
Ford Pro Insure, Powered by Pie, Now Offered in 7 States, With Usage-based Option in Minnesota

Ford Pro Insure, Powered by Pie, Now Offered in 7 States, With Usage-based Option in Minnesota

Ford Pro Insure现在在7个州提供,明尼苏达州提供使用基于用量计费的选项,由Pie提供支持。
PR Newswire ·  07/10 09:01
  • Ford Pro Insure*, commercial auto insurance to support Ford Pro vehicle fleets, is now in seven states – Maryland, Minnesota, Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee and Wisconsin
  • Minnesota is the first state with a Ford Pro Insure usage-based insurance option – which can help customers with fleet management and costs
  • Ford Pro Insure is part of the ecosystem of vehicles, software, charging, service and financing supporting productivity for Ford Pro customers
  • 福特Pro保险*,为福特Pro车队提供商业汽车保险,在马里兰州、明尼苏达州、亚利桑那州、伊利诺伊州、印第安纳州、田纳西州和威斯康星州提供支持。
  • 明尼苏达州是第一个拥有福特Pro Insure车队管理和成本的最佳选择的州 - 这可以帮助客户。
  • 福特Pro Insure是支持福特Pro客户的车辆、软件、充电、服务和融资生态系统的一部分,支持生产力。

DENVER, July 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ford Pro is broadening the availability of its commercial auto coverage, Ford Pro Insure, to Maryland and Minnesota. Ford Pro Insure is underwritten by Ford Credit's insurance subsidiary and powered by Pie Insurance.

丹佛,2024年7月10日 / PRNewswire / - 福特Pro正在将其商业汽车保险福特Pro Insure的可用性扩大到马里兰州和明尼苏达州。福特Pro Insure由福特信贷保险子公司承保,由Pie Insurance提供支持。

"We're continuing to bring Ford Pro Insure to new states, giving more Ford Pro customers another piece of the puzzle to have the most efficient and productive fleets they can," said Craig Carrington, executive vice president of Ford Pro FinSimple, Ford Credit's brand that includes commercial financing and insurance.

"我们将继续将福特Pro Insure引入新的州,为更多福特Pro客户提供最有效和生产效率最高的车队拼图中的另一块,"福特Pro FinSimple的执行副总裁克雷格·卡林顿说,福特信贷的品牌包括商业融资和保险。

"We're proud to offer Ford Pro Insure to more of the small and medium businesses that make up so much of our nation's economy, adding to the end-to-end support delivered through Ford Pro."

"我们很自豪地向组成我国经济大部分的中小型企业提供福特Pro Insure,增加了通过福特Pro提供的端到端支持。"

While Ford Pro Insure is now offered in seven states across the country, Minnesota is the first where customers will be offered two choices: a standard policy or a usage-based policy that leverages the data capabilities on new Ford Pro vehicles.

虽然福特Pro Insure现在在全国范围内的七个州提供服务,但明尼苏达州是第一个提供两种选择的州:标准保单或利用新福特Pro车辆的数据功能的基于使用情况的保单。

"Enrollment in the usage-based policy earns a 10% discount for businesses and allows business owners greater influence over rates as they manage use of their fleets," Carrington said. Businesses enrolled in Ford Pro Telematics may be eligible for additional discounts.

"注册使用基于使用情况的保单可为企业获得10%的折扣,并允许业主在管理车队使用情况时对利率产生更大的影响,"卡林顿说。注册福特Pro Telematics的企业可能有资格获得额外的折扣。

Pie specializes in small-business commercial insurance and, as managing general agent, provides sales, distribution, underwriting, servicing and claims for Ford Pro Insure customers in Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Tennessee and Wisconsin. In Minnesota, coverage is available through, and Pie manages all but distribution.

Pie专注于小企业商业保险,并作为管理总代理为亚利桑那州、伊利诺伊州、印第安纳州、马里兰州、田纳西州和威斯康星州的福特Pro Insure客户提供销售、分销、承保、服务和理赔。在明尼苏达州,覆盖范围可通过获得,并由Pie管理除分销以外的所有内容。

"Ford Pro Insure's growth is a testament to the demand from business owners for a more data-driven type of auto coverage that also comes with a complete suite of services whenever and wherever they need it," said Dax Craig, co-founder and president of Pie. "We're motivated by the great feedback we've heard from business owners and our agency partners to continue to enable small businesses to thrive by making commercial auto insurance, along with our other commercial insurance products, affordable and as easy as pie."

"福特Pro Insure的增长证明了企业主们对更具数据驱动性的汽车保险类型的需求,这种保险还提供了每当他们需要时提供完整服务的证明。" Pie联合创始人兼总裁达克斯·克雷格说:"我们受到来自企业主和代理伙伴的很多好评,因此继续使小企业如丝般顺畅地进入商业汽车保险,以及我们的其他商业保险产品,价格合理,简单易行。"

Ford Pro Insure is underwritten by Ford Credit subsidiary The American Road Insurance Company (TARIC) and covers commercial vehicles purchased through Ford Pro and other channels.

福特Pro Insure由福特信贷子公司美国道路保险公司(TARIC)承保,涵盖通过福特Pro及其他渠道购买的商用车辆。

Ford Pro Insure commercial auto coverage is available through, and affiliated Pie agents.

福特Pro Insure商业汽车保险可通过、pieinsurance.com和附属Pie代理商获得。

*Ford Pro Insure is a brand of commercial auto policies issued by The American Road Insurance Company (TARIC) (NAIC 19631), an admitted insurance carrier and subsidiary of Ford Motor Company and Ford Credit. Ford Pro Insure policies are sold and administered by Pie Insurance Services, Inc. (Pie Insurance), a licensed insurance producer and non-affiliate of TARIC. (Licenses available at Information provided is subject to Pie's and TARIC's privacy policies ( and Not available in all states and situations. Coverage subject to policy terms and conditions.

*Ford Pro Insure是由福特公司及其信贷子公司的一个商业汽车保单品牌,美国道路保险公司(TARIC)(NAIC 19631)是一家承认的保险公司,是福特公司和福特信贷的子公司。福特Pro Insure保单由Pie保险服务公司(Pie Insurance)销售和管理,Pie是具有牌照的保险生产者,与TARIC无关。(许可证可在上获得。)提供的信息受Pie和TARIC的隐私政策( 和的限制。在所有状态和情况下都不可用。保单条款和条件约束。

About Ford Motor Credit Company
Ford Motor Credit Company is a leading automotive financial services company, providing dealer and customer financing to support the sale of Ford Motor Company products around the world. This includes financial services through Lincoln Automotive Financial Services in the United States, Canada and China, and for commercial customers through the Ford Pro FinSimple brand in North America and Europe. Its retail insurance brands include Ford Insure and Lincoln Motor Company Insure. Ford Credit is a subsidiary of Ford established in 1959. For more information, visit , or .

福特汽车信贷公司是一家领先的汽车金融服务公司,为支持全球福特汽车公司产品的销售提供经销商和客户融资。这包括在美国、加拿大和中国通过林肯汽车金融服务以及在北美和欧洲通过福特Pro FinSimple品牌为商业客户提供的金融服务。其零售保险品牌包括福特保险和林肯汽车公司保险。福特信贷是福特公司于1959年成立的子公司。有关更多信息,请访问, 或者。

About Pie Insurance
Pie Insurance is leveraging technology to transform how small businesses buy and experience commercial insurance, with the goal of making it affordable and as easy as pie. Pie's intense focus on granular, sophisticated pricing, and data-driven customer segmentation enables Pie to match price with risk accurately across a broad spectrum of small business types, which allows Pie to offer more affordable insurance to small business owners. Since 2017, Pie has received over $615 million in funding and partnered with over 4,000 agencies nationwide.

Pie Insurance正在利用技术来改变小企业购买和体验商业保险的方式,旨在使商业保险变得负担得起且易如反掌。Pie对细致、复杂的定价和数据驱动的客户细分的强调使Pie能够在广泛的小型企业类型中准确匹配风险和价格,从而向小企业业主提供更实惠的保险。自2017年以来,Pie已获得超过6,150万美元的资金,并与全国4000多家代理机构合作。

SOURCE Pie Insurance

出处: Pie保险

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