


PR Newswire ·  07/11 08:47

The competition underscores Dole's Sunshine For All Cities Program - dedicated to expanding access to quality food and nutrition education in underserved communities

这场比赛凸显了Dole的Sunshine For All Cities计划,旨在扩大弱势社区获得优质食品和营养教育的机会。

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., July 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As part of their ongoing commitment to address the food & nutrition inequities countless families face nationwide, Dole Packaged Foods awarded Junior Chef Deniasha Burton of Baltimore, MD with savings bonds and state-of-the-art cooking equipment from GE Appliances, cast iron cookware courtesy of Lodge Cast Iron and autographed cookbooks to help further their cooking education, plus more following a successful win at Dole's 2024 "Nutritious is Delicious Cook-Off" event.

加利福尼亚州威斯特莱克市,2024年7月11日/ PRNewswire /-作为持续承诺解决全国无数家庭饮食营养不平衡问题的一部分,Dole包装食品成功赢得Dole 2024年“营养美味烹饪大赛”后,Dole Packaged Foods授予美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市的初中厨师德尼亚莎·伯顿(Deniasha Burton)储蓄债券、GE电器的最先进的烹饪设备,Lodge Cast Iron提供的铸铁炊具和签名烹饪书籍,以帮助他们进一步提高烹饪技巧等。

Dole Packaged Foods hosts cook-off as part of ongoing commitment to addressing food and nutrition inequities nationwide.


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Dole's Sunshine For All Cities 2024 "Nutritious is Delicious Cook-Off"
Dole的Sunshine For All Cities 2024年“营养美味烹饪大赛”

Deniasha Burton, age 9 from Baltimore, prepared Aloha Chicken Paradise – a dish inspired by Hawaiian barbecue flavors made with sauteed chicken, broccolini and Dole Canned Pineapple Jasmine Rice. Contestants Daleyza Angulo, age 10 from Merced, prepared Chipotle Steak Tacos With Dole Canned Pineapple Avocado Salsa and Caylee Boyd, age 10 from Jackson, MS, prepared Grilled Dole Canned Pineapple Catfish and Grits.

来自巴尔的摩市的9岁的Deniasha Burton准备了夏威夷烧烤风味的阿罗哈鸡乐园鸡饭,以Dole罐装菠萝香米、牛肉丝、西兰花制成。10岁的Daleyza Angulo来自美塞德,准备了带Dole罐装菠萝鳄梨沙拉的Chipotle牛排玉米卷,10岁的Caylee Boyd来自密西西比州杰克逊,她准备了烤Dole罐装菠萝鲶鱼和米粥。

Burton joined two other junior culinary standouts from regional competitions at Boys & Girls Club locations in Merced, CA and Jackson, MS in competing in the finals event at the Dole Packaged Foods US Headquarters in Westlake Village, CA on Friday, June 28. Judged by dignified program supporters including renowned chefs and restaurant industry leaders, the competition was part of Dole's commitment to increase access to delicious, quality fruit nationwide as part of the Sunshine For All Cities Program.

伯顿与来自美国加利福尼亚州梅尔塞德和密西西比州杰克逊的另外两名年轻厨师一起进入了Dole Package Foods的美国总部,参加于6月28日星期五在威斯特莱克市举行的决赛。比赛由著名厨师和餐厅行业领袖评选,是Dole承诺增加全国美味优质水果进入市场的一部分,也是Sunshine For All Cities计划的一部分。Sunshine For All Cities“通过面向所有城市儿童的烹饪营,我喜欢学习新的食谱和烹饪技巧。我也很喜欢与他人一起工作,”大奖得主Deniasha Burton分享道,他们的果汁食谱阿罗哈鸡乐园赢得了比赛,“我一直吃水果和蔬菜。我现在知道如何用不同的方法准备水果和蔬菜,包括冰沙。”

"Through the Sunshine for All Cities Kids Cooking Camp, I enjoyed learning new recipes and cooking techniques. I also enjoyed meeting and working with others," shared Grand Prize winner Deniasha Burton, who won with their fruit-forward recipe Aloha Chicken Paradise, "I have always eaten fruits and vegetables. I now know how to prepare them in different ways including smoothies."

自2020年推出Sunshine For All Cities以来,Dole联合计划合作伙伴美国男女童子军组织、 Partnership For A Healthier America和Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation,通过与当地合作伙伴协作,已经通过分发750万份水果和完成4500小时的烹饪教学,帮助超过11万个家庭获得更好的营养。这个亲手实践的营养教育和烹饪教学计划强调健康食物的重要性,并在教育孩子和家庭如何准备更营养的饭菜方面起到了作用。这个计划是Dole Promise的一部分,旨在为受服务不足社区提供更多的优质食物。

Since launching Sunshine For All Cities in 2020, Dole, alongside program partners Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Partnership For A Healthier America, and Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation, has helped over 110,000 families gain access to better nutrition by distributing over 7.5 million servings of fruit and completing over 4,500 hours of cooking instruction in collaboration with local partners. The hands-on nutrition education and cooking instruction program emphasizes the importance of healthy foods and educates kids and families on how to prepare more nutritious meals. This initiative is part of the Dole Promise to provide increased access to quality food in underserved communities.

Dole Packaged Foods美国总裁Orzse Hodi表示:“对我们团队来说,继续投资于不仅通过教育弥补营养差距,而且还赋予儿童追求和在烹饪方面取得卓越成就的机会非常重要。我们与美国男女童子军组织和Partnership for a Healthier America合作的这些倡议,旨在打击食品和营养上的不安全因素,同时我们也在寻求扩大进入我们于今年晚些时候将推出的第四个城市的机会。”Dole Promise为不足服务的社区提供增加获得优质食品的机会是Dole的承诺。

"For our team at Dole, it is important to us that we continue to invest in opportunities that not only bridge the nutrition gap through education but also empower children to pursue and excel in their culinary passions," stated Orzse Hodi, President of Dole Packaged Foods, USA. "Our initiatives, in partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Partnership for a Healthier America, drive our mission to combat food and nutrition insecurity as we look to expand access to our fourth City being unveiled later this year."

Partnership for A Healthier America的SVP Market & Communications Jason Wilson表示:“目前只有一个孩子中的十分之一能吃到每日建议摄入的水果和蔬菜,我们知道拥有健康食品和营养知识和技能来在家烹饪有多么重要。 Sunshine for All Cities计划通过为家庭提供烹饪课程和营养教育,加之通过Good Stuff Kiosk提供健康食品的方式,帮助解决了这两个问题。这两个重要计划的结合有助于让家庭摄入更多的水果和蔬菜,这是社区健康的关键组成部分。”

"Implementing the Sunshine for All Cities program and adding the Kids Cooking Camp have significantly boosted our membership enrollment and retention. The program's focus on teaching children to cook has fostered a range of positive impacts. Participants develop healthy habits early on, contributing to a lifelong positive relationship with food. Through hands-on cooking classes, children learn about dietary concerns and understand the profound impact that food can have on their overall health. This educational approach empowers them to make healthier food choices and appreciate the importance of nutrition," said Abina Rogers, Manager of the Boys & Girls Club of Metropolitan Baltimore.

为庆祝他们对有营养烹饪创意的成就和贡献,所颁发的奖品包括储蓄债券,以继续学习烹饪;GE电器提供的高端厨房电器;Lodge Cast Iron提供的铸铁器皿;著名厨师Ziggy Marley、Ally Phillips和Jamie Gwen的签名烹饪书籍;以及来自Black Girls Cook的特色调味品。此外,三位选手和他们的家人还有幸参观了好莱坞的星光大道,开展了互动晚餐,并在Hyatt Regency Westlake Village、Andaz Hotel West Hollywood和Maria's Italian Kitchen的厨房里一起探索和准备食物。

"Currently, only one in 10 children eat the daily recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables," said Jason Wilson, SVP Marketing & Communications for Partnership for a Healthier America. "At Partnership for a Healthier America, we know how important it is to not only have access to healthy food, but also the knowledge and skills to prepare nutritious meals at home. The Sunshine for All Cities program helps to tackle both of those by providing cooking classes and nutrition education for families alongside a healthy food access point through the Good Stuff Kiosk. The combination of these two critical programs helps to get families eating more fruits and vegetables, which is a critical component to community health."


In celebration of their accomplishments and dedication to nutritious culinary creations, prizes awarded included savings bonds to continue their culinary education, premium kitchen appliances courtesy of GE Appliances, a cast iron set courtesy of Lodge Cast Iron, autographed cookbooks from acclaimed chefs Ziggy Marley, Ally Phillips, and Jamie Gwen, and signature spice blends from Black Girls Cook. Plus, all three contestants and their families were treated to a tour of Hollywood courtesy of Starline Tours, interactive dinners where they got to tour and prepare food in the kitchens at the Hyatt Regency Westlake Village, Andaz Hotel West Hollywood and Maria's Italian Kitchen.

关于Dole Packaged Foods,LLC

The Nutritious is Delicious Cook-Off is just the beginning of an exciting year ahead for the program. To learn more and how to support, visit


About Dole Packaged Foods, LLC
Dole Packaged Foods, LLC, is a world leader in growing, sourcing, distributing, and marketing fruit and healthy snacks in four core categories: Beverage, Snacks, Frozen, and Pantry. The company sells a full line of packaged shelf stable fruit, frozen fruit, dried fruit and juices and focuses on supporting four pillars of sustainability: water management, carbon footprint, soil conservation and waste reduction. For more information, please visit


About Sunshine for All Cities
Dole's Sunshine For All Cities Program is an ambitious, coordinated, national effort designed to develop sustainable solutions to address the health and wellness inequities that face countless kids and families every day. The program aims to educate kids and families about the importance of good nutrition and how to prepare more nutritious meals while providing increased access to quality food in underserved communities – a mission Dole is working towards as part of the Dole Promise. To learn more, visit


SOURCE Dole Packaged Foods, LLC


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