
Your Summer Severe Weather Checklist

Your Summer Severe Weather Checklist

第一能源 ·  07/05 00:00


Warmer weather is here, bringing the sunshine and fun that we all love about summertime – with seasonal storms often in the forecast. By taking a few simple steps, you can be prepared for whatever Mother Nature might have in store this season.


Your Summer Storm Checklist


Follow these steps to prepare for outages before they happen:


  • Sign up for outage alerts and text messaging to get updates if you lose power
  • Assembly an emergency kit with the following items:
    • Fully charged devices and car charger
    • Flashlight, portable radio and extra batteries
    • First-aid kit
    • Bottled water and convenience foods that don't require cooking
    • Personal health items for each person
  • Know how to report a power outage
  • 注册停电警报和短信通知,及时获取停电更新
  • 组装紧急救援工具包,并包含以下物品:
    • 充电充满的设备和车充
    • 手电筒、便携式收音机和备用电池
    • 急救工具包
    • 瓶装水和不需要烹饪的方便食品
    • 每个人的个人保健用品
  • 了解如何报告停电

View more storm prep tips.


Stay Safe During an Outage


If you should lose power, manage through safely by following these tips:


  • Assume all downed or low-hanging power lines are energized and dangerous. Stay at least 30 feet away from the line and anything it might be touching. Report downed lines ASAP to 9-1-1.
  • If you use a backup generator for emergency power, follow the manufacturer's instructions and use it safely.
  • Use a flashlight or battery-powered lantern for light. Use care when burning candles; open flames are a dangerous fire hazard.
  • 假定所有倒下或悬挂的电线都是通电和危险的。距离线路和任何可能触碰到的物体至少30英尺。立即向 911报告倒下的电线。
  • 如果您使用备用发电机来获得紧急电力,请遵循制造商的说明并安全使用。
  • 用手电筒或电池供电的灯笼照明。点蜡烛时要小心,明火是危险的火灾隐患。

View more power outage tips.


How We Restore Power


When severe weather causes widespread outages, our restoration process helps to keep the public safe while crews work to get customers back up and running.


Immediately after a storm, our priority is to isolate hazards and make areas safe for the public. We then take the following steps to restore power to customers as quickly and safely as possible:


  1. Repair transmission and substation facilities
  2. Restore power to hospitals, police and fire departments and other critical facilities
  3. Address outages affecting the largest number of customers
  4. Restore power to individual homes
  1. 维修变电站和变电设施。
  2. 为医院、警察和消防部门以及其他关键设施恢复电力供应。
  3. 解决影响客户数量最多的停电问题。
  4. 恢复个人住宅的电力供应。

Learn more about our restoration process.


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