, to complete related transactions and/or obtain regulatory clearances, risks associated with intellectual property and any related pending or future litigation and the ultimate outcome of such litigation, trends in exchange rates and prevailing interest rates, volatile economic and market conditions, cost containment initiatives and subsequent changes thereto, and the impact that pandemics or other global crises may have on us, our customers, suppliers, vendors, and other business partners, and the financial condition of any one of them, as well as on our employees and on the global economy as a whole. The risks and uncertainties also include the uncertainties discussed or identified in the public filings with the SEC and the AMF made by Sanofi, including those listed under "Risk Factors" and "Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" in Sanofi's annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023. Other than as required by applicable law, Sanofi does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information or statements.

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