
Rome Resources Announces Shareholder Approval of Arrangement With Pathfinder Minerals

Rome Resources Announces Shareholder Approval of Arrangement With Pathfinder Minerals

newsfile ·  07/12 18:13

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 12, 2024) - Rome Resources Ltd. (TSXV: RMR) (FSE: 33R) ("Rome" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, at its special meeting (the "Meeting") of the holders (the "Rome Shareholders") of common shares ("Rome Shares") held earlier today, Rome Shareholders approved a special resolution (the "Arrangement Resolution") authorizing and approving the previously announced arrangement (the "Arrangement") under section 288 of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) among Rome, Pathfinder Minerals Plc ("Pathfinder") and 1475033 B.C. Ltd., pursuant to which, among other things, Pathfinder will, subject to satisfaction of the conditions set out in the arrangement agreement dated May 7, 2024, as amended, relating to the Arrangement, acquire all of the issued and outstanding Rome Shares for consideration consisting of 19.54 Pathfinder ordinary shares in exchange for each Rome Share held.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省--(新闻稿 - 2024年7月12日) - Rome Resources Ltd. (TSXV:RMR)(FSE:33R)(公司或Rome)很高兴宣布,今天早些时候召开的特别会议(会议)上,持有公司普通股(Rome Shares)的持有人(Rome Shareholders)批准了特别决议(整合决议),授权并批准了根据不列颠哥伦比亚省业务公司法第288条(整合)其中,Pathfinder Minerals Plc(Pathfinder)和14750330亿.C. Ltd., 将根据整合协议(于2024年5月7日修订)中规定的前提下并满足整合协议中规定的条件之一,向每个Rome Share提供19.54 Pathfinder普通股以换取发行和流通的所有Rome Shares。

The Arrangement Resolution required approval from at least 66 2/3% of the votes cast by Rome Shareholders present at the Meeting or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the Meeting. The Arrangement also required a simple majority of the votes cast by Rome Shareholders, excluding the votes cast by certain persons as required by Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101").

整合决议需要获得出席会议或被代表投票并有投票权的Rome Shareholders所投票的至少66 2/3%的批准,同时,根据多边合规性仪器61-101 - 保护少数股权持有人特别交易规则("MI 61-101")的规定,Rome Shareholders所投票的占比不应计入。

Rome Shareholders also approved the Mont Agoma Term Sheet Resolution, the MRDC Term Sheet Resolution and the Exercise of Rights Under Palm Option Resolution each of which required disinterested shareholder approval; i.e. approval from a simple majority (i.e., more than half) of the votes cast on each of the Mont Agoma Term Sheet Resolution, the MRDC Term Sheet Resolution and the Exercise of Rights Under Palm Option Resolution, respectively, by Rome Shareholders present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the Meeting, excluding for this purpose the votes attached to those Rome Shares that are held or controlled by those Rome Shareholders who, with respect to each such resolution, are related parties of Rome.

Rome Shareholders还批准了Mont Agoma Term Sheet Resolution、MRDC Term Sheet Resolution和Exercise of Rights Under Palm Option Resolution,这些都需要获得无利益关系的股东批准。也就是说,Rome Shareholders需要出席会议或被代表投票并有投票权,并在Mont Agoma Term Sheet Resolution、MRDC Term Sheet Resolution和Exercise of Rights Under Palm Option Resolution的每个决议上,分别获得简单多数(即超过半数)的赞成票数,不包括那些由分别与Rome相关者持有或控制的Rome Shares的加权票则不计入。

Voting Results


Arrangement Resolution


Of the votes cast at the Meeting with respect to the Arrangement, an aggregate 71,226,000 Rome Shares were voted in favour of the Arrangement Resolution, representing 100.0% of the votes cast.

在与整合相关的投票中,共计71,226,000 Rome Shares投票赞成整合决议,占全部已投票数的100%。

Of the votes cast excluding certain persons as required by MI 61-101, an aggregate 22,053,720 Rome Shares were voted in favour of the Arrangement Resolution, representing 100.0% of the votes cast.

不计入MI 61-101所要求的某些股东,共计22,053,720 Rome Shares投票赞成整合决议,占全部已投票数的100%。

Mont Agoma Term Sheet Resolution

Mont Agoma Term Sheet Resolution

Of the votes cast at the Meeting with respect to the Mont Agoma Term Sheet, an aggregate 71,226,000 Rome Shares were voted in favour of the Mont Agoma Term Sheet Resolution, representing 100.0% of the votes cast.

关于Mont Agoma Term Sheet的投票中,共计71,226,000 Rome Shares投票赞成Mont Agoma Term Sheet Resolution,占全部已投票数的100%。

Disinterested Rome Shareholders voted an aggregate 47,476,000 Rome Shares in favour of the Mont Agoma Term Sheet Resolution, representing 100.0% of the votes cast.

无利益关系的Rome Shareholders共计投票赞成47,476,000 Rome Shares Mont Agoma Term Sheet Resolution,占全部已投票数的100%。

MRDC Term Sheet Resolution

MRDC Term Sheet Resolution

Of the votes cast at the Meeting with respect to the MRDC Term Sheet, an aggregate 71,226,000 Rome Shares were voted in favour of the MRDC Term Sheet Resolution, representing 100.0% of the votes cast.

在MRDC Term Sheet的投票中,共计71,226,000 Rome Shares投票赞成MRDC Term Sheet Resolution,占全部已投票数的100%。

Disinterested Rome Shareholders voted an aggregate 47,476,000 Rome Shares in favour of the MRDC Term Sheet Resolution, representing 100.0% of the votes cast.

无利益关系的Rome Shareholders共计投票赞成47,476,000 Rome Shares MRDC Term Sheet Resolution,占全部已投票数的100%。

Exercise of Rights Under Palm Option Resolution

Palm期权决议要求通过简单多数表决获得批准,不包括Tshitembu先生投票以及任何Tshitembu先生的"关联方"和"共同行动者"所投的票(如MI 61-101所定义的)。Tshitembu先生目前不持有任何Rome股票。

Of the votes cast at the Meeting with respect to the exercise of rights under the Palm Term Sheet and the assignment of such rights to Pathfinder under the Assignment and Assumption Agreement, an aggregate 71,226,000 Rome Shares were voted in favour of the Exercise of Rights Under Palm Option Resolution, representing 100.0% of the votes cast. All votes cast with respect to the Exercise of Rights Under Palm Option Resolution were held by disinterested Rome Shareholders.

在行使Palm Term Sheet权利和根据转让和假设协议将这些权利转让给Pathfinder方面,共计71,226,000 Rome Shares投票赞成Exercise of Rights Under Palm Option Resolution,占全部已投票数的100%。所有与行使Palm Term Sheet权利有关的投票均由无利益关系的Rome Shareholders持有。

Final Order


Rome intends to seek a final order of the Supreme Court of British Columbia to approve the Arrangement at a hearing expected to be held on or about July 17, 2024. Assuming the timely receipt of all necessary court, third-party approvals and the satisfaction of all other conditions, closing of the Arrangement is expected to occur on or about July 26, 2024.

Rome打算寻求得到不列颠哥伦比亚省最高法院的最终裁决,以批准本次整合,并在2024年7月17日或前后召开的听证会上进行。 批准整合的最后期限及其他相关条件的满足取决于时机的安排。如果所有必要的法庭和第三方批准得以及所有其他条件得以满足,整合的完成预计将在2024年7月26日左右进行。

Further information about the Arrangement is available in Rome's management information circular dated May 27, 2024 (the "Rome Information Circular") and related continuous disclosure documents, which are available on SEDAR+ at under Rome's profile. Capitalised terms used in this news release have the meanings defined in the Rome Information Circular, unless otherwise defined herein.

有关整合的更多信息,请参阅Rome于2024年5月27日发布的管理信息圆形("Rome Information Circular")以及相关的持续性披露文件,这些文件可通过SEDAR +获取,在Rome的资料上进行检索。本新闻稿中使用的大写术语的含义如Rome Information Circular中所定义,除非在此处另外定义。

About Rome Resources


Rome Resources Ltd. is a mineral exploration company that has entered into two option agreements and a binding term sheet where it has acquired 51% indirect interests in two contiguous properties situated in the Walikale District of the North Kivu Province in eastern DRC, which are collectively referred to as the "Bisie North Tin Project". Rome has completed an initial phase of drilling on the project where it is responsible to fund exploration up to the completion of a definitive feasibility study.

Rome Resources Ltd.是一家矿业勘探公司,已签订了两份期权协议和一份有约束力的期限表,获得了位于刚果民主共和国东部区域北基伍省瓦利卡莱区域两个连续物业的间接51%权益,这些物业共同被称为“Bisie North Tin Project”。罗马在项目上已完成了初期钻探,并负责资助开展勘探工作,直到完成明确的可行性研究。



Investors / Shareholders
Mark Gasson
President, CEO & Director
P: +33640612921
Mark Gasson

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


The information in this news release may include certain information and statements about management's view of future events, expectations, plans and prospects that may constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based upon assumptions that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Because of these risks and uncertainties and as a result of a variety of factors, the actual results, expectations, achievements or performance may differ materially from those anticipated and indicated by these forward-looking statements. Although Rome Resources Ltd believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Except as required by law, Rome Resources Ltd disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise.

本新闻稿中包括的关于管理层对未来事件、期望、计划和前景的某些信息和陈述可能构成前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述基于需要承担重大风险和不确定性的假设。由于这些风险和不确定性以及多种因素的影响,实际结果、期望、业绩或表现可能与这些前瞻性陈述所预期和指示的不同。尽管Rome Resources Ltd认为前瞻性陈述所反映的期望是合理的,但它不能保证任何前瞻性陈述的期望将被证明是正确的。除法律规定外,Rome Resources Ltd不承担任何更新或修订任何前瞻性陈述以反映实际结果的义务,无论是因为新信息、未来事件、假设改变、影响此类前瞻性陈述的因素变化或其他原因。

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