
Canstar Re-initiates District-Scale Precious & Critical Metals Exploration; Announces 11.8 G/t Gold Grab Sample Result; New Geological Model for the Buchans-Mary March VMS Project; and Expansion of Newfoundland Claims Holdings

Canstar Re-initiates District-Scale Precious & Critical Metals Exploration; Announces 11.8 G/t Gold Grab Sample Result; New Geological Model for the Buchans-Mary March VMS Project; and Expansion of Newfoundland Claims Holdings

Canstar重新启动区域规模的贵金属和关键金属勘探活动;公布11.8克/吨的黄金样品抓取结果;新的Buchans-Mary March VMS项目地质模型;以及扩大纽芬兰的索权
newsfile ·  07/08 07:25

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 8, 2024) - CANSTAR RESOURCES INC. (TSXV: ROX) (OTC Pink: CSRNF) ("Canstar" or the "Company"). In January 2024 the Company announced a change of management concurrent with an oversubscribed private placement led by J. Paul Austin III. Following a detailed assessment of the Company's assets and strategic positioning, Canstar's new President & Chief Executive Officer, Juan Carlos Giron Jr., today announces a new geological model, priority exploration targets, and the reinitiation of district-scale exploration at Canstar's flagship Golden Baie and Buchans-Mary March Projects in south-central and central Newfoundland, respectively.

安大略省多伦多-(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月8日) - CANSTAR RESOURCES INC. (tsxv: ROX) (otc Pink: CSRNF) ("Canstar"或"公司"). 2024年1月,公司宣布了一项管理变革,目前正在进行一个被认购过度的私募股份发行,由J. Paul Austin III领衔。在对公司资产和战略定位进行了详细评估后,Canstar的新总裁兼首席执行官胡安·卡洛斯·吉隆(Juan Carlos Giron Jr.)今天宣布了一个新的地质模型,优先勘探目标,以及在该公司的旗舰Golden Baie和Buchans-Mary March项目中重新启动整个区域的勘探工作,这两个项目分别位于中南部和中央纽芬兰。

Exploration Highlights


Golden Baie

Golden Baie

  • Spring 2024 prospecting of the under-explored Woodcutter Prospect along the Little River Trend collected over 300 combined soil and grab rock samples; over 60% of the rock samples demonstrated anomalous gold results above 100 ppb gold; several float grab samples returned significant assay results including 11.8 g/t, 3.1 g/t, and 1.8 g/t gold.

  • A re-evaluation of data previously acquired by Canstar, and historical data, has identified 13 priority exploration targets, including Facheux Bay with up to 18.4 g/t gold in bedrock, Le Pouvoir with up to 74.4% antimony and 24.1 g/t gold in a bedrock vein, and Blowout East with a high-grade large boulder sample grading 197 g/t gold over 0.5m.

  • Commenced new 3D geological modelling of the Kendell Prospect, where notable drilling intercepts from Canstar's 2022 drilling program included 9.6 g/t gold over 7.8m, 20.6 g/t gold over 3.5m, and 58.2 g/t gold over 1.1m.

  • Staked an additional 1,100 hectares of prospective mineral claims surrounding the Le Pouvoir antimony/gold prospect expanding coverage within the highly anomalous Little River Trend for a total current area of 548.75 km2 at Golden Baie.

  • 2024年春季,沿Little River趋势对Under-explor的Woodcutter Prospect进行了勘探,采集了300多个组合的土壤和抓取岩石样品;60%以上的岩石样品展示出100 ppb以上的异常黄金结果;几个抓取样品返回重要的化验结果,其中包括11.8克/吨、3.1克/吨和1.8克/吨的黄金。

  • 重新评估Canstar以前收集的数据和历史数据,确定了Facheux Bay、岩石中高达18.4克/吨的黄金,Le Pouvoir、含有高达74.4%锑和24.1克/吨的金的岩石脉,以及大块状高品位金矿物样品197克/吨金超过50万的East滑出口。13个优先勘探目标,包括此处。

  • 开始对肯德尔展望进行新的三维地质建模,Canstar2022年钻探项目在此处进行了一些重要的钻探截获,包括780万9.6克/吨黄金、350万20.6克/吨黄金和110万58.2克/吨黄金。

  • 在珂德尔潜在矿区,Canstar团队采取了创新方案,采取了更高效的勘探技术,发现潜在的矿业资源,扩展包括Little River趋势在内的54.875平方公里的黄金湾区的前景。



  • Completed new 3D geological model indicating significant potential that the deposit-hosting Buchans River Formation may underlie Canstar's Buchans mineral claims.

  • Historical mining by ASARCO of 5 deposits hosted by the Buchans River Formation yielded 16.2 million tonnes with average mill head grades of 14.51% zinc, 7.56% lead, 1.33% copper, 126 g/t silver, and 1.37 g/t gold(1).

  • Newly staked 13 mineral claims in 2 licenses, adding 325 hectares of prospective land near the Skidder deposit south of the historic Buchans Mining District.

  • 完成了一个新的三维地质模型,表明存放Buchans河形成物的矿床可能位于Canstar的Buchans矿权之下。

  • ASARCO曾经在Buchans River Formation中采挖5个矿床,产量为1620万吨,平均磨头品位为14.51%锌、7.56%铅、1.33%铜、126克/吨银和1.37克/吨金(1)。

  • 在两个许可证中新增了13个矿权,增加了325公顷的潜在用地,靠近历史性的Buchans矿区的南部Skidder矿床。

CEO Juan Carlos Giron, Jr., said, "In 2023, driven by our belief that the world is on the cusp of a commodities supercycle, we went on a search for the ideal platform from which to capitalize on what we believe is a generational opportunity in metals and mining. Upon being introduced to Canstar, we were immediately excited by the locally-based technical team, its distinguished board of directors, its cornerstone shareholders (Eric Sprott & Altius Minerals Corp), and its exploration projects, which we believe are situated in highly prospective geological settings in an emerging, world-class mining district.

首席执行官Juan Carlos Giron Jr.表示:" 2023年,受我们相信世界即将进入大宗商品超级周期的信念驱动,我们进行了寻找理想平台的搜索,以从中获利,我们相信这是一代人在金属和矿业方面的机遇。当我们与Canstar相遇时,我们立刻被当地的技术团队、杰出的董事会、基石股东(Eric Sprott & Altius Minerals Corp)以及勘探项目所激发,我们相信这些项目位于新兴的世界级矿业区的高度有前途的地质环境中。"

"Canstar's 100% owned Golden Baie Project was optioned from Altius Minerals (TSX: ALS) in 2020 and features district-scale orogenic gold exploration replete with gold anomalies, including over 315 bedrock samples with more than 1 g/t gold, and combines what we believe is high project prospectivity, low exploration maturity, a deep pipeline of exploration targets, and attractive ease of exploration due in part to the excellent infrastructure in and around the project (Figure 1).

"Canstar拥有的Golden Baie项目是Altius Minerals(TSX:ALS)于2020年授予的许可,并拥有区域规模的造山带金矿勘探,包括超过315个岩石样品,其中1克/吨以上的岩石样品多种多样,结合了我们认为的高项目前景、低勘探成熟度、丰富的勘探目标组合以及与项目周围的优秀基础设施有关的有利勘探便利性(图1)。

"Canstar also has two projects in the historic Buchans Mining District, known for hosting previously-mined polymetallic (zinc-lead-copper-silver-gold) volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") deposits. The Buchans Project includes mineral licenses with hundreds of metres of historical drilling and great potential to host additional deposits. The Mary March Project, 20 km east of Buchans, is a joint venture with Glencore and has one of the highest-grade drilling intercepts outside of the main Buchans mining camp (Figure 2).

"Canstar还拥有Buchans Mining District的两个项目,这个矿区已开采出过多金属矿床(锌-铅-铜-银-黄金)的硫化物矿床。Buchans项目包括具有数百米历史钻探的矿业许可证,具有承载附加矿床的巨大潜能。Mary March项目位于Buchans东部20公里处,与Glencore合资,是主要Buchans采矿区以外最高级别的钻探截获之一(图2)。

"Following months of assessment, technical review, 3D geological modeling, and new surface exploration, we are excited to announce that Canstar is re-initiating mineral exploration work on its projects. We have cumulatively identified over 50 exploration targets, including high-priority and drill-ready targets at both the Golden Baie and Buchans-Mary March projects, and we will be communicating our plans for advanced exploration soon."

"经过数月的评估、技术审查、3D地质建模和新的表面勘探,我们非常高兴地宣布,Canstar正在重新启动对其项目的矿产勘探工作。我们已经累计确定了50多个勘探目标,包括Golden Baie和Buchans-Mary March项目的高优先级和可钻孔勘探目标,我们将很快公布高级勘探计划。"

Sampling, QAQC, and Analytical Procedures


Canstar field staff collected all rock samples either from outcrops (bedrock) or as float/boulder samples and put into sample bags with unique sample tags. Field staff recorded the exact location of the collected grab sample using a GPS-enabled tablet and took field notes on lithology, structure, and mineralization. Canstar field staff securely transported rock samples to Eastern Analytical Ltd's (EAL) laboratory in Springdale, NL. EAL is a commercial laboratory that is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited and independent of Canstar. The laboratory crushes the entire sample to 80% 10 mesh (2mm), splits out a 250g subsample which is pulverized to 95% 150 mesh (<0.089mm) from which the fire assay and ICP aliquots are taken. EAL analyzed the samples using fire assay (30g) with AA finish and an ICP-34, four-acid digestion followed by ICP-OES analysis. Field staff collected all soil samples at approximately 25m spacing along 50m to 100m-spaced lines and from the B-horizon soil layer wherever possible. Canstar field staff recorded each soil sample location using a GPS-enabled tablet and placed the sample in a paper bag with a unique sample ID tag. Canstar field staff securely transported the soil samples to EAL for sample preparation, gold fire assay, and 34-element ICP analysis.

Canstar现场人员将所有岩石样品收集自露头(基岩)或浮动/卵石样品,放入装有独特样品标签的样品袋中。现场人员使用带有GPS功能的平板电脑记录了收集的抓取样品的确切位置,并在岩石结构、构造和矿化方面做了笔记。Canstar现场工作人员将岩石样品安全地运输到新费恩德兰省斯普林代尔市的Eastern Analytical有限公司实验室。EAL是一家商业实验室,获得了ISO/IEC 17025认可,独立于Canstar。 实验室将整个样品压碎到80%的10目(2毫米),拆分出一份250克的样品,这份样品被粉碎到95%的150目(

*Historical production source: Zinc and Lead, Mineral Commodities of Newfoundland and Labrador, Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador, Compiled by R.J. Wardle, 2008.


Qualified Person Statement


Paul Ténière, M.Sc., P.Geo., Senior Vice President of Exploration for Canstar, and a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101, prepared and approved all scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release, including the rock and soil sampling results and certified analytical data underlying the technical information disclosed. Mr. Ténière noted no errors or omissions during the data verification process and Canstar's geological staff have also verified the information disclosed. The Company and Mr. Ténière do not recognize any factors of sampling or recovery that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the assay data disclosed in this news release.

Canstar勘探高级副总裁Paul Ténière万Sc, P.Geo是本新闻发布中披露的所有科学技术信息的编写和批准人员,也是43-101号NI定义的合格人员,包括岩石和土壤采样结果和验证技术信息的核心分析数据。 Tenière先生在数据验证过程中没有发现任何错误或遗漏,Canstar的地质工作人员也验证了所披露的信息。公司和Tenière先生未发现在本新闻发布中披露的化验数据的采样或回收因素可能对数据的准确性或可靠性产生重大影响。



Canstar wishes to acknowledge the financial support of the Junior Exploration Assistance Program from the Department of Natural Resources, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, which has been a valuable contribution to the exploration programs on the Buchans-Mary March and Golden Baie Projects.

Canstar感谢纽芬兰和拉布拉多省自然资源部初级勘探援助计划提供的财政支持,为布查斯-玛丽·马奇和Golden Baie项目的勘探工作做出了宝贵的贡献。

Cautionary Statements


Please note that soil, till, and rock samples are selective by nature, and values reported may not represent the true grade or style of mineralization at Golden Baie. Readers are cautioned that these potential grades are conceptual in nature; there has been insufficient exploration by the Company or its Qualified Person to define a mineral resource or deposit; and it is uncertain whether further exploration will result in these targets being delineated as a mineral resource.

请注意,土壤、砾石和岩石样品本质上是有选择性的,报告的数值可能不代表Golden Baie中矿化物的真实品位或类型。读者被告知,这些潜在的品位本质上是概念性的;由于公司或其合格人士还没有进行足够的勘探以定义矿产资源或矿床,因此无法确定是否进一步的勘探会导致这些目标被确定为矿产资源。

About Canstar Resources Inc.

Canstar Resources Inc.(tsxv:rox)是一家矿业勘探公司,在纽芬兰和拉布拉多省挖掘黄金和重要金属的巨大潜力。我们100%拥有的Golden Baie项目(548.75 km2)拥有93公里的结构,类似于New Found Gold的Queensway Gold项目。我们的Buchans-Mary March项目(65.75 km2),包括Glencore的合资企业,位于世界级的VMS锌铜银富矿区,是高品位锌铜矿的发现。

Canstar Resources Inc. (TSXV: ROX) is a mineral exploration company unlocking immense potential for gold and critical minerals in Newfoundland and Labrador. Our 100%-owned Golden Baie Project (548.75 km2) hosts 93 km of a structure similar to that which hosts New Found Gold's Queensway Gold Project. Our Buchans-Mary March projects (65.75 km2), which include a Glencore joint venture, are located within the world-class, past producing, VMS zinc-copper-silver rich Buchans Mining Camp and boast high-grade zinc and copper discoveries.

Juan Carlos Giron, Jr. 邮箱: 电话: 1-647-247-8715

For further information, please contact:


Juan Carlos Giron, Jr.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 1-647-247-8715

Juan Carlos Giron, Jr.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This News Release includes certain "forward-looking statements" which are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Risks, uncertainties and other factors involved with forward-looking information could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, the Company's objectives, goals or future plans, statements, exploration results, potential mineralization, the estimation of mineral resources, exploration and mine development plans, timing of the commencement of operations and estimates of market conditions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to failure to identify mineral resources, failure to convert estimated mineral resources to reserves, the inability to complete a feasibility study which recommends a production decision, the preliminary nature of metallurgical test results, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other project approvals, political risks, inability to fulfill the duty to accommodate First Nations and other indigenous peoples, uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future, changes in equity markets, inflation, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in the development of projects, capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, including, but not limited to, the price of commodities, capital market conditions, restriction on labour and international travel and supply chains, and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDAR. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.


(1) Source: Zinc and Lead, Mineral Commodities of Newfoundland and Labrador, Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador, Compiled by R.J. Wardle, 2008.

(1)出处:《纽芬兰和拉布拉多省的锌和铅,矿物商品》,纽芬兰和拉布拉多省地质调查编制,R.J. Wardle,2008。

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