
Smith+Nephew Is Trailblazing a New Path for Female Surgeons With Its Orthopaedics for All Initiative; a First-of-its-kind Global Advisory Board

Smith+Nephew Is Trailblazing a New Path for Female Surgeons With Its Orthopaedics for All Initiative; a First-of-its-kind Global Advisory Board

GlobeNewswire ·  07/09 08:00

Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN), the global medical technology company announces its Orthopaedics for All initiative – a global advisory board established to amplify diversity by building equity, breaking biases, and inspiring inclusion for individuals wishing to pursue a career in orthopaedic surgery.


The disparity of women in the field of orthopaedic surgery compared to men is staggering. According to multiple studies, only 15% of all orthopaedic residents were women and just 7.4% were practicing orthopaedic surgeons in the United States during 2022. Several factors may contribute to this inequity including greater vulnerability to work-family conflict, less supportive references than their male counterparts, and less national research funding compared to men. Smith+Nephew aims to address these long-standing challenges headfirst and help set new standards in patient centric care.


Board member Dr. Jessica Hooper, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Stanford Health Care commented, "Orthopaedics for All, to me, means giving everybody a voice in our field and direction on where we're going in the future."

委员会成员、斯坦福保健部骨科手术系临床助理教授Jessica Hooper博士表示:“对我来说,《全科骨科》意味着在我们的领域中给每个人发表意见的机会,并为我们将来的方向提供指引。”

The Smith+Nephew Orthopaedics for All global advisory board is comprised of approximately twenty leading female key opinion leaders and surgeons in the adult hip and knee orthopaedic reconstruction segment and includes representatives from all over the world. Board members must have a minimum of two years post-fellowship experience in reconstructive surgery, a mix of both academic and private practice experience, and an interest in gender diversity and inclusion initiatives. Orthopaedics for All will also drive awareness in the greater orthopaedic surgeon community around the technical skills and competence female orthopaedic surgeons possess.


Smith+Nephew's Chief Human Resource Officer Elga Lohler commented, "There is meaningful data that supports the case for increased diversity within medicine and more broadly the medical device industry. Diversifying our work force is not just critical to improving employee engagement and retention, which directly impacts business growth and profitability, but diversity in medicine can also help reduce health care disparity and improve patient outcomes. Our Orthopaedics for All global advisory board has been established to truly understand the needs of a more diverse customer group, so that we can build sustainable strategies that address rapidly evolving customer needs."

Smith+Nephew首席人力资源官Elga Lohler评论道:“有意义的数据支持着增加医药领域和更广泛的医疗器械行业的多样性的论点。多样化我们的劳动力不仅对提高员工参与和保留是至关重要的,这直接影响业务增长和盈利能力,而且医学上的多样性还可以帮助减少医疗保健的差异和改善患者的预后。 我们“Orthopaedics for All” 全球顾问委员会已经成立,以真正了解更多元化的客户群体的需求,以便我们可以制定可持续的策略,应对日益快速的客户需求。”

Board member Ms. Chloe Scott, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Edinburgh Orthopaedic Specialists, UK explained, "I'm really excited to be a part of Orthopaedics for All. I think Smith+Nephew has gone a step further than the other companies in terms of actually being proactive to improve engagement with women in arthroplasty, which is really refreshing to see."

委员会成员、英国爱丁堡骨科专家顾问医生Chloe Scott女士解释说:“我很高兴能成为‘全科骨科’的一员。我认为史密斯和内修在实际上积极改善与关节成形术中的女性的接触方面走在其他公司前面,这真的很耐人寻味。”

Smith+Nephew recently partnered with the Perry Initiative who hosted forty female high school students at Wake Forest School of Medicine to explore hands-on surgery modules and receive mentorship from women surgeons and engineers. The Perry Initiative inspires young women to be leaders in orthopaedic surgery and engineering by partnering with medical centers, universities and high schools across the US.


"The Smith+Nephew Orthopaedics for All advisory board gives women in arthroplasty a voice and a wonderful chance to contribute to the field of arthroplasty, much like the Perry Initiative gives opportunities to individuals interested in engineering and orthopaedics," commented Antonia F. Chen, MD, Chief of Arthroplasty and Joint Reconstruction, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School.

布里格姆妇女医院关节成形科主任、哈佛大学医学院助理教授Antonia F. Chen, MD表示:“史密斯和内修‘全科骨科’咨询委员会为关节成形医生中的女性提供了发言和贡献的机会,就像佩里倡议为对工程和骨科感兴趣的人提供机会一样。”

To learn more about Smith+Nephew and our purpose of 'Life Unlimited', please visit .

要了解更多关于史密斯和内修的‘无限生命’的信息,请访问 .

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Media Enquiries
Dave Snyder +1 (978) 749-1440

Dave Snyder +1 (978) 749-1440

About Smith+Nephew


Smith+Nephew is a portfolio medical technology business focused on the repair, regeneration and replacement of soft and hard tissue. We exist to restore people's bodies and their self-belief by using technology to take the limits off living. We call this purpose 'Life Unlimited'. Our 18,000 employees deliver this mission every day, making a difference to patients' lives through the excellence of our product portfolio, and the invention and application of new technologies across our three global business units of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine & ENT and Advanced Wound Management.


Founded in Hull, UK, in 1856, we now operate in more than 100 countries, and generated annual sales of $5.5 billion in 2023. Smith+Nephew is a constituent of the FTSE100 (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN). The terms 'Group' and 'Smith+Nephew' are used to refer to Smith & Nephew plc and its consolidated subsidiaries, unless the context requires otherwise.

成立于1856年于英国赫尔,如今我们在100多个国家和地区开展业务,2023年的年销售额达55亿美元。史密斯和内修是富时100指数的成分股(LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN)。“集团”和“史密斯和内修”一词,除非上下文另有说明,否则均指Smith & Nephew plc及其合并子公司。

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欲了解更多史密斯和内修的信息,请访问并关注我们X, LinkedIn, Instagram或。Facebook.

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