
Cleancult Commences Plastic Intervention Initiative With Intention-Setting Effigies and Easy Ways to Exorcize the #plastICK!

Cleancult Commences Plastic Intervention Initiative With Intention-Setting Effigies and Easy Ways to Exorcize the #plastICK!

PR Newswire ·  07/12 07:02

No-plastic fanatics from Cleancult are vision-boarding a better future with a summer indoctrination to program to reduce plastic waste


NEW YORK, July 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cleancult, the eco-warrior cutting 90% of single-use plastic from cleaning rituals, unveils a Plastic Intervention program, a stepping stone to Plastic Free July with attainable goals encouraging more people to reduce plastic use for the entire summer and beyond.


No-plastic fanatics from Cleancult are vision-boarding a better future with a summer indoctrination to program to reduce plastic waste

Only 9% of plastic produced gets recycled, making plastic pollution one of the most pressing environmental issues today. With a commitment to combat the cleaning industry's dirtiest secret, plastic, Cleancult was the first brand in the world to put soaps and detergents in a paper box, bringing sustainable cleaning to the mainstream with refillable aluminum bottles, recyclable packaging, and plant-based ingredients.


With the Plastic Intervention program Cleancult is providing an indoctrination phase to bring more participants into the no-plastic-fanatic fold.
"We get it. Plastic is so prolific, that 'cold turkey-ing' plastic may be a bit daunting to the mainstream mindset. As soon as the, 'wait, how do I buy sliced bread without the bag' clicks in, we start to lose the room," said Cleancult's CEO and Co-Founder, Ryan Lupberger. "At Cleancult we believe in the big potential of moving the needle. This program is the flexitarian approach to engaging more consumers to reduce plastic waste."

“我们明白。塑料如此普遍,以至于'戒掉'塑料可能让主流思维有点望而却步。当‘等等,我要怎么买切片面包没有袋子’一闪而过的时候,我们开始失去房间,”Cleancult的首席执行官兼联合创始人Ryan Lupberger说。“在Cleancult,我们相信移动指针的巨大潜力。这个程序就是吸引更多消费者减少塑料废弃的渐进式方法。”

Holding true to Cleancult's playful nod to cult vernacular and "deprogramming" from plastic addiction, the team is offering "intention-setting" ways to make reducing plastic fun for the whole family. Just like New Year's Eve, the summer break offers a precipice of renewal and a reset of bad plastic habits.


Here are their tips for getting into the single use plastic reduction mindset.


Plastic Purge Effigy: A bit of a riff of vision boarding, the Plastic Purge Effigy exercise is a way to tangibly vilify and expel the plastic you don't want in your life (or on the planet) anymore.


  • Step 1 - start with any single-use plastic bottle (water, laundry detergent, spray bottle). Use pens, markers, tape and/or other bits of plastic waste to shape the bottle into an insipid (yet powerless) monster effigy. You could also simply use a Sharpie to write boundary-setting affirmations on plastic, e.g. People over plastic. I refuse to bow to the plastic gods. Plast-ICK. Somewhat Simple has some fun ideas. Share your creations on social with
  • Step 3 - Place the Plastic Purge Effigy on a shelf for an entire day as a reminder of the negative force you're eliminating from your life, while diminishing the plastic perpetrator with plenty of mad-dogging and side-eyeing.
  • Step 4 - According to the European Journal of Social Psychology, it takes on average 66 days to instill good habits. After 66 days, insert a paper message in the bottle with your hopes for a renewed ecological future and ceremoniously toss the Plastic Purge Effigy into the recycling bin.
  • 步骤1-从任何一次性塑料瓶子(水,洗衣液,喷雾瓶)开始。使用笔,标记笔,胶带和/或其他塑料废料将瓶子塑造成一个无聊(但无能为力)的怪物像。你也可以简单地用一个马克笔在塑料上写界限设置的鼓励语,例如人胜于塑料。我拒绝屈服于塑料神。塑料。Somewhat Simple有一些有趣的想法。在社交媒体上分享你的创作。
  • 步骤3-将塑料净化物物品放在货架上一整天,作为消除生活中负面势力的提醒,在狠狠地盯着和斜视塑料罪犯的同时减少它。
  • 在社会心理学欧洲杂志上说,树立好习惯需要平均66天的时间。66天后,向瓶子插入一张纸条,写上您对更新生态未来的希望,然后仪式地将塑料净化物物品扔进回收箱。

Power of Three - identify three meaningful ways to "EXORCIZE the plastic" in your own life and let those be the focus for the summer. Examples:


  • Exorcize the produce bags. There are lots of options for reusable bags for veggies and fruits. If you forget the bag: go commando. Fruits and veggies should be washed anyway.
  • Exorcize the cheap party favors. Let's be real. Plastic party favors can be fun, but their appeal value does quite match their 700 years on the planet. For summer celebrations, skip the single use plastic tablecloths, novelty glasses, and decor and opt for "find it in the yard" bouquets (weeds are pretty, too!), mixed-and-not-matched reusable plateware, utensil-free menus (little clean up, no waste). Watermelon, hot dogs, veggie burgers, French fries, cupcakes are all finger foods!
  • Exorcize detergent bottles. Those plastic behemoths have no place in the current plastic pandemic landscape – especially since there are some tremendously effective (ah-hem) laundry detergent sheet technologies that provide excellent stain removing and cleaning results without the plastic baggage.
  • 驱除生产袋。有很多可用于蔬菜和水果的可重复使用袋子选项。如果你忘记了袋子:命令起来。水果和蔬菜应该洗干净。
  • 驱除廉价派对礼物。让我们面对现实。塑料派对礼物可能很有趣,但它们的吸引力价值与它们在地球上的700年相比不匹配。对于夏季庆祝活动,跳过一次性塑料桌布,新奇眼镜和装饰品,选择“在院子里找到它”的花束(杂草也很漂亮!),混合而不是匹配的可重复使用餐具,无餐具菜单(清理很少,不浪费)。西瓜,热狗,蔬菜汉堡,薯条,杯状蛋糕都是手指食品!
  • 驱味精瓶。那些塑料庞然大物在当前塑料大流行土地上没有地位——特别是因为有一些非常有效的(啊咳)洗涤剂片技术,它们提供了出色的去污和清洁效果,而不会带来塑料负担。

Taking the intervention even further, Cleancult's Ambassador Program offers ways to support others in breaking up with plastic. They are looking for new evangelists to shine the light on plastic brainwashing and all the bad habits. No ceremonial robes required or secret handshakes to learn, this society isn't so secret and open for all to join.


Find Cleancult online and in stores at Amazon, Walmart, Albertsons, Kroger, Walgreens, Harris Teeter, and more. Learn more at and @Cleancult.

在亚马逊,沃尔玛,Albertsons,Kroger,Walgreens,Harris Teeter等线上和线下商店购买Cleancult。了解更多,请访问@Cleancult。

About Cleancult


Launched in 2019, Cleancult is tackling the household cleaning industry's dirtiest secret: plastic waste. Cleancult – the first company in the world to successfully package soaps and detergents in patented 100% recyclable paper-based cartons – is known for creating a culture of refilling over landfilling with its innovative system. When pairing the paper refill cartons and eternal aluminum bottles designed to be filled again and again, 90% of single-use plastic is cut from home cleaning routines. This includes first-to-category reusable and ready-to-use aluminum bottles of dish soaps and award-winning all-purpose cleaners in mass-market retail.

Cleancult成立于2019年,正在解决家居清洁行业最棘手的问题:塑料垃圾。 Cleancult是世界上第一家成功将肥皂和清洁剂包装在专利的100%可回收纸制盒中的公司,以其创新的系统创造了重填文化而不是填埋。当搭配可重复使用的纸箱和永久铝瓶设计用于重复填充时,可减少家庭清洁常规中的90%一次性塑料使用。这包括一次性配有废弃肥皂和屡获殊荣的全能清洁剂的全新可重复使用铝瓶的大众市场零售。

Matching sustainability and efficacy has garnered the brand cult-status recognition. Among Cleancult's accolades, it counts the Better Homes & Garden 2024 Clean House Award for its all-purpose cleaner, the Good Housekeeping 2023 Best Cleaning & Organizing Award for its laundry detergents, and a nod from Real Simple, hailing Cleancult's dishwasher tablets among this year's finest. Named as a 2024 Real Leaders Top Impact Company, Cleancult also featured in Inc.'s 2023 Best in Business List under the Sustainability Category and crowned a Giga-Guru by Walmart for its role in Project Gigaton. Cleancult continues its mission toward plastic eradication, partnering with U.S. Plastic Pacts, How2Recycle, and the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, efforts that have contributed to its certified plastic-neutral product portfolio, verified by rePurpose Global.

在可持续性和功效之间保持平衡,使得品牌成为了具有狂热追捧的认可度。 Cleancult的荣誉包括Better Homes&Garden 2024 Clean House Award,Good Housekeeping 2023 Best Cleaning&Organizing Award,以及Real Simple的认可等。因其在可持续性类别下的表现,Cleancult被评为2024年Real Leaders Top Impact公司,并被评为Inc. 2023 Best in Business List Sustainability Category中的佼佼者,以及被沃尔玛授予Giga-Guru奖,以表彰其在Project Gigaton中的作用。 Cleancult继续致力于消除塑料,与美国塑料协议、How2Recycle和可持续包装联盟合作,这些努力为其经过rePurpose Global验证的认证塑料中性产品组合做出了贡献。

Cleancult is available online and at Walmart, Albertsons, Kroger, Walgreens, Harris Teeter, Amazon and more. Discover more at . Some cults are toxic. Not us. Follow us @Cleancult.

Cleancult产品可以在线上和沃尔玛、Albertsons、Kroger、Walgreens、Harris Teeter和亚马逊等实体店购买。了解更多请访问。有些邪教是有害的,但我们不是。请关注我们的@Cleancult。

Media Contact
Beth Willetts | [email protected]

Beth Willetts | [email protected]

SOURCE Cleancult


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