Four Nines Gold Reports New Hayden Hill Surface Sample Assays Results up to 45.4 G/t and 3D Modeling Results
Four Nines Gold Reports New Hayden Hill Surface Sample Assays Results up to 45.4 G/t and 3D Modeling Results
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 9, 2024 / Four Nines Gold Inc. ("Four Nines" or the "Company") (CSE:FNAU)(OTCIQ:FNAUF) is pleased to announce new results for the Company's surface mapping and sampling program for the Hayden Hill Property, with the highest grade to date of 45.4 g/t. The high-grade results are consistent with previous sampling (December 6, 2023) and support the Company's geological team's hypothesis of a high grade low sulfidation model that was not drilled to depth. Surface mapping combined with all available datasets have been used to complete three-dimensional (3D) models, which has refined approved drill targets.
Four Nines黄金公司 ("Four Nines" or the "Company") (CSE:FNAU)(OTCIQ:FNAUF)很高兴宣布Hayden Hill Property的表层映射和采样项目的新成果,历史上最高的平均品位达到了45.4克/吨。 最高品位的成果与之前的采样结果(2023年12月6日)一致,支持了该公司地质团队的假设,即存在一种高品位的低硫化含金矿模型,而这种模型未被钻探到深度。 综合使用所有可用数据集的表面映射,得出了三维(3D)模型,完善了核准的钻探目标。
Gold mineralization at Hayden Hill is present in three (3) primary, and two (2) secondary zones within an area of 1.3 square kilometers. The district was explored by several companies throughout the 1980s, Amax Gold gained control of the project in 1988 and mined the deposit from 1991 - 1997, recovering approximately 480,000 ounces of gold. Previous operators did not target structurally controlled high-grade mineralization, as is the Four Nines approach, rather conducted exploration programs assuming that the gold mineralization was disseminated.
Hayden Hill的金成矿作用存在于1.3平方千米范围内的三(3)个主要区域和两(2)个次要区域。该区域在1980年代曾被多家公司进行过勘探。 Amax Gold于1988年获得该项目并在1991年至1997年采掘,回收了约480,000盎司黄金。以前的经营者没有针对结构受控的高品位成矿作用进行钻探,而是进行了探矿项目,假设黄金成矿作用是分散的。
Hayden Hill has not been drilled since 1997 and remains one of the few modern open pits in the Western United States unexplored to depth. Four Nines is the first company to apply modern exploration concepts and the low sulfidation epithermal model to the property. Initial surface mapping and sampling was conducted in 2023 with a primary objective to identify and characterize structural feeders that could host high-grade gold-silver mineralization.
Hayden Hill自1997年以来尚未进行钻探,仍然是西部未经深入探索的现代露天矿。 Four Nines是第一家将现代勘探概念和低硫化表生模型应用于该物业的公司。2023年进行了初步表面映射和采样,主要是为了确定和表征可能承载高品位金银矿化的结构进料。
Four Nines Gold received approval from Lassen County, California, in 2023, to conduct approximately 10 acres of exploration disturbance.
Four Nines Gold于2023年获得加利福尼亚州拉森县的批准,进行约10英亩的勘探扰动。
123 new assays results,
Highest surface gold value is 45.5 grams per metric tonne (g/t),
Twenty (20) samples have values > 10 g/t Au,
Thirty-four (34) samples have values > 5 g/t Au,
Fifty (50) samples have values > 3 g/t Au,
Three-dimensional (3D) modeling of all available datasets indicates high quality drill targets.
其中20个样品的值 > 10克/吨Au,
其中三十四个样品的值 > 5克/吨Au,
其中50个样品的值 > 3克/吨Au,
David Flint, VP Exploration of Four Nines Gold said "We are extremely pleased with the additional 2024 gold assay results from surface mapping and sampling at our Hayden Hill project. Numerous epithermal veins have been mapped and sampled, plus several significant hydrothermal breccia bodies have also been identified. The gold geochemical results are highly encouraging. The recent results add significantly to our understanding of the distribution and gold values for the Nose epithermal veins and hydrothermal breccias. The 3D gradeshell modeling effort has defined multiple high-quality, high-probability exploration targets that can be executed from the existing approved drill sites".
Four Nines黄金的勘探副总裁David Flint表示:“我们对Hayden Hill项目的表面映射和采样在2024年获得的黄金化验结果非常满意。多个表生脉已被映射和采样,并且还已识别出几个重要的热水角砾体。金的地球化学结果非常令人鼓舞。最近的结果极大地增强了我们对Nose表生脉和热水角砾体的分布和金值的理解。 3D平均品位建模工作已经定义了多个高质量、概率高的勘探目标,这些目标可以从现有核准的钻探点执行。”
Surface Program Technical Results
The primary goal of the 2023 field program was to characterize mineralized features that might confirm the geological team's hypothesis of a structurally controlled high-grade epithermal gold mineralization deposit. Pit highwalls, historical trenches and pits, undisturbed outcrops, and areas of subcrop have been mapped and sampled. The Four Nines geological team collected 331 surface selective rock chip grab samples (the "2023 samples", Figure 1) for which 265 assays have been received. The results for the samples assayed in 2023 (the "2023 assays") have been disclosed in a 2023-12-06 press release. This press release discloses the summary results for 123 samples collected in 2023 that have not been previously reported (the "2024 assays").
2023年田野项目的主要目标是表征能够证实地质团队的假设的成矿特征,即结构受控的高品位表生金矿床。已映射和采样采石场高墙、历史沟槽和采石场、未扰动露头的区域和亚表露面的区域。 Four Nines地质团队收集了331个选择性地采集的岩石淘洗样品(“2023样品”,图1),其中265个化验结果已收到。 对于2023年化验的样品(“2023化验结果”),已在2023-12-06新闻稿中披露了结果。 本新闻稿披露了123个采样结果的摘要,这些结果于2023年收集,尚未报道(“2024化验结果”)。
The highest gold value for the 2024 assays is 45.4 g/t. Seven (7) samples have values > 10 g/t, 12 have values > 5 g/t, 16 have values > 3 g/t, 31 have values > 1 g/t, 38 have values > 0.5 g/t, and 85 have values < 0.5 g/t. Highlight comments for the 2024 sample results include:
2024试验的最高金值为45.4 g/t。 七(7)个样品的值 > 10克/吨,12个样品的值 > 5克/吨,16个样品的值 > 3克/吨,31个样品的值 > 1克/吨,38个样品的值 > 0.5克/吨,85个样品的值
The highest gold grade, of 45.4 g/t, was from a sample collected on a northwest trending banded vein in the Nose Zone,
Five (5) of the 7 gold assays > 10 g/t were for samples collected in the Nose Zone, further delineating mineralization associated with the northeast trending Rim Vein and the intersection with northwest trending veins,
Six (6) of the gold grades > 1 g/t were for samples collected in the southeast area of Hayden Hill - requires further mapping and sampling,
One (1) high-grade gold value of 14.15 g/t was for a sample collected in the Juniper Zone,
Two (2) gold grades > 3 g/t were for samples collected from northwest trending veins that cross the west wall of the Lookout Pit,
One (1) sample, with a gold grade of 8.87 g/t, was collected from the West Providence Vein - requires further mapping and sampling, and
A sample, with a gold grade of 24 g/t, was collected from the northern extension of the 214 Vein on the Nose.
最高金品位为45.4 g/t,来自Nose区的西北向带状脉岩石样品,
其中5个大于10克/吨的金化验结果采自Nose区,更进一步确定了与东北-trending Rim Vein和与西北-trending脉相交的成矿作用。
6个超过1克/吨的金化验结果来自Hayden Hill东南部地区——需进一步映射和采样。
两个大于3克/吨的金浓度采自穿过Lookout Pit西墙的西北向脉。
其中一个取自West Providence Vein的金品位样品为8.87 g/t——需要进一步映射和采样。
The highest gold value for the consolidated 2023 sample set (2023 & 2024 assays), for which assays have been received, is 45.4 g/t. Twenty (20) samples have gold values > 10 g/t, 34 have values > 5 g/t, 50 have values > 3 g/t, 77 have values > 1 g/t, 92 have values > 0.5 g/t, and 173 have values < 0.5 g/t. Follow-up sampling for regions with higher grade initial values will be conducted during the 2024 field season.
The mapping and assay results continue to verify the Company's geological team's hypothesis of dominant structural orientation, in three primary zones of the property (Figure 2 - the Lookout, Providence, and Golden Eagle zones). Epithermal quartz veins and breccia bodies are located along these high-angle structures and are the targets for the Phase 1 drill program.
The following styles of hydrothermal features, favorable for the presence of epithermal gold-silver mineralization, have been mapped and sampled on the Property:
Multiple banded epithermal veins,
Clast-support hydrothermal breccias (clasts comprise > 50% of the breccia volume),
Matrix-supported hydrothermal breccias, for which the hydrothermal matrix comprises > 50% of the breccia volume. Clasts of previously veined material are common,
Euhedral adularia and quartz replacement of individual calcite crystals is locally present,
Pervasive silicification, that is reported to also include fine-grained adularia, is the most widespread form of hydrothermal alteration present in the Project area.
The surface samples have been analyzed by the ALS Laboratory in Reno Nevada. The samples have been processed according to the following:
Preparation: Prep-31,
Gold assay: Au-AA23 (fire assay with AAS finish); defaults to a 2nd analysis by Au-Grav21 (gravimetric finish) when the concentration from the Au-AA23 assay is > 10 g/t,
Certified reference (CRM) and blank material samples have been inserted into the rock samples submittal at a ratio of 1 standard/10 rock samples,
Chain of custody and security maintained from sample collection through submission to the ALS Laboratory.
Gold assays for the QA/QC samples are: 1) 20 of 21 assays for the gold CRM are within an acceptable range (one sample is 0.01 g/t outside of range), and 2) all blank sample assays are very low (9 of 10 < 0.10 g/t) with the highest value being .017 g/t.
The field program has been conducted under the supervision and direction of David Flint, the Four Nines' VP of Exploration and Qualified Person.
现场工作由David Flint,Four Nines的勘探副总裁和合格人员监督和指导。
Figure 1: Four Nines Gold Surface Sampling Locations
图1:Four Nines Gold表面采样位置
Figure 2: Hayden Hill Mineral Zones and Epithermal Vein Orientations
Three-Dimensional Modeling Technical Discussion
The Three-Dimensional Modeling summary results have recently been disclosed in the Four Nines Gold Inc. "June 2024" corporate presentation update, which was announced to the public in a 2024-06-11 press release. The information provided below provides additional technical details on the modeling methodology and interpretation of results.
最近在Four Nines Gold Inc.的“2024年6月”企业演示更新中披露了三维建模摘要结果,该演示于2024年6月11日通过新闻稿向公众公布。下面提供的信息提供了有关建模方法和结果解释的其他技术细节。
Three-dimensional modeling of the available data sets, utilizing the Leapfrog Software System, was accomplished during the 1st half of 2024. The primary objective of the modeling exercise was to determine if discrete definable 3D zones of gold mineralization are indicated from the historical data, and the possible correlation to mineralized geologic structures defined by the Four Nines geologic team. The following datasets have been analyzed during the modeling exercise:
Leapfrog软件系统利用现有数据集完成了三维建模,这项建模的主要目的是判断是否存在明确可定义的三维金矿化区域,并可能与Four Nines地质团队定义的矿化地质结构相关联。下列数据集在建模过程中被分析了:
Historical surface mapping of the pre-mine topography,
Historical exploration drill holes,
Historical blast-hole assay results (7 x 7 x 7 m three-dimensional array of assays), and the
Four Nines 2023 surface mapping and sampling.
历史爆炸孔化验结果(7 x 7 x 700万三维化验阵列),以及
Four Nines 2023年的地表测绘和采样。
The following were modeled in three-dimension:
Significant epithermal veins and mineralized faults (colored green in Figure 3),
Hydrothermal breccia bodies (colored blue in Figure 3),
Grade shells and a 0.03 troy ounce per short ton (opt) (approximately 1 g/t),
Shells, internal to the 0.03 opt shells, at an enclosing grade of 0.05 opt (colored red in Figure 3),
Geologically indicated targets (locations for which drill data is sparse) and extensions to the data-defined grade shells (colored blue in Figure 3).
品位分界面和0.03特罗伊盎司每短吨(approximately 1 g/t),
Geologic features were modeled in three-dimension based on the mineralized structures mapped on the present topographic surface. Veins and faults were projected to depth according to the measured strike and dip. Breccia bodies, developed along veins, were projected to depth, sympathetic to the associated vein. Exploration drill data, where available, was utilized to refine the sub-surface geometry of these features. Historical vein mapping was modeled to depth for locations where surface expressions of individual features have been overlain by reclaimed material.
The grade shells have been determined according to the following methodology:
Historical exploration and blast hole, and surface gold values reviewed in plan view,
Polygons that enclosed gold values > 0.03 opt were explicitly drawn,
The analysis was similarly completed on multiple levels, on an approximate 7 meter vertical spacing (the vertical spacing of the production blast-hole data),
Three-dimensional solids were constructed from vertically correlated polygons to establish a discrete mineralized zone,
Multiple definable mineralized zones have been modeled.
The definition of polygons has been highly influenced by the blast-hole data for the volumes that have been excavated through historical mining. The historical exploration drilling provided the primary data to extend shells beneath the current pit. Mineralized structures that are highly correlated to the shells have been utilized to model geologically indicated extensions to depth. A plan view of these 3D models is shown in Figure 3. The 3D models verify the deep drill targets, as shown in Figure 4.
多边形的定义受到历史采矿挖掘的影响,用于扩展坑穴下方的水平面上。高度相关到品位分界面的矿化构造已被用于将水平面以下的地质指示部分建模。这些三维模型的平面图在图3中显示。 三维模型验证了图4所示的深层钻探目标。
Readers are cautioned that the historical drill data has not been verified by a Qualified Person, however, is judged to be of sufficient quality to utilize for exploration planning.
Figure 3 Hayden Hill District Breccia, Vein & Gradeshell Models
Figure 4: Schematic Section of Exploration Targets (Section Line from Figure 2 and 5)
Mineral Zones
The following are highlights of the mapping and sampling, and modeling, results for the Hayden Hill primary mineral zones.
Lookout Zone
Highest gold value of 13.7 g/t,
Consistently high gold grades for the grab samples collected above and below the pit ramp (at 679,200 Easting),
North-south trending epithermal veins (approximately up to 1 meter thick) (Figure 5) post-date the pervasive silicification,
Less common northeast & northwest trending veins are also present (Figure 5),
Four gradeshells (for which 3 are shown on Figure 6) have been modeled in the Lookout Zone. The four shells enclose a large majority of the drill hole assays for the zone above a 0.03 opt grade,
These gradeshells and surface mapping results define high-quality, high-probability drill targets.
Five permitted drill sites (blue stars), for which 4 are displayed on Figures 5 & 6,
Majority of the Amax Gold historical gold production was from the Lookout Pit,
Host rocks include a fine-grained volcaniclastic on higher benches, and a dacite breccia at the lower two benches,
Much of the exposed rock has been pervasively silicified (and reported to be quartz-adularia),
Two veins (of which 1 has an associated hydrothermal breccia) occur at the core of the Lower Telegraph mineral zone (Figure 6, shown in green),
Mineralization associated with the 214 Vein is present in the hangingwall of that structure,
A structural control has yet to be determined for the Northern High-Grade Zone (Figure 7), which has been modeled based on historical exploration drilling,
An additional vein, the "Ramp Vein", has been mapped just east of the mine ramp at the UTM Easting of about 679200 (Figure 5). Two grab samples, with gold grades of 7.1 & 8.6 g/t, have been received on the 1-meter- thick vein: currently insufficient data available to determine a 3D model for the vein.
大部分Amax Gold的历史黄金产量来自观景坑
在矿井坡道以东约679200 UTM东经处绘制了一条附加矿脉“坡道矿脉”(图5)。收到了两个抓取样品,金品位分别为7.1和8.6克/吨,目前尚无足够的数据可用于确定该矿脉的三维模型
Figure 5: Lookout Zone - Surface Mapping and Sampling Results
Figure 6: Lookout 3D Grade Shell & Vein Models
图6: Lookout 3D等级外壳和矿脉模型
Figure 7 North High-Grade Gradeshell
图7 北部高品级外壳
Highest surface gold grade, sampling a northwest trending banded vein, of 45.4 g/t,
The Nose Zone can be drill-explored, at depth, from a permitted drill station located at the bottom of the Lookout Pit (Figure 8),
Primary northeast trending vein set cut by a swarm of northwest trending veins (Figure 8),
The extent of 214 Vein has been defined to extend across the Nose Zone, with a surface grab sample that assayed 24 g/t gold,
Hydrothermal breccia (poly-lithic) developed along a northeast trending vein, the "Rim Vein" (Figure 9), that is located along the rim of the pit, and at the intersection of northwest trending veins (displayed blue in Figure 10),
The Rim Vein and associated hydrothermal breccia, particularly at intersections with the 214 and northwest trending veins, presents a highly compelling drill target at depth,
Mapped veins and the associated breccia body have been modeled in 3D,
The surface of the Nose Zone is at an approximate elevation of 300 feet (100m) above the Lookout Pit bottom,
Euhedral adularia and quartz replacement of calcite identified at several locations.
沿着一条向东北走的矿脉依次形成的热液角砾岩(多岩性),“Rim Vein”(图9),位于坑缘,在向西北走的矿脉的交汇处(图10中蓝色显示),
Rim Vein及其相关热液角砾岩,特别是穿越214和向西北走的矿脉的交叉口,是一个非常引人注目的深度钻探目标,
Figure 8: Nose - Surface Mapping and Sampling Results
Figure 9: Nose Banded Vein in contact with Hydrothermal Breccia
Figure 10: Nose 3D Hydrothermal Breccia and Vein Models
Providence Pit
Highest gold value for the Providence Zone is 37.9 g/t,
The Providence Pit was a site of modest open-pit historical production by Amax Gold,
Most of the Hayden Hill historical underground mine production was from the Golden Eagle northwest trending veins (anecdotally, 12 - 20 feet wide, with grades up to 1 opt),
The Providence veins are primarily oriented to the northeast (Figure 11),
The northwest trending Golden Eagle veins intersect the northeast trending Providence veins within the current pit location,
One (1) approved drill station to explore the zone targeting the intersection of the Providence and Golden Eagle zones,
Additional surface structural mapping is required to guide 3D modeling,
Lithology consists of a fine-grained volcaniclastic, up section, and dacite breccia to depth,
Dacite breccia is pervasively silicified for much of the pit exposures.
普罗维登斯坑是Amax Gold的历史性小型露天开采地点,
海登山历史地下矿场的大部分产出来自Golden Eagle向西北走的矿脉(据传12-20英尺宽,品位高达1 opt),
Figure 11: Providence Pit - Surface Mapping and Sampling Results
David Flint, MSc, AIPG-CPG, a qualified person as defined in NI 43-101 and a director of the company, has reviewed and approved the technical information in this press release.
David Flint,msc,AIPG-CPG,该公司的董事,被定义为符合NI 43-101标准的合格人员,已审查并批准了本新闻稿中的技术信息。
About Four Nines Gold Inc.
关于Four Nines Gold Inc.
Four Nines Gold Inc. has the right to acquire 100% of the Hayden Hill Mine from a Kinross Gold USA Inc subsidiary. The Company is exploring and developing the project in mining-friendly Northern California. Hayden Hill is a former producing mine with 99,862.42 meters of drilling in 742 holes and no systematic property exploration since the mine closed in 1997. For more information, please get in touch with the Company at or visit our website at for project updates and related background information.
Four Nines Gold Inc.有权从Kinross Gold USA Inc子公司那里收购Hayden Hill Mine的100%。该公司正在加利福尼亚北部开采和开发该项目,该州是一个友好的矿业地区。海登山是一座曾有生产的矿山,共钻探99,862.42米,742个洞口,自1997年关闭以来没有系统地进行过任何物业勘探。如需更多信息,请与公司联系 ,或访问我们的网站www.fourninesgold.ca以获取项目更新和相关背景信息。
Four Nines Gold Inc.
Charles Ross
1000 - 409 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC, V6C 1T2
Tel: 604.602.0001
Charles Ross
1000 - 409 Granville Street
温哥华,BC,V6C 1T2
Forward-looking statements
前瞻性声明 本新闻稿中包括的关于未来表现和结果、预期、规划、策略、重点、承诺和其他声明(包括与我们社会、环境和其他可持续性目标有关的声明)的非历史事实的前瞻性声明,是根据美国联邦证券法的定义而作出的前瞻性声明。本新闻稿中关于我们环境和其他可持续性计划和目标的前瞻性声明以及其他声明并不意味着这些声明对于投资者、我们的业务、运营结果、财务状况、前景或策略、对我们在可持续发展事项上的影响或其他当事方来说均是重要的,或者必须披露在我们向证券交易委员会(“SEC”)或其他监管机构的备案中。此外,历史、现有及未来涉及社会、环境和可持续性的相关声明可能是基于仍在发展的衡量进展的标准、不断演变的内部控制和流程以及假设,在将来可能会发生变化。前瞻性声明基于当前的信仰、期望和假设,并受到可能导致实际结果与前瞻性声明有实质性差异的重大风险、不确定性和情况变化的影响。
This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). Statements and information that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are frequently, but not always, identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "potential", "possible" and similar expressions, or statements that events, conditions or results "will", "may", "could" or "should" occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements and the assumptions made in respect thereof involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors beyond the Company's control. Forward-looking statements in this press release include statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions of the Company. Mineral exploration is highly speculative and characterized by several significant risks, which even a combination of careful evaluation, experience and knowledge may not eliminate. Forward-looking statements in this press release are made as of the date herein. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking statements in this press release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information or future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law.
Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its regulation services provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
SOURCE: Four Nines Gold Inc.
来源:Four Nines Gold Inc。