
Dirty Labs Celebrates Amazon Prime Day and Plastic-Free July With Exclusive 20% Discount

Dirty Labs Celebrates Amazon Prime Day and Plastic-Free July With Exclusive 20% Discount

Dirty Labs 庆祝亚马逊主板日和无塑月,独家享受20%折扣。
PR Newswire ·  07/12 09:00

PORTLAND, Ore., July 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dirty Labs, the cleaning innovations lab winning awards for their unparalleled sustainable detergents, is thrilled to announce an exciting promotion in celebration of Amazon's Prime Day and Plastic-Free July! From July 16th to 17th, customers can enjoy an exclusive 20% off on all Dirty Labs products purchased on Amazon, with the exception of 32 load detergent bottles.

俄勒冈州波特兰,2024年7月12日 /PRNewswire/ — 清洁创新实验室因其无与伦比的可持续洗涤剂而获奖,Dirty Labs很高兴地宣布了一项激动人心的促销活动,以庆祝亚马逊的Prime Day和无塑料七月!从7月16日至17日,买家在亚马逊上购买的所有Dirty Labs产品均可享受20%的独家折扣,32瓶装洗涤剂除外。

All Dirty Labs products are available at
所有 Dirty Labs 产品均可在 上购买

This limited-time offer provides the perfect opportunity for new and returning customers to experience Dirty Labs' groundbreaking cleaning solutions. Known for replacing petrochemicals and synthetics with advanced biorenewable alternatives, Dirty Labs is setting a new standard in cleaning performance, safety, and sustainability.

这项限时优惠为新老客户提供了体验 Dirty Labs 开创性清洁解决方案的绝佳机会。Dirty Labs以用先进的生物可再生替代品取代石化产品和合成材料而闻名,它正在为清洁性能、安全性和可持续性设定新的标准。

Why Choose Dirty Labs?

为什么选择 Dirty Labs?

Effective: Dirty Labs products deliver cleaning power on par with or surpassing conventional cleaners. Their hyperconcentrated formulas are not only highly effective but also simple to use, making household chores a breeze.

有效:Dirty Labs产品的清洁能力与传统清洁剂相当,甚至超过传统清洁剂。他们的超浓缩配方不仅非常有效,而且易于使用,使家务变得轻而易举。

Safe: Dirty Labs products are nontoxic and free from harmful substances like PVA, PFAS, microplastics, 1,4-dioxane, hormone disruptors, CA Prop 65 chemicals, and EU-listed allergens. They are particularly suitable for individuals with sensitive skin, with the Free & Clear detergent being recognized by the National Eczema Association and EWG Verified.

安全:Dirty Labs 产品无毒且不含有害物质,如 PVA、PFAS、微塑料、1,4-二恶烷、激素干扰物、CA 65 号提案化学品和欧盟列出的过敏原。它们特别适合皮肤敏感的人,Free & Clear 洗涤剂已获得美国国家湿疹协会的认可和 EWG 认证。

Truly Sustainable: Dirty Labs is committed to eliminating the use of plastic in their cleaning products. Their cutting-edge green chemistry ingredients, biodegradable formulas, and plastic-free packaging make them a leader in sustainability. In honor of Plastic Free July, it's worth noting that their popular laundry detergents and dish detergents are free of single-use plastic, PFAS, and 1,4-dioxane, aligning perfectly with their mission for a cleaner, greener planet.

真正可持续:Dirty Labs致力于在其清洁产品中消除塑料的使用。他们尖端的绿色化学成分、可生物降解的配方和无塑料包装使它们成为可持续发展领域的领导者。为了纪念七月无塑活动,值得注意的是,他们广受欢迎的洗衣液和餐具洗涤剂不含一次性塑料、全氟辛烷磺酸和1,4-二恶烷,这与他们建设一个更清洁、更绿色的地球的使命完全吻合。

In addition to their Prime Day discount, Dirty Labs is excited to introduce their latest sustainable swap deal for Plastic-free July. The new Dish Trio Bundle offers $27 in savings with a free Refillable Ceramic Canister with the start of an autoship subscription.

除了Prime Day折扣外,Dirty Labs还很高兴推出最新的7月无塑料可持续互换协议。新的Dish Trio套装提供27美元的优惠,开始订阅自动发货后,可免费获得可再填充的陶瓷罐。

For more information, please visit


About Dirty Labs: Dirty Labs is dedicated to creating cutting-edge cleaning solutions that combine unparalleled performance, sustainability, and innovation. Founded by a team of veteran chemists and environmentalists, Dirty Labs uses innovations in green chemistry to create a new paradigm for cleaning - a sustainable, biorenewable approach that's rooted in science and aligned with nature. From the laundry room to the kitchen, Dirty Labs products are designed to revolutionize the way you clean, delivering outstanding results without compromising on safety or environmental responsibility.

关于 Dirty Labs:Dirty Labs 致力于创建集无与伦比的性能、可持续性和创新于一体的尖端清洁解决方案。Dirty Labs由资深化学家和环保人士组成的团队创立,利用绿色化学的创新来创建新的清洁模式——一种植根于科学并与自然保持一致的可持续生物可再生方法。从洗衣房到厨房,Dirty Labs的产品旨在彻底改变您的清洁方式,在不影响安全或环境责任的情况下提供卓越的效果。

SOURCE Dirty Labs


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