
Investing Tips From Market-Crushing Fund Manager Who Delivered Over 4X Returns Than S&P 500 Over 32 Years: From Choosing Undervalued Stocks To His Best Trades Ever And More

Investing Tips From Market-Crushing Fund Manager Who Delivered Over 4X Returns Than S&P 500 Over 32 Years: From Choosing Undervalued Stocks To His Best Trades Ever And More

选自市场领先的基金经理投资技巧:在32年的时间里,他的收益率超过S&P 500指数的4倍以上。从选择低估股票到他的最佳交易,他的经验总结和更多内容。
Benzinga ·  07/10 06:18

For over three decades, Bob Robotti has not just participated in the market, he has decimated the average returns of the S&P 500. With a blend of keen insight, patient strategy, and an unerring eye for value, Robotti's investment acumen has led his Ravenswood fund to nearly a 100-fold increase since its inception in 1992.

三十多年来,Bob Robotti不仅仅参与了市场,而是打败了标普500的平均回报率。通过敏锐的洞察力、耐心策略和无误价值洞察力的结合,Robotti的投资能力使得他的Ravenswood基金自1992年成立以来增长了近100倍。

In a landscape where beating the market consistently is almost a mythic feat, Robotti has shared his unique approach, in an interview with Business Insider, to uncovering hidden gems in the stock market. He also shed light on common pitfalls investors often fall into and shared insights into one of his most successful trades.

在几乎成为一种神话般的战胜市场的格局中,Robotti在接受Business Insider的采访中分享了他独特的方法,揭示了股市中隐藏的宝石。他还揭示了常见投资者常犯的陷阱,并分享了其中一次最成功的交易的见解。

Inside The Investment Strategies Of This Market-Crushing Manager


Robotti's investment philosophy is deeply rooted in the value boom of the mid-1970s. He holds the belief that markets are inherently inefficient, leading to stocks often trading above or below their actual worth. This, according to Robotti, opens up opportunities for active managers to reap substantial returns.


"What we're really looking for is opportunities where that dollar can also compound to be two, four, 10," Robotti stated.

“我们真正寻找的是机会,让那个美元也可以复合为2、4、10个美元,” Robotti表示。

"I am not a value investor — I'm a growth investor. I am looking at businesses that have significant growth from a cyclical recovery and a depressed business."

“我不是价值投资者 - 我是成长投资者。我看的是那些从周期性恢复和萧条的企业中具有显着成长的企业。”

Identifying Undervalued Companies


His strategy revolves around identifying undervalued companies and patiently waiting for their rebound. Robotti believes that the market often overlooks the economics of a business, and when it finally recognizes it, the stock price follows suit.


"It's all about the economics, stupid — that's what drives stock prices," Robotti said, echoing the famous saying by political strategist James Carville.

“这与经济学有关,傻瓜 - 这是推动股票价格的原因,” Robotti说,回应政治策略家詹姆斯·卡维尔的著名说法。

His Best Trade Ever


Robotti illustrated his strategy with the example of Tidewater (NYSE:TDW), a Houston-based oil services firm. When he joined the board in June 2021, the company was trading for about $14 per share. Fast forward three years, and it's trading for over $90.

Robotti用Tidewater (NYSE:TDW)的例子说明了他的策略。这是一家总部位于休斯敦的油气服务公司。当他于2021年6月加入董事会时,该公司的股价约为每股14美元。三年后,它的股价已经达到90美元以上。

"Three, four years ago I went around to people and said, 'Here's the stock: This company trades for 20 cents on the dollar, the business is one in which the supply-demand is going to come in balance; when it does, the value of this business will be equal to the replacement cost of those assets, which is five times higher than where it is today,'" Robotti explained.

“三四年前,我找大家说,‘这里有一只股票:这家公司以20美分的价格交易,这是一家供需平衡的公司,当它达到平衡时,该企业的价值将等于这些资产的替代成本,它比今天高五倍多。’” Robotti解释道。

Despite Tidewater's success, Robotti remains focused on the long term. "If you bought it at 20 cents on the dollar and it doubles, you don't sell it at 40 cents on the dollar," Robotti said. "If anything, you buy more at 40 cents on the dollar because the economic fact pattern that drives the realization of the economics is manifesting."


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