
ICE Mortgage Monitor: As Market Gradually Shifts to Higher Rates, Latest Data Identifies Possible Refinance Tipping Point

ICE Mortgage Monitor: As Market Gradually Shifts to Higher Rates, Latest Data Identifies Possible Refinance Tipping Point

ICE抵押贷款监测: 随着市场逐渐向更高利率转变,最新数据确定了可能的再融资临界点
ICE ·  07/02 00:00
  • According to ICE Mortgage Technology data and analytics, as of May, 24% of mortgage holders had current interest rates of 5% or higher, up from 10% two years ago
  • Four million loans originated since 2022 have rates of 6.5% or higher – 1.9M at 7%+ – providing modest opportunity for growth in the number of mortgage holders with incentive to refinance as rates ease
  • An average of ~240K mortgages sit in each 1/8th of a percent rate band from 7-7.625% providing only modest increases to the number of in-the-money mortgages as those loans gain refinance incentive
  • There's a spike of 690K loans with rates just below 7%, driven in part by borrowers buying down their rates for the comfort of an interest rate that starts with a 6, which could be a tipping point to more meaningful, albeit still modest, refi activity as those borrowers gain incentive to refinance
  • The VA share of rate/term refi activity experienced a noticeable upswing in recent weeks, accounting for more than 30% of recent rate locks, according to ICE originations data, up from less than 10% last year
  • The average VA refinance borrower is early into their 30-year term (average prior loan age of ~1 year) and benefitting from a 1pp cut in their first lien mortgage rate, for an average savings of $230 per month
  • Refinance retention hit its highest level in 18 months in Q1, driven in part by a tripling of rate/term retention – from 15% in Q4 to 46% in Q1 – among borrowers refinancing their VA and FHA loans
  • 根据ICE抵押贷款科技数据和分析,截至5月,有24%的抵押贷款持有人的当前利率为5%或更高,比两年前的10%增加了。
  • 自2022年以来产生的400万笔贷款的利率为6.5%或更高-1.9M的利率超过7% - 为获取再融资激励而提供了适度的增长机会。
  • 大约有~240K抵押贷款在7-7.625%的每个1/8百分点利率范围内,这只能提高现有在钱的抵押贷款数量,因为这些贷款获得再融资激励。
  • 有690K笔贷款的利率略低于7%,部分原因是借款人为了让利率从6开始更加舒适而购买了更低的利率,这可能是更有意义的,尽管仍然适度,由于这些借款人获得再融资的激励而导致更多的再融资活动的转折点。
  • 根据ICE起源数据,老兵事务部(VA)的利率 / 条款再融资活动份额近期有显着增长,占近期利率锁定的30%以上,而去年还不到10%。
  • 平均退役军人(VA)再融资借款人早在其30年的期限内(大约1年的平均前贷款年龄)并从其第一项抵押贷款利率中受益,平均节省每月230美元。
  • 在第一季度,再融资保留率达到18个月的最高水平,部分原因是再融资债务人针对他们的VA和FHA贷款,利率 / 条款的保留增加了两倍以上-从Q4的15%增加到Q1的46%。

ATLANTA & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE:ICE), a leading global provider of technology and data, today released its July 2024 ICE Mortgage Monitor Report, based on the company's industry-leading mortgage, real estate and public records data sets.

亚特兰大和纽约-(BUSINESS WIRE)-洲际交易所(NYSE:ICE),一家领先的全球科技和数据提供商,今天发布了其2024年7月。ICE Mortgage Monitor报告基于该公司的领先抵押贷款、房地产和公共记录数据集的ICE,发布了2024年6月的ICE抵押贷款报告。

This month's Mortgage Monitor looks into the dynamics behind the changing makeup of the active mortgage market, which is gradually shifting toward higher average rates. As Andy Walden, ICE's Vice President of Research and Analysis notes, the overall market remains heavily skewed toward lower-rate mortgages, but that is changing.

本月的抵押贷款监视器研究了活跃的抵押贷款市场构成背后的动态,该市场逐渐向更高平均利率的方向转移。正如ICE研究和分析副总裁安迪·沃尔登(Andy Walden)所述,整个市场仍然严重偏向于低利率抵押贷款,但这正在改变。

"As of May, 24% of homeowners with mortgages now have a current interest rate of 5% or higher," said Walden. "As recently as two years ago an astonishing nine of every 10 mortgage holders were below that threshold.

沃尔登说:“截至5月,有24%的抵押贷款房主现在的利率为5%或更高。” “仅仅两年前,每9个抵押贷款持有人中有9个低于该门槛,这令人震惊。

"All in, there are 5.8M fewer sub-5% mortgages in the market today than there were at this time in 2022. This has been a slow-moving change, as borrowers with lower rates have sold their homes or, to a smaller degree, refinanced to withdraw equity. The entire market is acutely aware of how elevated rates have been constraining origination volumes. But seen from another angle, the same dynamic is also serving to gradually enlarge the population of folks with high-rate mortgages, who are actively waiting for the moment a refinance makes sense. This would benefit both a growing number of homeowners and lenders."

总而言之,市场上的低于5%的抵押贷款数量比2022年这个时候少了580万。 这是一个缓慢变化的过程,因为利率较低的借款人出售了房屋或在较小程度上再融资以提取资产。 整个市场都非常清楚高置换率如何限制发行量。 但从另一个角度看,同样的动态也有助于逐渐扩大高利率抵押贷款人群,他们正在积极等待一个再融资有意义的时刻。 这将使越来越多的房主和贷方受益。

As noted in the report, 4M first lien mortgages originated since 2022 have 30-year rates above 6.5%, with 1.9M having rates of 7% or higher. On average, there are ~240K active mortgages in each 1/8th of a percentage point bracket in the 7-7.625% range; however, there's a noticeable spike of 690K loans with rates just below 7%. Walden explains:

如报告所述,自2022年以来产生的400万笔头寸抵押贷款的30年期利率高于6.5%,其中1.9M的利率高于7%。 在7-7.625%范围内的每个1/8百分点等级中平均有〜240K活跃的抵押贷款;但是有690K笔贷款的利率略低于7%。

"The concentration of active loans just below 7% has more to do with borrower psychology than concrete savings. There's clearly something appealing in today's market for a homeowner to see a 6-handle in front of their mortgage rate. From a rate/term refinance lending perspective, this group is worth watching as they represent a potential tipping point for a return to more meaningful, albeit historically modest, refi volumes."

沃尔登解释道:“主动贷款略低于7%的集中度更多地与借款人心理相关,而不是具体储蓄。 当今市场上的房主在看到他们的抵押贷款利率前面有一个6时,显然会感到欣慰。 从利率/条款再融资贷款的角度来看,这个群体值得关注,因为他们代表了一个潜在的转折点,可以回归到更有意义的,尽管从历史上看适度的再融资交易量。“

For now, refi volumes remain at a fraction of historical levels. That said, we have seen some notable shifts in who is taking out refis in today's market. Consider, for example, the recent rise in VA market share, from less than 10% of rate/term refis a year ago to more than 30% in recent weeks, according to ICE origination data.

目前,再融资交易量仍处于历史水平的一小部分。 话虽如此,在今天的市场上,我们看到了一些值得注意的借款人消费方式的变化。 根据ICE起源数据,VA市场份额近期从一年前的不足10%的利率/条款再融资活动中增长到30%以上。

The rise in VA refinance share seems to be due, in large part, to streamline refinances. Some veterans, especially those who had taken out mortgages within the past year, availed themselves of the streamlined refinancing program to lower their interest rate by more than a full percentage point, for an average savings of $230 per month among April originations, according to a before-and-after analysis of ICE McDash +Property data.

VA再融资份额的增加似乎主要归功于精简再融资。 根据ICE McDash +Property数据的先前和后续分析,一些老兵,特别是那些在过去一年内签订抵押贷款的老兵,利用了精简再融资计划,将其利率降低了一个多百分点,这在四月的发行中平均省下了230美元 /月。

That makes sense, considering the ICE U.S. VA 30-Year fixed rate mortgage index is down nearly a full percentage point from its peak in late October, with the average rate offering among such loans notably below that of FHA and conforming mortgage counterparts. VA refinances also helped improve the servicing retention rate in Q1 to its highest level in 18 months, with retention of FHA and VA refinances tripling from 15% in Q4 to 46% in Q1.

考虑到ICE美国VA 30年期固定利率抵押贷款指数自10月下旬以来近乎每一个百分点下降,而且类似贷款中平均利率报价显着低于FHA和符合抵押贷款的类似贷款,因此VA再融资也有助于改善第一季度的服务保留率,VA和FHA再融资的保留率从Q4的15%增加到Q1的46%。

Those lower payments come at a cost, however, as the average borrower increased their loan balance to buy down their rate and/or finance closing costs. The quick turn also resulted in unusually high prepay speeds, which can negatively impact investors in VA loan backed securities.


The recent activity among VA loans supports the findings of the recently released 2024 ICE Borrower Insights Survey, which showed that finding the lowest mortgage rate trumped all other concerns when choosing a lender, with a 20-point delta between that and the next most frequent choice. But, while borrowers want the lowest rate, they typically don't consider many options.

VA贷款近期的活动支持了最近发布的2024年ICE借款人洞察调查的发现,该调查显示,选择贷方时寻找最低抵押贷款利率的优先考虑问题排名最高,比下一个最频繁的选择多20个百分点。 但是,虽然借款人希望获得最低利率,但他们通常不会考虑太多选择。

In fact, 84% of borrowers surveyed considered only one (36%) or two (48%) options before selecting a lender. This, as well as the successful proactive retention of FHA/VA borrowers in Q1, shows how important it is for lenders to stay attuned to their borrowers' needs and make first contact when a beneficial refi opportunity arises.

事实上,84%的调查对象在选择贷方之前仅考虑了一个(36%)或两个(48%)选项。 这以及第一季度成功的主动保留FHA / VA借款人,显示了贷方密切关注借款人需求并在推出有益的再融资机会时第一时间联系借款人的重要性。

Much more information on these and other topics can be found in this month's Mortgage Monitor.

更多关于这些和其他话题的信息可以在本月的Mortgage Monitor中找到。本月的Mortgage Monitor

About Mortgage Monitor


ICE manages the nation's leading repository of loan-level residential mortgage data and performance information covering the majority of the overall market, including tens of millions of loans across the spectrum of credit products and more than 160 million historical records. The combined insight of the ICE Home Price Index and Collateral Analytics' home price and real estate data provides one of the most complete, accurate and timely measures of home prices available, covering 95% of U.S. residential properties down to the ZIP-code level. In addition, the company maintains one of the most robust public property records databases available, covering 99.9% of the U.S. population and households from more than 3,100 counties.


ICE's research experts carefully analyze this data to produce a summary supplemented by dozens of charts and graphs that reflect trend and point-in-time observations for the monthly Mortgage Monitor Report. To review the full report, visit:


About Intercontinental Exchange


Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE: ICE) is a Fortune 500 company that designs, builds, and operates digital networks that connect people to opportunity. We provide financial technology and data services across major asset classes helping our customers access mission-critical workflow tools that increase transparency and efficiency. ICE's futures, equity, and options exchanges -- including the New York Stock Exchange -- and clearing houses help people invest, raise capital and manage risk. We offer some of the world's largest markets to trade and clear energy and environmental products. Our fixed income, data services and execution capabilities provide information, analytics and platforms that help our customers streamline processes and capitalize on opportunities. At ICE Mortgage Technology, we are transforming U.S. housing finance, from initial consumer engagement through loan production, closing, registration and the long-term servicing relationship. Together, ICE transforms, streamlines, and automates industries to connect our customers to opportunity.

Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (纽约证券交易所:ICE )是一家财富500强公司,设计,构建并运营连接人们与机会的数字网络。我们提供跨重要资产类别的金融技术和数据服务,帮助客户访问关键任务流程的工作流工具,从而增加透明度和效率。ICE的期货市场、股票市场和期权交易所(包括ICE布伦特、ICE汽油、ICE WTI(Cushing)、ICE迪拜(Platts)和ICE Murban以及纽约证券交易所和纽约证券交易所)和清算机构帮助人们投资、筹集资本和管理风险。我们提供全球最大的能源和环境产品交易市场之一。我们的固定收益、数据服务和执行能力提供信息、分析和平台,帮助客户简化流程并抓住机会。在ICE抵押贷款技术公司,我们正在改变美国住房金融,从初步消费者参与到贷款生产、结算、登记和长期服务关系。ICE通过转型、简化并自动化行业,将客户与机会联系起来。 (纽交所:ICE)是一家财富500强企业,设计、构建、运营数字网络,将人与机遇连接。我们提供跨主要资产类别的金融技术和数据服务,帮助客户获取关键任务流程工具,提高透明度和效率。ICE的期货、股票和期权交易所——包括期权交易所、商品期货交易所和股票交易所——等等,我们正在改变美国的住房金融,从最初的消费者参与到贷款生产、结算、登记和长期服务关系。通过转型、简化和自动化行业,ICE将客户与机会连接起来。请使用moomoo账号登录查看New York Stock Exchange 纽交所清算所帮助人们投资、筹集资金和管理风险。我们提供世界上最大的市场之一,交易和结算能源和环境产品。我们的固收数据服务和执行能力提供信息、分析和平台,帮助我们的客户简化流程并利用机会。在ICE Mortgage Technology,我们正在改变美国住房金融,从最初的消费者互动到贷款生产、结算、注册以及长期的服务关系。我们正在转变美国的住房金融,从最初的消费者参与到贷款生产、结算、登记和长期服务关系。通过转型、简化和自动化行业,ICE将客户与机会连接起来。

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ICE和/或其关联公司的商标包括Intercontinental Exchange、ICE、ICE区块设计、NYSE和纽约证券交易所。有关洲际交易所公司及/或其关联公司的其他商标和知识产权权利的信息,请访问这里根据欧盟打包零售及保险型投资产品条例涵盖的某些产品的关键信息文件可在相关交易所网站的标题“关键信息文件(KIDS)”下访问。

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Source: Intercontinental Exchange


Category: Mortgage Technology




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Source: Intercontinental Exchange


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