
BCE Recommends Shareholders Reject TRC Capital's Below-market "Mini-tender Offer"

BCE Recommends Shareholders Reject TRC Capital's Below-market "Mini-tender Offer"

BCE建议股东拒绝TRC Capital的低于市场价格的“迷你要约收购”
加拿大贝尔 ·  07/01 00:00

MONTRÉAL, July 1, 2024 /CNW/ - BCE Inc. (TSX: BCE) (NYSE: BCE) has received notice of an unsolicited mini-tender offer made by TRC Capital Investment Corporation (TRC Capital) to purchase up to 2,500,000 BCE common shares, or approximately 0.3% of the company's outstanding common shares, at a below-market price of C$43.40 per share. BCE does not endorse this unsolicited offer, has no association with TRC Capital or its offer, and recommends that shareholders do not tender their shares to this unsolicited mini-tender offer.

加拿大贝尔公司(TSX: BCE)(纽交所:BCE)已收到TRC Capital Investment Corporation(TRC Capital)发出的一份不受欢迎的小型收购要约通知,以低于市场价格的每股43.40加元的价格购买高达2,500,000 BCE普通股,或公司已发行普通股的约0.3%。加拿大贝尔不赞成此不受欢迎的要约,与TRC Capital或其要约无关,并建议股东不要将其股份交给此不受欢迎的小型收购要约。

BCE cautions shareholders that the mini-tender offer has been made at a price below market price for the BCE common shares. TRC Capital's unsolicited offer price of C$43.40 per share represents a discount of approximately 4.43% and 4.44%, respectively, to the closing price of the BCE common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange on June 24, 2024, the last trading day before the mini-tender offer was commenced.

加拿大贝尔提醒股东,小型收购要约的价格低于其普通股的市场价格。 TRC Capital的不受欢迎的要约价格每股43.40加元,较2024年6月24日多伦多证券交易所和纽约证券交易所公布的加拿大贝尔普通股收盘价均低约4.43%和4.44%。此背景下,股东被敦促获取其股份的当前市场行情,咨询其经纪人或财务顾问,并对TRC Capital的不受欢迎的要约保持谨慎。根据TRC Capital的要约文件,已经提交其股份的加拿大贝尔股东可以在2024年7月25日晚上11:59(多伦多时间)之前,按照要约文件中描述的程序撤回股份。

Shareholders are urged to obtain current market quotations for their shares, consult with their broker or financial advisor and exercise caution with respect to TRC Capital's unsolicited offer. According to TRC Capital's offer documents, BCE shareholders who have already tendered their shares can withdraw their shares at any time before 11:59 p.m. (Toronto time) on July 25, 2024 by following the procedures described in the offer documents.

TRC Capital(TRC Capital)曾对加拿大及其他国家的其他上市公司的股票进行类似的不受欢迎的小型收购要约。小型收购要约旨在避开加拿大和美国证券法规定的大多数收购要约和要约收购的投资者保护措施,例如信息披露和程序要求。加拿大证券管理机构(CSA)和美国证券交易委员会(SEC)已对小型收购要约表达了关注,其中包括可能导致投资者不了解其证券实际市场价格相对于要约价格的可能性。

TRC Capital has made similar unsolicited mini-tender offers for shares of other public companies in Canada and elsewhere. Mini-tender offers are designed to avoid investor protections such as disclosure and procedural requirements applicable to most take-over bids and tender offers under Canadian and U.S. securities laws. The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have expressed concerns about mini-tender offers, including the possibility that investors might tender to such offers without understanding the offer price relative to the actual market price of their securities.

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)表示:“收购人以低于市场价格的价格发起小型收购要约,希望如果投资者不将要约价格与当前市场价格进行比较,他们就会措手不及。” SEC已发布有关小型收购要约的投资者提示,网站链接为。

The SEC states that "bidders make mini-tender offers at below-market prices, hoping that they will catch investors off guard if the investors do not compare the offer price to the current market price." The SEC has published investor tips about mini-tender offers, which can be found on its website at


Brokers, dealers and other market participants are encouraged to exercise caution and review the letter regarding broker-dealer mini-tender offer dissemination and disclosures on the SEC website at

加拿大贝尔请求将本新闻稿副本包括在任何有关TRC Capital对加拿大贝尔普通股的小型收购要约的材料分发中。 BCE .

Comments from the CSA on mini-tenders can be found on the Ontario Securities Commission website at


BCE requests that a copy of this news release be included in any distribution of materials relating to TRC Capital's mini-tender offer for BCE common shares.



BCE is Canada's largest communications company,1 providing advanced Bell broadband Internet, wireless, TV, media and business communications services. To learn more, please visit or

BCE是加拿大最大的通信公司,提供先进的Bell宽带互联网,无线电视,媒体和企业通信服务。1通过投资创造更美好的今天和明天,来支持我们社区的社会和经济繁荣。这包括Bell Let's Talk活动,该活动通过国家认知和反歧视活动来促进加拿大心理健康,并在全国范围内提供社区护理和接入,研究和工作场所倡议的显着Bell资助。想了解更多,请访问BCE.ca或。Bell for Better.

Through Bell for Better, we are investing to create a better today and a better tomorrow by supporting the social and economic prosperity of our communities. This includes the Bell Let's Talk initiative, which promotes Canadian mental health with national awareness and anti-stigma campaigns like Bell Let's Talk Day and significant Bell funding of community care and access, research and workplace leadership initiatives throughout the country. To learn more, please visit

通过我们正在投资,创造更美好的今天和明天,支持我们社区的社会和经济繁荣。这包括Bell Let's Talk倡议,通过国家性的宣传和Bell Let's Talk Day等重要活动以及在全国范围内对社区关怀和获取、研究和工作场所计划的重大资助,促进加拿大的心理健康。欲了解更多信息,请访问我们正在投资创建更美好的今天和明天,通过支持社区的社会和经济繁荣来实现。这包括Bell Let's Talk倡议,该倡议通过全国性的宣传和反对偏见的运动(例如Bell Let's Talk Day)以及在全国范围内的社区护理和获取、研究和工作场所领导倡议的显着财务资助来促进加拿大心理健康。要了解更多信息,请访问基于总营收和总联通用户数量。.


1 Based on total revenue and total combined customer connections.



Media inquiries:
Ellen Murphy


Investor inquiries:
Richard Bengian

Richard Bengian



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