3-Story Cannabis Shop In Times Square, First Social Equity Marijuana Shop Shuts Doors And More New Stores To Buy Legal Weed
3-Story Cannabis Shop In Times Square, First Social Equity Marijuana Shop Shuts Doors And More New Stores To Buy Legal Weed
First Social Equity Weed Store In The Country Is No Longer Selling Cannabis
Blunts + Moore, the first social equity cannabis store nationwide was closed this past March.
Blunts + Moore是全国第一家社交公平大麻店,于今年三月关闭。
Alphonso "Tucky" Blunt Jr., who grew up in Oakland during the War on Drugs era, was the first person to open a dispensary under Oakland's Cannabis Equity Program in 2018. Now the store is no longer selling cannabis as Blunt's landlord refused to renew his lease.
Alphonso "Tucky" Blunt Jr.在毒品战争期间在奥克兰长大,是2018年最先根据奥克兰大麻公平计划开设大麻店的人。现在,由于Blunt的房东拒绝续签他的租约,该店不再销售大麻。
Green Market Report's John Schroyer called Blunt's story "a cautionary tale for cannabis entrepreneurs with dollar signs in their eyes, a warning signal that...
Green Market Report的John S...