
Truist Announces Planned Capital Distributions and Stress Capital Buffer Requirement Following Release of 2024 CCAR Results

Truist Announces Planned Capital Distributions and Stress Capital Buffer Requirement Following Release of 2024 CCAR Results

Truist Financial ·  06/28 00:00

CHARLOTTE, N.C., June 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Truist Financial Corporation (NYSE: TFC) today released the results of its annual company-run stress test, conducted in accordance with the regulations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ("Federal Reserve") and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The results are available online at

2024年6月28日,北卡罗莱纳州夏洛特——Truist Financial Corporation (纽交所: TFC) 今天发布了其根据美国联邦储备委员会和美国联邦存款保险公司依据《多德-弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法》执​​行的年度公司压力测试的结果。 这些结果可在线获取: PRNewswire宣布,美联储已确定公司的初步压力资本缓冲要求为2.8%。美联储将于2024年8月31日或之前确定公司的最终SCB要求。一旦确定,新的SCB要求将从2024年10月1日到2025年9月30日生效。新的SCB要求不包括Truist Insurance Holdings ("TIH")的出售或发生在2024年5月6日的资产负债表再定位的影响。.

Truist announced that the Federal Reserve has determined the Company's preliminary stress capital buffer ("SCB") requirement is 2.8%. The Federal Reserve will provide the Company's final SCB requirement on or before Aug. 31, 2024. Once finalized, the new SCB requirement will be in effect from Oct. 1, 2024 to Sept. 30, 2025. The new SCB requirement does not include the impact of the sale of Truist Insurance Holdings ("TIH") or the balance sheet repositioning that occurred on May 6, 2024.

Truist的董事会已授权一项价值50亿美元的股票回购计划,该计划将作为公司整体资本分配策略的一部分,回购股票预计将在2024年第3季度开始。 Truist计划保持其当前的每股普通股股息为0.52美元,但需经董事会批准。

Truist's board of directors has authorized a $5 billion share repurchase program through 2026 as part of the Company's overall capital distribution strategy, with share repurchases expected to begin during the third quarter of 2024. Truist plans to maintain its current quarterly common stock dividend of $0.52 per share, subject to approval by its board of directors.

"Truist的2024年度压力测试结果再次证明了我们多样化的业务组合以及谨慎和自律的风险管理文化的益处," Truist主席兼首席执行官Bill Rogers说。" TIH的出售和2024年5月份的资产负债表再定位的净影响巩固了Truist的强劲流动性和资本地位,将我们2024年第1季度的核心一级资本充足比率提高至11.4%。 Truist目前的资本状况和策略提供了大量的能力为我们的客户和利益相关者提供服务,为我们的股东维持强劲的股息,最终帮助我们实现我们的目标,为人们和社区注入活力并建设更美好的生活环境。"

"Truist's 2024 annual stress test results again demonstrate the benefits of our diverse business mix and prudent and disciplined risk management culture," said Truist Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Bill Rogers. "The net impact from the sale of TIH and the balance sheet repositioning completed in May 2024 solidify Truist's strong liquidity and capital positions, increasing our Q1 2024 pro-forma CET1 ratio to 11.4%. Truist's current capital position and strategy provides significant capacity to serve our clients and stakeholders, maintain a strong dividend for our shareholders, and ultimately help us deliver on our purpose to inspire and build better lives and communities."

此股票回购计划使Truist能够通过公开市场购买或私下协商交易(包括通过第10b5-1条例和其他计划)自由自主地获得股票,交易条件(包括数量,时间和价格)由管理层决定。与股票回购计划有关的行动将受到多种因素的影响,包括Truist的资本和流动性状况以及相关的内部框架,会计和监管方面的考虑(包括美国银行监管机构可能强加的任何限制以及可能被提出或采纳的资本、流动性和其他监管要求的任何变化), Truist的财务和运营业绩,资本的替代用途,Truist普通股的交易价格和市场总体情况。股票回购计划不强制要求Truist购买特定的美元金额或股份数, 该计划随时可能会延长,修改或中止。

The share-repurchase program enables Truist to acquire shares through open-market purchases or privately negotiated transactions, including through Rule 10b5-1 plans and other programs, at the discretion of management and on terms (including quantity, timing, and price) that management determines to be advisable. Actions in connection with the share-repurchase program will be subject to various factors, including Truist's capital and liquidity positions and related internal frameworks, accounting and regulatory considerations (including any restrictions that may be imposed by the Federal Reserve and any changes to capital, liquidity, and other regulatory requirements that may be proposed or adopted by the U.S. banking agencies), Truist's financial and operational performance, alternative uses of capital, the trading price of Truist's common stock, and general market conditions. The share-repurchase program does not obligate Truist to acquire a specific dollar amount or number of shares and may be extended, modified, or discontinued at any time.

Truist Financial Corporation是一家致力于激励和建立更美好的生活和社区的金融服务公司。作为美国领先的商业银行,Truist在全国许多高增长市场拥有领先的市场份额。通过批发和消费者业务,Truist提供广泛的产品和服务,包括消费者和小企业银行业务,商业银行业务,公司和投资银行业务,财富管理,支付和专业贷款业务。Truist总部位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特,是一家拥有5350亿美元资产的前10家商业银行。Truist Bank,Member FDIC。 前往Truist.com以了解更多信息。

About Truist
Truist Financial Corporation is a purpose-driven financial services company committed to inspiring and building better lives and communities. As a leading U.S. commercial bank, Truist has leading market share in many of the high-growth markets across the country. Truist offers a wide range of products and services through our wholesale and consumer businesses, including consumer and small business banking, commercial banking, corporate and investment banking, wealth management, payments, and specialized lending businesses. Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, Truist is a top-10 commercial bank with total assets of $535 billion as of March 31, 2024. Truist Bank, Member FDIC. Learn more at

Truist Financial Corporation是一家以企业使命为导向的金融服务公司,致力于激励和建立更美好的生活和共同体。作为美国领先的商业银行,在美国的许多高增长市场中拥有领先的市场份额。Truist通过我们的批发和消费者业务提供各种产品和服务,包括消费者和小企业银行,商业银行,企业和投资银行,财富管理,付款和专业借贷业务。Truist总部位于北卡罗莱纳州夏洛特市,是一家总资产为5,350亿美元的前十大商业银行。Truist Bank,Member FDIC。了解更多信息,请访问。
本稿件包括根据1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》发表的前瞻性声明。这些声明可以通过它们不单纯与历史的或现行的事实有关这一事实来识别。前瞻性声明经常使用诸如“相信”、“预计”、“预计”、“打算”、“追求”、“寻求”、“继续”、“估计”、“项目”、“前景”、“预测”、“潜力”、“目标”、“客观”、“趋势”、“计划”、“目标”、“倡议”、“优先”或其他具有相似含义或将来时或条件动词的词,如“可能”、“将”、“应该”、“将要”、“可能”。特别是,Truist的前瞻性声明包括Truist关于未来股息和股票回购以及其为客户提供服务的能力所做的声明。前瞻性声明传达了Truist对未来事件,情况或结果的期望,意图或预测。所有前瞻性声明都受假设,风险和不确定性的影响,这些经过时间可能会发生变化,其中许多因素超出了Truist的控制范围。您不应将任何前瞻性声明视为对未来的预测或保证。实际的未来目标,战略,计划,前景,表现,条件和结果可能会从Truist任何前瞻性声明中设定的目标,计划,前景,条件和结果所不同。虽然没有任何假设,风险和不确定性的清单都可能是完整的,但是可能会导致与Truist的前瞻性声明不同的实际结果或其他未来事件或情况,或结果包括在Truist最近提交的《年度报告》中更充分地讨论第1部分,项目1A(风险因素),以及Truist随后向证券交易委员会提交的文件中的任何风险和不确定性。 Truist或其代表发表的任何前瞻性声明仅仅是在声明发表时表达意见。Truist不承担更新任何前瞻性声明以反映之后产生的事件,情况或结果的影响的义务,除非适用证券法律要求。但是,您应该查阅Truist可能在任何后续的年度报告或第10-Q季度报告或第8-K现报告中进行的更进一步的披露(包括性质为前瞻性)。保持原样,无需翻译.

Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. Forward-looking statements often use words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "pursue," "seek," "continue," "estimate," "project," "outlook," "forecast," "potential," "target," "objective," "trend," "plan," "goal," "initiative," "priorities," or other words of comparable meaning or future-tense or conditional verbs such as "may," "will," "should," "would," or "could." In particular, forward-looking statements by Truist include statements Truist makes about future dividends and share repurchases and its capacity to serve clients. Forward-looking statements convey Truist's expectations, intentions, or forecasts about future events, circumstances, or results. All forward-looking statements, by their nature, are subject to assumptions, risks, and uncertainties, which may change over time and many of which are beyond Truist's control. You should not rely on any forward-looking statement as a prediction or guarantee about the future. Actual future objectives, strategies, plans, prospects, performance, conditions, and results may differ materially from those set forth in any forward-looking statement. While no list of assumptions, risks, and uncertainties could be complete, some of the factors that may cause actual results or other future events or circumstances to differ from those in Truist's forward-looking statements include the risks and uncertainties more fully discussed in Part I, Item 1A (Risk Factors) in Truist's most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K and in Truist's subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statement made by Truist or on its behalf speaks only as of the date that it was made. Truist does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement to reflect the impact of events, circumstances, or results that arise after the date that the statement was made, except as required by applicable securities laws. You, however, should consult further disclosures (including disclosures of a forward-looking nature) that Truist may make in any subsequent Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, or Current Report on Form 8-K.


SOURCE Truist Financial Corporation

来源:truist financial 公司

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