


SEABOURN和WUNAMBAL GAAMBERA传统所有者在澳洲金伯利举办了一场沉浸式命名仪式,为超豪华远征船Seabourn Pursuit命名。
嘉年华存托凭证 ·  07/01 00:00

SEABOURN和WUNAMBAL GAAMBERA传统所有者在澳洲金伯利举办了一场沉浸式命名仪式,为超豪华远征船Seabourn Pursuit命名。

SEATTLE, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Seabourn, the leader in ultra-luxury voyages and expedition travel, named Seabourn Pursuit in a unique and historic expedition naming ceremony at Ngula Jar Island, Australia, on June 29, 2024. With guests on Zodiacs alongside the ship and the onboard team lined up along the decks, the Wunambal Gaambera Traditional Owners named Seabourn Pursuit, marking the first time Traditional Owners named a ship.

2024年7月1日,华盛顿州西雅图/美通社/希本作为超豪华邮轮和探险旅行领域的领头羊,在2024年6月29日,座落于澳洲Ngula Jar Island(Ngula Jar岛)的一个独特的历史性探险命名团拍照仪式上,您应该使用moomoo账号登录,以访问该特色板块。周围的 Zodiacs和船上的团队站在甲板一旁,Wunambal Gaambera传统所有者让您在边上命名了他们的新船。体现了传统船主的探险探险祈福,这是传统船主第一次命名船。Seabourn Pursuit2024年6月29日,座落于澳洲西部的Ngula Jar Island上,Seabourn Pursuit在一场历史性的探险命名仪式上诞生了。在这次特殊的庆祝活动中,Wunambal Gaambera传统所有者作为新的超豪华探险船的教父母。Seabourn Pursuit这天漫长的庆典和命名仪式是为了纪念Wunambal Gaambera国家和人民以及金伯利地区而精心策划的。在整天的活动中,客人可以沉浸在土著文化和历史中。客人参加了一个非凡的Wunambal Gaambera欢迎和祈福仪式“jimɨrri ”来欢迎客人进入这个国家,祝愿他们旅途愉快,这是一种让我们老人的精神不会跟随他们的烟仪式。之后,Wunambal Gaambera传统所有者都会进行传统的讲故事歌曲和跳舞,这些地方都是用赭石绘画而成的。客人还参观了古代岩石艺术遗址,并听取了那里的文化故事。Wunambal Gaambera艺术家制作的艺术品在那里展出并出售。

The day-long celebration and naming ceremony were thoughtfully planned to honor Wunambal Gaambera Country and people and Kimberley region, and guests were able to immerse themselves in the Aboriginal culture and history throughout the day. Guests took part in a remarkable Wunambal Gaambera welcome and smoking ceremony, "jimɨrri," to welcome guests to the country and bid them safe travels. "Our smoking ceremony is done for visitors so that our old people's spirits won't follow them," said Wunambal Gaambera Traditional Owner Lillian Karadada. Afterwards, the "Junba," a traditional story-telling song and dance, was carried out by Wunambal Gaambera Traditional Owners, painted in ochre. Guests also visited ancient rock art sites and heard the cultural stories of that area. Artworks by Wunambal Gaambera artists were on display and for sale.

庆典和命名仪式由于拥有与该船表意相符的金伯利地区,因此被精心策划,同时也为该公司与Wunambal Gaambera之间的可持续旅游类业务的新伙伴关系铺平了道路。 Seabourn和Wunambal Gaambera传统所有者互换礼物来庆祝他们的新关系。此外,Seabourn的客人Vince和Jane Roig作为专业旅程的第一次乘客,为了赞赏这个新的合作伙伴关系,向传统所有者赠送了一份代表性的艺术用品。

Seabourn and Wunambal Gaambera Traditional Owners exchanged gifts to celebrate their new relationship. In addition, Seabourn guests Vince and Jane Roig, who have sailed on every Seabourn inaugural voyage on the current seven-ship fleet, presented the Traditional Owners with a symbolic gift of art supplies as a token of appreciation for this new partnership together.

Seabourn和Wunambal Gaambera传统所有者互换礼物,庆祝他们的新关系。此外,每次乘坐Seabourn七艘船队中的每一艘初航的客人Vince和Jane Roig向传统所有者赠送艺术用品的象征性礼物作为感谢此次新伙伴关系的礼物。

The day culminated with the naming ceremony in Wunambal Gaambera language and English, where representatives from the Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation wished Seabourn Pursuit an abundance of blessings and extraordinary expeditions to come in Wunambal Gaambera Country. Seabourn used a specially made bottle crafted from sugar and coated with sand from Ngula, Jar Island, to further celebrate and show respect to the land. Keeping with the time-honored maritime tradition, guests and crew members both on board and on the Zodiacs cheered and celebrated the moment the bottle broke on the bow of the ship.

Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation的代表在Wunambal Gaambera语和英文中为该船举行了命名仪式,并祝福该船在Wunambal Gaambera国家拥有丰富的考古和特殊经历。Seabourn PursuitSeabourn在该船的船头上用一个有特殊制造的瓶子来庆祝这个难忘的时刻,这个瓶子是从Ngula,Jar岛的沙滩上掉下来的,使用了糖制成。沿袭了历史传统,船上和Zodiacs上的客人和机组人员一同欢呼和庆祝这个时刻。

Seabourn President Natalya Leahy shared her excitement about the special relationship Seabourn has built with the Wunambal Gaambera Traditional Owners - their country and people - whose rich cultural history, deep connection to the land and sea, and established sustainable tourism initiatives, combine to make them a natural fit to be godparents for Seabourn Pursuit.

Seabourn总裁Natalya Leahy与Wunambal Gaambera传统所有者之间建立的特殊关系,以及与这个国家和人民有着深厚关联的文化历史和可持续旅游倡议使他们成为探险船的合适教父母。Seabourn Pursuit.

"This day marks a very special event with the christening of Seabourn Pursuit, our newest ultra-luxury purpose-built expedition ship. This is a wonderful maritime tradition, and today is extra special for us because we asked the Wunambal Gaambera to be the ship's godparents, which marks the beginning of long sustainable partnership between our brand and this community. We know our guests visit these wonderful places in the world because they believe in the transformative power of travel, and today we celebrate exactly this," said Leahy.

“这一天标志着一个非常特别的事件,我们的最新超豪华专为探险而建的船舶命名为X,这是一个美好的海事传统,今天对我们来说格外特别,因为我们请求Wunambal Gaambera成为船舶的教父母,这标志着我们品牌和这个社区之间长期的可持续合作伙伴关系的开始。我们知道我们的客人访问这些世界上美妙的地方,因为他们相信旅行的变革力量,今天我们正庆祝着这一点,”Leahy说。Seabourn Pursuit“我们很荣幸成为X的教父母,并与他们的船员和客人分享我们的文化。看到我们的民族正以正确的方式在国土上工作并分享我们独特的文化是好的。在国土上生活和工作对我们很重要。当我们在国土上生活和使用语言时,我们会很健康。感谢Seabourn的支持。Biyanga graa winya - 欢迎,”Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation主席Catherine Goonack说。

"We are honoured to be the godparents of Seabourn Pursuit and share our culture with their crew and guests. It's good to see our people working on Country and sharing our unique culture in the right way. Living and working on Country is important for us. When we are living and speaking language on Country, we are healthy. Thank you, Seabourn, for your support. Biyanga graa winya – Welcome," said Catherine Goonack, Chair, Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation.

XSeabourn Pursuit,共享我们的文化和他们的船员和客人。看到我们的民族在国土上工作并以正确的方式分享我们独特的文化是好的。在国土上生活和工作对我们很重要。当我们在国土上生活和使用语言时,我们会很健康。感谢Seabourn的支持。Biyanga graa winya - 欢迎,”Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation主席Catherine Goonack说。

Also in attendance were Ms. Divina D'Anna, MLA, and Parliamentary Secretary to Deputy Premier Hon. Rita Saffioti MLA (Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Transport; Tourism; Member for West Swan), and Di Bain, the Chair of Tourism Western Australia.

出席的还有Divina D'Anna女士,MLA 和副总理Hon. Rita Saffioti MLA的秘书(副总理; 财政大臣; 运输部长; 旅游部长; West Swan成员),以及Tourism Western Australia主席Di Bain。

Seabourn chose the Kimberley for the site of the naming ceremony because the region represents everything for which the ship is intended, while also affording the opportunity for the line to create a lasting relationship with Wunambal Gaambera as an investment in sustainable tourism. The relationship with Wunambal Gaambera serves as a symbolic gesture of stewardship and responsibility toward the environment and the communities that Seabourn visits. As part of the alliance, Seabourn is making a donation to assist Wunambal Gaambera develop a self-sustaining industry, producing authentic works of art and craft by Wunambal Gaambera artists to sell. In addition, Seabourn is contributing pearl shells, various art supplies, and polishing materials to foster sustainable, commercial arts and craft initiatives year-round for Wunambal Gaambera artists and craft producers.

当地旅游局自豪地表示,Seabourn选择金伯利地区作为命名仪式的场所,因为这个地区代表了该公司旨在达成的一切目标,同时也为该公司与Wunambal Gaambera之间的可持续旅游类业务的新伙伴关系铺平了道路。该公司决定向Wunambal Gaambera社区做出捐赠,以帮助他们发展一个自我维持的工业,通过Wunambal Gaambera艺术家生产和销售真正的艺术和工艺品,此外,Seabourn还提供微型珍珠壳,各种艺术用品和用于促进Wunambal Gaambera艺术家和工艺品制造商全年开展可持续的商业艺术和工艺品倡议的抛光材料-半导体。

Seabourn further intends to work alongside Wunambal Gaambera as they share their unique Uunguu Experience, imparting Wanjina Wunggurr culture through welcome and smoking ceremonies; rock art tours; junba song and dance; and art and stories from the Uunguu Rangers who are looking after and keeping the country healthy.

Seabourn还计划与Wunambal Gaambera合作,通过欢迎仪式和香熏仪式,岩画之旅,junba歌舞以及Uunguu Rangers的艺术和故事,分享他们独特的Uunguu体验,传达Wanjina Wunggurr文化,以及保护和保持国土的健康。

Seabourn's monetary contribution adds to funding already received from the State Tourism Authority, Tourism Western Australia, that will assist Wunambal Gaambera's development of tourism facilities and products for Traditional Owners to live on their country during the dry season when tourism operators can access the vast coastline of the Kimberley region. Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation is to be commended on the implementation of their Uunguu Visitor Management Plan to reconnect with their country, to manage visitor access and take leadership in the tourism industry, and to engage with water-based visitors who arrive on their land, thus participating in the value chain that operators like Seabourn offer. Ngula Jar Island will be featured on all Seabourn itineraries in the Kimberley, ensuring consistent visitation to Wunambal Gaambera Country.

Seabourn拥有逾30,000平方英尺的甲板空间,并装置了专业硬件和技术,以便于全球货币范围内的广播。同时船员全天候提供世界一流和多种探险活动。该公司还提供了一个4K GSS Cineflex摄像头,该摄像头安装在星座休息室(Constellation Lounge)的桅杆上,可在整个船上和客舱套房中设置从前方数英里的监视器来广播图像。

Seabourn Pursuit offers the same luxurious small ship experience that travelers have come to expect from Seabourn, enhanced by world-class equipment that allows the line to offer its widest range of expedition activities led by an expert 24-person expedition team of scientists, scholars, naturalists, and more. Designed and built for remote, diverse environments to PC6 Polar Class standards, the ship includes a plethora of modern hardware and technology that extends the ship's global deployment and capabilities. There is close to 30,000 square feet of deck space and special touches at every turn, as well as indoor and outdoor guest areas with nearly 270-degree views. In addition, a 4K GSS Cineflex Camera is mounted on the mast of the Constellation Lounge and capable of broadcasting imagery from miles ahead on monitors located throughout the ship and in guest suites.

Seabourn Pursuit提供了一个连接游客和海洋的豪华旅行体验并配备了PC6极地级别标准设备。该船拥有近30,000平方英尺的甲板空间,室内和室外客人区拥有近270度的全景。此外,还装有一台4K GSS Cineflex摄像头,该摄像头安装在星座休息室(Constellation Lounge)的桅杆上,可在整个船上和客舱套房中设置从前方数英里的监视器来广播图像。

For more details about Seabourn, or to explore the worldwide selection of Seabourn cruising options, call Seabourn at 1-800-929-939, visit or contact a professional travel advisor.


About Seabourn:
Seabourn represents the pinnacle of ultra-luxury ocean and expedition travel and operates a suite of seven modern ships. The all-inclusive, boutique ships offer all-suite accommodations with oceanfront views; award-winning dining; complimentary premium spirits and fine wines available at all times; renowned service provided by an industry-leading crew; a relaxed, sociable atmosphere that makes guests feel at home; a pedigree in expedition travel through the Ventures by Seabourn program and two new ultra-luxury purpose-built expedition ships, including Seabourn Venture that launched in 2022 and Seabourn Pursuit in 2023. Seabourn takes travelers to every continent on the globe, visiting more than 400 ports including marquee cities and lesser-known ports and hideaways. Guests of Seabourn experience extraordinary offerings and programs, including partnerships with leading entertainers, dining, personal health and wellbeing, and engaging speakers.

Seabourn代表超豪华海洋和探险旅行的最高峰,拥有七艘现代化的船只。这些全包精品邮轮提供拥有海滨景观的套房住宿、屡获殊荣的餐饮、随时供应的免费高档烈酒和美酒、由业界领先的船员提供的著名服务、轻松、社交的氛围,让客人感到宾至如归;此外,还有Ventures by Seabourn计划中的探险旅行血统和两艘全新的超豪华远航船,包括2022年推出的Seabourn Venture和2023年的Seabourn Pursuit。Seabourn将旅行者带到全球的每个大陆,参观超过400个港口,包括知名城市和较少知名的港口和隐秘地点。Seabourn的客人体验非凡的优惠和项目,包括与领先演员、餐饮、个人健康和福祉以及引人入胜的演讲者的合作。
Seabourn是卡尼瓦尔公司和plc(NYSE / LSE:CCL和NYSE:CUK)的品牌。

Seabourn is a brand of Carnival Corporation and plc (NYSE/LSE: CCL and NYSE: CUK).


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在此找到Seabourn:Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, X和页面。pinterest.

Video and images of the ceremony are available HERE


SOURCE Seabourn


For more Information: Irene Lui Sanders,; or Abigail Kanders,

更多信息请联系:Irene Lui Sanders,;或者Abigail Kanders,。

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