
Rush Rare Metals Provides Results of 2024 Exploration Program at Boxi, Finds New Samples on Sigeom From Previous Exploration in 2011, and Provides Updates Respecting Copper Mountain

Rush Rare Metals Provides Results of 2024 Exploration Program at Boxi, Finds New Samples on Sigeom From Previous Exploration in 2011, and Provides Updates Respecting Copper Mountain

Rush Rare Metals发布Boxi 2024勘探计划结果,发现来自2011年前勘探的Sigeom新样本,并提供与铜山有关的最新资料。
Accesswire ·  07/12 07:30

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 12, 2024 / Rush Rare Metals Corp. (CSE:RSH) ("Rush" or the "Company) is pleased to provide the following updates after completion of its spring 2024 exploration program at its Boxi property in Quebec (hereinafter "Boxi" or the "Property") and further updates respecting its Copper Mountain Property in Wyoming (hereinafter "Copper Mountain").

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2024年7月12日/Rush Rare Metals Corp.(CSE: RSH)(“Rush” 或 “公司”)很高兴在其位于魁北克的Boxi地产(以下简称 “Boxi” 或 “地产”)2024年春季勘探计划完成后提供以下最新情况,并进一步介绍其在怀俄明州的铜山地产(以下简称 “铜山”)的最新情况。

Boxi Update
Boxi is a road accessible property comprised of over 8,000 hectares a short distance from Mont Laurier. Boxi was formerly held by Areva S.A. (now Orano), who held the Property based on early samples returning high values for Uranium. Orano dropped the Property following the Fukushima incident in 2013, and Uranium mining was subsequently suspended in Quebec under a temporary moratorium still in place today. Rush subsequently acquired the Property on the strength of Niobium values in samples taken by Orano in 2011.

Boxi 更新
Boxi是一处道路无障碍物业,占地超过8,000公顷,距离洛里尔山不远。Boxi以前由Areva S.A.(现为Orano)持有,该公司根据早期样本返回高铀值的样本持有该财产。欧拉诺在2013年福岛事件后放弃了该财产,随后,魁北克暂停了铀矿开采,暂停了至今仍在实施的临时禁令。随后,拉什以欧拉诺在2011年采集的样本中的铌值为基础收购了该房产。

Niobium is categorized as a critical mineral in Canada and is used to make strong, light weight and corrosion resistant steel, superconductors, and various other highly topical products. There are only three Niobium mines of any significance in the world, two of them in Brazil, and the third, the Niobec Mine, just 350km from Boxi in Quebec. At Niobec, mining occurs at between 90 and 450 meters, and Niobium grades are between 0.4 and 0.5% (based on previous disclosures made by Niobec's operator).


Given the limited number of Niobium mines world-wide, and the multiple and increasing uses for Niobium, there has been a surge of market interest in Niobium projects recently. For example, on the strength of a new Niobium discovery in Australia, WA1 Resources Ltd. has climbed from a price of $0.14 per share AUD in October 2022, to a current price of over $17 AUD per share (and a market capitalization of approximately $1B AUD) as of July 11, 2024.


The spring 2024 exploration program expands on a similar program conducted in 2023, both revolving around a mineralized dyke that runs along the surface through the Boxi Property and for a distance of as much as 15km or more. In addition to completing the spring 2024 program, some additional data was discovered on SIGEOM (a government sponsored interactive map containing geoscientific data collected within Quebec over the past 150 years) surrounding past exploration at Boxi - 15 additional samples taken along the dyke in 2011 that have not previously been reported.


In 2024, stripping and sampling along the dyke was expanded in all directions, and we have now collected or obtained historical data for a total of 58 samples (including the newly discovered 2011 samples from SIGEOM) along a corridor of just over 2km, as well as completed a limited number of shallow backpack drill holes. Results from all samples taken to date for both Niobium and Uranium are presented below on Map 1 and in Table 1:


Map 1 - Stripped area of dyke showing samples taken to date.
地图 1-断开的堤坝区域,显示迄今为止采集的样本。
Table 1 - Samples and results to date at Boxi.

Virtually all surface samples continue to show anomalous values for Niobium, with both high-grade and lower-grade (but still anomalous) pockets of mineralization occurring along the dyke at surface. The highest individual sample grades to date have returned Niobium (Nb205) values of 26.92%, 9.89%, 3.31%, 3.09% and 2.41% respectively, while in other cases results show lower, but still anomalous, Niobium mineralization. Overall, of 58 surface samples taken to date, half (29) have returned values of 1000ppm Niobium or more.


Limited backpack drilling returned results for both Niobium and Uranium, with numbers in each respective hole (shown on Map 1 above) ranging over the length of the hole as follows:


Table 2 - Sample result ranges for backpack drilling at Boxi.
表 2-Boxi 背包钻探的样本结果范围。

Preliminary analysis of the dyke and these results suggest that the pegmatites within the dyke are characterized by very large crystals that are very well formed, but the mineralization within might be characterized by automorphic minerals with high grades but which are not homogeneously distributed. Thus, while there are high-grade areas occurring throughout the dyke, they appear to occur in pockets, with areas in between showing lower but still anomalous mineralization.


Basement rocks of the Mont Laurier region, where the Boxi Project is located, belong to the Grenville geological Province of southeastern Ontario and southwestern Quebec. Uranium (U), Thorium (Th), Molybdenum (Mo) and Rare Earth Element (REE)-bearing granitic pegmatite intrusions are common in the Grenville Province. As with Boxi, these pegmatites form both concordant and discordant dykes in the gneisses, marbles, and amphibolites. They can attain widths of tens of meters to hundreds of meters and have lengths up to several kilometers. Some of the larger pegmatites are associated with mineral deposits, for example the Faraday uraniferous granitic pegmatite in Bancroft, Ontario. Boxi displays similar attributes with enrichment in U, Nb and REE's.

博西项目所在的洛里尔山地区的基底岩属于安大略省东南部和魁北克西南部的格伦维尔地质省。含铀 (U)、钍 (Th)、钼 (Mo) 和稀土元素 (REE) 的花岗岩伟晶岩入侵在格伦维尔省很常见。与 Boxi 一样,这些伟晶岩在片麻岩、弹珠和闪石中形成一致和不协调的堤坝。它们可以达到数十米到数百米的宽度,长度可达几千米。一些较大的伟晶岩与矿床有关,例如安大略省班克罗夫特的法拉第铀系花岗岩伟晶岩。Boxi 在 U、Nb 和 REE 中表现出相似的属性并富集。

The highest-grade pockets of Niobium mineralization encountered thus far have also typically tested high for Uranium (U) as well as a spectrum of rare earth elements (REE's), including Cerium (Ce), Praseodymium (Pr), Neodymium (Nd), Lanthanum (La), Yttrium (Y), Samarium (Sm), Gadolinium (Gd) and Dysprosium (Dy). New high-grade pockets containing all these elements together have been found with each new round of samples obtained at Boxi. For example, in 2011 (both the original 5 samples and the recently found 15 samples), 2023, 2024 and in backpack drill holes respectively, five separate results obtained from separate locations within the dyke returned the following values:

迄今为止遇到的最高等级的铌矿化区域通常对铀(U)以及一系列稀土元素(REE)进行了高检测,包括(Ce)、(Pr)、钕(Nd)、(La)、(Y)、(Y)、(Sm)、镓(Gd)和(Dy)。在Boxi获得的每轮新一轮样本中,都会发现新的高级口袋,其中包含所有这些元素。例如,分别在 2011 年(最初的 5 个样本和最近发现的 15 个样本)、2023 年、2024 年和背包式钻孔中,从堤坝内不同位置获得的五个单独结果返回了以下值:

Table 3 - Elevated REE values at select locations in the dyke. **Overlimit - not further analyzed.
表 3-堤坝中选定位置的 REE 值升高。**超限-未作进一步分析。

Detailed results for all results are available on the Rush website at


It is noteworthy that all samples taken to date have been taken at or near surface of the dyke, and the dyke's thickness and textures indicate a deep root of several hundred meters or more. Geological mapping and further observations may call for a more thorough investigation of geochemistry, and mineralization over depth, as well as for a larger geophysical survey to learn more about how and why mineralization is occurring, as it is, near surface.


Pete Smith, Rush's CEO, commented, "these results show that pockets of high-grade Niobium are still occurring within the dyke, along with interesting grades for a variety of REE's, but the consistency of the mineralization is something we are still trying to fully understand. There are several key variables that are as-of-yet unknown - for example, how often are these highly mineralized pockets occurring, and do they increase in size or intensity with depth? Are there larger areas along the dyke, or at depth, where high mineralization may be more consistent? Perhaps most importantly, within all these dykes and off-shoots, is there a larger system yet to be discovered? We will conduct further analysis and seek recommendations to ascertain our best strategy for exploration going forward, but it is noteworthy that there are many sections along the dyke, including one area identified as anomalous on SIGEOM as a radiometric anomaly, that are yet to be explored."


The Company will seek further advice and guidance regarding the best approach for continuing exploration and understanding of the dyke at Boxi. Moreover, there are additional unexplored sections of the dyke which the Company plans to investigate, including a section in the Northeast area of the dyke which is identified as an anomalous zone on SIGEOM from a previously conducted airborne radiometric survey in 1969 (shown below on Map 2), and which happen to occur right along the projected path of the dyke.


Map 2 - Anomaly identified on SIGEOM from previous radiometric survey
地图 2-在之前的辐射测量中在 Sigeom 上发现的异常

Copper Mountain Update
The Copper Mountain claim area is over 4,200 acres, located near Shoshoni in Wyoming, USA, and hosts several known Uranium deposits and historic Uranium mines, including the Arrowhead Mine which produced 500,000 lbs of eU3O8. Copper Mountain saw extensive drilling and development by Union Pacific, which developed a mine plan and built a leach pad for one of the deposits at Copper Mountain. Operations ceased in 1980 before mining could commence due to falling Uranium prices. Approximately 2,000 boreholes have been drilled at Copper Mountain and the project area has significant exploration upside. Union Pacific is estimated to have spent C$117 million (2023 dollars) exploring and developing Copper Mountain.


On October 18, 2023, Rush signed a property option agreement with Myriad Uranium Corp. ("Myriad") pursuant to which Myriad has the option to earn up to a 75% interest in and to Rush's Copper Mountain Project, now covering over 4,000 acres near Riverton, Wyoming. Before Myriad earns a full 75%, there are requirements for Myriad to make expenditures on the property and to make share payments to Rush, and in addition Rush retains a favourable split on early production (see previous Rush news release dated October 20, 2023 for full details).

2023年10月18日,拉什与Myriad Uranium Corp.(“Myriad”)签署了房地产期权协议,根据该协议,Myriad可以选择获得拉什铜山项目的75%权益,该项目目前占地4,000多英亩,位于怀俄明州里弗顿附近。在Myriad获得整整75%的收入之前,要求Myriad在房产上进行支出并向Rush支付股份,此外,Rush在早期制作中保持有利的分红(详情见Rush先前于2023年10月20日发布的新闻稿)。

Myriad has been engaged in a comprehensive review of a cache of recently found historical documents indicating tens of millions in previous exploration work conducted at Copper Mountain, much of it done by Union Pacific prior to 1980. Myriad's review is ongoing, but they released an interim update referenced in a Rush news release dated November 1, 2023. The newly discovered documents include historical resource estimates, mining feasibility studies, geological reports, mining plans, drill logs, and a wealth of other highly useful data. This data has, in turn, provided enormous benefit to Myriad, allowing them to focus efforts on areas previously acknowledged to have the highest grades of Uranium and to conduct advanced investigation into new areas that might otherwise have been considered as purely greenfield.


Based on their ongoing review, new claims have recently been added at Copper Mountain, including the Knob claims just southeast of the existing claim area, the Midnight Claim area, the Bonanza and Kermac/Day claim area, and the Diamond X claim area (see Rush news release dated April 24, 2024 for more information on these new areas).

根据他们正在进行的审查,最近在铜山增加了新的索赔,包括位于现有索赔区东南部的Knob索赔、午夜索赔区域、Bonanza和Kermac/Day索赔区域以及Diamond X索赔区域(有关这些新区域的更多信息,请参阅2024年4月24日的Rush新闻稿)。

It is the Company's understanding that Myriad is currently putting a drilling program together for the fall of 2024, which hopes to verify and expand on its already robust cache of historical data. In furtherance of this, Myriad has recently closed the first tranche of a planned $5,000,000 private placement, raising gross proceeds of $2,912,500. For more information see Myriad's news release dated June 25, 2024.


Myriad's CEO, Thomas Lamb, also recently conducted an interview with Crux Investor discussing the upcoming drilling program and reproduced here.

Myriad的首席执行官托马斯·兰姆最近也接受了Crux Investor的采访,讨论了即将到来的钻探计划,并转载于此。

Pete Smith commented further, "we are very fortunate to have such a competent and qualified earn-in partner for the Copper Mountain project. Myriad has been making excellent strides in both analyzing the cache of newly discovered data, representing tens of millions in previous work by Union Pacific and others all focused on Copper Mountain, and Myriad has rapidly expanded the project area by adding a number of highly prospective new zones, all of which directly benefits Rush. This project is in one of the world's very best Uranium jurisdictions, is a past producer, and has the potential to become one of the USA's largest Uranium deposits based on the historical data. Our interest in Copper Mountain remains substantial even if Myriad meets all of its earn-in requirements, and we are absolutely rooting for them to continue with their successful development of this asset every step of the way."

皮特·史密斯进一步评论说:“我们很幸运铜山项目有这样一个称职和合格的盈利合作伙伴。Myriad在分析新发现的数据缓存方面都取得了长足的进步,这些数据代表了联合太平洋公司和其他所有专注于铜山的数据的数千万个,而Myriad通过增加一些极具前景的新区域迅速扩大了项目范围,所有这些都使Rush直接受益。该项目位于世界上最好的铀司法管辖区之一,曾是生产国,根据历史数据,有可能成为美国最大的铀矿床之一。即使Myriad满足其所有盈利要求,我们对Copper Mountain的兴趣仍然很大,我们绝对支持他们继续在每一步成功开发该资产。”

Qualified Person
Michael Anderson, P. Geo, a "Qualified Person" for the purpose of National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the scientific or technical information included in this news release respecting the Boxi Property. There were no limits on the verification process. Further scientific or technical information in this news release respecting the Boxi Property is based on an independent geological report titled "43-101 Technical Report on the BOXI REE-Nb-U Deposit" dated August 6, 2022 and available at Rush's disclosure record on SEDAR+ ().

迈克尔·安德森(P. Geo)是国家仪器43-101的 “合格人士”,他已经审查并批准了本新闻稿中包含的有关Boxi财产的科学或技术信息。核查过程没有限制。本新闻稿中有关Boxi地产的更多科学或技术信息基于2022年8月6日的一份名为 “BOXI Ree-NB-U矿床43-101技术报告” 的独立地质报告,该报告可在拉什在SEDAR+()上的披露记录中查阅。

About Rush Rare Metals Corp.
Rush Rare Metals Corp. is a mineral exploration company focused on its Boxi Property located in the Province of Québec, Canada. Rush also owns the Copper Mountain Project located in Wyoming, USA, which it has optioned to Myriad Uranium Corp. Rush currently has a 100% interest in both properties. For further information, please refer to Rush's disclosure record on SEDAR+ () or contact Rush by email at or by telephone at 778.999.7030, or refer to Rush's website at .

Rush Rare Metals Corp. 是一家矿产勘探公司,专注于其位于加拿大魁北克省的Boxi地产。拉什还拥有位于美国怀俄明州的铜山项目,该项目已选择归Myriad Uranium Corp. Rush目前持有这两处房产的100%权益。欲了解更多信息,请参阅 Rush 在 SEDAR+ () 上的披露记录,或发送电子邮件至 或致电 778.999.7030 与 Rush 联系,或访问拉什的网站,网址为。

Rush Contacts:
Peter Smith
Chief Executive Officer

Rush 联系人:



Mineralization hosted on adjacent or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company's properties. Certain statements in this news release are forward-looking statements, including with respect to future plans, and other matters. Forward-looking statements consist of statements that are not purely historical, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such information can generally be identified by the use of forwarding-looking wording such as "may", "expect", "estimate", "anticipate", "intend", "believe" and "continue" or the negative thereof or similar variations. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of any forward-looking information may prove to be incorrect. Events or circumstances may cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted, as a result of numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, including but not limited to, business, economic and capital market conditions, the ability to manage operating expenses, and dependence on key personnel. Such statements and information are based on numerous assumptions regarding present and future business strategies and the environment in which the Company will operate in the future, anticipated costs, and the ability to achieve goals. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include, the continued availability of capital and financing, litigation, loss of key employees and consultants, and general economic, market or business conditions. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking information.

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The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release. Except as required by law, the Company disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


The CSE has not reviewed, approved or disapproved the contents of this news release.

CSE 尚未审查、批准或不批准本新闻稿的内容。

SOURCE: Rush Rare Metals Corp.


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