
Ada IQ Welcomes Liz Graham as New CEO to Drive Expansion, Innovation

Ada IQ Welcomes Liz Graham as New CEO to Drive Expansion, Innovation

Ada IQ欢迎Liz Graham担任新CEO,推动公司扩张与创新
PR Newswire ·  07/11 03:01

Former HubSpot and Wayfair Executive to Steer Company's Strategic Growth


BOSTON, July 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ada IQ, () a leading AI startup revolutionizing product design and development, today announced the appointment of Liz Graham as its new Chief Executive Officer. With a proven track record of driving growth and innovation in high-velocity environments, Liz brings a wealth of experience and strategic vision to Ada IQ as the company moves into its next chapter.

波士顿,2024年7月11日/美通社/ - Ada IQ,一家领先的人工智能初创公司,正在革新产品设计和开发。今天宣布任命Liz Graham为新任首席执行官。Liz在高速发展的环境中推动增长和创新具有卓著的业绩记录,在前进到下一章的过程中,成为Ada IQ的一个重要财富和战略愿景。, (Liz专注于建立和扩展一些利用技术平台取代传统模式的公司。在加入Ada IQ之前,Graham曾担任Indigo Ag的首席运营官,后者是一家农业可持续性公司,通过推出新技术和转向合作伙伴为导向的策略对公司进行了重大重构。她在许多技术公司扩展了新业务并扩大了业务操作,包括Wayfair。

Ada IQ CEO Liz Graham
Ada IQ首席执行官Liz Graham

Ada IQ's unique solution infuses every stage of the product design process with customer insights, using AI to enhance decision-making, radically reduce time to market, and disrupt all aspects of the product development workflow.

Ada IQ的独特解决方案通过客户洞察力渗透到产品设计过程的每个阶段,使用人工智能增强决策的制定,极大地减少上市时间,并扰乱产品开发工作流的所有方面。

Liz specializes in building and scaling companies that displace legacy models with technology platforms. Before joining Ada IQ, Graham served as Chief Operating Officer at Indigo Ag, an agtech sustainability company, overseeing a significant reshaping of the company through launching new technology and shifting to a partner-led strategy. She has expanded new business and scaled operations at numerous tech companies including Wayfair. Proof (formerly known as Notarize), and HubSpot. This background, combined with her extensive experience in business growth and innovation, uniquely positions her to lead Ada IQ into its next development phase.

Liz擅长构建和扩大用技术平台取代传统模型的公司。在加入Ada IQ之前,Graham曾担任Indigo Ag的首席运营官,后者是一家农业可持续性公司,通过推出新技术和转向合作伙伴为导向的策略对公司进行了重大重构。她在许多技术公司扩展了新业务并扩大了业务操作,包括Wayfair。这种背景,加上她在业务增长和创新方面的广泛经验,使她在领导Ada IQ进入下一阶段的发展方面具备独特的地位。Wayfair。Proof(前身为Notarize)和HubSpot:HubSpot是一个帮助公司增长业务的客户平台。通过增强的双向集成,公司可以将用户群数据从Amplitude带入HubSpot,以便轻松地量身定制电子邮件运营,或将HubSpot数据带入Amplitude,以深入分析运营绩效。。这个背景,加上她在业务增长和创新方面的广泛经验,使她在领导Ada IQ进入下一阶段的发展方面具备独特的地位。

Boston-based Ada IQ has recently secured a $275,000 NSF SBIR Phase One award to integrate its AI Design and Insights platform with PTC Onshape, advancing AI-driven product design. This grant brings Ada IQ's total non-dilutive funding to over $1.25M, supported by Techstars, NSF, and Northeastern University, positioning it as a leader in AI and design innovation. After our recent graduation from Techstars Boston and securing new SBIR funding with PTC, Liz joins us at a pivotal moment.

总部位于波士顿的Ada IQ最近获得了一项价值275,000美元的NSF SBIR一期资助,将其人工智能设计和洞察平台与PTC Onshape进行整合,推进了人工智能驱动的产品设计。这项资助使Ada IQ的总计非稀释性资金超过125万美元,得到了Techstars、NSF和东北大学的支持,使它成为人工智能和设计创新的领导者。在我们最近从波士顿科技创新中心毕业并获得与PTC的新资助之后,Liz在关键时刻加入了我们。

"I am excited to join Ada IQ at such a crucial time," said Liz Graham. "The company's innovative approach to AI-driven product design holds tremendous potential to transform industries. I look forward to working with the talented team at Ada IQ to drive growth, enhance customer success, and push the boundaries of what's possible in AI and design."

“我很高兴在如此关键的时候加入Ada IQ,”Liz Graham表示。“该公司AI驱动的产品设计创新方法具有巨大的潜力来改变行业。我期待着与Ada IQ的才华横溢的团队一起,推动增长,提高客户成功率,并推动AI和设计的无限可能。

Ada IQ's Board of Directors expressed their confidence in Liz's ability to lead the company through its next chapter of growth. "Liz's track record of scaling operations and driving growth at both pre-IPO HubSpot and post-IPO Wayfair makes her the ideal leader for Ada IQ's next stage. Her vision and expertise will be key in advancing our AI technology and improving the product design process for our Fortune 500 brand customers." – Stuart Nixdorff, Co-founder and Board Director, Ada IQ.

Ada IQ的董事会对Liz领导公司迎接增长新阶段的能力表示信心。Ada IQ的董事会表示:“Liz在Pre-IPO HubSpot和Post-IPO Wayfair中扩大了业务规模并推动了公司的增长,这使得她成为Ada IQ的下一个阶段的理想领袖。她的愿景和专业知识将在推进我们的人工智能技术和改进我们的财富500品牌客户的产品设计过程方面发挥关键作用。”- Stuart Nixdorff,Ada IQ的联合创始人和董事。

About Ada IQ
Ada IQ is at the forefront of leveraging artificial intelligence to transform product design. By integrating AI-driven insights into the design process, Ada IQ empowers creators to develop products that not only meet but exceed consumer expectations. Ada IQ is a techstars_ '24 company with funding and support from America's Seed Fund (NSF), NVIDIA and Northeastern University.

关于Ada IQ
Ada IQ处于利用人工智能改变产品设计的最前沿。通过将人工智能驱动的见解整合到设计过程中,Ada IQ赋予创建者开发不仅满足但超出消费者期望的产品的能力。Ada IQ是一个techstars_ 24公司。techstars_'24由America's Seed Fund (NSF),Northeastern University的投资和支持的公司总部位于波士顿的人工智能初创公司Ada IQ很高兴宣布任命Liz Graham为其新任CEO。Liz在她之前在HubSpot和Wayfair担任的职位中积累了丰富的经验,在成功地扩大业务规模和推动显著增长方面取得了成功。随着Ada IQ最近获得了一项价值275,000美元的NSF SBIR一期资助,以及来自Techstars、NSF和东北大学超过125万美元的非稀释性资金,该公司已经做好了为财富500消费品牌改善产品设计流程的准备。Ada IQ的平台利用专有的人工智能模型、核心专利和深入研究,简化决策制定、缩短上市时间并提高盈利能力。, 通过与技术领袖(包括NVIDIA)的合作,飞利浦继续将AI迅速集成到其心血管超声成像产品组合中,以帮助提高效率和生产力,并缓解员工短缺问题,同时为越来越多的患者提供高质量的心脏病学护理。和页面。Madhi Srour,联合创始人.

For more information, please contact:


Madhi Srour, cofounder
[email protected]

Madhi Srour,联合创始人
[email protected]

Boston-based AI startup Ada IQ is excited to announce the appointment of Liz Graham as its new CEO. Liz brings a wealth of experience from her previous roles at HubSpot and Wayfair, where she successfully scaled operations and drove significant growth. With Ada IQ recently securing a $275,000 NSF SBIR Phase One award, alongside over $1.25M in non-dilutive funding from Techstars, NSF, and Northeastern University, the company is well-positioned to enhance the product design process for Fortune 500 consumer brands. Ada IQ's platform leverages proprietary AI models, core patents, and deep research to streamline decision-making shorten time to market and improve profitability.

摘要:总部位于波士顿的人工智能初创公司Ada IQ很高兴地宣布任命Liz Graham为新任CEO。Liz在她之前在HubSpot和Wayfair的职位中积累了丰富的经验,成功地扩大了业务规模并推动了显著的增长。随着Ada IQ最近获得了一项价值275,000美元的NSF SBIR一期资助,以及来自Techstars、NSF和东北大学超过125万美元的非稀释性资金,该公司已经做好了为财富500消费品牌改善产品设计流程的准备。Ada IQ的平台利用专有的人工智能模型、核心专利和深入研究,简化决策制定、缩短上市时间并提高盈利能力。

Pull Quotes:
"Liz's track record of scaling operations and driving growth at both pre-IPO HubSpot and post-IPO Wayfair makes her the ideal leader for Ada IQ's next stage. Her vision and expertise will be key in advancing our AI technology and improving the product design process for our Fortune 500 brand customers." – Stuart Nixdorff, Co-founder and Board Director, Ada IQ

"在 HubSpot 上市之前和 Wayfair 上市后扩展运营和促进增长的记录,使她成为 Ada IQ 下个阶段的理想领袖。 她的愿景和专业知识在推进我们的人工智能技术和改善我们的财富500品牌客户的产品设计过程中将是关键因素。" - Stuart Nixdorff(Ada IQ的联合创始人和董事)

"I am excited to join Ada IQ at this pivotal moment. Our AI-driven platform is poised to redefine product design and set new industry standards. I'm eager to work with this exceptional team to drive innovation, growth, and customer success," said Liz Graham, CEO, Ada IQ.

"加入 Ada IQ 正处于关键时刻,我感到非常兴奋。我们的人工智能驱动平台有望重新定义产品设计,树立新的行业标准。我渴望与这个出色的团队合作,推动创新、增长和客户成功," - Liz Graham (Ada IQ的CEO)。

"Bringing Liz on board is a game-changer for Ada IQ. Her leadership and strategic insight will be invaluable as we integrate our AI platform with PTC Onshape and continue to innovate in the product design space," said Dr. Tucker Marion, Co-founder and Academic Founder, Ada IQ.

"让 Liz 加入 Ada IQ 对我们来说具有非常重大的意义。随着我们将我们的人工智能平台与 PTC Onshape 结合并在产品设计领域继续进行创新,她的领导力和战略洞见将是非常宝贵的。" - Dr. Tucker Marion(Ada IQ的联合创始人和学术创始人)。



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