
DB Schenker Signs Record-breaking Commitment to Cathay's Corporate SAF Programme

DB Schenker Signs Record-breaking Commitment to Cathay's Corporate SAF Programme

DB Schenker签署了与国泰公司可持续航空燃料计划相关的创纪录承诺
太古股份公司B(ADR) ·  07/11 00:00

Cathay continues to make progress in growing its sustainable aviation fuel programme with the forwarding giant giving it a significant boost to reduce emissions for its cargo shipments


DB Schenker is the latest member of the air-cargo community to join Cathay's Corporate Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Programme. With its commitment to reduce its carbon emissions through the programme, DB Schenker has become the biggest contributor to the scheme to date.



The Corporate SAF Programme was established in 2022 to help tackle climate change. It enables members to purchase SAF for uplift on Cathay Pacific and Cathay Cargo flights, from Hong Kong and other ports on the network. By joining and committing to buy 878 tonnes of SAF (the equivalent of 290,000 US gallons), DB Schenker has further demonstrated its commitment to reducing the climate impact of its air cargo activities, which dates back to 2020 when it started to use SAF for a proportion of its transport volumes.

企业SAF计划成立于2022年,旨在帮助应对气候变化。它允许会员从香港和网络上的其他港口购买 SAF 以提升国泰航空和国泰货运航班的活力。通过加入并承诺购买878吨SAF(相当于29万美制加仑),德铁信可进一步表明了其减少其航空货运活动对气候影响的承诺,该承诺可以追溯到2020年,当时它开始在部分运输量中使用SAF。

SAF is a crucial tool for the aviation industry to reduce emissions as it works towards its target of carbon neutrality by 2050. Cathay Pacific has committed to 10% of its fuel needs being derived from SAF by 2030. The project runs alongside Cathay Cargo's Fly Greener programme, which offers high-quality carbon offsetting through Gold Standard certified community and environmental projects.

在航空业努力实现到2050年的碳中和目标的过程中,SAF是减少排放的重要工具。国泰航空已承诺,到2030年,其燃料需求的10%将来自SAF。该项目与国泰货运的Fly Greener计划并驾齐驱,该计划通过金标准认证的社区和环境项目提供高质量的碳补偿。

The Cathay Group also recently signed a memorandum of understanding with Singapore Airlines to collaborate on a variety of initiatives to promote the development and take-up of SAF in the Asia Pacific region, and to highlight SAF's central role in the decarbonisation of aviation. Ahead of that, Cathay Cargo has secured orders for new next-generation Airbus A350F freighters, which offer greater fuel economy.

国泰集团最近还与新加坡航空签署了一份谅解备忘录,合作开展各种举措,以促进SAF在亚太地区的发展和采用,并强调新加坡航空在航空脱碳中的核心作用。在此之前,国泰货运已获得新一代空中客车 A350F 货机的订单,该货机可提供更高的燃油经济性。

Cathay Director Cargo Tom Owen said: "We are delighted to welcome DB Schenker as the newest member of the Cathay Corporate SAF Programme – and the biggest contributor to date. It is great to have this level of support from such an important player in the air cargo industry to work with us in decarbonising aviation. By replacing conventional jet fuel with sustainable aviation fuel, DB Schenker's commitment is the equivalent of saving more than 2,600 tonnes in CO2 emissions. This powerfully conveys the message that there is real and growing demand for SAF and this partnership is testament to the collaborative ethos of Greener Together, as we move one step closer to the goal of a more sustainable air cargo industry."

国泰航空货运董事汤姆·欧文说:“我们很高兴欢迎德铁信可成为国泰企业SAF计划的最新成员,也是迄今为止最大的捐款者。能得到航空货运行业如此重要的参与者的如此高水平的支持,与我们合作实现航空脱碳,真是太好了。通过用可持续航空燃料取代传统的喷气燃料,德铁信可的承诺相当于节省了超过2600吨的二氧化碳排放。这有力地传达了这样一个信息,即对SAF的需求真实且不断增长,这种伙伴关系证明了Greener Together的合作精神,因为我们离更可持续的航空货运行业的目标又近了一步。”

Thorsten Meincke, Global Board Member for Air and Ocean Freight at DB Schenker, added: "By partnering with Cathay Pacific on SAF, we are reinforcing our sustainability commitment and leadership in the skies. The collaboration underlines our environmental stewardship in air cargo and supports the global push for SAF by increasing demand for it across more regions across the globe, which will ultimately contribute to a more sustainable future."


Working with different fuel supplier partners , Cathay has been able to uplift SAF at its Hong Kong hub and other ports across its network. The SAF used for the arrangement with DB Schenker is derived from waste cooking oil and animal fats. As part of the programme, the airline issues members with documentation to prove their Scope 3 emissions reductions from their flights using SAF. Dependent on the fuel's feedstock and production process, SAF can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 80% on a life-cycle basis compared to conventional jet fuel.

国泰航空与不同的燃料供应商合作伙伴合作,得以提升其香港枢纽和网络中其他港口的SAF。用于与 Db Schenker 安排的 SAF 来自废弃食用油和动物脂肪。作为该计划的一部分,该航空公司向会员发放文件,以证明他们使用SAF在航班上减少了Scope 3的排放。根据燃料的原料和生产工艺,与传统的喷气燃料相比,SAF可以在生命周期内减少80%以上的温室气体排放。

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